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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 389 KB, 1080x1140, Screenshot_20220119-052425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17297870 No.17297870 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if based or cringe

>> No.17297879

maybe neither, but 100% meme

>> No.17297885


>> No.17297886

Yeah I'm saying that's based

>> No.17297894



are they expecting people to be sniffing these capsules too? lmao.

>> No.17297898

>can be enjoyed

>> No.17297900

no you just put it in your mouth

>> No.17297903
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, AB726183-F87D-4980-B932-73C80B180CCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it breaks open in your friend’s mouth, then you sniff his mouth

>> No.17297940
File: 35 KB, 657x527, smk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up queer.

>> No.17297986
File: 499 KB, 240x144, MenacingUnimportantEmperorshrimp-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17298038

This is for people who don't actually enjoy whisky.

>> No.17298045

Why not just put it in a capri sun package. It would be easier for drinking and driving

>> No.17298046

You will rent the capsule and be grateful

>> No.17298052


Glenlivet makes shit scotch so has to resort to cheap marketing ploys

>> No.17298053

No one enjoys whiskey

>> No.17298057

yeah, like this arrogant toddler here >>17298053

>> No.17298063

Why are you on the internet pretending that whiskey tastes good? Are you being paid?

>> No.17298142

I mean; on one hand, it's covert alcoholism, but on the other hand, it's covert alcoholism.

>> No.17298176

this is dangerously cringe

>> No.17298191

Thus begins the normalization of the pod... stay awake.

>> No.17298193

Meds now

>> No.17298202

Honestly alcohol capsules would be based. Remember the "powdered alcohol" moral panic a few years ago?
Stadiums, cruises, and concert venues are fucking TERRIFIED of people being able to get smashed without paying $15 a drink.

>> No.17298203

"enjoying" whisky is cringe

>> No.17298262

Only in pod form.

>> No.17298269

>based or cringe
You are a buttfucking faggot

>> No.17298280

Won't work unless you take them too

>> No.17298286

Anal sex is kino though

>> No.17298289
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 10d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've called it a pod.

>> No.17298295

Reminds me of powdered alcohol, this won't ever make it into market because it's too easy to sneak into bars/clubs, accidentally become intoxicated and sell to kids

>> No.17298300

I would love the sensation of the whiskey pod popping in my mouth and gushing down my throat.

>> No.17298464


So the ingestible tide pot is finally real after all?
So I guess those teens were just before their time.

>> No.17298597

How do i use the three shells

>> No.17298614

it's a suppository

>> No.17298627

would be a nice gimmick for jack and coke while camping i guess

>> No.17298630

How fast does it get me drunk?

>> No.17298641

>put capsule in mouth
>probably sits there for a bit while the coating digests
>bursts open and your mouth is now filled with body temp whisky
gee, sounds great

>> No.17298796

Im sure it will be more expensive too.

>> No.17298833

It's a laundry pod full of liquor. Fuck me.

>> No.17298837

You'Re supposed to swallow them whole so you don't have to endure the whisky "taste"

>> No.17298903

Tidepod whisky for zoomers. New and growing demographic.

>> No.17299934

that would make it very efficient for alcoholics. seems a lot easier to boof than a liquid

>> No.17299954

fucking late state capitalism is a joke. Fuck We have become retarded

>> No.17299960

How are you supposed to smell it if it's in a sealed pod?

>> No.17300023

First thing I thought of. Alien Resurrection right?

>> No.17300052


>> No.17300117


>> No.17300120

Finally, alcohol depositories

>> No.17300127

do you mean suppository

>> No.17300209

>swallow pouch
>no smell on breath
right? this wouldn't stain your breath unless you had a ton of them. game changer

>> No.17300270

Any kind of deconstructing or redefining food is always 100% cringe

>> No.17300275

Calling something “cringe” is 100% faggoty.

>> No.17300294

If you don't like the taste of whisky just drink something else you faggots

>> No.17300297

Do zoomers really act like this?

>> No.17300467
File: 169 KB, 619x399, tide-pods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who their target market is

>> No.17300537

>using a 4 year old meme

Get need material you dumb millennial

>> No.17300858

*sucks your dick gayly*

>> No.17300887

I'm still right though

>> No.17300896

If these contain a full shot worth in terms of abv then this would be a novel way to get hammered. Just pop a few capsules and you're good to go

>> No.17301343

Scotch is for taking tiny sips.
These are way too big.

