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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 500x500, EspressoMaking_adobespark_500x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17257867 No.17257867 [Reply] [Original]

How does /cock/ make its coffee?

>> No.17257872
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Go ahead and try to argue why this isn't the best way to make Joe.

>> No.17257880


Folgers in a french press

>> No.17257890


>> No.17258072

French Press. I'm if an aero press is better or if it's just snobbery.

>> No.17258083

I just chew on some beans.

>> No.17258106

Mmmm aluminum
>becomes an alzheimer like a boss

>> No.17258111

This nigga chewin' beans!

>> No.17258114

Because it makes acidic coffee that tastes burnt.

>> No.17258173
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Lmao tell me you drink oatmilk lattes without telling me

>> No.17258205

>properly cooked coffee tastes dirt
My man, that's what coffee that hasn't been watered down tastes like. You're suppose to be able to taste the bean. Any more "burnt" than that is human error and a direct result of chronic retardation.

>> No.17258243

Lol, stockhold syndrome tier cope. Burnt taste is INHERENT to this brewing method and it has nothing to do with the strength of the coffee. An actual espresso is stronger and doesn't taste burnt.

>> No.17258252

Precisely because I drink black coffee is that I don't use a moka pot.

>> No.17258260

takes too long
pain in the ass to clean

>> No.17258281

moka pot is just a glorified upside down pour over. prove me wrong

>> No.17258284

I drink black coffee

>> No.17258288

Pour over can actually taste good.

>> No.17258323

Just take it off the heat before the fucking superheated steam starts blasting through it holy shit anon. What other basic tasks can you not manage?

>> No.17258335
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Yet you can't seem to use a moka pot without burning it. Can you dress yourselves properly, or do you huff military grade copium to deal with that inability too?

>> No.17258337

pour over is simple and you control everything, also no sediments, smooth/clean
moka pot is overcomplicated and you control nothing, you get sediments, often neither smooth nor clean

>> No.17258338

Forgot to @ this retard. See >>17258335

>> No.17258339

You get a much more concentrated coffee out of it though. If you're drinking it as it comes the texture is completely different and if you're mixing it with milk the drink really benefits from having less water in it.

I have a V60 and a Moka and I use the V60 when im drinking it black in the afternoon but the Moka for milk drinks in the morning or for espresso martinis or anything like that every time.

>> No.17258341

Did you reply to the wrong person? My post has nothing to do with burning coffee

>> No.17258352

Either you're the anon too retarded to use a moka without burning his coffee, or you're the anon whose schizophrenia scares him from cooking with stainless steel, which is possibly even worse.

>> No.17258355

>scares him from cooking with stainless steel, which is possibly even worse.

>> No.17258359

No, that's perfectly fine English. The voices are just distracting you.

>> No.17258463

I'm talking about your piss poor reading comprehension. What was your TOEFL score?

>> No.17258464
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I'm a lazy bitch

>> No.17258473

>filtered by long sentence
Brown hands wrote this.

>> No.17258479

what's the tower of eternal flame got to do with anything?

>> No.17258484

>uhhhhhhh you're afraid of stainless steal
Never post again. You're too stupid to read characters. How do you function from day to day? Do you go to the pasta section at the supermarket and piss your pants when there's no rice there?

>> No.17258485
File: 355 KB, 1440x2560, 9C812034-CFDC-44A6-ABBE-747404DF5A85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i make cold brew

>> No.17258497
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>you dumb. You so dumb you delete internet. You dumb mother fuck
Post forehead. I'm starting smell the curry encrusted in your shitty mustache.
>aluminum isn't stainless steel
I agree. All the more reason to remind you of your retardation for dodging a stainless steel appliance for the, sight yet unseen, aluminum content.

>> No.17258503
File: 93 KB, 767x700, 1596765474301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most moka pots are aluminum. Your le epic /b/ tier images don't make your "comebacks" any less weird

>> No.17258504
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No no all those pockmarks in the aluminum are just seasoning. Its more flavor.

>> No.17258509
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Aeropress Gang
Fuck the french press

>> No.17258511
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>"/b/ is cringe"
>posts loli
What're you talking about? You'd fit right in.

>> No.17258521
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Bought it for the same reasons I shit on people for buying it. Now I can be a hypocrit and have a cup of coffee.

>> No.17258522

I put three heaping spoonfuls of coffee grounds into a coffee maker with almost six cups of water. Once that's ready, I put three splashes of cream into my mug and then pour in the coffee.

