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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 1814x1021, $450 white boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17269388 No.17269388 [Reply] [Original]

Outside of wine, Japanese wagyu beef is one of the biggest scams perpetuated by the food industry out there. What are some other scams by the food industry?

>> No.17269397

>t. has never had actual japanese wagyu, or if he did he paid restaurant meme pricing

You can buy it yourself and cook it yourself and it's hardly even that much more than USDA prime or similar high quality beef.

>> No.17269407

You sound poor and mad.

>> No.17269410

If youve never tasted wagyu than your flyover redneck ass should shut the fuck up. I used to work in a japanese yaki niku bbq restaurant that only served wagyu and kobe beef. Comparing that to whatever generic supermarket shit youre eating is like comparing pre shredded cheese to fresh mozzarella made straight from the buffalo. Dont talk about shit you dont have any clue about faggot

>> No.17269412 [DELETED] 

>Oh ho ching chong ping pong honorubu beffu-sama has been folded over 1,000,000 times for maximum marubling.

>> No.17269427

>being this much of a poor incel

>> No.17269434
File: 56 KB, 600x800, 1613092809400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can buy it yourself and cook it yourself and it's hardly even that much more than USDA prime or similar high quality beef.

>> No.17269439

Wagyu cows objectify have more marbling because of their genetics, even the image in the OP demonstrates this.

Whether or not Wagyu is worth it? Debatable. Definitely way better than regular beef in my opinion but not so much where I'd go out of my way to buy expensive cuts of it on the regular. Anyone who grinds it into burgers is a fucking retard though.

>> No.17269442


>> No.17269454

Why do poors get so mad at expensive things?

>> No.17269472

The problem isn't wagyu "being a scam", it's that most chef interpret it in the most retarded manners. I see Wagyu Burgers all the fucking time. What the fuck is wrong with the guy who came up with this? It's fatty meat, don't make a burger out of it, wtf?. You don't serve filet mignon in a fucking burger, do you?

>> No.17269483

You have to remember the people who do that are just doing it for social media. Unfortunately people who don't know better buy into the meme.

>> No.17269491

actually it's the opposite, rich people are rich because they're cheap and point out when things cost too much. poors just buy whatever and don't give a shit.

>> No.17269492

high-end olive oil / balsamic
high-end honey
high-end tea

>> No.17269497

ah, so its not about the meat, its about the feeling you get from eating something "exclusive"

>> No.17269501

A 1 lb wagyu steak is around $100-200, even if it is only a TINY bit better than a regular steak there are people who would pay $100-200 to try it. If you can’t afford it fine, but that doesn’t make it a “meme” and you could have picked any number of useless extravagent things to whine about like edible gold

>> No.17269531

I don't understand the appeal of something with so much fat

>> No.17269537

Look in a mirror.

>> No.17269548

…..so you’re saying he’s appealing?

>> No.17269551

Probably because you've never had it.
It's not really directly comparable to normal steak fat.

Yeah, you can get a 1lbs A5 Wagyu NY strip for ~$100-160 pretty easily. Though A5 Kobe NY strip will set you back ~3x that price, around $350-400.

>> No.17269555

Epic midwit post, friend. You can definitely eat and buy your way into a lower tax bracket, but you will never be rich by penny pinching. I would wager that most rich people do it because they never have to fear opportunity cost when dealing on the small scale of bartering, whereas wagies who lack time are at a serious disadvantage and will be more likely to pay a little too much for something or let something go for less than it's worth if it's been a hard sell. Rich people can hold onto shit forever and not care, so they'll obviously only buy low and sell high out of pure allowance. You're not going to become rich by being on "extreme cheapskates" on a $50k salary unless you're good enough at investing, and that's a really rare case.

>> No.17269568

gluten free anything

>> No.17269624
File: 36 KB, 441x390, 261423837_1146810735725231_5382028244861186838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do weebs get so angry when you challenge their delusions?

>> No.17269649
File: 567 KB, 1600x900, cover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If youve never tasted wagyu than your flyover redneck ass should shut the fuck up. I used to work in a japanese yaki niku bbq restaurant that only served wagyu and kobe beef. Comparing that to whatever generic supermarket shit youre eating is like comparing pre shredded cheese to fresh mozzarella made straight from the buffalo. Dont talk about shit you dont have any clue about faggot

>> No.17269658

If you want to get angry at weeaboos then just point to super expensive ramen joints. A very limited and controlled quantity of cows that have genetic qualities that make its beef unique from other cattle is not one of them.

>> No.17269662

"it's japanese so it's good!"

>> No.17269665

>Taking a Japanese thing off a pedestal
You're a retard.

>> No.17269675

OP why do you think that Wagyu is a scam specifically? Are you not a fan of how it tastes, do you just not think it's worth the money?

>> No.17269688

same reason I think alcohol, coffee, and olives are scams. Because sex-havers seem to enjoy it while I find it all repugnant

>> No.17269723

king mindset

>> No.17269729

Craft beer, complete scam I just drink Budweiser because it tastes better and costs 1/10 as much

>> No.17269739

Have some fucking respect, faggot. Ken-sama died in the tsunami.

