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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17236335 No.17236335 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Time General — The $100 Nespresso® Discussion Thread

>The coffee and pods business model is a business model in which one item is sold at a low price (or given away for free) in order to increase sales of a complementary good, such as consumable supplies.
>For example, inkjet printers require ink cartridges, and video game consoles require accessories and software.
>It is different from loss leader marketing and free sample marketing, which do not depend on complementary products or services.
>Although the concept is widely credited to Nespresso®, an operating unit of the Nestlé Group, the actual business model has something to do with safety razors rather than coffee capsules.


>> No.17236388

>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.17236497

any Lelit gamers in chat?

>> No.17236530

We only talk nespresso around here chump.

>> No.17236626
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this bean I just shot kind of looks like nikocados coinslot

>> No.17236977
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is that brown sugar on top on the affogato? Sweet

>> No.17237175
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>coldbrew pls
>no, it's winter
Rinse and repeat, all the fancy 3rd wave places. It's sufferring. Honestly, i'm starting to get dissapointed or, better to say, disenchanted by what became of 3rd wave of coffeehouses. It's just 20 types of filter coffee a needless over-the-top circlejerk regarding every possible step while promoting only 2-3 types of bevearage. I believe, a place like that, fancies themselves the ultimate most up-to-date coffee experience spot, should be able to provide a customer with a good v60, filter, americano, an item or two from Vienna classics, a robusta-based drink, a post-fermented bean drink, you name it, ALL the coffee experience. I'm asking for too much.

>> No.17237304

what's this?

>> No.17237315

how many coffee mugs are actually safe to drink every day? please use standard coffee mugs as the measurement because i'm not very smart

>> No.17237317

how long is a piece of rope nigger

>> No.17237335

apparently up to 4 cups. beyond that you're risking mild caffeine overdose
you should also check if you have magnesium defficiency if you drink a lot of coffee

>> No.17237666

uhhh dont drink coffee mugs maybe? fucking retard idiot

>> No.17237723

>make moka pot
>its sour
>starts spultering when 1/3 of the water still remains in the bottom chamber
why? still better than any preground garbage at the very least

>> No.17238034

can someone shill me a decent sub $30 coffee grinder ideally fairly small/handheld? thanks. Hand operated or battery is fine.

>> No.17238103

>how does i buy something that normally costs $300 for 10% of msrp?

>> No.17238105

just looking for something to use occasionally doesn't have to be fancy

>> No.17238126

the shittiest grinder that i'd recommend for anyone (and that i actually use myself) is 3x your budget

>> No.17238127

oh ill just pick something off amazon then

>> No.17238149

just get one of those tall wooden pepper mills like they use at fancy restaurants for cracking pepper on salads
you can probably feed coffee beans into it, its handheld, close to $30, and makes for a good conversation piece or decoration when you're not using it

>> No.17238192

Get a kingrinder I hear they are good on this thread

>> No.17238255

did you use cold water? try boiling

also it's meant to have some water at the bottom else it will overheat and explode when the water runs dry

>> No.17238445
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Aeropress Gang

>> No.17238773

inb4 anti-aeropress-autist

>> No.17238777

I hear that they have REAL steel burrs.

>> No.17238808

The thing with Nespresso is it's actually pretty cheap. $0.65/pod and it's better quality than anything you're making without specialist equipment and expensive beans

>> No.17238841
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I'm the anon from the other day who was trying to ask about a riser for my entire Rancilio Silvia so i could fit my milk pitcher under the wand more easily. One anon asked if I was trying to fit the entire milk carton under it so I decided to give it a look at see how big my pitcher actually was..


I'll be buying a smaller one coming up, so thanks for the big brain energy.

I wanted to ask while I was back, does anyone have any recommendations for affordable espresso scales? I've got the Timemore Black Mirror but these are a squeeze to fit on the drip tray. I've seen these damn nice looking Eureka scales (picrel) but no doubt it will cost more than $60.

>> No.17238867

My origami brews come out to ~40c a cup roasting in a popcorn popper with a significantly lower impact on the shit planet.
Buy one out of a decent material and there's less flaws to point out.
wacaco exagram

>> No.17238917

I used this for a couple years before trying the french press. I take 15 minutes to brew instead of just a few, but the everything is night and day. Aftertaste, smell, texture is all improved. Even the acidity started to complement the other flavors because they were able to come out more and balance it out. I still use the Aero for quick sip, although nothing fancy goes in there.

>> No.17238969

praise be the coffee tube

>> No.17238991

The vast majority of the world's coffee drinkers drink pre ground coffee and enjoy it.
A $90 grinder is not even close to necessary, and you're just being a snob. Fuck off, snob.

>> No.17238992

The AeroPress is perfect as is. I have the normal one, and the travel sized.
French press is beta, Aero is Alpha

>> No.17239143

Excuse me, this is $100 nespresso discussion thread. Maybe we'll do a $30 grinder thread next. Until then fuck off poor.

>> No.17239154

For the mignoiggers.

>> No.17239161

doubles as a fleshlight in trying times

>> No.17239260

or just to get some more flavour for your next cup

>> No.17239288

and you can grind coffee with a hammer and an old sock, anon
but at /ctg/ we strive to be a little better then that

>> No.17239319


>> No.17239463

Aerochads I'm sorry but I've defected... It was just too easy to use... I'm a v60 cuck now

>> No.17239475

unpressurized basket came in the mail yesterday, pulled the first shot today a little fast. using a timemore c2. gonna try grinding more beans first, since the first one was a little empty. if that fails probably grind coarser. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.17239761

preheat water, preheat bottom of pot, run the bottom under the sink as soon as you hear bubbling.

idk about coffee/water ratios for moka, i usually fill the basket to the top and water up to the valve. you can dilute it as much as you want after

i got a hario mini smill, most places on the internet suggested that's a good option. i'm not paying $300 for a fucking grinder, and a basic one is still gonna be miles better than pre-ground

but i do recommend going to your local roasters and asking you to pre-grind some of the coffee. its gonna taste a lot better and will only take 3-4 days days to go stale. after that point you're better off using the grinder again

what are you talking about? you can let the coffee sit in the aeropress for just as long as it would in a french press. have fun wasting your life scooping wet grounds out, retard

>> No.17239808
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tried again with more grounds, was basically the same, too fast and basically no crema. ground 2 notches coarser, still too fast but now seeing some crema. tastes bretty gud, gonna go even coarser and see how it is.