>> No.17258526


>> No.17258540

Cheap Cuban-style stuff in a pour-over cone.

>> No.17258778

Jfc turn your heat down nigger

>> No.17258824

Not my pic and that's not how acidity works moron.

>> No.17258840

Not your pic but certainly your shared difficulty to make coffee without killing yourself, get help

>> No.17258894
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>> No.17258911
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I've been doing V60 mostly for a long time but recently bought one of the cloth filter things. It's so good, the coffee texture is so much nicer. It requires a bit more maintenance than V60 with single use paper filters tho.

>> No.17258913

Brainlet reply from a brainlet anon. Keep making me laugh, no balls.

>> No.17258990

The aluminum digs deeper into you with every word.

>> No.17259023
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Anybody who dies of aluminum poisoning is weak. Don't hate me because you have the genetics of a sickly 17th century European orphan.

>> No.17259128

You don't die from it. You just get dumber and dumber and steadily develop Alzheimer's, parkinsons, MS, and other neurological diseases. Moka pots are likely the reason Italy has such a big problem with dementia. You've got what we call mild cognitive impairment.

>> No.17259556

It's just snobbery, I used to be part of this and I bought one. Makes not better coffee than proper french press coffee, and it's more of a hassle with all these weird huge parts and filters and shit. And you're drinking plastic.

>> No.17259608

You're not drinking plastic, it's food and heat safe. I'd consider filters in aeropress a benefit rather than additional hassle. Sure it costs $0.01/cup and you need to restock them once a year but it filters way better than french press.

>> No.17259644

Join us in the other thread. You're 100% drinking xenobiotic chemicals with estrogenic activity. Every single model they've put out from BPA to Tritan to Polypropylene.

>> No.17259801

French press is kino
pretentious consoomery

>> No.17259827
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Show me a safe plastic and I'll show you a plastic we're about to find out is dangerous. The stuff is fine for occasional use but when you start relying on it for every day stuff like brewing your coffee the effects build up. You can't avoid it everywhere, like keyboards, so you avoid it where you can, like dumb-looking not-very-good coffeemakers.
>inb4 wooden keycap

>> No.17259839

French press. Takes up less space and no leeching of aluminum, plastic, etc

>> No.17259849

Oh, and don't wear synthetic fibers or sleep in synthetic sheets. You heard it here first.

>> No.17259856
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>he doesn't have an aluminium keyboard

>> No.17259877
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I'm lazy and I'll admit to it

>> No.17260787

>I'm if an aero press
you okay there?

>> No.17260794

it's a plastic tube that leeches chemicals into the shitty coffee it's capable of producing. fucking kek

>> No.17262083

If anything plastics, receipt paper etc have gotten less safe since the BPA uproar, since all these plasticizers are similarly harmful and BPA polycarbonate is at least more heat resistant than these """safer""" BPA-free plastics.

>> No.17262085

>can't suffer from your shitty life if you can't remember it
>implying I'll live that long

>> No.17262159

only cheap chink shit is made of that. Realu cubans are stainless steel

>> No.17262241

Moka pot with aeropress filters.

>> No.17262256
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i have this thingy i bought for couple bucks
i put coffee, pour hot water, mix a little and press it gently

i am a poor fag from a 3rd world country so this about the fanciest coffee i can get

most people here just drink instant coffees like nescafe, so i feel like i am part of the upper class thanks to this thingy

>> No.17262490

clever brewer. i'm too dumb to use a v60

>> No.17262617

I put some nice beans in the coffee grinder and then put that in the coffee machine and turn it on. I usually make it really strong.

>> No.17262628

I remember you from the last coffee thread, expressly warned you that Moka pots are an objectively terrible way to make coffee and it looks like you didn't listen.

I'm going to kill you!

>> No.17262637

French press can be pretty good if you do it correctly, try not to agitate too much, you'll get a coffee with a lot of body & oil which some people really enjoy. Best to take it with milk if you aren't lactose intolerant.

>> No.17262648

Aeropress is pretty good but the set up + clean up is excessive and you leach plastic into the coffee, which is gross. Also, difficult to make multiple cups which blows.

>> No.17262653
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PSALM 95:6

>> No.17262661

Jesus i haven't seen one of those since I lived at home. Neato thing it is

>> No.17262681

They're so nice dude. Grounds and water in, coffee out. Minimal effort to produce incredibly smooth and consistent results, can be reheated directly over a gas flame, cleanup is effortless. Definitely recommend.