>> No.17269749

Craft Beer are very nice but the real issue is that breweries found out that "Hops = sales" so they keep making overly bitter hoppy beers that taste like grassclippings.

>> No.17269752

Based but not OP.

>> No.17269762

>straight from the Buffalo
Thanks for reminding me that after a drunk rewatch of a South Park episode where the Native Americans buy the town, I started talking to my gf with a Native American accent and ended every sentence with 'like the buffalo' or 'like the eagle' and after 3 weeks she left me kek

>> No.17269772

Vruh, filtered rice syrup 'beer' is not beer. Maybe you just don't like beer.

>> No.17269801

some of them are ok but none of them are worth paying that much for a beer
nah just admit you like paying more for shit for no reason

>> No.17269818

You're stupid as fuck, anon. I make my own beer for less than your rice slop and it's not even close. You do not like beer; you like your corporate metallic affectation. Are you Japanese, by any chance?

>> No.17269836 [DELETED] 
File: 694 KB, 294x360, eb07dc543ff321bb1656c7ccf6da6555c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>being this much of a poor incel
>You sound poor and mad.
>>t. has never had actual japanese wagyu, or if he did he paid restaurant meme pricing
>You can buy it yourself and cook it yourself and it's hardly even that much more than USDA prime or similar high quality beef.
>If youve never tasted wagyu than your flyover redneck ass should shut the fuck up. I used to work in a japanese yaki niku bbq restaurant that only served wagyu and kobe beef. Comparing that to whatever generic supermarket shit youre eating is like comparing pre shredded cheese to fresh mozzarella made straight from the buffalo. Dont talk about shit you dont have any clue about faggot
>Why do poors get so mad at expensive things?
>A 1 lb wagyu steak is around $100-200, even if it is only a TINY bit better than a regular steak there are people who would pay $100-200 to try it. If you can’t afford it fine, but that doesn’t make it a “meme” and you could have picked any number of useless extravagent things to whine about like edible gold
>Epic midwit post, friend.

>> No.17269845
File: 1.38 MB, 1218x927, 18235123112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken-sama made it bro, just like we're all gonna make it

>> No.17269847

>ken got himself a yellow cab
good for him

>> No.17269848

That makes sense
I'm a skelly

>> No.17269857

That's not Ken-sama.

>> No.17269863

I am not japanese and idk how to comment on beer you make your self because i've never tried it. I'm also not sure why you're so mad about me not liking overpriced beer from the grocery store and preferring a cheaper alternative

>> No.17269870

Poor people don't get mad at rich things, rich people get mad when everyone else rightly points out the shit they waste money on isn't that much better or worth the price.
If I could choose between having *perfectly cooked* McDonald's fries, hot and greasy and salty and fresh out the fryer, or a good steak at some fancy restaurant, I'd choose the fries.

>> No.17269873

Yes it is you disinfo shit. Doomers fear and hate the based bloomer

>> No.17269911

It literally isn't, the dude in the right pick is younger than the dude in the left despite them being 11 years apart.

Also, he's fucking shorter by several inches.

>> No.17269939
File: 155 KB, 620x389, jungle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get wagyu steaks that jungle jims imports for about 40$ a lb they have ruined regular steak for me on usda steaks you can see the feed lot fat

>> No.17269946

I would discard your opinion right here if I weren't feeling generous. Remember that.
Anyway, your conjecture is shit. Look how much clearer his face is, and look at the facial hair. It's MORE than plausible that Ken was around 20 in the first pic and approaching 35 in the second.
>also, he's fucking shorter
How the actual fuck do you think you can tell this, retard?

>> No.17269954

its far less than that it goes for around 40$ a lb

>> No.17269958

>How the actual fuck do you think you can tell this
Cause the motherfucker on the left is a good 5'10-6'

The motherfucker on the right is maybe 5'8 at best.

>> No.17269965

$40lbs wholesale for a primal cut maybe.

You're not getting legit A5 cut into nice steaks for $40/lbs though

$40/lbs is American wagyu or A4 Wagyu at best.

>> No.17269969

Mc Donald's fries haven't been good since they removed the beef tallow from the frying process

>> No.17269978

people in japan are short and architecture is made for them

>> No.17269982

Begone foul ESL. Seethe more that your precious asian women flock to the whitu man

>> No.17269983
File: 26 KB, 600x338, gator-fillet-1568315617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its A5 I get it from jungle jims they import it from japan they have all kinds of meats yesterday I got some python fillets I need to cook

>> No.17269984

Wojakposting and greentexting is not an argument, faggot

>> No.17269987

How could you possibly glean the height of this guy without any height references? There is literally nothing we can compare his height to in the "picks".

>> No.17269992

>Poor people don't get mad at rich things
fucking kek.
i have some fuckwit at work that makes shitty comments about a monthly payment i have on a powersports toy.

some dude i dont even know out of work is literally fucking seething that i bought a toy, and acts concerned about my finances and shit. its an auto payment from my account unless i want to throw a few more grand at it at once to save on interest, but other than that i myself have zero concern over and almost no thought about the payment, just how much i enjoy my new hobby.

poor people absolutely get mad at rich things.

