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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17276737 No.17276737 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17276752
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ten minutes in super glue later

>kitchen injury thread

>> No.17276803
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>> No.17276822

Did you slosh a pot of oil?

>> No.17276828

I did that with half my index nail trying to take the safety guard off a new mandolin

>> No.17276847
File: 952 KB, 4000x1800, 20220115_081207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got matching thumbs now OP. not a kitchen injury but drove a drill bit through the nail, two months ago.
i also used super glued

>> No.17276853

no girls allowed!

>> No.17276856

why do I always hear mandoline injury stories?

>> No.17276858

I folded my finger in a folding knife, nail and all. We are now family

>> No.17276887

because you operate it by pushing your hand at a razor blade

>> No.17276904
File: 1.65 MB, 2721x3522, 4F60402B-A3AF-4DAA-BBBC-C01044DE7ADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glue pill is the one true pill to take

>> No.17276911

>super glue
For what purpose? Why not just cover it?

>> No.17276913
File: 549 KB, 4000x1800, 20211105_162139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make sure to let the fluids ou so you don't wake up with your thumb all swollen up. i feel your pain, brother

>> No.17276949

I clean took off a piece of my thumb, the glue seals the wound otherwise I don’t even know how you’d stop the bleeding

>> No.17276973

If you are a man, stop wearing nail polish. Just don't do it.
If you are a woman, do you work in the industry? Long time career cook here, always interested in hearing about the kitchen from a female's point of view.

>> No.17276979

Because the fucking things are accidents waiting to happen. Great tools, aye, but sooner or later, some new cook takes of their fingertips.

>> No.17277014

do you know any women irl? I agree about the nail thing, though

>> No.17277025

Next time use liquid bandage if you can. It's pretty much superglue but it'll also prevent an infection

>> No.17277359
File: 144 KB, 1724x907, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opened a can of tuna in the most retarded way

>> No.17277372

what the fuck?
do americans really just glue their wounds instead of going to the hospital?

>> No.17277391

waaah i cut my fingieeee. im gonna dieeeeeee, send free wambulanceee

>> No.17277402

I'll take that as a yes then
god damn, that's fucked

>> No.17277421

>going to the hospital for a minor cut

>> No.17277427

Cyanoacrylate glue has long since been used as a medical fixative for wounds in most first world countries. I'm here in Canada, and if I nicked myself at this hour I would have zero inclination to walk over to the all-night clinic or go clog up the emergency department over such a silly and easily treatable thing. Last time I bothered putting a burden on our garbage medical system, I had literally had a tendon slashed in the back of my hand.

>> No.17277429

of course the discount american is doing the same thing

>> No.17277440

The hospital nurses aren't you're goddamn mother, even if they will wrap your wound up for "free". Did you never learn first aid in school? Are you one of those idiots who shows up in the emergency department with a non-febrile temp and a sore throat?

>> No.17277441

I drunkenly crashed with my bike against a parked car. Next day I woke up my bed was full with blood and the whole nail on my right index finger was gone.
I put on a bandage which was a very bad desicion. When I took it off the pain was 10 times worse than when I innitially broke the nail off because the bandage was stuck/glued to the nailbed.

>> No.17277442

Yuro here.
I remember having a very nasty finger cut when I was 18. All I did was bandage it up at home and just waited for it to heal. No biggie.
It looked somewhat like OP, but slightly larger.

Dunno what medical glue is, though.

>> No.17277446

I have worked ER and ICU in Denmark and retards like you are the reason there's a 6-hour wait.
If you go to the ER for the kind of injuries posted in this thread you should know that everybody there, ESPECIALLY the staff, wants you dead.

What are they gonna do? Sow a piece of nail back on?
Just fucking clean it and keep it clean.
In fact, these injuries are so minor that most doctors and nurses have simply never been taught to deal with them. They don't know more about it than everybody else because there is nothing more to know.

>> No.17277449

That was supposed to be "your goddamned mother" and I have zero clue how that typo happens.

>> No.17277451

my country ain't got no 6 hour wait because I live in a first world country

>> No.17277454

Damn, that's crazy.
Someone stole your nail while you were sleeping? Do you live in China?

>> No.17277456

As a well-to-do man, I actually kind of envy American healthcare...

