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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.07 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20220114_204437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17286412 No.17286412 [Reply] [Original]

This is the crippled chicken that lives in my house and gives me eggs.

Say something nice about her.

>> No.17286419
File: 246 KB, 1080x590, fat retard lays another egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin retard, you're never getting laid.

>> No.17286432

i love you little chickeny

>> No.17286435

How many eggs do chickens lay? One a day? Say I wanted to eat a dozen eggs a week. How many chickens should I keep?

>> No.17286442

4-5 a week if you're feeding them good and the weather isn't too cold.

>> No.17286445

Is two or three hens a good number? Do they get along ok?

>> No.17286446
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go away cripple, I only like the our resident duck shepherd

>> No.17286453

Hens are social creatures. You'll want at least 3. I started with 5 and I now somehow have 12.

>> No.17286461

Do you eat yours when they stop laying?

>> No.17286463
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Thank you fren :3

>> No.17286472

Haven't got to that phase yet. The wife named them, so I doubt it.

>> No.17286481
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called it

>> No.17286529
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She looks like a good bird

>> No.17286537

chicken <3

>> No.17286550

you have 12 chickens that you'll never kill?

>> No.17286788


>> No.17286828

based retard

>> No.17287993

How is she crippled?

>> No.17288103
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She was attacked by a flock mate protecting her place in the pecking order. Physically, everything is fine but she had some lingering issues with nerves misfiring so her feet are partially paralyzed.

Funnily enough, there is a place nearby that does acupuncture treatments and she is improving with treatment.

>> No.17288117
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>pecking order

>> No.17288135

She's a handsome bird

You ever see that clip of a guy tonguing a chicken cloaca and it slow-zooming on its face and it's straight up loving it? Yeah

>> No.17288162

OP ruptured her ass

>> No.17288219
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>Acupuncture for food

>> No.17288234

You're passable and valid, I thought you were a guy desu, definitely no ayden vibes here lol. I'm gay btw, wanna go on a very gay, man on man date? Just two guys being homosexual together, I'll only fuck your butthole, like a dude fucking another dude (which you are) would.

>> No.17288243

Hello chicken, I used to have chickens and they're based. Free eggs and pretty friendly birds too. I hope you enjoy your eggs OP

>> No.17288247

How do I delete your posts and ban you?

>> No.17288260

Just make them say something interesting and informative and a janny will get assblasted and rangeban them for not low effort shitposting like we're expected to do

>> No.17288271


>> No.17288302

Child sex MAP revolution now

>> No.17289059

when you develop affection it isnt food anymore
that animal knows your deepest secrets

>> No.17290270

Shes a cute clucker

>> No.17290377

Vegans want you to go extinct.

>> No.17290403
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Your egg machine watches anime too?

>> No.17290437

i liek her.
where does she lay her eggs?

>> No.17291330
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Usually in the little nesting box i have set up for her.

Today she was being fussy so I had her on my lap trying to calm her down, and she laid it right there in my lap. I think she is embarrassed and she hasn't looked at me since.

She's trying to hide in the pic.

>> No.17291340

It helps the food make more food

>> No.17291347

you didn't tell us you also had pigs

>> No.17291351

Doesn't it shit all over the place? Imagine the smell

>> No.17291359

>acupuncture for chickens

>> No.17291362
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Chickens LOVE television. The colors movement and sound are big draws to them. She particularly has a fondness for Sailor Moon, Disney and Law and Order.

Sometimes i even pop some plain unbuttered popcorn for her.

>> No.17291367
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>> No.17291369

Chickens actually have the mental capacity of a toddlers so we actually have her trained with those puppy training pads. Easy peasy, and the smell is fairly minimal so long as you keep up on it.

>> No.17291381

please just go back to reddi.t.

>> No.17291383

Shut the fuck up. This is one of the few decent threads on this shithole. Jew

>> No.17291386
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Sticky had a ducktales phase but I'd never let her watch sailor moon crystal, that show looks like garbage compared to the original anime

>> No.17291393
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I agree, but it's on Netflix so it's easy to put on for her.

>> No.17291395
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Fucking hell lol

>> No.17291403

Don't you need males so they can lay thier eggs?

>> No.17291410

Never had a rooster (town ordinance says I can't), and I've never had an issue with egg quantity.

>> No.17291417
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You can watch the old sailor moon movies on youtube for free, please don't force ur chicken to watch bad anime it's animal abuse.

>> No.17291426

damm someone call the cops, there's been a murder

>> No.17291438

Please go outside, for your sake and ours

>> No.17291445

Damn didn't know they were that smart.

>> No.17291449

Mental capacity of vicious ass toddlers that will kill another toddler if it smells weakness on it.

We get it, chickens aren't totally retarded, but to compare them to a human baby is kind of an insult to both the baby and the chicken.

>> No.17291557
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fuccin LMAO

>> No.17292062
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Holy fuck mate.

>> No.17292152

What a cute chimken :)

>> No.17293137

What can't she do?

>> No.17293178

Audible kek

>> No.17293196
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Fucking gottem

>> No.17293208

wait, how is she laying eggs, who is impregnating her?

>> No.17293216

anon you should have paid more attention in school

>> No.17293785
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Walk properly.

>> No.17293949
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>> No.17293958
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>> No.17293977
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not that funny but I want to be part of the fun so put me in the screencap

>> No.17293980

chickens lay eggs without getting fertilized. eggs are basically a chicken period

>> No.17293991
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See you on /r/ greentext folks

>> No.17293994
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>> No.17294000

what are their names

>> No.17294008

jack nicholas?

>> No.17294010

jesus dude

>> No.17294024

So the injured cripple is named Lady-Bird (her batch has a First lady theme for names). But, we call her Pidgey.

Outside there is
Georgia, Louise, Marilyn, Jackie, Julia, Mamie and Dolly.

There is another batch that is getting mature enough to introduce to the flock, and they are Rosalyn, Stella, Ruby and Peach.

Outside of Jackie and Marilyn (who are both Black Marans) they are all different breeds.

>> No.17294037

You sound like a nice guy

>> No.17294051
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>> No.17294054

thats a lot of chickens

>> No.17294064

What the Cluck?

>> No.17294066

I wish to pet the chicken

>> No.17294068

At one point I had a 50+ egg stockpile. Forces me to bake a lot.

>> No.17294074

what do the eggs smell like when they are fresh out of the chickens

>> No.17294085


>> No.17294086
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Not like anything, honestly. Since it all comes out of the same hole every now and then there is a smudge of shit on it, but that's the worst of it.

>> No.17294093

how long do chickens live for normally

>> No.17294107
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wouldnt you like to know.

>> No.17294111

yes that is why i asked

>> No.17294139

5-7 years if taken care of well. A lot die sooner because of predators, disease, excessive rape, etc.

>> No.17294142

what was that last part

>> No.17294147

Cute chook

>> No.17294155

Roosters. If you have too many they will excessively rape the hens and the stress can be harmful to egg production and lifespan.

>> No.17294161

is this real

>> No.17294165

Not him but yes, roosters can be vicious bastards

>> No.17294174

Yes. If you own hens + a rooster every hour or two it will sound like one of your hens is getting eaten by something. Turns out it's just being raped for the 8th time that day.

>> No.17294206

what the hell

>> No.17294228

Stop anthropomorphizing animals like drooling retards, for fucks sake. Chickens aren't capable of rape, because they aren't even capable to consent in the first place. The human category of "rape" isn't applicable to animals. Animals aren't persons, you retards. They lack a language capable signifying things and ideas, they lack the capacity of abstraction, etc.

You aren't the "daddy" or "mommy" to your dog or cat, you are just insane. Your pet doesn't reciprocate your human love, because it can't offer you something it doesn't have.

>> No.17294234

yes i am

>> No.17294243

>you are just insane
bro i think you're the one that's insane

>> No.17294260
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>> No.17294321

Observe the intelligence levels animal anthropomorphizers are on.
You are only capable of mothering a human child, because you are human. The human experience of parenting includes teaching children language, morality, culture, etc. that you literally can't do with your pets. The reality is that you are exploiting animals for some benefit or another, in this case psychological support, which is fine if you are open about the fact.
>y-you are insane
No, I'm honest, open, and my position is reasoned, while yours isn't, in fact, it can not be, because it's based on ideological views on human-animal relations and your feelings.

In other words, just because something makes you feel good, it doesn't make it also ethically right, desirable, sustainable, reasonable, or sur la table. The reality is that the pets you have are completely outside from their natural environment, often genetically altered by us to horrifying effects like almost guaranteed genetic disorders, and "loving" you only because you feed them, and in exchange you project shit onto the animal that offers your insane psychology support or relief.

>> No.17294328


>> No.17294335

>horrifying effects like almost guaranteed genetic disorders
kinda like how your mom gave you autism lmao

>> No.17294340

If I put food on the ground the chicken runs over to me to eat.

If I try to pick up a chicken it runs away.

>> No.17294347

based empiricist anon

>> No.17294348

visible cope

>> No.17294379

>ywn have a duckie to watch Konosuba with
Feels bad man.

>> No.17294394
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>Critical Hit

>> No.17294682


Isn't that far off. Roosters get really rough during mating, and it is not uncommon for the roosters to have a "favorite" hen. You can tell the favorite a lot of times from the bald spots where the rooster has pulled out the feathers.

>> No.17294689

10/10 chicken would definitely share my okara with

>> No.17294710

I understand that. It's still not "rape". Animals are incapable of "rape" like they are incapable of "marriage". Describing animal behavior accurately takes effort, but it's not impossible.

>> No.17294747

I wish more people understood this, it would avoid some retards trying to justify degenerate behavior by using other species as examples

>bro its just the course of nature bro, ignore the fact that humans have the capacity to reach a higher consciousness bro

>> No.17294750

Visible 'tism

>> No.17294759

put me in the screencap instead of the other guy

>> No.17294768

Supreme kek

>> No.17294775

you didn't tell us you also had pigs

>> No.17294779

Retard, people use shorthand in language all the time. Context denotes that a rooster being said to rape a chicken doesnt mean the rooster is raping like a human, just that the sex is rough and the hen does not want it.
Luckily, we have a shorthand way of describing that.

>> No.17294782


>> No.17294786

You'd be the faggot running a factory farm with chickens in cages shitting all over themselves because it's "more efficient". Get fucked you autistic faggot

>> No.17294787
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>> No.17294810


>> No.17294813

Clean up your shit you slob.

>> No.17294825

>indoor chickens
They shit every 10 minutes, imagine the smell

>> No.17294913

I'd beat the fuck out of that chicken if it tried stepping to me desu
one bwawk and I'd be swinging

>> No.17294933

Thats a lovely chiccy. but you dont keep it literally indoors do you? Im pretty sure keeping fowl indoors causes some nasty respiratory disease dude you might wanna look into that. My mate who grew up on a farm was telling me about it but he might be full of shit

>> No.17294943

if she can dress herself and wear glasses I'm sure she knows how to properly use the toilet as well

>> No.17294944


>> No.17295027
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She is indoors. Never had any respiratory issues. I'd be willing to bet those crop up from improper ventilation/chilling in their own shit all day. Pidgey doesn't have such issues.

>> No.17295286

No I think youve misunderstood I mean respiratory issues in humans

>> No.17295561

All ok well still no issues to report. And with 2 people with asthma and on with emphysema in the house i feel lik it would have happened by now.

>> No.17295564


>> No.17295570

>Stupid cunt take better care of it

>> No.17295575

Eat her

>> No.17295591
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Excuse me, I wasn't the parent to my mouse, I was his eager and willing slave and he was my king.
Rest in peace, my rodent overlord~<3

>> No.17295635

Except that hens can choose a rooster or attempt rejection sometimes, so unless you want to make up a whole new word just for the difference between an accepted and unacceptable mating then the quick way to say it is the roosters can excessively rape the hens

>> No.17295695

Penis pot pie.

>> No.17295773

dangerously based.
childless hags seethe incoming

>> No.17296276
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She loves the nice things y'all have been saying.

The questions have been fun too :3

>> No.17296282

do you think it loves you?