>> No.17270002

I'm whiter than you, my autocorrect just doesn't like "pic" because it's not a real world.

Then go ahead and post it, everything I'm seeing online says Jungle Jims has Wagyu, but it's all American wagyu (and yeah, it's $30-40 per lbs)

unless that Japanese girl is extraordinarily tall for a Japanese woman, they're two different people.

The hair color and facial hair growth is also coming in entirely differently, keep pretending they're the same person if you want, but you just look retarded. Not to mention their faces aren't even all that similar looking, the only thing similar about them is they're both wearing traditional clothing and have their hair tied back.

>> No.17270005

Not that anon, but silly take.
If you make fun of someone with expensive shit, they don’t get mad. You don’t burst their bubble. They don’t go home and lock their door and turn off their phone and sob, thinking “damn.. sure I’m rich, but that anon has a wealth I will never have”.

>> No.17270008

out of touch

>> No.17270013

Or--just a thought--Ken isn't very tall?

>> No.17270014

>I'm whiter than you
Also "world"
Tiptop kek

Post eyes. I will if you will, I would be happy to flex my aryan bright blue eyes on you

>> No.17270020
File: 56 KB, 517x768, 1623119592973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leddit spacing

>> No.17270033

Welcome, newfriend :)

>> No.17270052

Or just a thought, the CD tower next to him provides a pretty good way to see how tall he is.

If you could find literally ANY evidence they're the same person i'd live stream my own suicide.

>> No.17270056

Yeah, you definitely calculated his height based on the CDs, right? In fact, I'm gonna do that right now for you.

>> No.17270060

based autist BTFO the bugman

>> No.17270075

Please do, i've seen that comparison picture posted multiple times and every single time I've posted saying it's pretty obviously not him, and every single time some retard tries to bluster and blunder saying it is despite all evidence to the contrary.

>> No.17270087
File: 196 KB, 550x550, Our Lady Of Infinite Contempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17270105

I haven't same fagged at all in this thread

>> No.17270112

Ok, so I'm going to be generous and assume each CD is 4.5 px tall in the image. Ken is standing at 700 px tall, again being generous. A jewel case is 10.4 mm thick.
Ken is around 5'4".

>> No.17270128
File: 2.22 MB, 1962x1206, 1641359106983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay insectoid

>> No.17270129

lmfao, if you honestly think that man is 5'4" you're an actual fucking retard

>> No.17270141

I bought a snake river farms wagyu new york and it was one of the best steaks I've ever had.

>> No.17270143

I mean he did reproducible math. What did you do ricecel besides seethe?

>> No.17270152

There is ZERO evidence that he's taller. Look at the curtains in the pic; you can't see the top of them. Given their design, they look like they're for a sliding door to a patio or backyard. USA standard for sliding doors is 80 inches in height with up to a 4 inch lift from the ground floor. If he were anywhere near 6 feet tall, you would see the top of the curtains.
That looks like a big TV. The largest typical size for that chassis style of CRT is 27 inches, which is 16.2" tall viewable. I'll let you take pixel measurements and work that out, but I don't think you'll like the answer.

>> No.17270157

The CD rack? The one that towers over him and would be impractical for him to use, but is definitely designed for the average height human? That CD rack?

>> No.17270165
File: 321 KB, 860x1054, formal pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some more analysis, the TV next to him is 32 inches tall because I looked it up. Two tvs stack up to his shoulder height so he's about 72 inches tall. Idk how to calculate the other pic since he's standing next to a foid and those can be varying height but he has a different hair color, eye color, jawline, hand size and nose in the two different pictures so i'm going to say that its two different people that look kind of similar.

>> No.17270170

the CD binder on the floor next to him is a standard 2x2 CD binder which are usually about 12"x12"

You can stack at LEAST 5 and half, if not fully 6 of them and it would be about his height, making 5'4" a fucking laughable estimate.

He's fucking 6 foot, or as close to it as to not really matter for this argument, again if you think he's 5'4" you're a retard.

>> No.17270172

the cd rack is that tall because he put it on top of the speaker

>> No.17270179
File: 95 KB, 667x415, 1617072300238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larp. This series of TV has identical frames throughout the whole size series. Its literally impossible to tell the size without more info.

It's almost like losing a ton of weight can change your facial features significantly. Waste of a pepe.

>> No.17270180

Bro, even the biggest consumer CRTs weren't 32 inches tall. The 36" WEGA was 30 flat and that thing is a fucking beast. I guarantee this is no bigger than 27 diagonal, or 16.2 in viewable height since we don't know the actual model's case dimensions.

>> No.17270186

I didn't realize losing weight changed your eye color, hand size and the shape of your nose
fine go find all that if you want to disprove the calculations

>> No.17270194

Oh hey it's leddit spacer. Still waiting on you to post eyes "white" guy

>> No.17270195

unless he's dying his mustache and beard, it's a moot argument, they're clearly different people.
Not really sure why this is even a question, the fact people even think they look THAT similar is baffling.

>> No.17270199

If we assume the TV is a 32" Toshiba with a 19.2" viewable height, the calculations are as follows:
Ken is 5'4 absolute max.