>> No.17277458

Finn here. If you go to a hospital for a minor cut, you're fucking idiot and deserve to bleed to death. I wouldn't dream of going to the emergency room if I wasn't actually dying, despite living in a "welfare" see, nanny state.

>> No.17277459

Anon, come on, why are you here talking to thirdies about actually good healthcare.
They never experienced what it is like to have East Asian Healthcare.

>> No.17277466

Its only in european that you can't go to the hospital when you have health issues because you first have to go to a general doctor who will send you to a specialist, then you have to see 3 other specialists before they allow you to go to the hospital, and then they brag about their "free healthcare". Hospitals and doctors are worthless in europe.

>> No.17277474

Everywhere else when you have a condition you go to the hospital, its only in ass backwards europe you can only go to the hospital when you are basically dying.

>> No.17277487

Europe has plenty of private hospitals and clinics that will take you right away, and more and more people are using them because public healthcare is dogshit.
I was not defending our system when I made that post. Just pointing out that retards clog it but because it's "free".

>> No.17277490

I went to a public school and we still learned first aid as a mandatory part of phys ed. Getting a little cut is not fucking a "medical condition". Stop wasting resources, you big fucking baby.

>> No.17277495

Why the fuck would you go to a hospital if you have a condition you can treat at home? I can understand going to a doctor but not immediately visiting a hospital.

>> No.17277497

>gets charged $200 for a whole roll of gauze despite only getting half a foot of it
>doesn't even know why because one of the first things Biden did in office was immediately repeal the healthcare transparency laws Trump had signed into action which showed just how much hospitals were screwing people over on incidental costs
Oh say can you see...

>> No.17277498


>> No.17277501
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>> No.17277503
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Mr. Macho, M.M., didn't want to go to the hospital because he feared what the internet might think of him, this... is what happened to his body

>> No.17277509

How do you remove the glue?

>> No.17277517

Unless you like waiting in the waiting room with a bunch of muslims and somalis for hours you have to go private.

>> No.17277519

This isn't machismo, you twat. It's common sense. Do you not own a fucking first aid kit? Do you not own a fire extinguisher because you think can always call the entire fucking fire department to come rushing over, sirens blazing on all their fucking fire engines, just because a candle got knocked over?

It comes off naturally after the wound has healed.

>> No.17277521

it's common sense to go to the hospital when you injure yourself.
but nice false equivalence, shows the calibre of people I'm talking to.

>> No.17277522

goddamn thats a big thumb

>> No.17277523

I forgot the gypsys.

>> No.17277539

There are fucking tiers of response, that's what I'm trying to get you to understand, you absolute fucking moron. Do you call a fucking master electrician when a lightbulb goes out? Do you call a fucking computer scientist when your laptop bluescreens? Why would you call on not just a fucking doctor but the entire staff of an emergency department at a hospital when you have a cut smaller than an inch?

I'd say you have to be taking the piss here at this point, but some people are just as retarded as you.

>> No.17277542

plus you're a thirdie
don't really care anymore, plus this isn't /ck/ related

>> No.17277564

You read every goddamn word and couldn't come up with a rebuttal with those two brain cells of yours. Maybe you should go to the hospital and get that looked at. It sounds serious.

>> No.17277630

>Did you never learn first aid in school
not that guy but they didn't teach us anything useful in school. Public school in the American south

>> No.17277817

>not /ck/ related

It happened while cooking at work

I threw the piece of flesh and nail in the trash, what were they gonna do? Glue it anyway? Plus leave in the middle of service and screw over my coworkers with my closing work?

You’re a fag

>> No.17277848

Universal healthcare is so shit. New Zealand here. The doctors don't give a shit about their jobs, the waiting lists for surgeries and emergencies are incredibly long, the infrastructure is garbage, the is a lack of staff because the government pays so little money to the healthcare workers. Meanwhile the government spends millions and millions of dollars on artsy fartsy woke pet projects and pours the billions left into the pockets of politicians and other bureaucrats.

>> No.17277853

Its common sense to perform first aid on minor injuries

>> No.17277872

>"Tax the billionaires!" Shouted the millionaire politician who regularly received a rather impressive pay packet derived nearly entirely from taxpayer money.

