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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 233 KB, 1036x975, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17272078 No.17272078 [Reply] [Original]

You do make your own pizza, right anon?

>> No.17272081

I do, sourdough usually and it's fucking great

>> No.17272083

yeah brian lagerstrom has some decent recipes, makes sense as he was a baker and worked in a pizza place

>> No.17272101
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>> No.17272118

That looks good as fuck. Do you have a pizza oven?

>> No.17272121

what’s that tumor looking thing at the top

>> No.17272128
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no just a regular oven and a 9mm thick chunk of steel to cook on

that would be a sausage that probably got squeezed out during cutting but is too hot to just pick up and eat

>> No.17272459
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Yes but I’m wondering about buying a pizza stone
Is it really worth it?

>> No.17272825

You will save money in the long term

>> No.17272835

Sometimes. There are some good pizza places near here. Sometimes I'd rather pay the extra $5-10 and have someone else make it.

>> No.17272854

I've made several in the past but I've never been happy with the bread (usually it's a bit too chewy and more like bread than what I'd call pizza) and whenever I've asked for recipes I've been linked to that extremely complicated form that asks you to fill in all sorts of details about hydration and ratios and stuff. Can someone post a good, simple recipe? These all look totally acceptable and better than what I usually end up with so any of them would be great:


>> No.17272863

Is that a robo coupe processor? Holy shit those are nice. Are you a pro chef? That pizza looks great

>> No.17272927
File: 170 KB, 810x810, 2B231F8C-DB22-4C99-A1D0-10B7AB75B7B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make the dough for one pizza, it gets a brief ferment on the counter, and then shaped

dough is:
>6.4 oz bread flour
>1/4 t kosher salt
>1/4 t yeast
>1/2 t table sugar
mix with fork
>4oz warm water
>1/2 oz olive oil
add to dry ingredients at once, mix well, knead briefly, adding more flour if necessary
dough should be tacky but not sticky, soft & springy

shape into a disc, wrap with plastic
heat the oven to as hot as you can get it (450-500) with a stone or steel on a low shelf
when oven is hot, roll out the dough (roll, not toss) if you start with a nice round disc that you shaped earlier it’s easy to roll out a good round pizza

rolled pizza should be an inch or 2 larger than how you want it to turn out
dust a peel with semolina flour and transfer the dough to the center, the dough should shrink a little bit and now is a good time to get your circle perfect, working with your finger tips
dock well with fork, spread sauce evenly and thinly to within 1/2cm of edge
apply other toppings, but too many and you’d pizza won’t cook well…or at all

wiggle the peel to ensure nothing is sticking
add cheese, toppings should be within 1cm of the edge
know your cheese, know how it melts (or breaks) it’s best to start of with minimal toppings and push limits only when you know what your oven and ingredients are capable of

slide pizza onto the stone and cook for roughly 7-13 minutes, rotating occasionally

>> No.17272935

God. Damn. Do you have a dough recipe you can share?

>> No.17272949

Lol fuck no I’m not a faggot who does faggot shit like that.
>inb4 angry faggots
Not gay, don’t care. Suck my dick. No homo.

>> No.17273280

What an interesting way to come out of the closet. I'm glad you're not a fire hazard anymore. Godspeed, Liberace! Godspeed!

>> No.17273286
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Why yes, yes I do.

>> No.17273288

my recipe for dough is one post above yours

it's possible to really complicate pizza dough...slow fermenting/retarding in the refrigerator, large batches that need to get portioned out, sourdough, soakers, poolish, how to freeze and reawaken dough
a lot of that gets into alton brown level autism

after some trial and error, I developed that crust using ideas from several recipes I had
and acknowledging that nobody really plans too hard for pizza...if i'm coming home and i wanna make pizza for dinner, i can be sitting down to eat in under an hour and a half without doing anything the morning of or the day before

some people will say don't use hard flour, then you don't need to add oil
if you let it retard for 3 days in the refrigerator, it will taste better
you don't need to add sugar
too much yeast, not enough salt
but in reality it's actually slightly better than just adequate the way it is, i'll stand behind that stupid recipe

previous photo was a 100% rye crust I made with the same recipe for fun
it was a cocksucker to shape and roll out but it was very delicious and had dense crackery texture

>> No.17273341

I've tried multiple times over the last decade but can never get the crust done well. I just want a Domino's-like crust bros.

>> No.17273357

Okay faggot

>> No.17273366

I do. I'll usually whip up 2 large-ish or 3-4 smalls with...
>about 2 tbsps yeast bloomed in
>1 cup of water
>3 cups of bread flour, plus a pinch for blooming the yeast
>a tablespoon or so of salt
>about 1/4 cup of olive oil, half of which goes into the dough, and half of which coats it for it's evening on the counter and day in the pans in the fridge... with
>a smashed clove of garlic and some oregano

My sauce is mostly stewed tomato (or canned if I'm out) with a fresh roma or two, a whack of garlic, oregano, basil, a bit of rosemary/thyme/bay or a full on bouquet garni, and usually an anchovy or six. Brought to a boil, then simmered for half an hour or so, and blended (minus the bay and/or bouquet).

I top it with whatever - ideally some decent mozzarella, a bit of parm/asiago/gp, maybe some ham, red onion, a thinly slivered habanero, and some capers. I usually go with spinach or kale over arugula if I put greens on there, but I've put sliced strawberries on before.

My nonna spins in her grave. I've hooked her casket up with magnets and coils of wire.

>> No.17273535

Cheers senpai, I'll give this a go tomorrow, how long do you usually leave it to rise after you wrap it though?

>> No.17273541

very undercooked

>> No.17273543

Dominos crust sucks so much tho

>> No.17273581

Can't find a good tomato sauce, or even good tomatoes in general to make sauce, for the pizza. So, no, I do not make my own.

>> No.17273593

I don’t make my own pizza. I don’t fucking fry my own chicken, bake my own bread or make my own burgers.
Someone else does it better and cheaper than me.

>> No.17273646

some other guy mentioned steel. that works better. if you have a cast iron that also works great, just get it hot af, assemble your pizza in it and finish in the oven as hot as possible.

>> No.17273656


you really need to work that dough man and let it ferment overnight if possible. if you have a stand mixer that is ideal, work the dough until it is smooth. if it feels tight or dry, add water. you want it to have more hyrdation. It's ideal to mix dough until smooth, let it rise for an hour, punch it down, roll into tight dough balls, let those ferment in fridge overnight, then use.

>> No.17273663

Stick some onions in a food processor, then fry them up with some salt. Crush some garlic, and add that in, then get some tinned tomatoes and stick them in the processor too, then add them to the pan. Add in oregano, thyme, basil, parsley, sage, and pepper. Add some red wine, balsamic vinegar, and a bit of sugar. Simmer for a couple of hours and reduce.

>> No.17273676

good looking pizza anon, pizza posted here are disgusting most of the time
that's what I was talking about

>> No.17273707

this sounds good but i like a brighter sauce. over reduced sauce can taste kind of cloying and thick with pizza. Get some really good imported tomatoes (san marzano are available in a lot of places), finely grate a clove or two of garlic, add a lot high quality (NOT PRESHREDDED) parm, salt and pepper and you're good.

>> No.17273757

Thank you for the tip. Still, it's been years since I've had tomatoes that actually taste great by themselves. And that's a big part of the flavor that'll be missing.
At some point I'll try something along the lines of what you said.

>> No.17273864

for me, as long as the oven takes to get hot
maybe a little longer in the winter when the air is cool
I have overfermented before and gotten poor oven spring & flat unleavened crust if the yeast gets too excited before you get around to shaping & baking

as someone else points out below, there are ways of making a tastier crust, but the formula I gave is a good last-minute stand in and is fun & delicious to practice

if you’re really into bread, you can get psycho with extremely good crust formulas and slow rises
pizza is the sun if its parts, don’t overlook any of them

and for me, I usually smear in caramelized onions instead of tomato sauce

>> No.17274136

>Lazy, budget pizza
Self-rising flour
Olive oil
A carton of tomato sauce
A bag of shredded mozzarella cheese
A container of grated parmesan
A bag of sliced pepperoni meat
A can of sliced black olives
A can of pineapple chunks
Bacon (prepped)
>The work
2 cups of self-rising flour
(optional) {
1 cup of grated parmesan cheese
combine the two in the bowl before adding
1/3 cup of olive oil
2/3 cup of warm water
mix thoroughly with a fork, and cover for 30 minutes.
After half an hour, set the oven to 425°F(218°C) before moulding the dough to your pan of choice, and applying your preferred toppings.
After the oven has been preheated, pop it in for 21 minutes, or until the edges are golden-brown.