>> No.17239897

Scoop wet grounds? I plunge it out ....

>> No.17239922

>brewer would be better if it had worse thermal properties because (no reason provided)

>> No.17239938

just get a dirt cheap one from aliexpress or the like
Scales are such a fucking meme. Does a tenth of a second response time make any meaningful difference at home? No. Even with a lunar you have to get used to the delay between ending a shot and it reaching the target weight.

>> No.17239946

this is very coarse
going coarser will speed the shot up. You won't ever make "crema" with a pressurized basket btw. You might make some coarse foam, but it's not the same.

>> No.17239959

oh i was replying to the french press guy;

>> No.17239973

>because (no reason provided)
>Even with a lunar you have to get used to the delay between ending a shot and it reaching the target weight.
What in the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17240026

i’m using an unpressurized basket as i said in the first post, although on a machine that came with a pressurized basket originally. i suppose i’ll try to go finer. i’m using an entry level delonghi machine, could that be a factor? it’s probably pushing 15 bars which i heard is suboptimal

>> No.17240108

Based, fuck the french press

>> No.17240131

How much of a difference does measuring by tablespoons compared to weighing out the grams make? Is it just wasting coffee by doing it by tablespoons?

>> No.17240170

just get a scale bro. it’s like $10 and there’s a hundred things you can use it for in the kitchen

>> No.17240413

>Without the additive, the PP plaques or bottles exhibited no detectable EA
Aeropress is PP

>> No.17240443

matters a lot:
>light roasts are significantly denser than dark roasts
>more light roast coffee and less dark roast coffee per tbsp
>bias toward underextraction of light roasts and overextraction of dark roasts, which are respectively the worst ways to fuck up the brewing of each roast

Get a $25 coffee scale that measures to .1g and has a timer, and you can weigh other things on it if you're bored

>> No.17240493

>The AeroPress is made of three different plastics. The clear chamber and plunger are made of copolyester. The hard black filter cap, filter holder, funnel, and stirrer are made of polypropylene.
Wrong again. They're specifically talking about those unspecified nonbpa copolys.

>> No.17240579

Ridiculous. The only thing that matters is the number of beans. Relying on volume and mass is folly that opens you up to the vagaries of roast levels, poor calibration, non-standard containers, humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc. You don't weigh them. Ever. You Count The Beans.

>> No.17240740


>> No.17240782


>> No.17240786

>also it's meant to have some water at the bottom else it will overheat and explode when the water runs dry
ah right, I just am not used to the small total volume of liquid I get compared to a french press
It does taste good after I use steamed milk but I still cant figure out why its so acidic

>> No.17241451

If you do that, then you can turn around and brew in the sock too using it as a pourover filter

>> No.17241473

It's not ideal but it won't make it impossible to get a good shot, just more finicky. Like the other anon said, finer grind will lead to more resistance and a slower shot, if you go too fine eventually you'll either choke out the machine and get nothing or you'll get channeling and it'll just blow through the puck way too fast, but if you're noticing the shot pulls too quickly you should be grinding finer until either you get what you want or you see indications of the above problems meaning you've gone too far.

>> No.17241955
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can you dump coffee grounds in the sink?

>> No.17241972

Depends on your pipes. There's still leftover oils in the tablet or v60 used grounds so it's better to throw it in organic garbage. There are also ways to use the pulp btw. Is there a word in english for coffee grounds waste?

>> No.17242379
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My preference is milk-based espresso but will do aeropress at home.

>> No.17242575

go for a 1zpresso k or q series grinder, or normcore v2
they all work pretty fast, faster even than a budget electric grinder

>> No.17242584

nvm on k series, i thought it might have a cheaper option in the line like the j series does

>> No.17243104

Anyone fuck around with home roasting with a heat gun? Is it worth it?

I usually buy 2lb bags of some really good locally roasted beans, and they end up going stale towards the end of the bag. Buying smaller portions to keep up in freshness costs way more. ($19.5/lb vs 29/lb if you get the 2 pounder subscription)

I figured keeping some green beans and roasting would give me constantly fresh beans for less. Worth it?

>> No.17243191
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I only drink coffee for my morning poo. I always make a cappuccino. Can I somehow improve that?

>> No.17243215

Just had an abomination that turned out tastier than expected.
>>running errands with wife
>>stop at hipster coffee shop
>>everything named from fandoms
>>order, they can’t make that today
>>order something else, out of that
>>look at board
>>randomly pick “The Dr. Is in”
It wasn’t coffee
It wasn’t even a latte or frapp or any of the weird hipster coffee subspecies
It was soda
It was a Dr. Pepper, with a shot of espresso, a bit of heavy cream, and ice.
I don’t generally drink soda, but I just paid $4 for this fucker so I’m gonna drink it.
Walking out to the car my wife was laughing at me.
Turned out pretty good.
Not great, but worth trying, and would drink again.
We make coffee ice cubes with whatever is leftover from the morning pot, so generally have a gallon ziplock with coffee ice cubes in the freezer.
Will probably try soda over coffee ice cubes to see if there are other good combinations.

>> No.17243421

Yes. Not with a heat gun specifically but basically the same thing.l, heater + fan. Look up dog bowl roasting.


>> No.17243650

I use a heat gun. I've been doing it for almost two years. Definitely worth it for me. Fresher, cheaper, better coffee. There are downsides. I spend about an hour every week (including cleanup) roasting a pound of coffee. It's smoky and messy. You can and will fuck up batches and it takes practice to get it right, which cuts into your budget until you get good at it. But it's fun! You have to do it outside if you don't want smoke and chaff everywhere. Put on some music or something and chill. I don't think you can really understand coffee until you start roasting it so you can taste the differences roast has on all the different types of coffees. You'll start to get really critical of everyone else's coffee because you'll be able to tell when they fucked it up.

