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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 237 KB, 1400x933, haggis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17240864 No.17240864 [Reply] [Original]

I dreamt I was eating haggis

>> No.17240908

Now that's a meal my man.

>> No.17241443

I dreamt that dreamers often lie.

>> No.17241518

Went to Scotland once, had haggis. Weren’t bad, dunno why people meme it as some horrid thing. Maybe the ingredients? But they’ll act like it disgusts them, meanwhile they eat hot dogs and Mcdonald’s which are practically made of the same thing

>> No.17241523

>look at me I eat haggis! and liked it!
people like you are insufferable

>> No.17241574

fuck off faggot

>> No.17241577

For me it's haggis supper from a good chippy

>> No.17241579

I've never tried it, or really any of those "puddings". But that looks like something I would try. Are there any customary condiments or it's served with?

>> No.17241595

Needs ketchup

>> No.17241610

>”I had it once and it was okay, dunno what the fuss is about”
The only insufferable faggot here is you

>> No.17241725

dream food is very weird, it taste like nothing but it also tastes amazing

>> No.17241747


>> No.17242525

>For an Irn Bru and some crisps, you can stick your superior English shaft up this flower of Scotland's anus and stir last night's haggis

>> No.17242529

looks like cajun ponce but that's made with hog parts

>> No.17242532

The only Scottish butcher near me shut down because the guy murdered his wife and puddinged her. And you can't even import haggis here. Truly I am suffering.

>> No.17242534

I dreamt I had flesh eating bacteria in my finger and could see my bone through the hole in it

>> No.17242613

Burn's Night is almost upon us.
Hope you're eating haggis

>> No.17242623
File: 24 KB, 720x720, 9079v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dream i was walking down the street in winter, some group of girls walked towards me, one of them stroked my beard and smiled, and left
then i woke up
rarely get any dreams

>> No.17242631

Last night I dreamt I was in a desert resort type thing like in Arabia and there were these elaborate water fountains but I could only drink from a small cup.
woke up afterwards and chugged a bottle of water, shit tasted godly.

>> No.17242632

a post lacking in self-awareness

>> No.17242638
File: 61 KB, 493x449, thumbnail_IMG_3339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ice with whisky
pic is also forgetting the neeps.

>> No.17242657

What's in the bowl, cauliflower?
I think macaroni and cheese would go better with that haggis.