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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17241145 No.17241145 [Reply] [Original]

>exceedingly obese person: oh no I cant/don't eat rice it isn't healthy
Every time. How did CICO become the norm in: big medicine, big fitness and fatty circles everywhere?

>> No.17241154
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>> No.17241157

nutritious is the one thing rice objectively isn't but i don't mind, it's delicious
idk why you name cico as your issue since cico doesn't concern itself with nutrition values just caloric values

>> No.17241158

BenDeen is korean, also pic is unrelated
And I, the person making the point, am a white american

>> No.17241161

>Rice isn't nutritious
Meanwhile a person can live on rice + the bugs living on rice indefinitely.
Makes total sense, go back to /fit/ CICO fag

>> No.17241173

>Meanwhile a person can live on rice + the bugs living on rice indefinitely
this is completely false, even assuming you eat insects which i doubt you do.
why are you like this? why do you go on the internet and intentionally try to ruin discussion spaces with shitposting? i guess if you follow some random eceleb you're just a belligerant zoomertard

>> No.17241187

Its actually true. People can and do primarily eat starchy grains or vegetables for subsistence plus a small amount of b12 and missing vitamins (most of which can be gained by rotating grain sources such as potato). Please enlightened one, if whole grains aren't healthy and nutritious what should we humans be eating mostly? I need to gauge your retardation be it: cellulose eater or keto retard.

>> No.17241219
File: 59 KB, 634x423, dr now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if you're morbidly obese, it means you have a massive excess of energy stored on your body in the form of fat.

You don't need to be eating anything. You have literally years worth of food right there attached to you. Burn that.

>> No.17241231

Youll never lose weight with CICO. Im BMI 21 and lost 55 lbs so far on a heavy whole grain diet. I eat as much as I want. No table sugar. No melted cheese. No heated oils or foods heated in oil. Simple as. Eat as much as you want if its pasta with pasta sauce with no sugar. Key is with no sugar. Did you know xanthum gum is sugar too? Sneaky.

>> No.17241238

well first of all, when talking about rice, people, including the eceleb in your pic are talking about the type of rice that's consumed by the overhwlming majority of people on the planet - white rice. which isn't nutritious.

second of all you just added a whole bunch of caveats to your retarded statement
>rice is nutritious and people can survive on rice indefinitely!
>well actually -starchy grains- can be your primary source of calories but you have to supplement it with other sources of nutrition and you also have to rotate your source of grain
also, potato is not a grain source. and i see you've started talking about pasta and a whole grain diet now?

i'll ask you again. why are you like this? why did you start a shitposting thread, throw insults around and when called on it you tucked your tail between your legs and started backtracking and adding qualifiers. seriously, what do you get out of this? if you wanted to discuss the merits of brown rice or whole grains or clear up misconceptions of rice, why did you not act like a normal person and write a normal post?

>> No.17241252

>muh brown rice is better
>white rice isn't nutritious
Lie its part of the whole grains you seem to love
Wow a multivitamin is such a caveat. Obviously I'm for rotating starch source. You think rice isn't nutritious and people can't live on it, yet one of the most respected nutritionists in the space McDougall suggested much of China did live on primarily just white rice plus some protein for extended times.
>why are you like this
>be normal
>wahh wahh wahh
KYS jew I hate you because you come here to lie and pretend like you're the one spitting truths

>> No.17241277

anon white rice is not a whole grain. it's brown rice that's the whole grain. if you're really not intentionally shitposting, you're embarrassing yourself now.
>Obviously I'm for rotating starch source
that's not what you said
>one of the most respected nutritionists in the space McDougall
not only is a nutritionist not a historian, even in your own statement you say they supplemented their diet with other sources of food. this is once again you backtracking on what you claimed initially

>> No.17241287

CICO is really pretty standard. You're eating less calories then you did before and not realizing it. This is a common thing when people go on specialized diets vs. a random diet.
There may be other health benefits, but fat is calories in, calories out.