>> No.17270205
File: 2.03 MB, 2208x2944, 1627637339443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga i'm not posting my eyes for a nazi to tell me i'm not ACTUALLY white even though I'm pale and pasty as fuck just because I have brown eyes instead of blue eyes like a "good" aryan.

If you just want something to jerk off to tho, here you go.

>> No.17270211

the left's nasal ridge is definitely more concaved

>> No.17270215

I see the fucking brown eyes behind that dyed hair, you larping mexican

>> No.17270220

>brow ridge is entirely different
>big toe looks different (left is pointed up high at the tip, right is flatter)
>different hair color
>different beard shape (left has the beard/mustache with clearly defined growth joining them, right has gaps between his mustache and beard)
>different looking hand shape
>eyes are a different shape
>jawline totally different

>> No.17270230

lmao, mexican?

I'm a UK citizen living in the US, all of my family is from the UK and has been since the 1400s (earliest family records we know of).

I can basically 100% guarantee there is no Mexican heritage here.

Also, i literally told you my eyes were brown read the post you dumb nigger faggot.

>> No.17270231

Crazy, too bad he didn't lose weight and hit the age where he might want to cover up grey hair, or you might get laughed at for not taking that into account. Haha

>> No.17270233

the main point of the post I made is that the two have different features. Unless he died his hair and beard, bought colored contacts, got plastic surgery done on his nose and jaw and somehow changed the size of his hands to be smaller. The guy on the right just looks like ken. I'm starting to think you're ken and just enjoy the positive attention.

>> No.17270238

>brown eyes reddit spacing
Into the dumpster you go

>> No.17270241

>he changed the size of his hands by dying his hair

>> No.17270243

Except his skin complexion is somehow way better a decade later?
Come on bud, you're reaching and it's obvious.
Also, dying his facial hair, eyebrows, and hair on his head to the extent it doesn't show at all is expensive, i'd guess the dude in the right picture is at most 25-30 years old, whereas ken in the left is already pushing 30-35 in 2009, let alone in 2020.

>> No.17270246

>i'm a dumb nigger that can't read
wow i'm shocked

>> No.17270247

>Except his skin complexion is somehow way better a decade later?
He lost weight, you silly little retard.

>> No.17270248

>people can't get healthier in their 30s vs their 20s

>> No.17270249
File: 3.10 MB, 1345x1862, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes pretty good but not worth it at the price point.

>> No.17270255

What didn't I read? Genuinely asking, please tell me. The >nigger stuff feels like projection if I'm being honest.

>> No.17270257

To the extent he changes his entire facial structure, hair color, hand size, eye shape, etc?
Just admit you're wrong jesus christ you dumb cucks KNOW it's not the same person and yet you're still arguing that it is just because you think it's somehow funny.

Just kill yourselves already

>> No.17270262

Is that how he changed the size of his hands, his brow ridge, the shape of his toes, the shape of his nose and the size of his forehead?

>> No.17270265

You're fucking stupid if you don't think someone can change at LEAST that much with 11+ years of aging while losing 150 lbs.

>> No.17270266

>just because I have brown eyes instead of blue eyes

You're acting like I'm hiding the fact i have brown eyes when i literally fucking told you in the post you're replying to.


Nazi's are retards no matter the era, I'm shocked.

>> No.17270269

wow, despite your best efforts your post sounds exceptionally dumb

>> No.17270270

If you wanted to claim they were the OPPOSITE, sure. I'd believe the dude on the right could end up looking like the dude on the left after a decade+ of aging and poor diet.

But you're delusional if you think the dude on the left could ever be the dude on the right without a fuck ton of money and surgery.

>> No.17270273

>shape of his toes
Literally yes, you have no idea the stress your toes see when you're a fat fuck
>shape of his nose
He clearly has fat deposits there in the first picture; same with the forehead
>size of his hands
I don't really see an appreciable difference here, sorry. To me, everything checks out with weight loss and age gain. Look at the matured hairline and face shape, especially the chin.

>> No.17270275

You just walked yourself into a corner, dipshit.
>if I look at it this way, you're actually right

>> No.17270280

lmao no you don't i've gained and lost hundreds of pounds in my life and none of those features changed. Jawline and cheekbones are the only facial features that have any reach change with weight loss. Don't forget that his head is wider in the second picture and his ears are a different shape. Keep coping ken.

>> No.17270281

So your claim now is literally he got plastic surgery

wow, you've convinced me anon, that MUST be ken

>> No.17270285

...are you retarded?

>> No.17270289

What website are you posting on ?

>> No.17270290

are you?

They're clearly different people

>> No.17270291
File: 80 KB, 321x341, shithead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if I call him retarded he'll think i'm smarter than him

>> No.17270299
File: 87 KB, 680x678, a59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here guys, have this mildly entertaining image instead of a detailed response.

>> No.17270303
File: 43 KB, 698x798, you 92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here guys, have this mildly entertaining image instead of a detailed response.

>> No.17270309

How does that imply I didn't read your reply? If anything it DOES suggest I read it, as your picture doesn't show the brown eyes. I couldn't have known without reading the reply.