>> No.17243688
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I don't drink coffee but I would fuck the shit out of this cute lil tomboy.

>> No.17243705

So my thoughts over the last couple years: once you start roasting and start to understand how significant and crucial it is to the cup being good you'll start to consider brewing a good cup of coffee as a retard-tier skill. I bet the people who grow and process a good coffee consider roasting a semi-retard skill.

>> No.17243779
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I bet the people who grow and process a good coffee are just happy to have a job and don't even stop to consider how much of a markup there is on the other end comparative to their daily wages

>> No.17243909

I was in love with her too until she said she has a "partner" in one of her videos which is a massive red flag (I'm an incel by the way)

>> No.17243936

I think some women like to use that term because it keeps the insane sjw types off their backs, too. In case you haven't noticed there are a lot of nuts out there.

>> No.17244042

Or because she's a squat little dyke.

>> No.17244069

Who cares if she is? She didn't cut off her tits and graft a meat tube onto her abdomen. She makes youtube coffee videos that I don't watch. She's cute, but I don't give a shit either way. You shouldn't either. Don't be a goober.

>> No.17244112
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But you do though. She'll still be on your mind tonight. She looks like Haley Joel Osment went through HRT at 12.

>> No.17244123
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>> No.17244128

Girlfriend/boyfriend sounds too babyish to say. Like "teehee who are you going to the prom with" "aw shucks let's go steady" tier language. Partner is the best term unless you have a wife or husband.

>> No.17244151

no, that's just your american-stuck-in-highschool mentality.

>> No.17244221

mod a popcorn popper

i know at least myself and anti-aeropress-anon have done so to good effect

>> No.17244264

I really don't care. That looks like the cereal milk video. That's the only one I ever saw because it was posted here. But go ahead and keep talking about some youtube chick whose name I don't know and whose videos I don't watch. Fucking dork.

>> No.17244418

Where do people store their beans?

>> No.17244464

My old shitty cheap plastic part grinder shit the bed due to some flavored beans apparently. Give me some suggestions on what to replace it with please. Preferably something with much less plastic since that shit started to dissolve apparently.

>> No.17244501

You remember her(?) videos from 9 months ago. Kek.
What's your budget and what do you drink?

>> No.17244513

in airscape, everything else gets vacuum packed and frozen

>> No.17244581

Mostly generic drip brew and occasional French press. I like to try flavored things but I've never encountered this weird sticky residue I can't get off of my grinder now. Budget is technically unlimited but I'd like to spend less than 150 if possible. I'm pretentious but not that pretentious you know? I'll give these videos a watch and report back. Thanks mate.

>> No.17244622

Doesn't hurt to do a day or two of intense googling. If you think you'd even somewhat interested in espresso in the future, probably better to toss a couple more bucks up front so you're not looking at a machine + new grinder in the future. There's also a couple people here who have bought 50mm eureka mignons recently and seem to like them. Ugly italian tanks.


>> No.17244883

I am interested in espresso in the future, but that's not really a near future thing since it would require an upgrade to my shitty machine too. I'm doing some digging on google but I wanted to know what my favorite McDonalds shilling website though about grinders. Learning a lot about hand grinders since I've only ever used stationary electric ones.

>> No.17244914

just get a 1zpresso, a gooseneck kettle and a v60. order your coffee from local specialty roasters.

>I'm pretentious but not that pretentious you know
there's nothing pretentious about drinking flavored coffee from a plastic grinder

>> No.17244993
File: 40 KB, 750x556, 243717581_3014166168821081_7592348771497290031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a couple people who post here with $30 junk harios and a few with several thousand of grinders(Monoliths or Weber eg1) sitting on their bench. I've used a $199 kinu phoenix for years and been real happy but I've got a new baller grinder on the way because it was too good of a deal to pass up. There's levels to the pretentiousness. Important thing is to buy something you're actually going to use and not want to immediately replace.


>> No.17245037

I have a good memory.

>> No.17245093

Someone called your egirl a dyke and you came valiantly to her defense 4 minutes later. But you've got no clue who she is, but also a good memory of who she is.
>Fucking dork

>> No.17245107

Aimed at UK folks
Love Lazy Sunday, any recommendations for other supermarket buys or any online retailers you recommend?

>> No.17245120

I really enjoy Jellied Eels' colombian roast with a boiled steak and some faggots n gravy in the morning

>> No.17245131

>faggots n gravy
can't say that anymore mate

>> No.17245151

Yes. Deal with it, faggot.

>> No.17245257
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Whats her upload schedule like? Asking for a friend.

>> No.17245288
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>mfw I spend years drinking coffee in my home country and like it, but my Argentinian gf takes me to random coffee places in Buenos Aires and it's so fucking good that I can't enjoy the local swill any more

>> No.17245321

What? The insane SJWs use that term specifically because it is gender neutral and trans inclusive you fucking bigot

>> No.17245420

I used to have like 12 different gadgets for making coffee. Presses, filters, pots, grinders, etc.

Now I just pop a Nespresso (c) pod in and fire up a 30 second Americano in the time it takes me to comb my hair in the morning. Literally doing anything else is bullshit affectation

>> No.17245424

reading comprehension

>> No.17245431

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17245458

Fuck off Clooney, your movies haven't been good since the early 00s

>> No.17245462
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>> No.17245465

Brad Pitt will always be superior to you, in acting, looks, and charm.

>> No.17245720

you posted this in the last thread, chud

>> No.17245729

not a real americano

>> No.17245882

Its been posted multiple times per thread since early october newfriend.

>> No.17245894

Who gives a shit? You think there's some guy in my kitchen at 6am judging the authenticity of my coffee?

>> No.17245898

Uh oh someone triggered the pod babby

>> No.17245906

>some guy in my kitchen at 6am
No but there's almost assuredly a faggot in there.

>> No.17245986

and it has been neither funny nor relevant since

>> No.17246031


>> No.17246066

So.. this is a dude right?

>> No.17246113
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Would you a FLAIR?

>> No.17246190

how do I overcome the sinister voice in the back of my head telling me to upgrade my espresso setup again

>> No.17246208

get a manual machine and direct that voice's energy to get gud instead

>> No.17246222

You can't post this question without posting the setup.