>> No.17274402

>bagged/prepped everything
>literally called "Pepperoni meat"
This is about where I draw the line between making and just ordering a pizza. It's going to cost about the same.

>> No.17274423

quit making excuses you lazy pos

>> No.17274450

>bagged, pre-shredded, pre-sliced everything... self-rising flour
Yes, I'm the lazy one.

Why do I get the feeling that the pineapple is the keystone to the troll and the rest is just a red herring?

>> No.17274557

>self rising flour

oh no no no no

>> No.17274602

After a lot of experimentation I think I have the ideal recipe for making pizza in a normal oven. First of all make sure you buy a pizza steel (or a carbon steel plate right from a mill that fits your oven, soak it in vinegar overnight and wa la), just make sure it's at least 6mm thick. Dough can be anything between 60-70% hydration, I normally do 66% but its up to you. So for me 2 12" pizzas is 400g bread flour 265g water, tsp of yeast, salt and sugar and a tablespoon of olive oil mixed in a bowl, then covered and left for 3 days in the fridge to cold ferment, which is how you get dough that actually tastes better than the toppings. Then when you're ready you flour and ball the dough and let it warm up on the countertop, preheat the oven on max for 1 hour, then stretch your za and put it on the steel, usually bakes in 6-7 minutes and tastes better than most restaurant pizzas.

>> No.17274631

not even remotely the same writing style brainlet

>> No.17274855

At no point did I state that you wrote "Lazy, Budget Pizza."

>> No.17274867


>> No.17275731

topping edges look a little burned but still very nice

>> No.17276781

got a rise out of ya

>> No.17277572
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>mfw some people on this board actually know how to cook

>> No.17277581

pizza is one of those meals you can make from scratch with relative ease. give it a try some time my friend

>> No.17277627

>american lardasses think this blob of cheese looks good

>> No.17278912

I'm serious about the pineapple.

>> No.17278940
File: 290 KB, 474x393, 1628052242714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you do paint your nails, right anon?

>> No.17278970

Posting the only relevant information ITT:
For pizza dough you need flour with a high gluten content. All purpose flour does not work.

This is all you need to know.
Everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.17279558

Yes me and the kids make pizza once a week

>> No.17279651

Stop being an autistic. This is a good sauce

>> No.17279663
File: 876 KB, 1066x527, Screenshot_2022-01-15-21-48-34-568_com.miui.gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.17279666
File: 488 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2022-01-15-22-13-34-629_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17279668

Forgot the pic for this too

I didn't think this weed was working, but I'm forgetting pics and i can't aim for shit on cod

Forgot to paste this lmao

>> No.17279689

If you served me OP's pic as pizza I would be beyond pissed of. It better be good (highly doubt it) or else I'm fucking mad as fuck.

>> No.17279789

comfy as fuck
a little messy though remember to clean as you go, anon

>> No.17279793

Yes we're getting better, that was before Christmas, tonight's was smooth af. Had everything prepped ahead of time

>> No.17280544
File: 3.67 MB, 4168x4624, Last4Days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first 4 pizzas in a cast iron. The ones with the thick crust are stuffed crust

>> No.17280603
File: 2.78 MB, 2526x1630, benissimo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes usually when alone, if I'm around people I will rather order them, it's less time consuming when I want to talk rather to real people than to oven mittens... I use only metric design so my pizza doesn't fold itself into oven floor.
my picture quality would had exceed the limit & I'm too lazy to manually cut half of my folder before posting.

>> No.17280823
File: 2.26 MB, 1249x937, 1630819550920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a new cast iron pan, and it's my first attempt with it. Wish I could get the crust a little darker... Kind of pale.

>> No.17280831
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 1615730564915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how it comes out on my regular 10 inch cast iron. Totally different type of pizza in terms of taste and texture.

>> No.17280856
File: 123 KB, 927x695, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based cast iron pizza bros

>> No.17280863

am reading this shit in disbelief