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17234766 No.17234766 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the carcasses of all these animals making one of the best stocks of all time.

>> No.17234786

>none of whom wanted to die
It’s not like i get a fucking choice either, but those animals would have zero issue eating grass fertilized by my dead body.
Give and take, you ungrateful fucking cows and chickens and shit.

>> No.17234804

these vegans are mind readers too now, huh?

>> No.17234814

Only 11 cows? That's sad.

>> No.17234823

do they think the plants they eat want to die?

>> No.17234824

the average American will consume 10x this.

>> No.17234827

>300 sheep

>> No.17234882
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Good, I'm going for a fucking record. Fuck the future generations.

>> No.17234911
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Hopefully my score is higher then that!

>> No.17234915

Those numbers are insane, they make no sense. What sort of maniac consumes turkey more than once a year, and an entire one at that? Is this hypothetical human living to the age of 320? You'd have to eat a pound of meat from birth to your 80s to get through that many animals.

>> No.17234924


>> No.17234926

Those are rookie numbers

>> No.17234951
File: 48 KB, 600x450, 01615EE0-5B19-4D29-92C3-24315EF20B3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 34 and pretty certain I’ve surpassed all those numbers except fish
t. Hoosier

>> No.17234952

Turkey is consumed in the form of cold cut sandwiches very often at least here in the USA.

>> No.17234956

what if the animal is depressed and wants to die?? checkmate vegans

>> No.17234963

I bet I can eat double that

>> No.17234969

>tfw in my 30’s and only now seeing these statistics
Fucking cunt it’s too late in the game for me to start keeping score now. I bet I could beat those fucking amateur numbers.

>> No.17234999

>None of whom wanted to die
So not even 1 of those animals browsed 4chan?

>> No.17235086

how do they know they didnt want to die? can they talk to animals?

>> No.17235093

my friend the doctor can

>> No.17235170
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Must be European statistics.

>> No.17235210

Yes but I wanted them to die. And Im smarter and more important than a fucking cow.

>> No.17235214

I've eaten literally 4 cows since 2017.

How can it be so low? I call bullshit on you op.

>> No.17235217


>> No.17235234

I honestly dont get these. cows are bread to be food. they're not wild.

>> No.17235355
File: 649 KB, 2000x1125, Year-of-Ox-Cow-Bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cows are bread

>> No.17235365

>None of whom wanted to die
but i want to eat them tho

>> No.17235373

>None of them wanted to die
Not true, at least one of them wanted to die.

>> No.17235476

>none of whom wanted to die
They didn't want to live, either. I've only killed chickens, but all they really wanted was grain and to move away from loud noises.
Chickens don't really react when you kill another chicken inches away from them, and they don't really try to move from the chopping block. Animals barely want anything at all.

Also, what the fuck are these numbers. Who eats more fish than chicken? Why only 11 cows? I eat a cow every four years.

>> No.17235479

if you ate a half a pound of cow every day for 27 years that would be 11 cows worth of beef. Then you'd have to get started on all the other meats. Honestly not that crazy

>> No.17235484

it would seriously not surprise me in the least if it was the #1 meat at subway. We eat a lot of turkey in sandwich form

>> No.17235488

Are these statistics based on Americans or the whole world? Or just made up whole cloth? Because I highly doubt the average American eats more sheep than cows. And I doubt the average person eats nearly as much turkey as Americans do.

>> No.17235500

given the conditions on feed lots, I'm pretty sure a bunch of them are cool with dying

>> No.17235502

Ive never heard of a stock that uses ALL the animal carcasses. I bet it would be a bit overwhelming

>> No.17235507

Yeah I don't think vegetarians realize that the collapse of the beef industry would lead to all the cows being euthanized. It's not like some fat mean old slaughterhouse owner is going to throw down and stomp on his hat because all the cows get to be free forever in some field.

>> No.17235524

the organization is in texas, so i'm confused too
also interesting coincidence that the vegan lady from youtube who eats like 10 pounds of kale a day and banana peels works for them

>> No.17235535

Idk my chickens are pretty intelligent and got personality, feel like they're smarter than the cats I've owned.
They run up and peck at my door and beg me to come out to the field so hawks and eagles stay away. Won't go to the field unless me or the dog are out there, they stay by the house or the sheds, so there's some smarts there.

>> No.17235557

Do fish even have emotions?

>> No.17235565

Americans don’t eat sheep often.

>> No.17235568

are they quizzing these animals if they have a death wish or not??? they do know that animals die all the time from other animals so it's not like they give a fuck about who actually kills them

>> No.17235573

hard to believe this woman is in her 30s

>> No.17235601


I think you guys are underestimating how long a cow would last you. I've seen people (who slaughter and butcher their own cows for their own consumption) say they can get (at least) a year and a half of beef every single day out of it, and most people don't eat beef every single day.
8 cows a month is like 3500lbs of beef. That's approaching 2 tons of cow. Now I'm sure someone is eating that much but jfc.

>> No.17235645

I eat turkey all the time. like cooking a tonne of marble-sized thigh mince meatballs with plenty seasonings at once and keep them all in my freezer to break out a few just to add to any kind of stew I'm making as a little bonus

>> No.17235662

That's hanging weight, dressed it's a lot less. A cow is still a lot of meat though. I split a quarter with a buddy back in October, I eat 1-1.5 lbs a day and I'm just getting ready to buy another quarter

>> No.17235781

Eh, they're just animals and animals have no real value so killing them is ok, they don't have a choice in it the choice is ours and we are free to kill them as we please
That said, I probably should stop eating meat from the supermarket cause I have no idea how they died or how they lived and I can imagine it'd be pretty grim in my country

>> No.17236213

I get all my meat from the facilities that PETA euthanizes their animals at. