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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17283551 No.17283551 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your opinion of octopus?

>> No.17283561

It makes me wonder if pulpo tacos exist in Japan.

>> No.17283609


do not eat.

>> No.17283611


>> No.17283622

Not a fan. I had Pulpo Mofongo, takoyaki, and little baby BBQ octopus and didn't like any of it

>> No.17283647

I enjoy it but it isn’t good enough for me to miss it if it disappeared forever.

>> No.17283663
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>but muh mirror test

>> No.17283671

i want to try it

>> No.17283674

>we can now consume toddlers of african descent

>> No.17283681

3 cuisines that suck at making octopus.

>> No.17283683

God tier if properly grilled, shit tier otherwise

>> No.17283690

Agree. Crispy and slightly burnt octopus is so good.

>> No.17283695

Africans already do

>> No.17283712

What's good then?

>> No.17283717
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>> No.17283721


>> No.17283726


>> No.17283736

Holy shit I FUCKING HATE octopuses those are the smuggest motherfuckers in the ocean they are absolute shit.
Every time I go diving I bring a metal rod which just to smack octopuses with because they fuck with my tools holy shit I hate those bitches.
If you like octopuses I will fuck your mom. They are only good for eating and hitting with metal stick.

>> No.17283843

what if all I have is a wooden stick

>> No.17283886

Why do octopuses rape Japanese females?

>> No.17283888

I like it

>> No.17283972

they do. one in okinawa that also sold good black coffee

>> No.17283983

intelligence is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that it's not human. if we discovered aliens as intelligent as ourselves it would be completely ethical to eat them
while we're at it we should be eating dolphins and chimpanzees

>> No.17284209
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Read "communication and noncommunication by cephalopods"
Cephalopods are capable of thought and communication on the level of humans but they're held back by not being herd animals. With the exception of a single species of squid, there is no known species of cephalopod that does not behave as a "lone wolf" and so there's no chance for them to have at-length discussions and make technology
You know all those cases of people going missing in the woods without a trace? Well most of them disappeared after going near large bodies of water (as remembered by the people they were out with). I think it's a real possibility that octopuses or squids dragged many of them down into the water

>> No.17284218

I've been considering this and I don't have to eat them there's plenty of other things to eat

>> No.17284225
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you retard dont even know what the fuck is coming out of your mouth

>> No.17284230

There's some other things which aren't human which we shouldn't eat for other reasons

>> No.17284281

entities of cosmic horror. the old ones shall awaken once more. do not eat.

>> No.17284298

They would not ally with humans in a war for dominion of this planet. They would ally with the pigs, who would comprise their land armies. Eat all the octopi, squids, and pigs that you can while you can. Seek alliance with the rats.

>> No.17284533
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>> No.17285172

In my town we all call them bitch ass octopussy fuckheads

>> No.17285177


>> No.17285191
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For every work of art there's a cheap copy

>> No.17285201

Eight puss is better than one

>> No.17285265
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bro are you ok

>> No.17285280

8 Cephalopod legs typed this at 300 WPM

>> No.17285395

so theoretically could i buy a squid and teach it to communicate with me somehow? could i teach it to use a gun or sneak through the ventilation in a bank to get to the vault and steal me money?

>> No.17285404

Too chewy but Ive liked the takoyaki Ive had

>> No.17285806
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>> No.17285843

>all that emotional text about an octopus
>not octopi
come on bro

>> No.17286023

The original form is octopuses, you fucking retard. "Octopi" was made up later because some retards thought it sounded nice
Yes and yes. But they have a will of their own and may not want to do any of that, just like a person

>> No.17286141

Food of the gods

>> No.17286150

>was made up later because some retards thought it sounded nice
Wherefore art thou speaketh not classical dialect?
I love when retards pick and choose arbitrary outdated language to sound smart

>> No.17286184


>> No.17286278

I tried to cook it once, braised then barbecued, but it was still a bit chewy. I’d like to try to cook it again someday.

>> No.17286338

Get back to me when they invent guns

>> No.17286417

If we domesticated them as pets, it'd be unethical.

>> No.17286459

I love it and seek it out when visiting places with access to fresh seafood.

>> No.17286488

Tasty, but I can't get past the texture. Texture is very important and for me it's a no.

>> No.17286499

Try boiling it

>> No.17287000

It's alright.

When I was in Korea, my then-gf's family had a restaurant with some live ones in a tank. She reached in, grabbed one, began cutting it up, and drizzled some oil and sesame seed on it and had me try it.

It wasn't bad but it was cold and slimy. Her family always tried to feed me hella food.

>> No.17287048

I prefer squid to octopus personally.

>> No.17287185

I think it sucks. Hate the texture.

>> No.17287200

Did they call them Tako-Takos?

>> No.17287235

Why bother, there's barely any meat on them

>> No.17287243

It SUCKS! Get it Bros?

>> No.17287258

>if we discovered aliens as intelligent as ourselves it would be completely ethical to eat them
>t. chinaman

>> No.17287274

The nominative plural for 2nd declension is i you fucking midwit retard. Latin never changes.

>> No.17287284

Octopus is not etymologically Latin

>> No.17287290

someone needs to do one with plinkett in bowsers floating ball thingiy

>> No.17287301

>The scientific Latin term octopus
>Latin term
You're retarded. Also I don't give a shit what you might retort about gr**koid babble. Who conquered whomst?

>> No.17287308

Reading comprehension: 0

>> No.17287314

Only for nonsensical hipster retardation. When something is the way it's done or said and someone jumps in and goes
>well ackshully the mainstream way of doing/saying this is completely wrong haha got you
They do it to jerk themselves off about how intelligent or informed they are, and for that reason, they and what they said can be disregarded.

>> No.17287338

"Octopuses" is more common than "octopi" so your post makes no sense

>> No.17287343

I prefer squid

>> No.17287504

I love to eat octopus ass

>> No.17287882

That’s what braising is

>> No.17287918

Why do you assume sapience deters me from eating anothe creature

>> No.17288312
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Well anon, we have to use CRISPR to ascend humanity into another species so we can eat all these sweaty neets. They're loaded with protein and fat. Could slow cook in BBQ, use tiny dicks for ornamental necklaces.

Listen to you dumb fucks. How r00d a part of me hopes we're gobbled up like a jawbreaker by something much larger and smarter than us just for the irony. You niggas eat dogs too? Fuck off.

>> No.17288383

Dangerously based. They only hate you because you're spitting straight fire, and they would have muttered they had the wrong sandals to summit Olympus. I want a Chimpanzee Chimichanga right now!

>> No.17288415

because intelligence is only a bridge to sex, organisms are only as intelligent as they need to be to have sex.

>> No.17288753

Look into Blue Holes and the Lusca

>> No.17288774

Based cephalopod autist
I'm gonna read that book, thanks for the suggestion fren

>> No.17288781

I'm sure they taste pretty good, but I won't eat them. They're just too cool for me to feel good about using them as a food source.

>> No.17288814

What are eight octopuses inserted into an anus called?


>> No.17289011

Had baby octopus on grill few months ago, was seasoned well, liked it.

>> No.17289031

How are they going to make technology when they aint got no hands and electricity doesn't work underwater? They should curse their own existence for being born a sea dweller and not migrating to the land when our ancestors did.

>> No.17289047

In intruiged. How do the cetaceans align themselves? Raccoons? Corvids?

>> No.17289060

Calamari is nice, haven’t really had anything else cephalopod though.
Based great and Skavenpilled

>> No.17289083

This is the only correct answers.

>> No.17289278

practical intelligence doesnt mean they're self aware and understand existence and its inherent suffering

>> No.17289283

mediterranean dishes with it

>> No.17289312

i would not have sex with an octopus

>> No.17289316


>> No.17289337

too chewy

>> No.17289514
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But this anon would!

>> No.17289987

every time my dad tries to cook octopus he just boils it and the house smells of stench from the deepest pits of the ocean and its literally rubber when i tried to eat it

>> No.17290082

Are you Asian?