Pathetic. Nice dry hair bro

>> No.17270333

Nazis is plural, nazi's is to denote ownership. There were many nazis, vs. This was the nazi's car.
Why are you so consistently shit at grammar and spelling anon?

>> No.17270337
File: 2.13 MB, 2208x2944, 1611055526934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all-natural, i've had white hair since I was 17-18 and I'm almost 30 now. Just keeps coming in, used to be just the very front but it's spreading a bit more lately.

Also I've got a white patch of chest hair and a few white nipple hairs

>> No.17270344

Please stop posting pictures of yourself

>> No.17270349

Why? Not like you can see anything of my face, and further you'd never believe it wasn't dyed otherwise.

>> No.17270350

Well I guess we've conclusively refuted the >"I'm whiter than you" claim

>> No.17270356

you look disgusting

>> No.17270357

Not really, blue eyes doesn't = most white, it's just the 3rd Reich's idea of an "ideal" race.

That doesn't actually mean it's any whiter.

>> No.17270359

>that greasy grey hair
>those rectangle incel glasses
>those brown eyes
>that high hairline

Holy dysgenics batman

>> No.17270363

meanwhile you lovely perfect white specimens wont even prove how superior you are.


>> No.17270364

not to mention the ungroomed eyebrows

>> No.17270371
File: 638 KB, 1000x999, 86a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I regularly eat wagyu and edible gold and I see this thread

>> No.17270375
File: 35 KB, 474x630, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normal almonds are just as good

>> No.17270377
File: 919 KB, 2123x1815, 1640380112301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you wanna see ungroomed you should've seen me last year

>> No.17270383

Why do coastal Americans seethe so much about Middle Americans?

>> No.17270385

based humiliation fetishist

>> No.17270389

Coasties are the europeans of america.

>> No.17270390

Because middle america pretends to have relevant opinions about things they've never experienced and pretend somehow their opinion is not only relevant, but superior to the opinions of people who HAVE had those experiences.

>> No.17270400
File: 1.71 MB, 2305x747, brutaleyemogging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm whiter than you
laughs in aryan genes

>> No.17270414
File: 74 KB, 990x689, 1618215643500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks blue eyes = whiter

>> No.17270415

>can't afford the finer things in life and calls them soy

>> No.17270429

All else being equal, it objectively is.

>> No.17270430

That's clearly photoshop. Look how there are some red pixels in his eyelashes. Just color shifted and saturated to shit. Nobody has eyes that look like that.

>> No.17270447
File: 286 KB, 2048x1366, 1615493320659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17270463 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 238x254, 15730689362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this random nigger who's so rare they wrote articles about him means I'm as white as you with my brown eyes

>> No.17270474

>that's clearly photoshop

>> No.17270477

Not me who said that chang

>> No.17270480

Ok, sure, he has blue eyes. But that's not my point. The point is that the first picture is clearly photoshopped which I stand by. I am not some retard that is going to argue with you about how white having blue eyes makes you because I honestly don't give a shit. My point, in its entirety, is that the first picture was photoshopped, which it clearly is. Maybe they are blue in reality, but they were clearly retouched to look more blue.

>> No.17270483

see >>17270474

>> No.17270486
File: 345 KB, 900x900, 1545433379785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real meme in the food industry is Gold Leaf. Absolutely no value as a food product and it's just a way for nouveau riche retards to act like they finally made it. Your typical lottery winners who are back in the poorhouse by the following year, and second or third worlders trying to front.

Meanwhile you compare them to the actually wealthy; they're either eating rare animals, or they're beyond the point of giving a fuck anymore and eat their steaks well done with ketchup. I've never seen Bill Gates eating gold leaf, and he could probably buy the children of everyone who has eaten it and sell them back with additional spyware installed.

>> No.17270500

Post country. You better not be some Mr Great-Grandpappy-Fucked-His-Slave American.

>> No.17270529

Cope with what? Having blue eyes? I do actually, thanks.

>> No.17270539

I'm a leaf, for better or for worse. Did a genetic lookup service and it's all a mix of welsh and germanic/nordic genes (again for better or for worse).

>> No.17270541

>bill gates
>not nouveau riche
I don't think you understand what that term means

>> No.17270546

>OP is a seething tastelet: the post
Stop drinking soda and lose 100lbs before opining on food, you fat retard.

>> No.17270550
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This whole threads

>> No.17270556

>High quality
Choose one, and only one.

>> No.17270564

tupelo honey fucking slaps nigga what are you on about

>> No.17270573

Middle Americans take pride in being dumb and naive. They think trying new things (like seasoning your food) is for "faggy coastal types". They're content being boring, ignorant, and regressive.

>> No.17270574
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>> No.17270588
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USDA prime is decent

>> No.17270600

Oh, I understand the new money old money aspect, Bill Gates is not the landed gentry, but the nouveau riche were especially defined by their tastelessness. And nothing screams tasteless like gold leaf.

A better example, I doubt the Rothschilds would be so vulgar as to have their orphan meat painted with gold like some tacky Persian.
People who eat gold leaf are the same people who have the badges of their cars replaced with gold ones. Or, rather, fake gold ones.

