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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.63 MB, 4000x2252, 20220119_172335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17301075 No.17301075 [Reply] [Original]

Sup ck I'm bored how about a trash food cook along?

There will be a very messy depression kitchen and every dish is dirty, just a warning.

Already done, seasoned some ground beef, added some diced tomatoes.

>> No.17301094
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alright I'll bite. what are you making OP?

>> No.17301099
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Add a fuck ton of spinach and shredded cheese.

>> No.17301105
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Hell ya. Let's dews it

>> No.17301106

yeah ok bump

>> No.17301112

I'm here for it OP, excited to see what you make. Me, I'm drinking at a bar that opened last week. So close to home that I'm on my own wifi right now. How neat is that? I'll be there best customer

>> No.17301113

Roll it like a flat blunt

>> No.17301117
File: 1.55 MB, 4000x2252, 20220119_173247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking mess.

Roll into an American sushi shape.

>> No.17301118

Post bartenders booty

>> No.17301121

Aldi's shopper are u know bud?

>> No.17301125

I'm getting hungry just looking at this bad boy

>> No.17301133

nice pets

>> No.17301134

Mix together some gochujang, hoisin, dash of mirin and sesame oil with a ton of minced garlic.

>> No.17301136

I condemn this. . .whatever it is.

>> No.17301138
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I forgot the picture.

>> No.17301147
File: 2.66 MB, 4000x2252, 20220119_173940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw that bitch in the oven at 375 for who knows how long we'll see.

Yeah they're great except my kitten broke a hip two nights ago and we just got him back from the vet after major surgery.

>> No.17301161
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Gonna prep the veggies.

>> No.17301179
File: 1.95 MB, 4000x2252, 20220119_174321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop prepping to take pictures of my good girl who was watching me cook.

>> No.17301187
File: 2.18 MB, 4000x2252, 20220119_175444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnd now we wait until the meat sushi is closer to done and do some dishes in the mean time.

See you all in like 30 minutes.

>> No.17301188

>A kitten
>Major surgery
Just euthanize them. How many healthy kittens got euthanized because no one adopted them? I've euthanized my last six cats by the age of 5

>> No.17301202

Not cool bro, not cool...

>> No.17301212

Why is there tissues everywhere? Pervert

>> No.17301214

clean up your tissues

>> No.17301227


>> No.17301279

>male owns a cat
>he is a severe mental defective and can't even keep his hovel clean
Many such cases.

>> No.17301283
File: 3.29 MB, 4000x2252, 20220117_151748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cats love to grab used paper towels and leave them all over.

Well it wasn't major major, they cut the ball of his hip off since it broke at the joint, it should heal a scar tissue psuedo ball joint and he should regain basically full mobility without horrible pain!

Never put a cat down that I can get properly taken care of.

>> No.17301287

I'm a severe mental defective and can't keep my hovel clean but don't own a cat nor do I like animals at all in general so idk if this connection is real.

>> No.17301305


>> No.17301312

ouch poor kitty :( I'm glad to hear you're taking good care of him :)

>> No.17301323
File: 1.99 MB, 4000x2252, 20220119_182046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More spinach since I had already washed it, carrots and mashed potatoes.

>> No.17301341

how much did the surgery cost

>> No.17301351

Let it rest a bit while I make a gravy!

Surgery was like 650 but total vet bill came to 1750.

>> No.17301360


Just get a new cat, they're pretty much free.

>> No.17301363
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>total vet bill came to 1750

>> No.17301372
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this would've been the cat outside the vet's office

>> No.17301396

I want to see that sushi unrolled onto my plate.

>> No.17301397

Fuck these tards. You obviously love your cat. Can't put a price on that

>> No.17301399


$1750 is kind of a price.

>> No.17301406
File: 1.60 MB, 4000x2252, 20220119_183845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money shot.

>> No.17301409

And $1750 isn't a price where OP would compromise his love for his cat, so as of now he can't put a price on it. You're dumb as fuck.

>> No.17301410

its taking advantage of people who give a fuck about their pets but you gotta make a da money somehow right?

>> No.17301416

There's bound to be cat hair in your food. You're disgusting, OP.

>> No.17301419

a dog yeah, a cat fuck no

>> No.17301424
File: 1.66 MB, 4000x2252, 20220119_184155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fin. It is delicious.

>> No.17301425

Extra flavor. Especially if you get some ticks in there with it. Mmmmmmm

>> No.17301426

why does it look raw

>> No.17301453

I don't know because it's actually over cooked. Not terribly so, but enough that I was sad.

>> No.17301457

Bunch of faggots crying about your pets and fucking tissues because they don’t actually cook, so what could they possibly have to say about the food. Nice job OP.

>> No.17301465

Oh, brain parasites. Now this mental illness makes sense. Carry on.

>> No.17301467

>I was sad
me too for you

>> No.17301472


Fuck you, I just made spaghetti.

>> No.17301478

Looks nice

>> No.17301481

Not really.

>> No.17301484

Just keep shitposting bud, don’t bother learning how to cook or anything else for that matter. You’re already doing the only thing you’ll ever be good for.

>> No.17301486

looks appetizing yet vile at the same time

>> No.17301493
File: 237 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20220119_185433_903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was expected but when you're depression cooking with what you have on hand you gotta make do.

That said, coulda used more cheese.

Bonus picture, cat stole a paper towel and is sitting on it, this is why they're all over

>> No.17301499

Empaths don't care about money

>> No.17301503

im on a 20 year fast i eat vicariously through /ck/ cuck

>> No.17301505

Looks tasty

>> No.17301508

He (she) looks so sad

>> No.17301514

You can still cook on a fast nigger, keep making excuses though.

>> No.17301515

He's always had that look, it's why I adopted him. Looked like the saddest mother fucker in the world.

It was good, that glaze I threw together was actually really good, but it could have used a touch of brown sugar to cut through the sour and make it caramelize.

>> No.17301529

I've done kinda the same but roll out meat, salt heavily, cover in paper towels(both sides), remove paper towels after they soak up moisture, fill with pizza ingredients, roll up, grill. Also did the same but didn't roll up. I might have a pic....

>> No.17301534

(You) poor thing is starved

>> No.17301551

this is just gratuitous

>> No.17301708

yeah lmfao even op's cat looks suicidal

>> No.17301784

Why not just make meatloaf?? Jfc

>> No.17301790
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>> No.17301798

Imagine the smell.

>> No.17301828

Dangerously cheesey