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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17275689 No.17275689 [Reply] [Original]

Are you eating to add minutes to your life?

>> No.17275693

You know if you smoke cigarettes and eat bacon fast enough you can go back in time.

>> No.17275703

>4+ BLTs to equal 1 PB&J
I'ma live forever anons

>> No.17275725

>yes goy, eat more sweets and less meat & eggs, yessss

>> No.17275728
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Full table so you can achieve immortality.

>> No.17275734
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>> No.17275746

is that per seed? i once ate half a pound of sunflower seeds and i felt like i was going to die so that cant be true

>> No.17275750

per serving. you probably added a few weeks to your life congrats

>> No.17275752

>candy +3

>> No.17275757

>eating 48 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches per day to achieve immortality
Godly power

>> No.17275763

That is the dumbest fucking graph I've ever seen. The idea that pbjs extend life more than vegetables is fucking hilarious.

>> No.17275777
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>t. Mighty Moe

>> No.17275783

pretty much

>> No.17275797
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here's your (((peanut butter))) bro

>> No.17275828

What the fuck it works

>> No.17275843

ay man is dem jooz n sheit tryina poison da white man ya feel? dem muhfuggaz poisonin an aryan wigga's peanut butter ya heard? tryina keep our superpowers from comin back

>> No.17275853

Do you need an ambulance?

>> No.17275855

A pb&j every thirty two minutes, for eternity. You're so full, but you know you've fallen behind after you slept in. You need to get these sandwiches down. Every half hour, another sandwich.

>> No.17275862
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>eating candy and cereal is healither for you than a single egg

>> No.17275867

Thats total bullshit and if you belive this you are stupid

>> No.17275873
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I eat bacon every day so I can die faster.

>> No.17275874

I read that 2 tbsp of beans lowers your risk of dying by 8%. So if you eat a little more than 1.5 cups of beans you will become immortal.

>> No.17275875 [DELETED] 

very anti science of you anon. not cool

>> No.17275883

youre not anti science are you anon? this was published in Nature
>Nature publishes the finest peer-reviewed research that drives ground-breaking discovery, and is read by thought-leaders and decision-makers around the world.

>> No.17275886
File: 174 KB, 1080x1080, zq8jnzrrcmeg5uywc7xg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is real non cattle peanut butter

>> No.17275888

wtf bros why are they going after poultry too?

>> No.17275891

>peanut butter, nuts and seeds, and everything likely to contain them like cereals, snack bars, and even fucking candy yield yet positive
>boooo meat
I wander what je- I mean merchant is behind this bullshit.

>> No.17275929

>sugar in peanut butter

Why do they do this shit

>> No.17275933

sugar is the cheapest calorie and it makes you eat more

>> No.17276114

These charts are usually made with "sustainability" as a factor, whatever that means. They aren't really interested in just what's healthiest. One group put out a similar chart where sugary nonfat yogurt was highly rated for health, and unsurprisingly they were receiving funding from a yogurt company.

Your body is really good at telling you what's healthy or not. Learning to listen to your own body is going to be way more useful than someone else telling you what to eat.

>> No.17276185
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talking about this?

>> No.17276196

I don't believe any of this honestly. This seems like the inverse of reality, save for cured stuff.

>> No.17276211
File: 328 KB, 2678x2006, 1628863056721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this one?

>> No.17276213

It was something like that but had chocolate yogurt or something on the list somewhere.

>> No.17276223

I remember seeing this a few years ago but it was definitely labeled as 'hot dogs' and not 'cured meat'

>> No.17276228

Yeah that one. It's hilarious how everyone could see it was obviously biased.

>> No.17276236

man I just had a childhood flashback. thanks, Anon.

>> No.17276343

that's some nice nostalgia, I thought Mighty Moe was badass.

>> No.17276461

Nostalgic memory? It adds...12 minutes!

>> No.17277037


>> No.17277047

>PB&Js are Good for you
>Meat is bad
How anyone still treats nutrition """"science"""" as anything other than quackery is beyond me.

>> No.17277157

If you know anything about dietary science you understand that every single study on diet is bullshit. It's impossible to get people to eat in a planned and documentable way.

>> No.17277163

not to mention that most of these studies rely on surveys filled out by the participants themselves.

>> No.17277187

Isnt a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a sweet bakery product?

>> No.17277192

it's similar, but they probably mean cakes, cookies, etc. by "sweet bakery product"

>> No.17277197
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Yes, lots of them outright rely on participant's memory/reporting of meals they ate a month ago and asking them how they 'feel'. It's a complete joke.

OP's graphs 100% come from these kinds of studies compared against the lifespans of the participants, too bad they don't account at all for things like smoking or obesity or a million other factors, a rich yuppie asshole is more likely to be vegan and get top tier medical care and regular check ups, they live longer than the guy slaving away at Walmart since they were in high school who eats human food and smokes to deal with the stress. Shocking stuff.

>> No.17277263

>3.18 years
What the fuck

>> No.17277273

whats wrong with soup

>> No.17277312

>Eating meat and eggs is bad for you
>Eating candy is good for you
Please tell me no one is retarded enough to believe this shit

>> No.17277321

Why do these fucktards hate butter so much?

>> No.17277353

This but unironically

>> No.17277362

Mr.Brosnan is that you?

>> No.17277670
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>Candy +3
>Sweet bakery products -1
this was obviously funded by big candy

>> No.17277800

>le meat and dairy bad
Don't care fuck off

>> No.17277878

I just got 30 more minutes of random memories after eating a pbj

>> No.17277950

You're a baaaaad boy, aren't you?