>> No.17277906

Shitty doctors exist everywhere. You just have to find a doctor who is ready to listen to your problems.
Most of the time you're like on a conveyer belt and the doctor is trying his absolute best to maximize is throughput and get you out of his room ASAP.
But I imagined this is also very common in the US?

>> No.17277910


>> No.17277928

Nothing wrong with having a healthy interest in the perspectives of people different from yourself, faggot. Try to get out of your head a little.

>> No.17277938

The only good doctor I had moved to australia to do private healthcare. I don't blame him. He is a good doctor and doesn't deserve to get treated and paid like garbage under the New Zealand system. But I do miss him.

>> No.17278048

>American south
You managed to grow up there without ever cutting your finger or scraping your knee?
That shit isn't something you should have to learn in school at all. Your mother should know what to do about that crap herself. And I guarantee that she does.

>> No.17278487

Huh, reminds me of the oil burn my sister got years ago.

>> No.17278529

>But I imagined this is also very common in the US?
No since their patients are like their customers they try to do a better job and listen to them thoroughly and don't immediately get pissy if you have a different suggestion. Everywhere where there is "free" healthcare the patient doctor relationship is so that the doctor is doing you a favour and he has the total authority and you have to totally subjugate yourself else the doctor gets mad at you.

>> No.17278543
File: 290 KB, 474x393, 1628052242714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do 'men' do this?

>> No.17278562


>> No.17278568

from Tranny Passo?

>> No.17278608

>cut finger
>go to hospital
>sit in waiting room for 6-10 hours
>nurse comes in a puts glue on it
>$300 copay
>cut finger
>pour glue on it
>fuck off back to whatever you were doing immediately and it was free
Yeah gee I wonder why anyone wouldn't go to the hospital for that

>> No.17278652

>>$300 copay
what the fuck?

>> No.17278675

it makes girls want to suck my peepee :)

>> No.17278680

you mean guys

>> No.17278681
File: 796 KB, 1277x1500, 1611153821815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit happened to me two days ago. Was about a millimeter from sending myself to the hospital. Bought this immediately after. Great purchase.

>> No.17278688
File: 1.75 MB, 925x835, foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh where my dry foot line chef boys at??

>> No.17278862

No normal person says "female" you're fucking pathetic

>> No.17278873

Normal people don't post on 4chan

>> No.17278882
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>> No.17278935


>> No.17278946

based af

>> No.17278959

how can one man be so based

>> No.17279041

I used to have painted nails because my daughter kept wanting to paint them.

>> No.17279092

iis this real? how disgusting

>> No.17279126
File: 4 KB, 225x300, IMG_0579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sliced that little ridge flat right off about a year ago, healed back pretty nice if i do say so myself

>> No.17279140


>> No.17279384

why are your fingernails so long

>> No.17279570


>> No.17279603

Neck yourself you fucking simp.

>> No.17279609

What happened to your little toe?

>> No.17279611


>> No.17279672

i live in the UK and i wouldn't go to the hospital for that

>> No.17279680

Fucking tranny wait till the wrong person sees you at the right time.

>> No.17279717

it's like having tweezers on me at all times, you should try it.

>> No.17279753


It's not based, it's cringe and disgusting. Fuck off faggots.

>> No.17279791

>If you're a man FUCK YOU b-but if you're a GIRL then have a conversation with me PLEASE
freak behavior

>> No.17279797

It's just nailpolish calm the fuck down, I bet you get pissy if a guy says he has a skincare routine.

>> No.17279822

I am a man and have a skincare routine, My order is: shave - cleanse - exfoliate - mask - moisturize. There is nothing wrong with self grooming. But painting your nails is faggot shit.

>> No.17279846

I did this exact thing around thanksgiving last year, It's 100% healed up, I actually forgot what finger it happened to since it's healed so nicely. And no Europeans, I didn't got to the fucking hospital for it.

>> No.17280002

>Skin care "routine"

>> No.17280057

Assuming you are the same person as >>17279797

>claim I get butthurt at men with skincare routines
>post my own skincare routine
>get mad at me and call me a faggot

Okay retard

>> No.17280087
File: 10 KB, 489x225, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did your parents say about assuming things retard? More than one person can and does think you're a faggot, faggot

>> No.17280114

Having healthy skin is not the same as coloring your nails you turbo queer.