>> No.17246275

get a real hobby

>> No.17246351
File: 361 KB, 761x1269, 9C640743-A079-4020-8E18-FDEC0F6F5551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like 12 different gadgets for making coffee
I can identify with this (picrel)

I will never tire of seeing that image

>> No.17246403

I'm just glad multiple people saved it. Cumyourself anon likely died of covid related obesity before he could update the recipe :/

>> No.17246474
File: 214 KB, 2048x1544, Popper-Coffee-Roaster-Front-View-popper-brown-logo-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got one of these popper roasters from sweet marias holeeeeyyyy shit it is amazing especially for the price. Ethiopia sidamo on my first try came out better than it probably ever dig with my heatgun/whisk method and it was so much more convenient

>> No.17246502
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>Ethiopia sidamo on my first try came out better than it probably ever dig with my heatgun/whisk method and it was so much more convenient
my diligent popper shilling worked :) I thought about picking that one up and wiring in the tc4 but I kind of want to mod a freshroast sr800 now that I'm aware of razzo glass. Supposed to be a significant improvement to airflow and evenness. FRs were never on my radar since all I heard was people bitching about them, but I could void a warranty and have something sick wired up in ~25minutes.

>> No.17246571

Based and AeroPilled

>> No.17246642
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Does anyone else prefer to grind by hand?
I decided to when my £200 burr grinder fizzled out in less than 6 months and the store and delonghi refused to replace/fix it, just seems like they're built to die.
I've been using this grinder for over a year now and can't recommend it enough. It grinds through all beans even peaberry effortlessly.

>> No.17246843

Literally just get instant coffee, idiot.

>> No.17247578


>> No.17247595
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Can't stop. Won't stop.

>> No.17247776
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tell me where to buy green coffee.
>inb4 sweet maria's (portland is a shithole) and other by the pound 300% markup
I want farm direct.
I want a cardboard box, in the mail, with the farmer's name on it who grew the trees.
Fuck these import grifters.
Hit me up Juan.
I'm in the market for around 50lbs at least twice a year.
Not for resale, so no import tax applies.
That means I can pay you more Pablo.
This a topic thread?
If you make a general you should add resources to your op.

>> No.17248114
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Hey /ctg/, how many grinders do you have?

>> No.17248148

>This a topic thread?
>If you make a general you should add resources to your op.

no you
/ctg/ is an absurdist, avant-garde, dadaist expression of coffee & nothing moar
if your looking for serious discussion or resources pretty much any other websites will have what you want

this is not your personal google
this is not your personal reddit
this is not your blog

stop being a fag, only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>> No.17248167
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>no you

walmart right?

that's where you procure your kcups.

nice spacing.

bad general is bad.

>> No.17248175

6 I think?

>> No.17248472
File: 9 KB, 350x350, imageService.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that gcc is RIP, try greencoffeebuyingclub. Nothing but import grifters on a forum without an actual storefront. You'll love it.
No he buys all his beans at Aldis. Soon to be costco.

>> No.17248631

2. One for espresso, one for other stuff

>> No.17248675
File: 320 KB, 551x648, neoliberal beanwater general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless it's bulk pricing I'll stick with the midwest pound by pound import grifter i switched to when chad went live and sm shut down a bit.

>> No.17248686
File: 163 KB, 437x421, not coffee at all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, look at this idiot telling anon what to do and what not to in, supposedly, their thread on an anonymous east-slovakian turbofolk forum

>> No.17248703

"Ground coffee" - coffee that has been ground and can be brewed.
"Coffee grounds" - used ground coffee, waste product leftover after brewing.

>> No.17248705

I have a manual side-setup for when I'm feeling fancy, it didn't quell the lust

Silvia Pro
Sette 270i

will try

>> No.17248713
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>> No.17248721
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>> No.17248727

Thanks, coffeeanon. I always expect there to exist a more professional term for things like that.

>> No.17248747


Nespresso is just foamed coffee. Its not crema bro

>> No.17248808
File: 478 KB, 888x590, 5 bucks a pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that $65/pound?

>> No.17248815


>> No.17248836

High volume forum seller. No sense in cucking yourself to one vendor.
Get a better grinder. If you pick up something cheap like a df64 you'd have an alright conical and a 64mm flat carrier to fuck around with ssp burrs or the new gorilla gear shit.

>> No.17248841

so what

>> No.17248878
File: 120 KB, 1500x1125, mokak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moka pot gang?!

>> No.17248929

>pretty cheap. $0.65/pod
so $.65 for five grams of coffee? you can get really nice specialty coffee for $130/kg. never mind all the extra waste for the packaging.
>Its not crema bro
that's good though. real crema tastes disgusting

>> No.17249023

>real crema tastes disgusting
No way bro. Delonghi is coming out with a new 25bar pump version. That thing'll piss hot crema everywhere.

>> No.17249154
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you think? how is it that you're unaware of how many coffee grinders you own??

>> No.17249214

>Trusts digital for everything but spinning the wheels.
That's the dumbest thing i've seen.

>> No.17249427

it's clearly MS paint
or else HORRIBLE advertising

>> No.17249857

No its 100% real. Coming to market soon. Think its the breville /sgp/

>> No.17250037

hey this is actually a great idea. Surprised it hasn't been done before.

>> No.17250046

just my EK
don't see a reason to buy more

>> No.17250103

Just one, but I'm thinking of buying a manual one as well for when I'm traveling and don't want to drink whatever shit is available at someone else's house or try to find a decent cafe

>> No.17250155

i made some coffee to go in a thermos but I added too much milk and it was warmish so I instead poured it over ice and made iced coffee, it was a good day

>> No.17250220

>decaf cold brew
>pumpkin spice creamer
>jim beam

don't even fuckin THINK about judging me til you've tried it

>> No.17250229

not sure why i quoted you there>>17250155 so here's another (you) for your iced coffee escapade

>> No.17250262

These (You)s please me greatly, also alcohol doesn't belong in coffee, coffee in alcohol however is a different story

>> No.17250375
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220110_020119151~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect puck gang

>> No.17250540

anyone else kind of tired of specialty coffee? or find it overrated?

these day's i'd just like a decent medium-dark roast i can add a little milk to and enjoy with a pastry. not looking for something that will taste like hot lemon juice if the water is a little too hot, or not hot enough, or if the grind isn't coarse enough, or if i didn't brew it fast enough, or if i didn't bloom it right....

