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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17251376 No.17251376 [Reply] [Original]

>richard nixon liked eating cottage cheese and ketchup
>"is... is that good? should I try it?"
>try it
>its fucking vile
god I hate presidents

what are some things that pair well with cottage cheese?

>> No.17251384

what kind of ketchup did you use. I 100% bet you he didn't use the corn syrup/sugar kind that is most popular now.

>> No.17251385

I drizzle some honey on it, or put a few spoons into my oatmeal

>> No.17251386
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I love plain cottage cheese and don't see any reason to add anything to it.
The rest of my family likes to put pic related in cottage cheese and I think it's an abomination,

>> No.17251404


>> No.17251408

trader joes, heinz is pig disgusting

>> No.17251410

>Be me.
>Richard Nixon.
>No one likes me.
>But everyone pays attention to me.
>Decide to fuck with them a bit.
>Make a nice looking dish that looks like icecream.
>Really, cottage cheese and ketchup.
>It's sharp, wakes me up, and has some energy, so I don't actually mind it too much.
>Just enough so I can stomach it.
>Millions of people see my dish.
>They know they have to try it.
>MFW I've fucked millions in the country over because they keep obsessing over me.
>Life is good again.

>> No.17251417

He was a huntsman I suspect you cheaped out on your chup, chud.

>> No.17251436
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thank you for this post, anon

>> No.17251480

whitoid culinary excellence

>> No.17251484

I think we had a president who liked putting ketchup on well done steaks or something. Can't remember who

>> No.17251522

Cottage cheese?

Salsa lizano
Hot sauce
Hp sauce
Nutritional yeast flakes
Balsamic vinegar
Hemp seeds
Sesame seeds
Furikake seasoning

>> No.17251532

It’s good with pickled beets

>> No.17251534

was just about to post this
pickled beets and sunflower seeds

>> No.17251539

Coriander leaves and some salt and pepper.

>> No.17251576
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I like putting tuna in, specifically this tuna

>> No.17251581

So? Well done steak turns out more like roast beef so It's actually an acceptable combination.
It's a waste of money to turn a steak in to roast beef on purpose, but it can happen; ketchup is a good way to salvage it. There's no reason to give well done steak the nickelback treatment.

>> No.17251614

Cope, chud.

>> No.17251625

thanks god I hate cottage cheese
it tastes like rotten milk curds
most people share this taste in the eastern block, since we have tvaroh (quark) which we've grown accustomed to

>> No.17251626

Put it on cucumber slices with black pepper and cayenne

>> No.17251687

Diced sweet onion, it is a fantastic combination.

>> No.17251692

Optimum nutrition casein PB

>> No.17251698


>> No.17251705

Sour cream and pepper.

>> No.17251734


>> No.17252028

will amerisharts ever realized that they did this man wrong?

>> No.17252170

This country will enjoy fucking anyone if they have a reason to. Only now we just make up reasons to

>> No.17252205

Nixon admitted that he only ever started eating cottage cheese as both an attempt to eat healthier and as something of a concession to regional dairy boards. The ketchup, he insisted, was a compromise with his own personal tastes.
His favourite meal, as it goes, was his beloved wife Pat's homemade meatloaf, something she would make for him herself despite all the staff at hand in the White House. Nixon himself grew up in a rather poor household, which was made pretty evident by his common and lower-class preferences in food. It didn't matter how much he impressed the world by using chopsticks when he first met with the Chinese; Nixon wasn't born a member of the upper crust.

By the way, here's the published recipe for his favourite meatloaf:

>Pat Nixon's meatloaf
2 tbsp butter
1 cup finely chopped onions
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 slices white bead
1 cup milk
2 lbs lean ground beef
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp salt
Ground black pepper, to taste
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried marjoram
2 tbsp tomato puree
2 tbsp bread crumbs

Grease a 13-by-9-inch baking pan.
Melt butter in a saute pan, add garlic and saute until just golden -- do not brown. Let cool.
Dice bread and soak it in milk.
In a large mixing bowl, mix ground beef by hand with sauteed onions and garlic and bread pieces. Add eggs, salt, pepper, parsley, thyme and marjoram and mix by hand in a circular motion.
Turn this mixture into the prepared baking pan and pat into a loaf shape, leaving at least one inch of space around the edges to allow fat to run off.
Brush the top with the tomato puree and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Refrigerate for 1 hour to allow the flavors to penetrate and to firm up the loaf.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Bake meatloaf on lower shelf of oven for 1 hour, or until meat is cooked through. Pour off accumulated fat several times while baking and after meat is fully cooked. Let stand on wire rack for five minutes before slicing.