>> No.17301388

>people shouldn't be allowed to reference something older than my favorite band
Found the fucking zoomer retard.

>> No.17301497

Whisk/y/ey is for getting fucked up.
Nobody wants to savor the piss and shit of the average scottish man everytime they pour a glass.

>> No.17301544

Whiskey is for savoring the flavor of while taking tiny sips.
$10 handles of vodka mixed with whatever you want is for getting fucked up.

>> No.17301554

>I LOVE the peat in this one!
Best whisky I had was minimal on the peat.
Faglords will say this barrel with 200 year old scotch shit will be the best are delusional.

>> No.17301558

I highly doubt it

>> No.17301569
File: 131 KB, 910x1030, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a school juice bag for grownups!

>> No.17301665

I'm in my 30's. Drinking isn't fun anymore. I'd be super happy just taking a pill and getting buzzed/drunk and then play my video games and watch nostalgic vids to reminisce and chill out instead of having to spend 4 hours doing shots and shit in order to get there. Meh.

>> No.17301701

I really like that scene

>> No.17301706

Why the fuck are you spending 4 hours to drink shots. Here let me help you more than these "pods" will. Buy a fifth of liquor of your choice, put the bottle to you lips, chug. Works as fast as 10min and you're good to go.

>> No.17301715

>NOOOOOO people cant but Things I dont like I MUST COOOOONTROOOL AND RESTRICT

>> No.17301915

I enjoy whiskey

>> No.17301961

why are you posting like a woman? are you a faggot?

>> No.17301970

take a break dude. at least a week. let your body reset and your tolerance will go down. if you can't do a week you should probably kill yourself because you're in your 30s and too far gone

>> No.17301974

>someone tries to market a novel niche product (and will probably fail)

>> No.17301988

The person you're replying to is a giant faggot. You're a faggot too, but of only slightly lesser magnitude. We should shit on this stupid bullshit that requires you to shoot your booze instead of enjoying it.

>> No.17302008

>I want to whine about a product I will never buy

>> No.17302014

Good scotch/booze/food isn't mean't to be ingested as quickly as possible. You're meant to savor it. This packaging removes that idea entirely. Defend it if you like it so much, faggot.

>> No.17302035

>omg i'm literally like the Mad Men

>> No.17302047

most people who are willing to sneak alcohol into public events are already doing it, they don't need powders or pods. Most of the time when me and my friends are trying to get drunk in public we just mix a ton of vodka or rum with juice in a metal bottle. Idk how the law works elsewhere, but in California if the container isn't see through and there's no overt suspicion of you bringing in booze or being drunk security can't confiscate your stuff or force you to open your containers

>> No.17302062

Thats why I abuse benzos

>> No.17302064

oh god you're one of those fags
don't worry about it

>> No.17302065

Why waste time with digesting? It better be a suppository.

>> No.17302067

They can definitely make you open it
t. California

>> No.17302077

well i've never been forced to open my containers, maybe you just look like a sketchy person

>> No.17302086

That’s genius. Just have a friend gape your ass and then bombs away. Have him drop 4 in there and wait for the magic

>> No.17302727

not true but some whiskys are disgusting to me

>> No.17302938

for me it's the enema syringe

>> No.17302959

Not really. Everybody's had a condom filled with vodka shoved up their ass. This is all old hat by now.

>> No.17302976

>everybody's had a condom filled with vodka shoved up their ass.
I've really let life slip me by, haven't i?

>> No.17304445

You're supposed to swallow them whole so you can get past the airport security retard

>> No.17304951

>We're going to enable even more car wrecks by drunks, isn't that cool?

They're going to Hell.

>> No.17304979

Tide pods.

>> No.17304991

I don't want any hard Liquor near my tongue.

>> No.17305139

Ah, I see you boof as well.

>> No.17305458

Damn, these would be so easy to smuggle into bars/ sporting events. Just have to be careful not to break them in ur pocket

>> No.17305550

>I've really let life slip me by, haven't i?
Have you at least downed a bottle of Robitussin at a concert yet?

>> No.17305560

They'll definitely let you in when they see you only have mystery pills.

>> No.17305567

Because pills are very hard to hide.