>> No.17241289

How is it nutritious when carbohydrates is its only nutrient

>> No.17241300

So rather than educating people you overly nitpick through every word I say. Youre bringing nothing to the table except being a cunt.
Again the primary argument here is: humans should eat starch, lots of it, the most of it, more of it than anything else, because its healthy and nutritious
Wrong. CICO doesn't work because in reality its: calorie in, calorie used in processing food, calorie uptaken
False information

>> No.17241303

i don't think he understands what cico means. according to cico you can eat rice to your heart's content, cico does not address the nutritional value of foods

>> No.17241305

Rice is incredibly bland. What the fuck is your deal?

>> No.17241308

I do understand and thats exactly the issue. CICO is as jewed as you can get.

>> No.17241310

>how did CICO become the norm
Normies and assblasted fatties recognized that keto is a fucking scam, so now they turned to a method with decades of proven research

>> No.17241314

What if keto, vegan and CICO are all equally as retarded?

>> No.17241315

Yeah, I responded to the post before reading the rest of the thread when it became a strange confused ESL thing.
I'm not even clear their point anymore. In the post above you they call me wrong about CICO and then say it's calorie uptaken, calorie out which is almost a vacuous variation of CICO. A thing a dumb person says to sound like they have insight.

>> No.17241316

no, you backtracked into this argument when you realized you had no clue what you were talking about and no argument at all. you specifically singled out rice and then made outrageous untrue claims about it. i'm not a cunt because you were wrong. you're a cunt for making a thread where you do nothing but throw insults around and throw tantrums when you get proven wrong.
>humans should eat starch, lots of it
if this was your argument from the start, i would have agreed with you

>> No.17241323

>its vacuous because im too stupid to understand
The primary difference is the complexity of the food you consume is everything. A complex carb and a table sugar are not processed the same by the body.
Glad you agree, cunt

>> No.17241385

me too. let this be a lesson to you. when you say retarded things, you get proven wrong and you have a bad time, but when you say reasonable things, people agree.

>> No.17241748

I find category restriction easier than calorie. I have done fasting according to orthodox standards (vegan minus shellfish) and atkins and lost weight doing both. Much easier to cut out all interesting food and lose weight that way rather than just cut myself off

>> No.17241752

based gallstone promoting low fat diets

>> No.17241754


>> No.17241756

Trace vitamins and minerals are negligible due to being trace.

>> No.17241760

problem with CICO is that your body adjust to the incoming calories if its a consistent cut. hence cutting 500 calories is going to lower your TDEE. No surprise I think the stat was over 90% of CICO diets fail

>> No.17241899

90% of keto diets succeed and it raises CICO

>> No.17241910
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Rice is hea-

>> No.17241943

Some Japanese naval doctor discovered the cause of Beriberi and the existence of certain B-vitamins due to the fact that polished white rice is such a nutritional void despite being a staple. You can certainly eat enough of it and not gain an unhealthy amount of weight simply because nutritional deficiencies counteract the empty caloric surplus (and this is why CICO is a meme).
Rice CAN be nutritious, but it often isn't in its most commonly consumed formed. This is why many rice brands around the world engage in vitamin supplementation. The average weight in rice-consuming nations is steadily on the rise as previously common nutritional deficiencies are eliminated. The rise is a little slower in nations like China where they have large uneducated rural populations numbering in the hundreds of millions, but the trend is still there.

>> No.17241957

Obesity is a red herring or maybe it manifests differently in Asians. the Chinese are just as diabetic as the US with much less obesity
>The estimated prevalence of diabetes increased from 10.9% (95% CI, 10.4%-11.5%) in 2013 to 12.4% (95% CI, 11.8%-13.0%) in 2018 (P<.001). The estimated prevalence of prediabetes was 35.7% (95% CI, 34.2%-37.3%) in 2013 and 38.1% (95% CI, 36.4%-39.7%) in 2018 (P=.07).

>> No.17241966

Improperly or poorly treated diabetes can lead to weight loss. Similarly, over-treated diabetes can lead to weight gain.