>> No.17250714
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>hand grinding for espresso
why do i do this to myself

>> No.17250752

please tell me you didn't spend upwards of $200 on a handgrinder anon

>> No.17250757

Moka pots fucking suck and unless you're a coffee genius and/or willing to put a fuck ton of sugar in your espresso like the italians do, you will not produce good coffee out of the machine.

>> No.17250761


>> No.17250767

since writing that i've been doing some reading and this method seems to be working well, I think with some tinkering with different roasts/grind size/ ratios I can get an idyllic cup of coffee from a moka pot. I also don't take sugar in any drink, whole milk and milk foam is plenty sweet as is


>> No.17250776

I don't own a coffee grinder, and I probably never will. There's this coffee dealer about two blocks away from my house, I can buy beans in small quantities a few times a week and have them ground at way better consistency than I could produce at home, and he does it for free too.

>> No.17250780

Absolutely go for it, I'm just reminding you that you're not under any sort of obligation to muscle your way through this brewing method, regular italians typically brew really bitter, shitty espresso and they take it with sugar

>> No.17250782

Is it too late for another kcup?
I’m going to try and hit this Udemy course hard and learn how to code cuz I want to make some goddamned money.

>> No.17250788

Yeah I went through a brief phase where I only drank super high-end, meticulously crafted espresso because I thought adding milk was pussying out of the beverage and I couldn't stand anything else. Then I discovered canned japanese café au lait and now I exclusively take my coffee with milk and sugar. I see it a little like a lemon zest in cake. When you add lemon zest to a cake, you don't say "oh, you're ruining the taste of the lemon," the lemon becomes just another flavor in a complete and balanced baked good. Likewise, café au lait captures the sweetness of milk and the essence of the general coffee flavor profile without dipping too far into unpalatable bitterness.

>> No.17250811

What's your preferred method of non-espresso coffee brewing then? a v60 in my experience seems even less forgiving towards error in terms of achieving an end result that is somewhat palatable.
>regular italians typically brew really bitter, shitty espresso
thankfully for the 3rd wave we can leave such primordial practices behind with a little effort

>> No.17250824

no i got a timemore c2 for $70.

>> No.17250834

It's not that bad. I use my JX-Pro over my Sette 270 some days if I feel like it - honestly it wakes me up a little if it's early

>> No.17250837

Yeah as an Aussie with a pretty well developed third wave coffee culture I was surprised how often I had pretty shit coffee in Italy.

>> No.17250846

>we can leave such primordial practices behind with a little effort
Yeah man, primordial practices like the moka pot, which is just very inadequate as a brewer. You will struggle to pull good coffee out of it.

I personally don't drink espresso anymore, it was becoming more of a hobby than a drink and I found that I wasn't really enjoying the process. I make coffee in an 8 cup chemex, which is about three medium size mugs worth. I use the standard chemex filters, and can consistently get excellent coffee out of it with zero effort. It's almost impossible to fuck up, definitely recommend.

>> No.17250870

if you roast your own it doesn't matter at all how you brew it.
even if you roast it in a skillet.

>> No.17250937

maybe im being retarded here but how is one style of pourover coffee different to another? Is there that great a difference between a v60 and chemex?

>> No.17250971

Nah man you're not retarded, it's all a learning process. Chemex filters are substantially thicker than v60 filters. When you pour into a chemex, the water sits with the beans a bit and so you simultaneously achieve both a semi-immersion brew, and regular percolation. You get a much smoother, less acidic cup, and the oils on the top of the cup are absorbed by the heavier paper as they seep down. All the grounds get contact with water, vs with v60 where it's very easy to overextract.

>> No.17251004

I know what you mean, I don’t even drink coffee.

>> No.17251048

I don't know what my grinder's name is.
I can't afford an italian coffee machine.
I spend about $3 a week on beans and brew and drink out of a mason jar.
I add milk and sugar.
sometimes honey.

>> No.17251060

have you ever considered adding chicory and curry powder?

>> No.17251067


>> No.17251074

Have you ever considered adding coconut cream and sweetened condensed milk?

>> No.17251078


>> No.17251080

why not? it's the /ctg/ house recipe

>> No.17251084

i'm not a faggot.

>> No.17251087

Unreasonably based. Café au lait is where it's at my guy

>> No.17251096

Is there any functional difference between using cream of coconut and evaporated milk versus using the traditional coconut cream and condensed milk?

>> No.17251098

your piss is more yellow with the milk.

>> No.17251156


>> No.17251181
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fuck it I'll buy some chemex papers and fall down that rabbit hole for a while

Here's Yoel Romero being inspiring

>> No.17251240

I'm sure your $100+ investment in glass and paper will be worth it after the collapse.

>> No.17251242

reddit machine with a screen so you can watch rick and morty while your espresso draws

>> No.17251244

original nespresso still has very much real crema, it's the virtuo line that doesn't have a real crema

>> No.17251251

And at only $65/pound!
I'm coooming my neoliberal panties!

>> No.17251265

machine: $20 used on marketplace
coffee: buy off-brand capsules if you want to save money, literally 20 cents per pod.
How many nespresso can you have before you spend enough to buy a gcp or a bigger reddit machine like the pro 500?

>> No.17251296

>Not being poor is reddit

>> No.17251383

>gcp or a bigger reddit machine like the pro 500
idk what those are.
roasted in a popcorn popper or a cast iron skillet.
ground in a grinder.
brewed in a mason jar.
poured through a mesh into another mason jar.
milk, sugar.
no waste. no frills. no pumps. no capsules.
and I've had nespresso.
it sucks in comparison.

>> No.17251394

Do americans really drink coffee

>> No.17251420

just drink both when you want to

>> No.17251451

no it isn't

>> No.17251481


>> No.17251548

Any anons ever use anything like an extra fine tea infuser or similar product for doing pour-over? Seems like an interesting prospect to me. The flimsy metal pour-overs and standard oil-wicking conical paper setups seem less efficient in that regard. Just want a low-tech, reusable setup for making some light coffee.

