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File: 156 KB, 1500x1500, salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17249240 No.17249240 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get enough dietary salt for water to pool in the legs? Want to fix it but literally everything worth eating has massive amounts of salt in it.

>> No.17249242
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>> No.17249244

Post weight/timestamp. Also: begin taking oral lasix

>> No.17249247

Chances are your issue isn't "too much salt" but "too little potassium"

>> No.17249253

I'm 5'10 130lb male (35 as of two months ago).
>oral lasix
Neat, I think I still have an Indian pharmacy website from back when I bought recreational drugs online that I could use for that.

>> No.17249260

Yeah, I noticed almost no potassium in every food I can think to eat too. Only way I can get a lot in is by using a product intentionally stuffed with it like those boost nutritional shakes or low sodium versions of food that replace regular salt with potassium.

>> No.17250002

Do your part anon buy morton

>> No.17250007
File: 188 KB, 1280x924, 1EB07111-BB01-46A0-B682-CCAE7C98CA36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17250014

Do they fight it by killing them off?

>> No.17250068
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, iodine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They help supply UNICEF with iodine for impoverished regions of the world.
Iodine supplementation in table salt was probably the most effective dietary health care measure since the start of recorded history.

>> No.17250416

buy ingredients and not prepared food. learn to substitute other spices or get spice mixes that are low in salt.
>t. guy who has had to cut down a lot on salt due to cholesterol issue

>> No.17250734

wonder if I'm missing out by only using kosher salt instead of iodized salt

>> No.17250747

iodized is shit tier, lol

>> No.17250754

Swelling legs is not good. Look into dvt.

>> No.17250759

>water pool in legs
What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.17250865
File: 29 KB, 468x513, edema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water pool in legs
>What the fuck did he mean by this?
Exactly how it sounds, anon. Too much salt can cause water to start pooling in your legs i.e. edema.
Has happened to me before too.
Nosalt (a salt substitute product that actually gets you large doses of pure potassium in a salt shaker type container, as opposed to those potassium supplements in vitamin aisles which aren't legally allowed to go over 2% of your daily recommended potassium needs per capsule) was a lifesaver. Started pissing the excess water out and being able to enjoy moving my body again without having fucked up water retention.

>> No.17250875

can you get nosalt at your average grocery store?

>> No.17250921

Isn' "no-salt" just the no-sodium variety? As in it's potassium chloride (KCl) as opposed to sodium-chloride (NaCl)

>> No.17250928

I've seen and purchased it before at a grocery, blilled as a "salt substitute"

>> No.17250951

Yep, that's exactly it.
There's half-salt too.

>> No.17250966

lmao OP be a walle charater lol

>> No.17251593

>PROTIP: It's the iodine did it

>> No.17251595

that cant be the case, iodine does nothing

>> No.17251716

How much are you using to induce edema

>> No.17251996

>everything worth eating has massive amounts of salt in it
Fat retard. I love when fat retards destroy their own bodies because they literally cannot fathom eating anything except for fat retard food

>> No.17251998

>5'10 130lb
Salt causing water retention has nothing to do with calories or being overweight.

>> No.17252004

Iodine is added to table salt, not all the random food products people get the vast majority of their salt from.

>> No.17252006

Yeah something tells me that's full of shit. 130 lbs at 5'10 is skeleton mode. I'm 5'10 155 and I'm thin as fuck. Dude is a fat fucking retard and lying on the internet because he doesn't want everyone to tell him to stop being fat.
There's not way you say some retarded shit like "everything worth eating has massive amounts of salt in it" and you're not a fat moron.

>> No.17252009

Why dont you just eat like a normal person? I never had any issues like that.

>> No.17252014

Salt still has nothing to do with calories.
Instant noodle packs are extremely low calorie and high sodium.
Campbell's chicken noodle soup is low calorie and high sodium.
Libby's vienna sausage cans are low calorie and high sodium.
Even tomato soup and instant mashed potato cups have a ton of salt in them despite tomatoes and potatoes being good potassium sources in other contexts.

>> No.17252016

Those are all fat retard foods. Only a fat retard would subsist on that garbage. Try making your own food for once you lazy lardass

>> No.17252020

>I never had any issues like that.
I've never had cancer, asthma, or heart disease but that doesn't make me think those problems are nonexistent or even rare.

>> No.17252024

Lazy zero effort prep instant meals like maruchan ramen noodles are exactly what underweight people live off of. It's fat people who have elaborate fully stocked gourmet kitchens.

>> No.17252035

I think you have more problems than eating too much salt.

>> No.17252046

Instant noodles = 375 calories
You wouldn't even manage to break 2000 calories if you had 5 meals of them in a day, but you would hit 128% of the upper limit for sodium after 2 meals of them.
Chicken noodle soup = 150 calories and 98% of your upper limit for sodium intake per can. Even after eating 13 cans you still wouldn't break 2000 calories yet you'd be at around 13 times the daily RDA for sodium.

>> No.17252529

Eat a banana holy crap

>> No.17252541

fat people have excessively stocked partly pre-prepped food, they do not eat elaborately cooked meals unless you think combining pre prepped stuff and pasta in massive piles is 'elaborate cooking'

>> No.17252553

you should talk to a doctor about this

>> No.17252591

30 percent of the population experiences water retention, anon. It's not some rare medical mystery. And in my case I just needed to start taking potassium since there's very little of it in what I eat and a lot of sodium in what I eat.
Would rather just eat nosalt. I don't get how anyone can enjoy the flavor of bananas, and also I prefer my food in canned or otherwise sealed package form so I don't have to feel like the food stocked in my house is on a deadline.

>> No.17252600

I'm just going to drop this here so that y'all argue over it:

I'm not picking any side here, just thought it'd spark an interesting debate.

>> No.17252807

Go to a doctor, retard

>> No.17252836

Salt isn't bad for you, drink more water.

>> No.17252859

Everything's bad for you depending on the dose. People have died from drinking too much water.

>> No.17252883

He doesn't need to go to a doctor for water retention you idiot. That's extremely common, like headaches or waking up to a foot cramp. If you get heart palpitations or chest pain along with water retenton then seeing a doctor would make sense but if it happens in response to eating high salt meals and you have no other symptoms then it's just an annoying and non-serious consequence of the salt.

>> No.17253548

You can get table salts with magnesium, potassium, iodine, sodium, and pretty much any mixture of those.
If you're getting fucked, you're probably consuming too much sodium in particular.

>> No.17253597

I fucking love salty food. I salt each ingredient separately when cooking, I go through a bottle of soy sauce every month, I add salt to pastries. My face and feet are permanently swollen.

>> No.17253613

I'm 6'0" 160 and I'm skeleton mode
that dude's lying or mistyped

>> No.17253758

The real reason why you have edema is your obesity

>> No.17253968

no, you should go to a doctor so you get actual professional medical advice instead of asking a bunch of retards what salt substitute you can use to reduce this from happening.
or you can continue to shitpost about this, hopefully whatever happens gets worse, and then one day you die from all the water draining to your feet. at least if you die that way, your shitposts will be less numerous and the rest of us can get on with our lives.