>> No.17280205

You're acting like I said it with zero doubt, I even admitted it was only a possibility. But cry harder idiot. Practicing skin care is something that everyone should do. The only people that paint their nails are mentally ill trannies, fags and women.

>> No.17280319

Other perspectives are brainwashing and propaganda.

>> No.17280326

How is it any different from wearing jewelry.

>> No.17280381


>> No.17280459

>how is taking care of your skin, which can be attributed to looking after your overall general health that has the added benefit of helping you look good similar to wearing accessories which only add to your fashion with zero positive additions to your health and well being

Are you stupid?

>> No.17280983

Are you stupid? I meant how is painting your nails any different to wearing jewelry. You lack reading comprehension.

>> No.17281057

He said painting his nails helps his anxiety or something. He's going to troon out in five years.

>> No.17281101

Wearing jewelry can be homo behavior depending what it is, such as earrings. But painting your nails is a feminine thing to do, so it will always be in the gay category.

>> No.17281288

man hand if ive ever seen one

>> No.17281352

>Wearing jewelry can be homo behavior depending what it is, such as earrings. But painting your nails is a feminine thing to do, so it will always be in the gay category.
What makes it feminine

>> No.17282501

This lol i bet his grandma never even put tobacco between his toes when he stepped on a bee

>> No.17284112

we just put bandaids on shit
the point is that school didnt teach anything useful, let alone first aid

>> No.17284223


>> No.17284295

>we just put bandaids on shit
And none of your limbs fell off, right?

>> No.17284304
File: 2.54 MB, 3024x3024, SPOILER_20201022_135036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbest way I've cut myself was preparing a bean soup.
I went to adjust my glasses with my knife in hand and I had a twitch.

Blade sliced right into my thumb down to the vein or so I think. I bled a lot, had a trail of blood through the house. I was dizzy and I could feel myself beginning to pass out. I held on and continued cooking after feeling a little better.

Just earlier that month too I had sliced a good portion of my thumb when the same knife skipped on a bone.

>> No.17284311

dude handle your knife better,it sounds like you are waving it at random,cool photo tho

>> No.17284319
File: 2.09 MB, 1058x902, nnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one up from today from cutting potatoes
the big one unrelated

>> No.17284328

i will admit that I was retarded by holding it so close to my face but I thought that I'd just give my glasses a quick adjustment and continue.

Lesson learned and I got a cool scar.

>> No.17284379

He's already started vocal coaching, you can hear it in his newer videos

>> No.17284767

Why are the only options hospital or glue? Do you not have a first aid kit in the house? Clean it and dress it retards what the fuck

>> No.17285166

Because i like to eat the glue bits that come off after its healed

>> No.17285178

Too bad it didn’t get your face

>> No.17285195

Is that your thumb or fucking big toe?

>> No.17285225

Plenty of people do actually. Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to be a pussy, Nancy.

>> No.17285250


>> No.17285278


>> No.17285705

fuck you, you don't know someone's situation. cuts like this are trivial, but you probably react the same way if someone comes in for mental reasons and is either in a lot of pain or actually thinks they are dying, but apparently you'll get angry that you have to do your job if someone comes in with anything less than a shotgun wound, someone has to be dead already for it to be a valid reason. fucking retard idc if you went to med school

>> No.17285713

My boyfriends hangnail got stuck on my asshole and ripped it pretty bad. I had to shove an-kin’s in my underwear at work for several days after

>> No.17285718

sounds kinda gay ngl

>> No.17285796

>Crying: extra
Didn't this turn out to be 'Brief emotional evaluation' or something similar? Basically to check if this lady wasn't having a breakdown.

>> No.17285866

Kek are you my sister? Same thing happened to her, cut her hand open with a can of tuna

>> No.17286032

Have you've ever once seen a straight man wearing a pearl necklace? It depends what it is for deciding if it is feminine. Some jewelry for men is considered acceptable like rings and it isn't uncommon at all to see blacks wearing gold chains around their necks.