>> No.17251556

>I spend about $3 a week on beans and brew and drink out of a mason jar.
How do you do this effectively, exactly? Best I've done is the poorfag method of wrapping a conical filter on top of a mug or glass jar and pouring over carefully to avoid it bursting under the weight.

>> No.17251559

dude, just make your own like damn, cold brew is the easiest shit to make lmao

>> No.17251609

For me it's turkish coffee, even though I fucking hate turks

>> No.17251620

do you even know what crema is? it's not some sort of mystical proof of quality coffee, it's literally just trapped co2

>> No.17251627

t. coffee babby who just watched his first James Hoffmann video

>> No.17251659

t. coffee baby who just watched his first james hoffman video and wants to pretend he knew all of this an hour ago, but is not wealthy enough to have experienced carbonated beverages in his life

>> No.17251668
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mine's not flimsy but I don't play football with it.

>> No.17251669

t. literally drinks nespresso and got this triggered by my accurate read of your psyche

it must suck being you lmfao

>> No.17251672
File: 255 KB, 1000x1000, I don't mind a little grit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty much french press.

>> No.17251676

why are you admitting to drinking nespresso and getting triggered

>> No.17251678
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without the french or the press.
I call it american pour.

>> No.17251689

i hate the english

>> No.17251723

Thought about getting one of these once, though I heard cleaning them can be troublesome. How is maintenance?
How big is this sifter? I'm surprised your grounds don't blast through more than you suggest. Do you do some sort of pourover in this way? I'd like to try it for myself.

>> No.17251743

ground coffee in jar.
pour water over ground coffee.
steep. can stir.
pour through mesh into another jar.
I've never had a problem with blasting. The mesh I use fits into the mouth of a wide mouth jar. I leave some grinds in the steep jar. I find no need to fill the mesh with grounds or press the grinds after extraction.

>> No.17251760

A hand crank one and a spice mill that used to be a blade grinder

>> No.17251768

jar gets hot so oven mit or damp towel.

>> No.17251773

Interesting notes, I will have to give this a try later today. I've done something similar before, being a mug-to-mug process, but it felt messy and ineffective. If you don't mind a few more questions, may I know:
>How much coffee is used for how nuch water
>Grind size
>How long you perform the steep for
Maybe if I can refine my methods, I can get better results like you do.

>> No.17251782

I don't measure it.
french press size.
depends on the day and the roast.
I don't really make a science out of it.
Let me know how it turns out.

>> No.17251785

Thanks. I will look into giving it a try again soon and report back to the thread when I do.

>> No.17252011

I want a good cup of coffee..

>> No.17252336

try nespresso it's only $65 a pound.

>> No.17252394

I recently started getting more interested in good coffee, instead of just my typical, k-cup bullshit. So I got a coffee grinder, goose neck kettle, and a Carafe set up for pour over. This is pretty fun, and good tasting coffee. I like the smell of the fresh ground beans. Anyone have any idea where I should go next? I would like to make cappuccinos at home, but I know generally that is done with espresso and I don't think I want to shell out for an espresso machine.

>> No.17252411

if you’re only wanting to make espresso-based milk drinks the answer to that question is going to be different than if you are looking for the best shot of espresso you’ve ever had

>> No.17252540

Buy a used Nespresso machine

>> No.17252612

Good webm, godspeed anon

>> No.17252628

>after the collapse
Buddy, coffee as a beverage is about as fragile as it gets in terms of post-apocalyptic viability. It doesn't grow in colder, more developed climates, and so you're going to have a bitch of a time figuring out how to import good beans in a post-globalist world. Enjoy it while it lasts, don't punish yourself with shitty coffee. Buy a chemex.

>> No.17252653
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Note this little groove/spout thing going down the side, make sure that the coffeemaker you use the filters with has this and that air can flow through it properly. The filters have a tendency to stick to the sides of the brewer, which forms a vaccum and stops the flow of coffee out if you're not careful.

>> No.17252663

>Nespresso doubleshot
>A spoonful of sweet creme, frothed
>Perfect coffee every morning
It's really that easy lads.

>> No.17252685

>buy a $100 specialty glass funnel.
>coffee wasn't as common trade item as sugar and flour.

>> No.17252700

does that take into account the weight of the aluminium or not?

>> No.17252703

AT ONLY $65.001 A POUND!

>> No.17252718

>On a forum that brags about spending $500 for a grinder and thousands on espresso gear
>Complains on pods costing less than $1 per cup.
Ok retard I guess I can't enjoy things that are sold at a markup

>> No.17252722

Post your coffee setup, let's see if you've got it all figured out.

>> No.17252727

Just got an aeropress, a bag of fancy coffee beans from some kinda jungle or something, and a coffee bean grinder for christmas.

My question is - what's the best way to get hot water for the press? I'm an American so I don't have a designated electric kettle for making tea every 3 hours. I guess I could heat some water in a pot on the stove? I also have a keurig which has been my only other source of coffee for several years - can I just use the hot water from the Keurig to put into my Aeropress?

Any other Aero tips I should be aware of?

>> No.17252761
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>> No.17252803

I love you but you're deeply, deeply retarded. Milk and sugar combo is goated but not if you're not properly brewing your coffee. It's not tea dude, it shouldn't be brewed like this. Please for the love of god use a proper filter. Anything is better than this.

>> No.17252804
File: 48 KB, 500x500, dumbfounded pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ do you make your coffee in the stall of a truck stop bathroom? clean that shit up for the love of god

>> No.17252812
File: 19 KB, 500x500, picrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a proper filter
doesn't cost enough right?
maybe has more than one use and that's a no no?
not for you I use my kitchen.

>> No.17252814
File: 74 KB, 800x450, tarnation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17252815

It's sad too because he clearly cares somewhat about the taste, he's got a good kettle and a proper grinder and everything, only to strain water through a fucking wire mesh and the end of it all.