>> No.17252220

Trump was known for eating well-done steak for much the same reason that a lot of high-power politicians and businessmen have strangely specific and idiosyncratic dietary preferences. When you're on-call and need to be ready at any moment, you can't afford the risk (no matter how minor it may be) of indigestion and food poisoning because you had a rather extravagant meal.
This is often cited as why Hitler is famously known as a vegetarian, something he did for practical reasons in additional to moral ones. He wouldn't deny meat if it was served it, to avoid being an ungracious guest, but preferred to avoid it otherwise.

>> No.17252236

The idea ketchup is sugary is a meme, mostly perpetuated by Chicago fags who insist one of the two universally recognized hot dog condiments is somehow not supposed to go on hot dogs.
The main ingredient for ketchup after tomatoes is, by far, the vinegar, not sugar. You could take out sugar and still have something easily recognizable as ketchup but if you took out the vinegar it would taste nothing like ketchup.
A ketchup packet has 2 grams of sugar, which is about 5% of your daily sugar RDA.

>> No.17252257

Canned fruit. Especially pineapple or peaches.

>> No.17252261

>Chicago fags
You wanna see REAL autism? Tell an Aussie or a Kiwi his favourite "tommy sauce" has the exact same ingredients and sugar content as Heinz-brand ketchup. They will BSoD.

>> No.17253326

Diarrhea never stopped me from doing anything. I rarely even shit my pants.

>> No.17253329

apple butter

>> No.17253345

I shit your pants faggot

>> No.17253346
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you cant do this to me

>> No.17253351

My grandfather would put Worcestershire sauce on his cottage cheese. It actually kind of works.

My mom puts mandarin oranges in hers.

>> No.17253430

serial killer

>> No.17253434

shut up

>> No.17253440

Cult member seething

>> No.17253441

Branson Pickle Relish or Salted avocado mash.

>> No.17253445

Never seen a harder maga cope in my life.

>> No.17253458

Very interesting, thank you anon.

Any other presidential recipes?

>> No.17253468

Trump is a god

>> No.17253474

you tards could be baited into defending literally anything

>> No.17253515

>My Lord and Savior simply does not have the time to eat like a functioning adult because he is too busy playing 4D chess

Please go to therapy

>> No.17253518

For me, I top a fresh tomato with cottage cheese and sprinkle some ground pepper on top

>> No.17253537

Old bay

>> No.17253689

I remember one of the scandals Trump was involved was ordering well done burgers.

>> No.17253695

that looks like scrambled eggs

>> No.17253704

well aren't you a self-assured little cocksucker

>> No.17253723

Nixon wasn't human, so I'm not that surpised.

>> No.17253729

>what are some things that pair well with cottage cheese?
Bricks of butter, anything made with a mortar and pestle, rock candy, house specials

>> No.17253735

It's the only cheese that's guaranteed to please

>> No.17253759

Tastes change over time. Cottage cheese is no longer an exciting treat, and Watergate now seems like such a tame scandal. It wouldn't end a political career today.

>> No.17253775

As a Pittsburgh native where Heinz is located at. I'll rank the popular kinds of ketchup as follows
>Trader Joes > Heinz > Others > shit > Hunts
The best ketchup I've ever had was made by an ex-girlfriend who used honey and it was de-fucking-licious. Heinz with honey came close to that taste but was still lacking something.

>> No.17253780

based dick

>> No.17253879

Anything. It's like asking what you pair with bread. You can go fruit, nuts, eggs, salad, savory, sweet, whatever.

>> No.17253956

I mix yogurt and cheese with HONEY. Luckily there are bee people near me so I get it fresh.

>> No.17253965

They are selling you all corn syrup. Dont fall for Big Honeys schemes.

>> No.17253982

Oh my god you need help

>> No.17254119

Happy Birthday, Mr. President.

>> No.17254146

The lack of self-awareness here is amazing. Did you know that politicians and violent serial killers alike are actually human beings like yourself with reasons behind their actions? ...No? Might want to unplug the TV for a bit.

>> No.17254159
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Why would you think that Richard Nixon of all people had good taste? He's world renowned as the first bad US president, it's all been downhill since he took office.
Additionally, he was clearly out of touch with reality, as seen here exiting the white house with a weird salute or something as if anyone was anything but relieved he was finally going?

