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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17257277 No.17257277 [Reply] [Original]

lol, what?

>> No.17257281

based laziness tax

>> No.17257283

land of the

*sharts in pants*

free home of

*buuuuuurp* the brave

>> No.17257284

Jesus christ monkey balls

>> No.17257287

Like 3 or 4 years ago those food delivery services had good deals, you could get food almost for free sometimes, then they went full jewish tho

>> No.17257293
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bought a bunch of gift cards for 20% off so this is really only $8

>> No.17257295

You deserve the price gouging for being a lazy sack of shit

>> No.17257296

Thanks for your obsession!
I’ve been up for nearly 30mins now. It’s hard to start my day without some obsession. It makes my dick hard.

>> No.17257298

>you could get food almost for free sometimes, then they went full jewish tho

I wonder why moron

>> No.17257301

>make thread about how shit america is
>tell people they're obsessed when they respond to said thread
shart intelligence everyone

>> No.17257303

you are fat

>> No.17257307

Jfc, 2 sandwiches and 6 biscuits.

>> No.17257310 [DELETED] 

my cock is yeah ask your dad he'll fill you in on all the sorrid details

>> No.17257311

>make thread about how shit america is
how are you so obsessed that you see it as an american thread instead of a shitty service thread?

>> No.17257313

Oh god yes.
Now call me a dirty little mutt. Dirty little mixed mutt. Such a dirty dirty mutt.

>> No.17257314

Yeah 1 for lunch 1 for dinner

>> No.17257321

my cock is yeah ask your dad he'll fill you in on all the sordid details

>> No.17257352

Touch grass you bitter incel

>> No.17257353

Tipping in taxes lol.

>> No.17257369


>> No.17257375

>usual order for two people beening a little over $30 at the restaurant turns into nearly $60 via these apps
>guy delivering taco bell was obviously drunk as shit

Yeah no. I'll just live without going to restaurants and fast food for how ever long things are shit

>> No.17257382

I would've but your mom's cunny was freshly mowed

>> No.17257385

>60-70 minute delivery time
>$8 delivery fee
Do you live on a fucking mountain or something? I've only ever seen fees higher than a couple dollars for places that are like a dozen miles away.

>> No.17257462

I love seeing retarded poorfags seethe over doordash. Yeah it costs the driver time and money, whether you order 1 taco or an entire bucket of chicken the fees are the same to get it from the restaurant to your house. This is why you will always be a failure

>> No.17257509

What about the other 4 biscuits. Can I have them?

>> No.17257580

>he only eats one biscuit with dinner
Three per meal, hombre.

>> No.17257584
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pick it up yourself retard

>> No.17257590

Sorry I don't take advice from ham planets.

>> No.17257591

>delivery ASAP (60-70 minutes)
>service fee
>delivery fee amounting to price of the food
tell me again why you wouldn't just order thru the phone and pick it up yourself?

>> No.17257595

I'm underweight actually. Dinner is the only meal I eat most days
Get on my level

>> No.17257602

I dont have a drivers license at 30 and hate leaving the house after I have been biking back from work

>> No.17257640
File: 241 KB, 1284x1556, 0FFE0560-D2FE-40DD-8823-5434A6653E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think it’s seething.
I think it’s just bored retards looking for (you)’s so they go out of their way to find bad deals on a delivery app.
>omg guys look at this $20 apple omg how is this even legal what the fuck?!?!?
Took me 2 mins, and would be a guaranteed stack of (you)’s if I started a thread with it.

>> No.17257646


>> No.17257649

the only whole fruit here is you anon

>> No.17257655

The only lower hanging fruit than your joke is deez nuts, anon.

>> No.17257671

Ive already made it as a code monkey. I make a salary I enjoy. So I can't drive. Sue me.

>> No.17257679


You deserve it

>> No.17257687


You could probably afford car payments in what you pay in delivery fees

>> No.17257689

>code monkey
>bikes back from work
>not fully remote
Still ngmi.

>> No.17257761

I dont want to drive. I dont like that other people can drive. Cars were a mistake and Ted K was right.
I like hanging out with my coworkers.

>> No.17257763

the item cost should be 16,13 then, why display the taxes separately?

>> No.17257770

>I dont want to eat the grapes. I dont like that other people can eat grapes. Grapes were a mistake and the fox was right.
Ah, the sourest of grapes.

>> No.17257782

>you have to be sour grapes to not want to die in a car accident or actively ruin the environment like everyone else
Okay man

>> No.17257902

>imagine making this “argument” when you literally pay for a car to deliver a single meal
If you had them deliver a couple weeks worth of groceries it might be a bit less retarded.

>> No.17257964

I don't order food online though. Doordash is a spyware app. I bike to the store for groceries. I was only playing devil's advocate for OP when someone asked why someone would order a meal and pay that much.
I, personally, do not.

>> No.17258016
File: 39 KB, 502x502, 31234534123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delivery "ASAP"
>60-70 mins

Might as well just get it yourself anon.

>> No.17258047


>> No.17258053

What if he’s a fucking cripple you insensitive prick

>> No.17258060


>> No.17258107

Food delivery services are such a scam.
I cannon believe people waste money on this shit then cry about prices.
The fuck is wrong with you lazy faggots?

>> No.17258381

They make cars for people in wheelchairs you know

>> No.17258388
File: 15 KB, 408x305, a9WcmmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you mean I have to pay other people to do work for me?

>> No.17258802


>> No.17258812

Lmao your life sounds like it sucks. My condolences.

>> No.17258832

make it yourself you fat cunt

>> No.17258957

Nah its awesome. I live with my GF rent free, have sex every other night, and never have to step foot in a dumbass industrial revolution-mobile

>> No.17258975

pick it up yourself then fat fuck

>> No.17258981
File: 305 KB, 220x131, 1605385669289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you aren't rich and you're trying to get your poorfag food delivered? Sorry, try not being poor next time.

>> No.17260230
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why they gotta make it so many sepatate fees tho??

>> No.17260298

The popeyes near me also has cheap spicy sandwich dinners. They kill my heart every time but are delicious

>> No.17260758

Trump won.

>> No.17261669

He won, the election is over, shut the fuck up and quit your bitching

-trumpets, 2016

Your turn.

>> No.17261682

It had to be like a decade ago where Papa John's had the audacity to add some bullshit 'delivery fee' to their orders. They day they added that stupid shit was the day I stopped ordering delivery, and stopped getting pizza so much.

I can't believe you zoomer idiots are happily paying for this trash.

>> No.17261705

Exactly why I never use these lazy zoomer apps.

>> No.17261715

Keep paying your soytax then for minorities to deliver single meals to your lazy ass

>> No.17261866

Squeaaaaaaaaal little mutty, squeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal oh yea boi

>> No.17261879
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>> No.17261886

Go type "america" in the catalog search if you want a laugh.

>> No.17261951

Seethe and dilate queer

>> No.17261955

Just change /ck/ to /dar/