>> No.17296283

Do you have any advice on how to train a flock of chickens to stay out if my raised beds? I have to keep them cooped up because those fuckers destroyed half my fava bean sprouts.

>> No.17296310
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>> No.17296319

Cover the beds in wire mesh retard.

>> No.17296331

Absolutely. She just spent the last 30 minutes snuggled in my lap and fell asleep on me with her neck stretched out (which is a huge sign of trust not hiding a vulnerability like that).

They are smart enough to recognize about 50 different faces.

Not off hand. My personal garden is in a separate fenced area they can't get into. I have heard that planting peppermint in the edges of the boxes will repel them (though the shit grows like a weed once you plant it), and you can also try putting scraps of citrus peel and/or speaking the boxes with some kind of citrus juice to keep them away. Sorry I can't be more help.

>> No.17296401

I used bird net last year and it worked, but I really hate using the stuff. I also have 10 4' x 16' beds I need to protect. Bird net is an indiscriminate killer of snakes and little birds. Feels incredibly bad.

Thanks and no worries. I saw you potty trained your chicken, so I figured I would ask. I'm going to build a fence before growing season to keep chickens and deer out. The deer were jumping into my raised causing all sorts of havoc. Those cute little fuckers.

>> No.17296420


>> No.17296437

>. eggs are basically a chicken period
What the fuck. I wish I never heard this. No wonder I'm allergic to eggs

>> No.17296450

did a crazy cat lady rape your mom?

>> No.17296525
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Fucking savage.

>> No.17297288


>> No.17297332

I want to go into business with my friend raising broiler chickens
I have no experience

is this a bad idea?

>> No.17297436


what the fuck is going on here why is chicken going casey anthony?

>> No.17297486
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>nd fell asleep on me with her neck stretched out (which is a huge sign of trust not hiding a vulnerability like that).

tell me more chicken behvior and personality stuff

>> No.17298118

lmao fucking told the other chicken

>> No.17298315

So, I've had dogs and cats as pets, and I have to say, chickens seem to have a more complete personality than other animals I've raised. They are very social, and if you interact with them daily they will recognize and reciprocate whatever kind of treatment you give them. If one of my cats is on my lap and Pidgey sees it, she'll sometimes puff up and cluck in a display of jealousy.

Pidgey gets along fine with the cats. They all got pecked by her once or twice for bothering her and now everything just gives everything else a little space.

>> No.17298843

pidgey is cute

>> No.17299033

I am white, would season

>> No.17299318
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Thank you fren :3

>> No.17299325

He's made it clear that his house is a barn.

>> No.17299407

the pidgey card is such bullshit because he doesn't even resist fighting

>> No.17299497

based indoorbird poster

>> No.17299508
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i'm ready to battle.

>> No.17299654

omg yaassss slay queeen

>> No.17299804

seek help

>> No.17299991
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How will OP ever recover?

>> No.17300095

I don't think my crippled bird could win. I yield.

>> No.17300429

Poor op...

>> No.17300451

hens lay eggs independently of roosters. in order to make another chicken, a rooster is required to fertilized said egg

>> No.17300828

what was his name

>> No.17300876


>> No.17300926
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holy shit gottem

>> No.17301288
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Here are some of the outside assholes in case anyone cares.

>> No.17301490

wasnt very nice of you to call them assholes

>> No.17301527

Chicken simp

>> No.17301923

The jews fear the indoor chicken farmer

>> No.17302030
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Winner eats the loser

>> No.17302043
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Greybeard. But I usually just called him your highness or your majesty.

>> No.17302101

sorry for your loss bro i am sure he enjoyed every moment with you he was lucky to have you

>> No.17302171


>> No.17302183

based reptile owner

>> No.17302284

A real farmer john here

>> No.17302301

Sir this is a Wendys

>> No.17302752


>> No.17302759

fucking beat me to it. actually this was my first draft. I was actually going to go with "I see chickens aren't the only farm animal you keep".

>> No.17302780

if your arsehole is on the inside, you have a real problem. moreso if you have more than one.

>> No.17302787

No cap? Fr fr?

>> No.17303110