>> No.17242007

>Similarly, over-treated diabetes can lead to weight gain.
Not over treated just standard

>> No.17242031

>Youll never lose weight with CICO
Eat zero calories every day and tell me you're not losing weight. Honest to God, the state of modern education. CICO isn't some fad diet, it's just a fact, like needing to breathe oxygen.

>> No.17242033
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worthless swamp-grain... eat oats/barley instead. simple as.

>> No.17242037
File: 70 KB, 750x833, 9116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat as much as u want
>lose weight
lmao... k.

>> No.17242058

it would be so, so much cooler if humans actually worked this way

>> No.17242061

>get colossally fat
>you are now immortal

>> No.17242063

Won't eating only rice cause avitaminosis A?

>> No.17242065

I feel like this idea could use a video game adaptation. Something like Katamari Damacy mixed with Doom.

>> No.17242067

>this is completely false, even assuming you eat insects which i doubt you do.

>over a billion fucking people eating rice and living till they're near a hundred
Compared to
>a dropping population of fat whitoids carking it at about sixty-seven.

I think the Chinese bugmen beat you in this regard.

>> No.17242077

>Katamari Damacy mixed with Doom.
Yes, and with the music also reflecting this.

>> No.17242084
File: 23 KB, 652x385, Screenshot_2022-01-08 prc life expectancy - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...Sadly, they did not.

>> No.17242089
File: 49 KB, 500x628, 861f3efff59aedea603e35b8c3c059f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life expectancy in China was under 50 when they were still mostly eating traditional diets
Well, shit.

>> No.17242095

>when they were eating traditional diets

No, that was when they were eating people and starting mango cults because the stupid fucks wiped out their ecosystem and then Mao gave some people a mango so they worshiped it.
I am not lying.
Mango Cult.

>> No.17242103

Right, but Japan had also just drive their whole country into the ground and had two of their major population centres nuked. How does a decade of American-controlled government put them on par with America, while the PRC with a decade of Chinese-controlled government stays around Zimbabwe-tier?

>> No.17242109

CICO works, but it isn't a diet. People wanting to lose weight want a diet that works within the limits and restrictions unique to their life and lifestyle. How do I get from A to B? Just move bro. What is the best way to move? Lol, just move bro, idiot. But there is an ocean in the way, should I try a boat or a plane? Bro, moving is a fact of life, it works, you just need to move bro, jesus.

Consuming less calories than your body uses will cause your body to consume itself and thus lose weight. But it doesn't work in real life.

>> No.17242163

i didnt believe it until i fed up with food a few years ago, lost about 13kg within a month and been floating around 19bmi since then

>> No.17242168

>t. run-on sentence fag can’t even do basic research

>> No.17242202

We'll see how unrelated it feels the next time you're eating your shit rice and you see the LiveLeak logo appear in the air over your head

>> No.17242218

yeah exactly it's not a diet and you're the only one who talks about it like it is.

>> No.17242312

Really gotta respect the reverse architects

>> No.17242643

im literally on this board because my mum made rice and i think it taste like SHIT and has no nutritional value and im looking for something else to eat

>> No.17242648

You know longevity also comes from life style and genetics, right?

>> No.17242673

>in reality its: calorie in, calorie used in processing food, calorie uptaken
Where do you think the calorie values come from you spanner? They stuck people in air tight rooms and measured every breath and every dump to work out how much energy was used processing the food.

>> No.17242678

Not when your rice is covered in sauces like this

>> No.17242728

>table sugar
What the fuck is that, do americans sprinkle sugar on their meals like salt?

>> No.17242744

stupid post. i literally ate less calories (went from 2800 to 2200) and didn't adjust anything besides portion sizes (so if i wanted to i'd still eat pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast or whatever), and i lost 15 pounds. still losing weight too. i have no idea what you were doing before but maybe try to measure how many calories you put in your body before espousing nonsense like this.

>> No.17242767

What if my car could fly?

>> No.17242789

This thread is incredibly retarded, even by /ck/ standards. No wonder everyone here is fat and undernourished.