>> No.17270614

Gold leaf is good for your immune system and looks pretty on the plate. It doesn't taste like anything, but it doesn't need to because the assumption is that if you are eating gold leaf you have a few cents to blow on the luxury of eating pretty food. Look up gold leaf on any shopping website. It's super cheap actually, and the idea that it would cost more than a penny or two to put a little gold leaf on your food as a garnish is just the delusion of a coping lame-ass virgin. Get laid.

>> No.17270633

Gold leaf doesn't look pretty, and I must assume you're a coping Persian. Only Persoids are tasteless enough to need gold-plated everything.

>> No.17270648

Wait until you find out about rococo, it's going to blow your mind

>> No.17270649

So what's the point? If it's so cheap and adds nothing to dishes why do it in the first place. Imagine if you go to someone's house and are served a dish covered in gold leaf. As the culinary expert you come off as you know it's nothing, but garnish that adds nothing to a dish other than to look pretty and distract you from the meal.

>> No.17270682

I am not persian lol. I agree that persians are tacky. I disagree that when expert chefs use gold leaf to enhance the beauty of their plating arrangement it is tacky. It's only tacky if a pleb does it on top of shitty food.

It doesn't add nothing. It can add beauty and it adds immune support. Also, nobody I know adds gold leaf on home cooking. If you are getting gold leaf on your food outside of a michelin star restaurant or directly from a really highly trained chef that has worked in michelin star restaurants, then it probably is just tacky. But if someone really knows what they are doing, gold leaf can just be that extra final touch that really makes the plating feel more luxurious than it already is. Emphasis on ALREADY. If the dish isn't luxurious to start with, gold leaf isn't going to do anything but make the dish pretentious.

>> No.17270700

Anything. It doesn't add anything.

>> No.17270708

>eat at japanese restaurant
>pay 50 dollars and leave hungry
>eat at chinese restaurant
>pay 15 dollars and leave with two more meals in leftovers

>> No.17270738
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>> No.17270739

Cope. It's literally one of the whitest things you could have because no other race has it outside of one in a million genetic freaks. Everyone's slave has poo brown eyes lmao

>> No.17270748

Yes but having brown eyes is ALSO a white trait, it jts just not a solely white trait, having blue eyes doesn't guarantee you're any whiter than someone with brown eyes.
You could be pure white lineage as far back as recorded human history goes and still have brown eyes, that doesn't make you less white than someone with blue eyes.

>> No.17270761

I can't believe no one has said CORN SYRUP.

It's absolutely massive and forced into EVERYTHING Americans eat causing obesity, and addiction.

>> No.17270878

Brown eyes are not a white trait. They might be european but certainly not white

>> No.17270884

Dude... They don't fold the cows

>> No.17270887


>> No.17270949
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I lol'd

>> No.17271171


>> No.17271457
File: 74 KB, 975x676, IMG_20211116_221050_604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wojakposting and greentexting is not an argument, faggot
>>Poor people don't get mad at rich things
>fucking kek.
>i have some fuckwit at work that makes shitty comments about a monthly payment i have on a powersports toy.
>some dude i dont even know out of work is literally fucking seething that i bought a toy, and acts concerned about my finances and shit. its an auto payment from my account unless i want to throw a few more grand at it at once to save on interest, but other than that i myself have zero concern over and almost no thought about the payment, just how much i enjoy my new hobby.
>poor people absolutely get mad at rich things.
>>just because I have brown eyes instead of blue eyes
>You're acting like I'm hiding the fact i have brown eyes when i literally fucking told you in the post you're replying to.
>Nazi's are retards no matter the era, I'm shocked.
>Because middle america pretends to have relevant opinions about things they've never experienced and pretend somehow their opinion is not only relevant, but superior to the opinions of people who HAVE had those experiences.
>Middle Americans take pride in being dumb and naive. They think trying new things (like seasoning your food) is for "faggy coastal types". They're content being boring, ignorant, and regressive.
>>can't afford the finer things in life and calls them soy

>> No.17271538

you're a blind mother fucker if you can't tell it's a different person. look at his eyes for fuckin christ sake, or start with opening yours.

>> No.17271631

I'd try it if I got the opportunity to do so for not a stupid price. But, I wouldn't go out of my way to have it no matter the price.
I have never been able to justify paying that kind of money for a consumable. I feel bad when I drop 50 bucks on a bottle of whiskey let alone over a hundred for a couple ounces of beef.

>> No.17271648

What is that multicoloured column thing on top of that black box?

>> No.17271667

a CD rack

>> No.17271674

Top thread lads

>> No.17271697

Thin fries like the ones at mcdonalds aren't even good fries.

>> No.17271708

Cope. Post a link to your suicide livestream, faggot.

>> No.17271760

fucking zoomers

>> No.17271782

try reassessing the context of that post

>> No.17271784

this can't be real...

>> No.17271888

Oh shit, is that why my Wagyu always comes out bad?

>> No.17271965

you're literally underage

>> No.17271966

True, it's disgusting.

>> No.17272136

kill yourself you underage piece of shit

>> No.17272494

>Why do poors get so mad at expensive things?

i've seen several professional chefs criticize the price of wagyu. it's just a meme food.