>> No.17286982


Nice nail polish, FAGGOT

>> No.17287045
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>> No.17287057

>Have you've ever once seen a straight man wearing a pearl necklace?
Ive never seen anyone wear a pearl necklace to begin with. But my dad wore a hibiscus flower crown to his wedding with my mom.
Real straight men wear whatever they find aesthetically appealing unashamedly because they are confident in their sexuality and dont need to project their secret homosexuality to strangers on the internet to overcompensate, like you.

>> No.17287677

>noooooo you’re wasting heckin’ resources Tyrone and Ahmed need the doctor to see their boo boos!
Not my problem

>> No.17287681

Die tranny

>> No.17287892

you're not doing yourself any favor, waiting hours just to get a little wash and a bandaid, not even a kiss one your boo boo, when you could have done that yourself right away

>> No.17287904

>Real straight men wear whatever they find aesthetically appealing unashamedly because they are confident in their sexuality
Yes, but only faggots paint their nails.

>> No.17287910
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You guys suck

>> No.17288497

Nice insecurity, friend. Dont worry. We dont resent you for being gay

>> No.17288714

what about it?

>> No.17288782

Same shit literally happened to me two weeks ago. Did you also try to make enchiladas extremely wasted?

>> No.17289096

>If retarded monkeys and gorillas do it, why shouldn't I?
Anyone wanna tell him what that makes him?

>> No.17289357

>cut nails
>get treated for beetus
Two simple steps before posting your fucking hooves online.

>> No.17289423


That knife has obviously tasted blood and wants you dead. Get a new one. Or at least some holy water.

>> No.17289431

Kek I thought the same

>> No.17290370

I work in the ED - super glue is nearly the same as the "special" ED glue, Dermabond.

The main differences are that superglue has a more intense exothermic reaction, so do it in shallow layers/don't cake it on so you don't give yourself a burn(you'd have to be pretty retarded to do this, though).

Super glue is more brittle i.e. more prone to cracking, and thus you lose your antibacterial seal. Easily avoidable if on a nonflexing surface wound. If in an area of high flexion like the palmar surface of the digits, just buddy tape it/splint it for a few days so you don't fuck up the seal.

Superglue isn't guaranteed to be sterile, but if you use a new tube, and hell, even if you use an old tube, the chance of infection caused by the super glue is still very low.

Now, if you haven't had a Tetanus/TDAP shot in the past 10 years(5 if contaminated with soil/fece/saliva/other shit) you should consider going to get the booster so you don't get Tetanus, but even that itself is exceedingly rare in first world countries and unlikely to occur.

>> No.17290524

I didn't know that, I would just use adhesive bandages.

>> No.17290533

Surely this is bait.

>> No.17290545

>do americans really just glue their wounds instead of going to the hospital?
do you not realize that super glue was invented as a way to treat battlefield wounds during war times?
wtf how are you even breathing or walking without assistance?

>> No.17290763

I'm so sorry, I didn't realize things have gotten so bad in the land of the mutts that every day is a living battle..
I kneel

>> No.17290906

how can you be so uneducated. don't answer, I already know why

>> No.17290909

he's shy.

>> No.17290950

Cyanoacrylate glue is notably aseptic, durable, and easily applied by even an amateur. It's honestly more sanitary and effective than typical bandages.

>> No.17291312

>"special" ED glue

>> No.17291318

Wouldn't the glue make it heal weird if there's a chunk missing like in OP since the wound can't heal into the glue?

>> No.17291328

Have you never seen a tree's root growth through concrete? "Hard" doesn't mean "strong".

>> No.17292345


>> No.17292348


>> No.17292356
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>> No.17292381

How the fuck do you even cut yourself like this

>> No.17292400
File: 1.51 MB, 2000x1333, how-to-use-a-mandoline-FT-BLOG1020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17292471

It's not even that bad if your careful, we don't even cause that many injuries.

>> No.17293118

>Real straight men fuck whatever man they find aesthetically appealing unashamedly because they are confident in their sexuality and dont need to project their secret homosexuality to strangers on the internet to overcompensate, like you.

>> No.17293130

Some days I work on one of those for eight hours straight. I have a lot of experience with them and I have never cut myself on one, knock on wood.
They still make me very nervous, though. I will never trust them.

>> No.17293725