If you really really care so much about a low tech, self reliant solution, you should grind turkish and learn to make coffee with a cezve. You'll get a far superior cup to this half-ass ghetto percolation bullshit

>> No.17252821

>italians bragging they have the best thing and they invented it
>turns out its the worst version of that thing on the planet.

>> No.17252822

It has nothing to do with price, you could make coffee in a sock like the homeless man from polar express and still get a better brew than your current setup. It's just terrible.

>> No.17252827


>> No.17252838

it might be ghetto but if mine breaks I don't need to put in for a warranty and go without.
I don't overcook anything.
you flatter me. <3
I use glass. just like your chemex. but mine doesn't cost $100.
a box of 12 is $9.
you think your glass is magic?

>> No.17252839

Picrel is a french press, french press works because the grounds are immersed in water and so there's time to get a proper extraction. That's not true in your case. Percolation requires a filter to work properly.

>> No.17252841

read the thread.

>> No.17252857

No, there's literally nothing special about the physical chemex device, it's just a pretty vessel for the filter.

Still retarded, when you pour through the strainer you agitate the grounds and get tiny sediment in the cup. There's no way this method produces good coffee. I am going to kill you!

>> No.17252861

any tips on grinding for a keurig? Mine does 8/10/12oz and has a "strong" mode to increase the length of the drip.

I have a 1zpresso jx-pro for espresso so I can grind for anything but I'm not sure if I should grind for pourover or drip.

>> No.17252864

>when you pour through the strainer you agitate the grounds and get tiny sediment in the cup
kinda like french press huh?
cope and seethe.

>> No.17252865

my dude surely you are trolling? the filtered plunger on a french press is used to press the coffee grinds down and separate them from the liquid AFTER they have been brewing in the hot water for like 10+ minutes...
Pouring hot water over coffee beans in a metal strainer directly into the cup is simply going to give you hot, vaguely coffee flavored water... I mean you are essentially just giving those coffee beans a quick rinse. Surely you're not actually that fucking stupid?

Just search on amazon for a proper reusable pour over coffee filter, I promise you they are like $10 at most and they have the fine mesh needed to allow the coffee to actually brew properly.

>> No.17252872
File: 64 KB, 470x879, 91CenwFKG8L._SY879_PIbundle-3,TopRight,0,0_SX470SY879SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people drink alcohol just to get drunk, can you drink coffee just to get alert?

>> No.17252875

>that fucking stupid?
writes me a story but can't read the thread.

>> No.17252878

yeah it's called espresso. concentrated shot of caffeine.

>> No.17252894

just take caffeine pills if you want to be alert.

>> No.17252897

I'm telling you that your "special method" of making "coffee" is fucking stupid, numbskull

You have not discovered a unique way to make coffee. You are not special.

Enjoy your hot coffee-flavored water that's not actually coffee in any way

>> No.17252903

like >>17252878 says you could basically do a ristretto which is a low volume espresso, super concentrated. I read caffeine is very water soluble and is the first thing to come out of your grounds so you dont need a lengthy process like french press brewing or preinfusion.

>> No.17252904

I am very special and I will enjoy my hot bean water thank you very much sir good day.

>> No.17252908

French press creates an extraction, and you're creating an abomination. I am going to kill you!

>> No.17253057

This is where Nespresso threads lead.

>> No.17253171

Seem to be describing completely different methods. The first is sort of like a French Press. The second is sort of like a pourover.

>> No.17253241

you say that like its a bad thing

>> No.17253710

I like a cup of coffee right before I go to the gym. It gives me the right amount of caffeine instead of preworkout powders that have too much.

>> No.17253978

No. They should be talking about the origin of the coffee: country, region, farm, cultivars, processing. And "medium" roast usually means quite dark relative to, I want to say optimal but I understand people have different preferences, typical high quality third wave roasters. By saying your coffee is a "medium roast" is an implicit admission of low knowledge, low quality green coffee usually, and likely a very mediocre roast that is taken much too dark. It is a heuristic for the roaster's approach to coffee - they gave up learning much too early, and accept mediocre results rather than challenge their own ego.

>> No.17254155

How do bots get past the Captcha? This post made a bit more sense in its original context, when somebody was actually talking about a medium roast.

>> No.17254209

Are you dense? I just went back a few threads looking for the guy bitching about /ctg/ not being helpful but it was already nuked. That's just the oldest dumb post I could readily pull.

>> No.17254319

I fucking hate the direction /ctg/ is headed. This place was fun and had great inspiration for coffee, just as little as 3 months ago. What happened? The /ctg/ comments are sarcastic at best and cancer at worst. Any efforts at actual discussion immediately just turn into shitposting and memeing, generally pulled off by only 2-3 dedicated schizoid trolls. Genuine questions for help are met with shill comments “Just buy this thing like I have because it’s all I could afford, then you’ll have better coffee like mine” etc. Are there mods that come into this thread? I find it hard to believe this thread is only run by 3-5 people that constantly shit up the place and for no good reason other than “le epic lulz”. Is there any way to request that off topic retarded comments and trolls could be banned or just deleted?

>> No.17254373

We all have to report/ignore troll comments or I don't think the mods still care as much. I really need to make that pastebin >_>

>> No.17254383

Sorry, I meant, "or I dont think the mods WILL care as much"

>> No.17254394
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>> No.17254419

>Needlessly aggressive bickering over something pointless
>double spaced
Who could be behind this?

>> No.17254468

Oh look delusionalgangstalkinganon is still around.

>> No.17254482

which place is it, most places make shit coffee like everywhere

>> No.17254545

This is correct

who hurt you big guy?

>> No.17254604
File: 54 KB, 1317x783, boycott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligentsia is off the list boys. Counterculture too.

>> No.17255040

How much should I be paying for a bag of (filter) coffee?

How much do (You) pay for a bag of coffee anon?

>> No.17255124

$18-26 for 12oz bag
$100-120 for 5# if I know it’s good

>> No.17255203

that seems ludicrous anon

>> No.17255445

Then buy a popper or hive and drop the price per lb well under $10 at the expense of your time.

>> No.17255495

are you paying for the quality or traceability of the beans?