>> No.17254160


>> No.17254164

>the first bad US president
Bruh, James Buchanan existed.

>> No.17254196

Lincoln existed it’s been downhill since

>> No.17254232

That's not Nixon, it's Troy McClure.

>> No.17254245

Fritos and Doritos type chips.

>> No.17254256

>I 100% bet you he didn't use the corn syrup/sugar kind that is most popular now.

Heinz has been the same sugary vinegar shit since 1876.
Before then ketchup was catsup and it was a fish sauce.

>> No.17254264

Cottage cheese is basically mozzarella and anything that works with mozzarella probably goes well with cottage cheese

>> No.17254267

The term "catsup" is actually more modern than the term "ketchup". Furthermore, ketchup used to refer to any sort of chutney-ish condiment, the most common of which was mushroom based. This is why to this date, most bottles of Heinz still specify that it's "Tomato Ketchup" and not ketchup made of something else.

>> No.17254283

>Furthermore, ketchup used to refer to any sort of chutney-ish condiment
the word for that is already chutney, as evidenced by the widespread use of "chutney" to refer to things that aren't chutney.

ke-tsiap was a chinese fish sauce.

>> No.17254289

I remember him from such films as 30,000 lies: four failed years.

>> No.17254301

>what are some things that pair well with cottage cheese?
Wholegrain toast or English muffins.

>> No.17254306

>first bad president

>> No.17254424

more like last good president

>> No.17254448

Despite how typically reviled he is, Nixon is surprisingly really easy to play devil's advocate for when you focus on things like foreign policy and his role in establishing detente. He was also a very skilled orator, and in the Kennedy-Nixon debates he's largely seen as the more experienced technical debater, only losing out to Kennedy's charisma.

>> No.17254464

I like maple syrup or honey.

>> No.17254470
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>the seethe in these replies
If anyone is an actual cook, feel free to speak.
If someone orders steak well done, it's their loss, and we consider it an option prior to "burnt" for a reason.

>> No.17254480

But ketchup doesnt belong on a hot dog. It completely overpowers the flavor of all other toppings. That's why people put ketchup on shit they dont really enjoy eating.

>> No.17254514

For me it's a splash of olive oil, mixed pepper, garlic powder and Tabasco.

>> No.17254563

based 'tsiap poster

>> No.17254566

Shit like hot dogs? If you want to enjoy the taste of other toppings, put them in a bun and leave out the dog.

>> No.17254588

I'm sorry, are to imply here that you are above consuming the peak of American Summer foods: the Frank?

>> No.17254633

>the more experienced technical debater
possibly the biggest cope ever. Of all time even.

>> No.17254660
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>ketchup overpowers mustard and onions
That means you aren't using enough

>> No.17254702

nigger shushh

>> No.17254746

As it was one of the first televised presidential debates, a significant amount of research was done on the opinions of television viewers versus radio listeners.
Those who watched the first Nixon-Kennedy debate on the television expressed favourable opinions of Kennedy, citing that Nixon's drab appearance on the black-and-white screen made him seem sickly and less energetic. On the contrary, radio listeners largely believed Nixon to be the winner of the debate based on his words alone, with Kennedy having come off as somewhat amateurish at the time.

Nixon was the better technical debater, while Kennedy was the more charismatic debater.

>> No.17254805

>m-more c-charismatic...
one's ugly and the other has a speech impediment and people make value judgements upon both.

>> No.17254822

>typing out an imaginary stutter
Give it up, man.

>> No.17254826

>"well at least I'm not a gay n-nigger"
Mr.President you can't say that anymore!

>> No.17256204


>> No.17256207

there is literally no president objectively worse than buchanan

>> No.17256249

Cottage cheese and tabasco sauce is kino though, Nixon's just a retard

>> No.17256268

My friend eats it with dill sprinkled on. Haven't tried it myself.

>> No.17256273
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There's lots of creative ways to eat cottage cheese. It's underrated as fuck.

>> No.17256283
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>"Hey guys, I'm a fan of confederacy and believe in states' rights!"
>"Hey guys, I also believe a strong union is required for our nation!"
>gets elected
>literally does nothing and lets a civil war break out
Elections... Elections never change.

>> No.17256286

>There's lots of creative ways to eat cottage cheese.
All of those are on toast. While I like cottage cheese on toast, I wouldn't say using different toppings or condiments counts as "a lot of ways".

>> No.17256322
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Vegemite S0XGH