>> No.17272511

Again, no one says it isn't forensics as fuck or overpriced outside of Japan.

But so are a lot of things, no one is telling you to replace 100% of the beef you eat with A5 wagyu. They're just saying it's worth trying it one time as an experience, even if it's pretty expensive.

Just like I don't recommend you buy $2000+ bottles of scotch, but I wouldn't really see a problem with a scotch drinker paying $100-200 to taste a shot or two of that expensive scotch when at a high end restaurant or bar that happens to serve it.

It's well worth it to experience certain things even if you can never afford to regularly have them.

>> No.17272513


>> No.17272561

I agree except the oil and balsamic

>> No.17272606

>t. Calls Bubba burgers quality meat
You can be retarded all you want you're trying to compare two completely different things

>> No.17272677

When you buy it they give you an empty bag.

>> No.17272687

>I wouldn't really see a problem with a scotch drinker paying $100-200 to taste a shot or two of that expensive scotch when at a high end restaurant or bar that happens to serve it.

well I guess you're right. I don't understand that aspect of spending 100 dollars for a shot. Or buying expensive ass liquor.

>> No.17272688

Professional chefs are poor and get mad just like poors do

>> No.17272841

Checked. They can withstand a little bending obviously but once you hit thirty folds it's excessive and going to degrade the quality of your stake. A good rhyme to remember is "25 and below, you're ready to go" and "thirty and one, your steak is fucking done"

>> No.17272855


>> No.17272879

Bananas. Have fun funding the globalists and their banana republics, cavendish cucks

>> No.17273019

>Go to /ck/
>OP is a plebeian

Every time

>> No.17273174
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>honorubu beffu-sama has been folded over 1,000,000 times for maximum marubling.

>> No.17273205

We're all mad poor here, no use in shaming.

>> No.17273217

Caviar is cheap af

>> No.17273241
File: 79 KB, 670x353, wagyu-kobe-katsu-sando-recipe-chowhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wagyu looks really good. I want to try a wagyu sandwich tho. Eating an entire wagyu steak would be too rich.

>> No.17273250
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>> No.17273253
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>> No.17273259


>> No.17273261
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>> No.17273264
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>> No.17273273
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>> No.17273376

Even though Im sure there are a handful of good NA liquors, the market has become absolutely flooded with $40 bottles of watery tea drinks that do not match the flavor profile of booze whatsoever. I wish there was some regulation on this shit because its a neat idea to make cocktails without alcohol because you can focus more on flavor rather than hiding alcohol.

And the NA beer category is actually a great price and product if you dont rely on macro brews. Its just dumb that "mixologists" cant come up with anything besides water, cinnamon, and brown food coloring.

>> No.17273377


>> No.17273483

San Marzano tomatos are the bigggest food meme in the world. Ive even seen mainstrean media talk about them

>> No.17273490

Yeah but a canned tomato is pretty cheap, and san marzanos are objectively good. I agree with you that its still shilling because there are definite alternatives but ive never felt scammed from buying it

>> No.17273499

They're overhyped, but they're hardly a "scam".

>> No.17273629


I actually lived in Japan and used to work in a grill restaurant where you could order wagyu up to $375 so pretty good. I was a proud corn fed American but holy shit the first christmas I spent in Japan while employed by the restaurant, the gift from the restaurant owner/head chef to the staff (there were only like 8 of us - it's not a big operation due to its exclusivity) we all got 200 gram wagyu steak prepared for us with the usual garments and fine wine and whiskey. The drinks were separate, you're not supposed to have alcoholic beverages when you eat wagyu because they might overpower the tender taste of the meat.

The meat was awesome. I come from a family with large bbq heritage in Kansas. That's how I initially got the job, I had extensive experience working in a grill environment using high quality meat. But the kind of wagyu we served in Japan is in another league. Obviously at $300-375 it should be, and it is. It's not meant as an everyday meal, the average customer has it maybe once in their lifetime, we didn't get many recurring customers because most people came in for a top quality steak to make their trip to Japan more memorable. I was there mainly for the American customers, as most of them felt more comfortable spending $375 on a steak when they can ask freely about the meat and its preparation. As many of you know the Japanese don't really speak English well enough to spark much confidence.

While it is considered rude and poncy, we did have a small recurring customerbase consisting of mainly American corporation CEOs/Regional managers and others who make six figures a year. None of them were Japanese of course, but these guys didn't care about the ethics. Too rich to be bothered. Nice people otherwise, had a great time with many of them, but it's just bad manners to frequent a high tier restaurant. In Japan they perceive it as your food being average or regular, not something to savor for a lifetime.

>> No.17274089

>eyes the color of dirty dishwater

You posted as a joke right?


>> No.17274114

You are either objectively retarded or had dyed water instead of actual saffron

>> No.17274118
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>I come from a family with large bbq heritage in Kansas.
Nice try Fumihiro

>> No.17274242


Actually I'm just a shitposter from Finland.

>> No.17274539

>$10.99 for some retarded 6 pack of ipa
>$16.99 for a 30 rack natty

i'm picking natty lights everytime. i dont care if they taste like water. 20 of them will get me hammered and i'll still have a handful to spare before the drive to the store the next morning to get more.