>> No.17262701

I have a flair and am extremely happy with it.
Now I only need a good grinder for 200$ or less and my poor man's espresso setu-up will be complete.

>> No.17262734
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>> No.17262746

There is always coffee ready to go or ready to heat in the coffee maker. Sometimes I'll make a latte or whatever with my shitty little Breville. Sometimes I'll use my modded moka pot (not super recommended, but my buddy swapped the pressure release valve with a 18 bar valve, and hooked me up with some intermediate pressure-building rings that run from 6 to 15 bars. So far it's made pretty good coffee, but I'm pretty sure that sooner than later it will be a bomb.

>> No.17263209

Usually I put some coffee grounds in the mug with hot water, let them steep, and then I skim the grounds off the top with a spoon. Then I move the coffee into a cup and keep the fine silt at the bottom in the mug, then clean the silt out and put the coffee in the mug.

I have a 6 cup Bodum French Press that I hate using. The mesh screen has this nasty residual taste that I can't get rid of, so it's like a cursed item that ruins the taste of the coffee.

I have a Smart Grinder Pro and a Precision Brewer from Breville on my shelf. I bought them to use as a set. But, the two times I tried to use the grinder, the coffee just got jammed in the burrs even though I was using it normally. Now I'm scared to use it in case I break it.

Basically I wasted $600 on coffee gear and make shitty cowboy coffee instead.

>> No.17263289

The plastic is BPA free and it takes literally 2 seconds to clean. A cup of strong coffee takes around 2-3 minutes to make. It's not long at all if you're not serving coffee to an entire table.

>> No.17263323

Fair enough. I make one huge pot of coffee for me and my family once in the morning and reheat + drink throughout the rest of the AM. Not the use case for this

>> No.17263429

$80 bean grinder that I got second hand + a v60 that I'm using wrongly. A friend once showed me how he's weighing the coffee grounds, circling the water with a special kettle and using a timer. I just dump the water in and eyeball it, and funnily enough, I preferred my coffee to his.

>> No.17263797

You can make 4 cups at one with the Aeropress

>> No.17263824

Instant coffee+milk+water
cause i am a poorfag :')

>> No.17263860

French press with freshly ground beans. Don't have to think about it and turns out perfect every time.

>> No.17263866

Kinu phoenix. Used it with my flair for years.

>> No.17264066

It's not really 4 "cups," I gave one to my mother a few years ago and it'll fill like a mug and a half if you really push it

>> No.17264154

for god's sake i can't enjoy anything anymore. i got into coffee recently now apparently coffee from a moka pot will give me alzheimers. fuck you all

>> No.17264173
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For me, its still the french press. I went through nearly every other brewing method but I still com back to the french press. It just makes a thicker, fuller coffee than pour over does.

>> No.17264194

I either go with Folgers in a moka pot or a french press. I usually go with the moka pot though and use the french press for tea.

>> No.17264216
File: 465 KB, 757x575, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do french presses always have some particulate matter suspended in the drink? whether i grind my own beans or use some pre-ground stuff, it always creates this thick cloud in the drink. if i let the coffee sit for a while, the shit settles at the bottom like a sludge. overall, it ruins the last few sips of coffee since it just feels like sludge in your mouth. how to fix??

>> No.17264391

>how to fix??
Get a finer meshed steel filter. Espro p7. Otherwise restrain through a normal paper but thats going to change the cup.

>> No.17264725

your grind is too fine. It should be more like fine gravel.

>> No.17265187

it is a cheap french press. maybe i should buy a new one

but it happens with all sorts of coffees i have. pre ground stuff which is pretty uniform. and i've tried to grind it very coarsely but it still happens. maybe i need to sift my grounds or some shit

>> No.17265336

You can replace the screen in a French press if yours is problematic. And the smart grinder is a pain. I just grind at the store and buy fresh coffee every 2-3 days when I’m pressing my coffee at home. It’s still loads better than anyones average cup.

The real secret is just buy a Melitta coffee cone and a pack of filters and use whatever fairly good coffee is for sale at the grocery. A sack of preground Dunkin’ or Starbucks and my budget pour over and it’s fast and great.

>> No.17265450

You have schizophrenia. This is my first time posting about coffee here.

