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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17242681 No.17242681 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better snack
protip: you can't

>> No.17242711

Yeah you really should keep licking that gunbarrel. Hopefully it will taste like sweet release one day

>> No.17242714
File: 180 KB, 1000x1000, Sniksblue_1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretzels are absolute dog shit.

>> No.17242717

I like them : (

>> No.17242732

Me oh my, they're honey mustard flavoured, yes boy!

>> No.17242761

Fuck you bud. I love pretzels

>> No.17242762 [DELETED] 

even though I cringe hard at dick compensation posters you are right, those dot's honey mustard pretzels are the best ones hands down

>> No.17242772

even though I cringe hard at little dick compensation posters you are right, those dot's honey mustard pretzels are the best ones hands down

>> No.17242775

>little dick compensation posters

>> No.17242792
File: 60 KB, 768x1024, Fire Cider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men who don't have looks/genital size/height and compensate by positing pictures of guns/drugs/etc
Sort of like how black people do it, just the whites don't include themselves since they're shamed of how they look.
OP is definitely 250lbs+.

>> No.17242803

idk man I just like pretzels

>> No.17242808

spoken like a true shrimp-dick manlet

>> No.17242810

Ahh, the copium inhalation begins.

>> No.17242811

Why don't you like pretzels?

>> No.17242820

Exactly. You subconsciously agree that you're a shrimp-dick manlet because you posted a picture of booze and now you're coping because you were exposed in a way you never thought possible.

>> No.17242825

You're responding to the wrong person.

>> No.17242833

nah, you are. I am agreeing with the shrimp dick manlet that only shrimp dick manlets post pictures of booze/drugs/etc to compensate

>> No.17242845

oh yeah you're right lol

>> No.17243513

The southwestern flavor is much tastier.

>> No.17243558

what's the drink and the movie?

>> No.17243605

fuck you

>> No.17243646

holy shit you're still crying about this?
what is wrong with you? lmfaooo

>> No.17243659
File: 829 KB, 1024x1024, 00049508001508CF-1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here OP.

>> No.17243725

shut the fuck up

>> No.17243741

drown your sorrows with some of that booze you so hilariously posted

>> No.17244043

maybe i will *****r

>> No.17244244

>pork crackle
anon is confirmed 400lb white trailer trash living in oklahoma

>> No.17244249

300Ib beach bum living in New Zealand, mate.

>> No.17244259

Drink is a White Russian. Movie is Oldboy.

>> No.17244922


>> No.17244936

Or a 300 lb Mexican living in California. Spics love that stuff.

>> No.17244962

white russian and youtube compilation of synthwave music

>> No.17244999

Checkout Akuma by Tokyo Rose and ALEX


>> No.17245029

>I want to show everyone my little .22 six gun, and also let them know that I smoke cigarettes AND weed!
>How should I do this? Should I post on /k/? Should I go to 420chan? Maybe I'll just put it on my Facebook
>Oh wait, I know! I'll include some shitty snack in the photo, and post it on ck! Better make sure it's a MANLY snack though, I really want to get across to everyone that I'm just so MANLY
This is the equivalent of girls who take a picture of their faces, but with some object in view, to make it seem like it's a photo of the object and that they're not just seeking attention. Anon, I implore you, find a woman to marry and you'll no longer be desperate for attention.

>> No.17245035

Everyone else ignored the other shit and talked about the snack. Only you and one other guy got triggered.

>> No.17245044

pretty cool

>> No.17245046

And had you only posted the snack, you would have had only discussion about the snack. Now, you have people talking pretzels, you have goths, who didn't get the memo that goth is dead, talking about shitty goth music, and you have exactly two people calling you an attention seeking little faggot.

>> No.17245047

>Only you and one other guy got triggered.
Nah, most people see that OP is a manlet gunfag and just hide the thread.

>> No.17245048

I'm pre-engaged to a woman who loves honey mustard pretzels.

>> No.17245057

1. He's not OP, I am, and I posted this
2. Nobody is talking about goth music. You seem very confused in general.
3. Do you like pretzels?

>> No.17245063

Came across it the other day on /gif/. Sacrifice is a killer track.

>> No.17245069

What is your favorite snack to eat while living in a cyberpunk dystopia?

>> No.17245092

I don't usually snack. If I do it's hummus and tomato/cucumber on some crackers.