>> No.17275192

absolutely based, about to go get a natty light myself

>> No.17276131

He got married and lost weight

>> No.17276437

10.99 for a 6 pack of 8% real beer

16.99 for a 30 pack of 4.3% "lite beer"

Yeah I love pissing myself and being so full of water I cant eat just to get a buzz

>> No.17276502
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On the point of hair color you must also consider the difference in camera quality, you'd be surprised how different you can look depending on just the quality of the camera lens let alone the entire camera

>> No.17276517

You don't even know what Prime grade is, do you?

>> No.17277608

Are you high blood pressure? Or just on incelrage?

>> No.17277787

you are so fucking cringe
what a social outcast

>> No.17277834


>> No.17277970

>Rubia galega
Patrician beyond belief.

>> No.17278008

Saffron s great, mix a piece into your rice and taste the difference.

>> No.17278015
File: 108 KB, 801x451, Rubia Gallega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google it to learn more
>Instant pics of fags making le soyface over it
Why is this everything now?

>> No.17278061

Huh, after all these years only now I notice Ken-sama's impressive cd tower

>> No.17278069

rent free

>> No.17278085

>See thing
>Mention thing
Are you stupid or something?

>> No.17278141

I’ve never had actual wagyu but I made a ribeye steak last night that was labelled “American Kobe”. It was manager’s special 50% off because it was a bit oxidized. It had the most marbling I’ve ever seen personally in a steak. Seared it in a ripping hot pan and made a little pan sauce afterwards. My favorite part of the meal sadly was the pan sauce. It really wasn’t all that special.

>> No.17278161

Highly doubt. A5 BMS 12 is usually $200/lb and up, I can get it for about $100/lb and I know people. There's not a chance you're getting it for $40 unless it's a friend that is just being nice and gifting it to you. No butcher is gonna import it for that much and take a loss like that unless it's already spoiled.

>> No.17278274

The food and cooking board of a multi-purpose hobby site

>> No.17278313


It's remarkable how much stock deboonkers are putting in the literal side-by-side comparison of things like slight differences in color or face shape when so many factors like lighting, camera color grading, lens type and focus, angles, and more can dramatically influence how something presents in the final image. This is not even to include a decade's worth of weight-loss, hormonal and lifestyle changes that alter hair growth patterns, beard thickness and darkness, and so on.

Even if it wasn't really him, why try to tear down a feel-good image? What do you get out of it? Even if it inspires or brightens the day of a single person, isn't it worth believing a little white lie?

>> No.17278328

I thought it was obvious the guy on the left was in his late 30s and the guy on the right is in his mid-20s, early 30s

>> No.17278344

Because it's clearly not the same person and wanting people to believe your bullshit because it's a "feel good" image is reddit cuck-tier faggotry.

Reality is they're simply two different people wearing traditional clothing, we don't need some wishy washy feel good bullshit fantasy forced upon us.

>> No.17278387
File: 74 KB, 790x552, spanish booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google it to learn more
Hopefully you have learned your lesson and next time use duckduckgo, I got zero soy face.

>> No.17278404

> high-end olive oil
Olive oil in general is a scam and price is not necessarily an indicator for quality. So I agree.
> high-end honey
I agree, but I understand people buying more expensive honey from a local beekeeper.
> high-end tea
There is definitely a difference between cheap tea and more expensive tea. Haven't had extremely expensive high end tea, but I assume there is some sort of diminishing return at some point.

>> No.17278421
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>eating inferior grass fed beef instead of superior grain fed beef

>> No.17278441

triggered poorfag detected

>> No.17278554

Burgers made from wagyu trimmings are pretty fucking legit though, not gonna lie.

>> No.17278695
File: 98 KB, 388x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting people to believe your bullshit because it's a "feel good" image is reddit cuck-tier faggotry

Oh look, it's another eternal newfag who thinks he knows what this website is all about because all his favorite /r/4chan posts growing up showed how epic and racist everyone here is.

>we don't need some wishy washy feel good bullshit fantasy forced upon us.

literally *tips fedora*-tier cringe

>> No.17279207

>t. farmer boy

>> No.17279398

Actual Kobe Wagyu beef is top tier and I luckily got to eat some in Japan a few years ago. The problem is that tons of restaurants false advertise their beef as Kobe wagyu. More often its Wagyu cows but not from Kobe and you can really tell.

>> No.17279415

that isn't the burn you think it is

>> No.17279460

It seems to just be good old fashioned classism. We have the same thing in the UK but the toffs usually have to be a bit more subtle about it. In the USA it seems like classism isn’t taboo in the slightest.

>> No.17279490

I get so confused when Americans talk about race lmao.

>> No.17279511

I can’t say I really care too much about Japanese people sperging out about their own weird ass customs. Oh nooo not repeat business, how will they live.

>> No.17279579

The worst type of meat you can eat.
> Harder to digest
> bad for you stomach
> chewy
> needs special preparation

Pork or chicken is the way to go. If you disagree you're most likely an amerimutt or a mudshit,