>> No.17265451
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i need a gooseneck kettle that is electric, almost 2 liters, and has variable temp controls. It seems to me they simply stopped making them, opting for smaller varieties, most 50% smaller, or worse. All the available ones are being scalped at some $2-300 a piece. super frustrating. Had to splurge for a stagg ekg, but am kinda unsatisfied with the amount of money it cost me. coffee will take the pain away

>> No.17265471

burr grinder
french press


burr grinder
aeropress over cup
whole milk

>> No.17265520
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>Got the coof last week
>Taste is thrown off, smell isn't all that good
>Coffee in particular tastes bad
>Just had a couple of orders come in for some new beans I wanted to try

If I can't ever taste coffee again I might blow my brains out

>> No.17265543

you will probably be alright. i freaked the fuck out because i couldnt taste food at all for 35-40 days.

might be placebo bullshit but i swear food tastes even better now

>> No.17265572

>you will probably be alright. i freaked the fuck out because i couldnt taste food at all for 35-40 days.
I'm there right now. Like I said, I've only had it for about a week, but there's almost nothing I can taste right now. At most, things that are salty and, surprisingly, a few specific spices here and there. Otherwise, nothing, or worse, sometimes flavors that are strange and weird. I definitely hope I get my taste back eventually

>might be placebo bullshit but i swear food tastes even better now

God, I hope so.

>> No.17265635

My roommate is really into coffee and this is his worst fear. He loves it more than anything else in the world, gets borderline manic around covid precautions. Once saw him spritz down a banana with disinfectant.

>> No.17265646
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This. Chemex was the preferred coffee making method of James Bond too.

>> No.17265667

No matter his precautions, he's probably going to get it. I'm a fatass, and even to me it ultimately wasn't the worst illness I've ever had, thank God. So far the only thing that's really bothersome is now my lack of smell/taste, but I can only pray they return (and everyone I know who lost both got them back)

>> No.17265782

Yeah it's got pretty big screen presence. Here's one in a scene from the movie "interstellar" although it appears to be filled with water, which is insane

>> No.17265794

We both live in a large university dorm so it's just a matter of time. He is quadruple vaxxed though. If anyone's got a shot it's him. You will definitely get your sense of smell back. The cells/receptors in your nose have to go through a layer of bone so they take a very long time to grow.

>> No.17265796
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Sorry didn't include the image see picrel

>> No.17265914

No .. you add 4 scoops of coffee into the press. Then split the coffee that comes out into 4 different cups. Then top the concentrated coffee cups with water... Aka americano

>> No.17265921

>Instant coffee in Nestle water bottle
>At least 2.5 tbsp

>> No.17265937

>How does /cock/ make its coffee?
During the week it's a preground medium roast from my local roaster or Zavida I grind from Costco.
On the weekends or days off it's percolator or french press with beans I burr grind myself, usually Balzac's Muramba or Atwood Blend.
During the summer I might make a dalgona now and then.

>> No.17265959

i make mine ~750 ml at a time, generally reusing the grounds one time.
it makes even shitty coffee taste okay. very smooth not at all bitter.

>> No.17265971

cold brew makes me retch for some reason I just can't do it. not sure why. everyone I know loves it

>> No.17265978
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Here's my iced coffee recipe, I hope you guys make it and then tell me what you think:
>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.17265997
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Is this you?

>> No.17266000

I remember this post from last time

>> No.17266106

sorry anon, it's nice
i'll try this

>> No.17266380
File: 262 KB, 680x661, 1609931797610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a Kuerig because I'm not an autistic, pretentious faggot like the rest of /ck/.

>> No.17266412

>how to fix??
Just don't drink the last sips like you do with Turkish coffee.

>> No.17266469

>you get sediments
YOU get sediments, if you do it right you dont, i have never gotten sediments ever.

>> No.17266608

>it is a cheap
dont complain if you know its cheap. if you buy an expensive high quality one and it still has the same problem then you can complain.

>> No.17266782

Cold brew makes the best "sweet" coffee, change my mind.
I make cold brew in a french press because of the inbuilt filter.

>> No.17266826

I got a 5 pound bag of whole bean from that rebel group in Mexico, it's pretty good

>> No.17266989

/ck/ makes his coffee
/Lgbt/ makes it's coffee

>> No.17267296

It's not about being pretentious and we're not going to randomly shit on you for your brewing method unless its truly retarded, like that guy who uses a mason jar and a fucking spaghetti strainer to make french press. Keurig is fine you can get a solid cup of coffee out of it but it will taste better if you use beans that are ground freshly.

>> No.17267832

You can order new screens and beakers from Bodum. The problem is that the design is shit, so you're throwing money down a hole.