>> No.17245094

Idk I thought synthwave was shitty goth music, at least it was the one time I tried to listen to it.
>Pre engaged
You should actually just kill yourself.

>> No.17245117

So, since you're not even OP, we can all now deduce that you like to post pics of your guns and cigarettes, like an attention seeking little faggot, and now you're angry that you're seeing that most people think that makes you a faggot. Could you try, I don't know, being just a smidgen less gay? For like, five minutes?

>> No.17245126

That sounds nice. Do you make your own hummus?
You seem angry for no reason. Maybe you should have some pretzels or some hummus.

>> No.17245144

I don't smoke and I don't even own a gun. I'm more likely to get drunk and post pictures of my balls online.

>> No.17245150 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20211229_211021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I do that too. Look, my weeners drinking Jim beam!

>> No.17245157

Sometimes I make my own hummus. I've made sundried tomato hummus, roasted garlic and red pepper hummus, roasted carrot, garlic and onion hummus. Someone suggested that if you don't have tahini you can use natural peanut butter, so I tried that with roasted carrots and garlic and it was pretty good.

>> No.17245158

calm down dude

>> No.17245165
File: 494 KB, 201x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, no wonder you're so mad, you've got a snub nose Lmaooooo

>> No.17245168


>> No.17245173

I made homemade roasted red pepper hummus for a lesbian vegan's birthday party one time, and she said it was the best hummus she ever had. Also I fucked her and now she's straight.

>> No.17245175
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>> No.17245177 [DELETED] 
File: 1.85 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220104_023635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seething because he was kiked at birth
Betcha can't do this

>> No.17245181

nobody cares

>> No.17245186

He says as he posts shit in a bag.

>> No.17245188

I'm not circumcised junior.

>> No.17245190
File: 18 KB, 300x250, 1507598237135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats going on in this thread

>> No.17245191


>> No.17245197

yeah, it doesn't look like that could fill anyone up

>> No.17245224

Are you okay? Do you need to speak with a therapist? I'm willing to pay for you visit, anon. You really seem like you need help.

>> No.17245231

What are the best snacks to eat while having a nervous breakdown?

>> No.17245233
File: 88 KB, 220x164, that70s-show-ashton-kutcher.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a snack, not a meal.

>> No.17245239

Im eating 4 types of potato chips right now

>> No.17245242

Haha, snub nose got banned.

>> No.17245283

pretzels are for people who prefer the taste of salted cardboard tyvm

>> No.17245307 [DELETED] 
File: 2.21 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20210827_012924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah just temporarily blocked

>> No.17245338

what do you prefer?

>> No.17245870

jk anon I love you anyway, let's squash this beef with the traditional beef and squash dinner

>> No.17245885
File: 61 KB, 525x584, AAF0B5B2-D206-4800-AA5B-5567828E1196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the best snack I have ever had in my life. Unfortunately it is expensive.

>> No.17245903

Are they like these rold gold pretzels? These lil niggaz we're my absolute favorite snack but they were discontinued a few years ago.
Do they have a powdery seasoning or are they coated with a dried layer of a wet coating?

>> No.17245908
File: 31 KB, 381x480, 92848893_10213349122961693_6151702059155456000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.17245989

they have both

>> No.17246164

where's the dildo?

>> No.17246320

>looks/genital size/height
I don't have any of those, yet I don't post pics anywhere of guns/drugs/cars/etc, I don't try to "compensate" for anything; I don't give a shit, why should I? Don't really understand where this compensation thing comes from; is it from women who try to bring down men? Men who are jealous of other men's achievements?

>> No.17246324

Its just men trying to make themselves feel better. I don't have any of those things either. You're just a decent human being who is enjoying life, rather than being part of the rat race of "Being on top".

>> No.17246332

You can make your own fire cider for dirt cheap you know?

>> No.17246344

I can't get the spices where I live easily and it seems like a lot of effort to me.
I also only use a shot of it now and then, one bottle can last me months.
The cost isn't really a concern.
But thanks.

>> No.17246366

Spices? It's literally apple cider vinegar with horse radish and some peppers and lemon. And garlic I guess

>> No.17246813

soybean oil is baaad mmmk.

>> No.17246900

I forgot this brand even existed. I used to love the rods as a kid.