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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.76 MB, 1505x1999, PXL_20220108_054324445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17241288 No.17241288 [Reply] [Original]

I just made Ragusea's Italian wedding soup recipe and, well, holy shit. You need to try this. I've got grandma beat with this one.

>> No.17241296

Not looking up your shitty youtube, faggot

>> No.17241363
File: 1.46 MB, 1505x1999, PXL_20220108_060613595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17241369

Please stop taking pictures of my etchasketch art.

>> No.17241376

Hey Chadam, you decided to join the thread

>> No.17241386


>> No.17241388

I've never watched a ragusa video and never will. Maybe it was a good recipe, but based on this single image you completely fucked it up in at least 4 different way. Maybe next time just post the thing you made without invoking a shitty click bait e-celeb who gets spammed every fucking day and you'll get to hear all the things you could have done better by people who actually know how to cook.

>> No.17241399

looks like shit, fuck off adam you faggot

>> No.17241431

>based on this single image you completely fucked it up in at least 4 different way
Lmao what are you gonna say? The meatballs are too big? It's soup, it's impossible to fuck up. And mentioning my channel gets guaranteed replies for the thread so thanks for the bump.

>> No.17241437

looks good, always wanted to try this soup

>> No.17241445

This recipe or the soup in general? 'Tal'wed is probably my favorite soup of all time, it's a staple food in my family. You really should try it soon.

>> No.17241541

Looks like your child called you a nigger for making your faggoty soup

>> No.17241547

Pick up any piece of shit second hand Italian cookbook and the recipe there will be as good or better than Hackusea's rubbish, with the bonus of being able to read it in less than a minute instead of having to wait for some dumbass to overtalk it.

>> No.17241565
File: 225 KB, 960x928, 1614573835720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time some retard decides to post something they cooked here it's just bait. it's some faggoty fucking bait. this board's already 90% lardasses arguing about which fast food tastes the best when fished out of a dumpster cold, and ONLY time anyone here cooks, they intentionally make it as shitty as possible so they can take a picture of it on their iphone 16 and get le epic (you)s. i hate it, and i hate you. could you for once in your fucking life do something without cowering behind 15 layers of irony?

>> No.17241569


>> No.17241605

I post this whenever I see a good one, please feel free to add to the list
>Adam "White wine'n and creampie dine'n'" Ragusea
>Adam "pizza bread and cuck shed" Ragusea
>Adam "hot plate and hotwife" Ragusea
>Adam "cum queef aperitif"" Ragusea
>Adam "gravy train" Ragusea
>Adam "Like brine? Your gf can't be fine " Ragusea
>Adam "why I prep the bull, NOT my wife" Ragusea
>Adam "this insult brought to you by SquareSpace" Ragusea
>Adam "soychad" Ragusea
>Adam "cooking for fun with my wife's son" Ragusea
>Adam "oh you want some?" Ragusea
>Adam "mad street credit on Reddit" Ragusea
>Adam "grateful gringo" Ragusea
>Adam "please clap my wife's toothgap" Ragusea
>Adam "age doughs and marry hoes" Ragusea
>Adam "fuckable" Ragusea
>Adam "lurking this thread" Ragusea

>> No.17241736

I do not hide behind my layers of irony, I float upon them. One day I will build a tower of irony so high that my raised fingertips will brush against heaven.

>> No.17242509

>Adam "knead my needy wife" Ragusea

>> No.17242520

Based ragusea impersonator.

>> No.17242523

Hold up, is he based?

>> No.17242870


>> No.17243455

What the fuck is ironic about a picture of soup? Do you even have an articulable critique of the recipe or OP's attempt? I think it looks good and juicy

>> No.17244612
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>he doesn't get it
lmao... amazing.

>> No.17244641
File: 22 KB, 579x530, 1641053468383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucked raguseas mom and she said i fuck better than her faggot son. his dad threw a confirming nod our way from the corner of the room.

>> No.17244740
File: 256 KB, 560x512, 1641260650940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam "Chef John turns my wife on" Ragusea

>> No.17244803

I will- fuck your wife- while you watch-
You'll be Adam Ragusea of this Cuckholdry

>> No.17245095

im sure his wife pegs him but his dishes are easy and healthy, I don't understand the hate. At least he's trying to get people to eat good food instead of mcdonalds