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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17244830 No.17244830 [Reply] [Original]

What is this feelijng like bros? Is there a better looking youtube cook family

>> No.17245913

who/what are they?

>> No.17246149

I just started watching internet shaquille. Top notch word play

>> No.17246174
File: 252 KB, 332x384, onsa_72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parasocial relationships are pathetic.

>> No.17246338

interenet shaquille

>> No.17246358

just be chicano theory

>> No.17246369


>> No.17246379

his streams are chill af, def recommend

>> No.17246380

wait im a retard? is his name a pun? i don't get it. i've been saying his name slowly for the past 2 minutes...plz help...

>> No.17246893

Absolutely the best cooking Youtuber.

>> No.17246949

say it fast, do you hear it? if it helps, record it too a vocaroo or something, post it and play it back you might be able to hear it better if it doesn't feel like its your own voice

>> No.17247419

I'm not a bottom, but I'd let him fuck me fr fr no cap bruh.

>> No.17247518

sadly he deleted all his advice streams recently :(

>> No.17247523

Why does he put out so few videos? I get that they're high effort relative to other cooking channels but it's still so little

>> No.17247528

he works a regular 9-5 and only does youtube as a hobby/side gig

>> No.17247530

Oh, that makes sense. Thought he was full time youtube.

>> No.17247550

He is by far my favorite cooking youtuber. His advice is solid and some of it is just genius. Plus he creates content aimed both at when people want to spend money and when they want to do it cheap. Weissman tries to do this with his "But Cheaper" videos, but his assessment of price is based on how much of each ingredient he uses, not what he paid at the store.

And then Babish is meh but far too normie centered, pretending to be one of the plebs but hypocritically living this super-rich lifestyle. I don't even have to mention that other faggot who think's he's a genius for putting seasoning down on the board first.

>> No.17247560

Every time I see this dude I remember that "You want some??" reply from Fagusea

>> No.17247579

Give me the rundown on that because that sounds funny.

>> No.17247584

It was youtube comment chain, I'm sure someone has the screenshot

>> No.17247590

A comment chain between that faggot and Internet Shaquille?

>> No.17247597
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>> No.17247606

What do you watch?

>> No.17247616

>oh you want some too?
Fuck lmao what a sperg.

>> No.17247624
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>> No.17247633

don't be a faggot and just tell him
it's international

>> No.17247650
File: 386 KB, 1080x1115, HjwKIW6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sad Shaq deleted his twitter, his roasts of adam and other cooking youtubers were top tier

>> No.17247654

Yeah I saw some cringe over on Ragusea's subreddit.

>> No.17247942


>> No.17247945

Literal sperg x CHAD.

>> No.17247990
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>> No.17248013

what a bunch of crybaby fags

>> No.17248059

Ragusea has a serious case of manlet rage. I really shouldn't like the guy but I like his editing and research style and his approach to food is reasonably unpretentious. The salty comments add some nice laffs too.

Shaquille is an extra layer of post pretension pretentiousness but again his approach and philosophy are good enough to let me see past the dbaggery.

Still it's food wishes and that nice eastern European lady as the goats for me.

>> No.17248093

People hating on Shaq? Why?

>> No.17248223

You mean things like conversing on anonymous message boards?

>> No.17248229

what would you expect from a ragusea subreddit

>> No.17248315

Who’s the Eastern European lady? That sounds comfy.

>> No.17248562

I guess he means Helen Renny. She a cute.

>> No.17248571

I think that doesn't apply to basket weaving forums, I can call you a cunt or suck your dick in a thread but that won't affect our relationship in the next one

>> No.17248600

>handsome guy who has skills a good job and charisma, very low level famous youtube guy
>hot wife who he's architecting
i wish i was him
what advice streams did he do

>> No.17248632

shes also got useful and concise content

>> No.17249103

his girl looks a lot like lana delrey

>> No.17249324

Puerto Rican Lana and one of the best youtubers (also high iq)

>> No.17250722

Based Adam. Too many cowardly faggots who deserve to have their heads blow off with a shotgun on the internet.

>oh teehee I was just le trolling
>teehee I was just being an asshole for bantz!

When someone finally replies back they want to bawww and play the victim

Kill yourself

>> No.17250894

that is not what a parasocial relationship is

>> No.17251151

Hi adam

>> No.17251229

>t. Adam Ragusea

On a more serious note, that was very uncalled for. I'm all for discussing the basis of these kind of gatekeeping posts, but acting like this is just plain rude. As a rule you should stay on the level of rudeness of your interlocutor. Which makes his reaction to the second guy seem even more terrible.

Were he saying some retarded shit like "hah, fagusea doesnt have a normal stove, kill yourself you retard", id say such a reaction would be warranted. He shouldve posted his last post first, and then the first post should the guy get rude. Thats how normal adults behave. Adam doesn't seem the least bit normal. He seems like an absolute control freak on the verge of a fucking breakdown in every video, which ironically is his saving grace that allows him to produce content that is interesting.

>bawww and play the victim

Its the fucking internet you retard. Nothing prevents them from doubling down. People are looking contrite because they WERE trying to be friendly with a youtuber they liked and didnt want him to feel that way.

>> No.17252388

>control freak on the edge of a breakdown in every video
this is what made his pizza video so good. he learned technique and shared it down to every obsessive detail. it also makes him insufferable when he gets something wrong, e.g. his thoughts on deep frying

>> No.17252402

>uses mozzarella sticks for pizza

>> No.17252409

Has she ever shown feet?

>> No.17252499

people would call in to a phone number he set up and he would give advice to people based on the questions/life situations from the voicemails he got. in addition he played games a few times and also streamed music stuff and jammed to music.

>> No.17254095

did you see the one where someone from ck sperged out over cultural appropriation

>> No.17254151

i didn't, if there's a VOD somewhere i'd watch it. cultural appropriation fags make me laugh