>> No.17255543

>quality or traceability of the beans?
most of the time they're one and the same

>> No.17255574

>find really good flavor of goat cheese in store
>it's gone permanently, but the other flavors from the same company are still there
>find really good flavor of coffee at store
>it's gone permanently, but other flavors from same company are still there
why do stores do this? i feel like somebody is watching me shop on camera, and then when i find something i like he removes it from the store on purpose, but not the other stuff from the same company. just the flavor i like. i have to order it online now.

>> No.17255619

>flavor of coffee

>> No.17255661

You could always get a moka pot and dip your toes into making poor man's milk drinks with that and french press foamed milk. Something to test out how much you're actually into it compared to just the idea of it before you go out spending however many hundreds of dollars on an actual espresso machine. From there if you really want to play around with real espresso without spending an insane amount you could look at some of the cheaper manual machines like the standard flairs for instance, at that point you'd be pretty close to making the real shit with the only compromise being not quite cafe quality milk foaming.

>> No.17255676
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Tried the glass jar + strainer method an anon here mentioned earlier. It turned out decent enough to drink, but not particularly pleasant otherwise. Bitterness and sourness aren't egregious (but noticeable), and texture is rather smooth, though it is rather thin and flat. Brew parameters were as follows:
>12g of a somewhat coarse, perhaps medium grind.
>~4 mins, filtered with a fine mesh strainer.
Biggest issue is it being a pain to strqin when the slurry covers the filter. I had to agitate the bed while pouring through because it closed off with my fine mesh. I could probably use hotter water, but I don't think the extraction would improve that much, especially since I gave it comfortably four, probably five mins with the slurry issue, with medium grinds and pre-heated vessels. I'm unaccustomed to coffee making beyond janky pourover setups, but these immersion setups never seem tobwork for me. At least I know now that I prefer pour-over in this scenario.
>Pic related, the thin coffee and bothersome mess I will have to handle after submitting my post.

>> No.17255682

You're paying for whatever you want to pay for. Here's the cheapest stuff on SM.


>> No.17255683

There's no reason brewing in a jar should give you any difference in extraction from a French press assuming you use all the same techniques and settings for grind, water temp, steep time, etc.

The thing that this method absolutely will do is give you every single bit of grit and silt possible in the finished product whereas with a proper French press you can keep most if not all of it in the brew vessel by simply being careful during the plunge and pour

>> No.17255727

Should I order an extra shot with 20 oz lattes?

>> No.17255734

order an extra shot through your brain faggot, no way you need to be drinking 20 ounces of milk

>> No.17255735

I'm only documenting my experience, nothing more or less. The drink itself was not filthy (since I strained the liquid), but the cleanup afterwards was 2x the work of preparation/brewing. It was probably under-extracted, though as mentioned, I don't believe even a small temp increase would improve this. Grind size changes may help (maybe going coarser?), but I've had more body and more depth of aroma in a janky pourover in comparison, despite of course losing some oils in the process. It isn't bad, but it has made me realize a few things:
>Reusable filters and double vessels mean more cleaning.
Problem for me in my particular living arrangement.
>I prefer the clarity of pour-over vs immersion.
Having done this before in a more ineffective way, and now again with better basic tools, as well as tasting immersion coffees elsewhere, I don't think they're for me. I prefer the simplicity in a typical pourover setup, even if the waste is an extra cost.

>> No.17255757

Don't get me wrong I'm not arguing in favor of this method at all, mason jar autist is clearly retarded. Just saying anyone who enjoys french press or other immersion methods and has a technique that works for them can probably get perfectly fine extraction that way, but it still won't remove the intent flaw of brewing immersion then dumping all of it through an ineffective filter that's always going to let a bunch of the shit you want to filter out get through.

>> No.17255786
File: 2.45 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20220110_205439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz rate much instant setup, I should go perc but am lazy. I may get a coffee press. Thots?

>> No.17255821

Much = muh** Gboard doesn't approve of me texting like a rowboat

>> No.17255849

for me, it's glass jar and a paper filter

>> No.17256082

I do something like that, though opt for a mug since the hole size is more narrow. How do you do it? I usually pour over the filter to wet it and remove paper odours, then wrap it around the mug, pour in my grinds, and do a pourover process. It works alright, but it can be tough because nothing is really supporting the filter too well, so if I'm not careful, it will burst. That said, the outcome is usually pretty decent for such a janky setup. I am contempating on a possible tin platform of some kind to hold Aeropress disc filters (since they're so small and inexpensive) to do a pourover with into a glass jar or similar.

>> No.17256974
File: 49 KB, 640x454, no u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mason jar autist is clearly retarded

>> No.17257014

>bothersome mess
>the cleanup afterwards was 2x the work of preparation/brewing
I don't recommend it for store bought pre-roasted beans.
and rinsing a jar and mesh is not a big deal for me.

>> No.17257642

cleaning mesh is a colossal pain in the ass I've got a chinois that I avoid using because it's such a hassle to get every little spec out of the inside it just moves around and sticks somewhere else

>> No.17257656

bf made coffee for the third time for me with too much condensed milk which is absolutely vile. don't even like it with sugar but then he's autistic about "you need condensed milk/sugar because that's how it's supposed to be".

also what are some good beans for coffee from a moka?

>> No.17257676

Medaglia D'Oro

>> No.17257812

I too enjoy drinking boiling hot water that has been in continuous contact with plastic

>> No.17258142

go to a thrift store and buy a kettle for fuck sake

>> No.17258152

you won't find a proper gooseneck in just any thrift store

>> No.17258175


>> No.17258177

you'll 100% find a [better than keurig or soup pot] kettle and you fucking know it

>> No.17258182

There was already a new thread up retard

>> No.17258297

>There's no reason brewing in a jar should give you any difference in extraction from a French press assuming you use all the same techniques and settings for grind, water temp, steep time, etc.
it's probably a bit worse, as the jar has thicker glass and thus a higher thermal mass (unless you bother preheating)

>> No.17258332

new thread before old thread expires
new thread without linking to the old one

>> No.17258347

>not my problem

>> No.17259073

I have one but I keep forgetting to clean it out

>> No.17259156

I am also an american and I own a kettle. If you regularly drink coffee and eat ramen noodle soup, you should own a kettle