Eat mostly healthy food. Lean meats and vegetables, and don’t load up on carbs. Eat at your TDEE or at a caloric deficit if you want to lose weight. Simple as. Keto, atkins, etc are for fat retards that cannot stop binge eating. Will you lose weight with those? Yes. Will it have significant drawbacks to your cardiovascular and hormonal health? Yes. Losing weight isn’t complex magic, it’s basic thermodynamics and base nutrition theory.

>> No.17242802

Keto and intermittent fasting are for switching from gathering mode (gene expression when food acquisition is easy and requires little intelligence) to predator mode (gene expression for times of scarcity when cunning is necessary to survive). You get more than weight loss.

>> No.17242819

I hate to break it to you but they weren't dying because they were eating traditional diets, they were dying because they just weren't eating.

>> No.17244035

If xanthan gum is sugar, then so is your pasta starch.

>> No.17244083
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RIGHT? I think it's literally a single zoom-zoom in here calling people faggots and niggers, having VERY strong antagonistic opinions about rice and pizza.

Jannies need to hand out a few bans.

>> No.17244199

I love rice. But i hate it that it makes me tired afterwards. So if I eat a rice dish it has to be in the evening, when I dont have naytihng important to do. The same goes with Oatmeal,&porridge etc... That shit makes me actually Tired, and for osme reason its marketed as breakfast. Imagine Coffee would be marketed as a drink you do before going to bed lol

>> No.17244287

>That shit makes me actually Tired
y halo thar, insulin resistance

>> No.17244412

What do you mean?

>> No.17244456

Where b12 though

>> No.17244482

just google insulin resistance + tiredness after eating

>> No.17244523

>insulin resistance + tiredness after eating
Fuck me i have to change my diet. thx anon for pointing that out. I literally have alot of those symptoms. thats some lifechanging shit. I always thought it might be gluten related or some shit.

>> No.17244574

you're welcome.
i found out i've got high glucose just 10 days ago and i need to do more tests to see if im prediabetic or have diabetes already.
kicker is i was not even obese or anything at any point in my life, just had a sweet tooth is all.

if only i knew...

in any case get yourself a blood test, see where you're at, hopefully you've not progressed any further than the insulin resistance at this point.

>> No.17244606

you know except if that's all you eat.
except if you don't have another source of protein,
except if you just eat white.
except it's high carb.
except it doesn't have much in vitamins.
but beyond all that...

>> No.17244616

You might call it caster sugar, its a finer grain than regular

>> No.17244630

i eat 1750kcal worth of sugar every day and i'm slim. it's very simple: calories in, calories out. ketotards btfo, science wins again.

>> No.17244877

Eli Lily is gonna love you. keep it up pal

>> No.17244933

Calories in, calories out isn't some fad diet, its not a diet at all, its a fucking principle of physics. energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed. if you're eating more calories than you expend you're gaining weight. if you use more than you consume you're losing weight. there's no other way about it.

>> No.17244986

the human body is not a closed system. what other disease do you use a law of physics to explain the etiology of?

>> No.17245139

>the human body is not a closed system
Yes, that's the "in" and "out" bit.

>> No.17245261

false, china is no.2 in diabetes and they're nowhere as fat as americlaps

>> No.17245270

chinese have high diabetes rates because china is an agrarian shithole crossed with urban shitholes, and the CCP doesn't give a shit about the health of its worker drones

>> No.17245271

Caster sugar exists in a big bag for baking, it doesn't go on the table alongside salt and pepper
what sort of food does sugar get sprinkled onto?

>> No.17245286

yeah but you don't acquire calories through any method other than eating. what, do you sleep in a vat of chocolate pudding and absorb it through your skin?

>> No.17245314

the trick is that if you only eat pasta you wont want to eat more

>> No.17245326

Table sugar is for putting into coffee or tea

>> No.17245339

I remember hearing some nutritionist or doctor on Joe Rogans podcast talk about a study showing that some people can eat a bowl of white rice and experience no appreciable rise in blood sugar levels, while others experience a huge insulin spike. Everybody's body will digest things differently from one another, there isn't a one size fits all answer.