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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17300680 No.17300680[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ever go to fast food places in the ghetto? I feel I couldn't risk it.

>> No.17300691

This reminds me of something I noticed about myself the other day
>order doordash
>delivery guy isn't white
>has an Asian name like pajeet or some shit
>instantly don't trust them as much
Guess I'm fucking racist. Oh well.

>> No.17300694

The Popeye's in the ghetto is the best one. I just go there right as they open

>> No.17300697

kek just use the drive thru and youll be fine

>> No.17300700

it's easy
just go through the drive thru and be cute

>> No.17300714

I can't go to the ghetto at all With my alabaster skin, golden locks, and bright blue eyes, I quickly get mobbed by so many lustful women that I can barely move.

>> No.17300719

I went once when on a vacation with my parents in washington
It was a wendy's with bulletproofglass
Some tweaker came inside to bounce a tennisball around
Old security guard kicked him out, but he was back inside in less than 10 minutes throwing the tennisball around.
Was my first time eating Wendy's, it wasn't that good

>> No.17300721

Every time I do I fucking regret it. How do they fuck up so bad. I live in a nice place but the closes places are ghetto. I go out of my way to get to the right side of town.

>> No.17300725

I do this and I’m not white

>> No.17300736

Nope. If you dumb enough to be in the ghetto in the first place you should never go to MacDonalds. It is the nexus of the universe for drugs, public fighting, shootings and all sort of shit you've never heard of.

>> No.17300743

>order Uber eats
>deliverydriver is called Mohammed
>food takes almost 2 hours to arrive
>Mo was stopped and interrogated by the police during driving
>didn't say why but my guess was seatbelt or speeding
My döner wrap was all soggy and ruined

>> No.17300748

Went to a KFC in Oakland with my dad before a concert when I was about 13. Noticed they had a security guard, my innocent mind just didn't put 2 and 2 together then.

>> No.17300761

I intentionally dress in worn torn beat up clothes and pass for a homeless guy so nobody bothers me at all and it goes well. I blend into the normal clientele until I start talking and they realize I'm actually just some polite white guy.
Makes their day.
Everyone is racist and that's a good thing. How you show it is what matters and realistically me being racist towards someone or demographic won't stop me from doing my job or conversation or any activity really. Coexisting whole being racist is the ideal world to live in. If you say you aren't racist you sure as fuck are lying. Embrace it. Hate who you wanna hate, but you don't need to make life more difficult to do it. I hate niggers as much as I hate Jews but I'm not gonna go out of my way to tell em. They probably already know anyway.

>> No.17300769
File: 138 KB, 308x254, YkT304G.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go through semi-seedy part of city
>see african restaurant
>hmm maybe they have antelope steaks or something
>peek through windows
>everyone inside is black as the night, guests, servers, you name it, even the furniture looked black (might be dark brown tho)
>nope out

>> No.17300778

that would be walmart

>> No.17300786
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this sometimes they even give me two biscuits

>> No.17300794

Oh shit, I forgot. Ghetto places have security guards.

There was a fight video at a Denny's that I saw and it had a security guard for Denny's get involved.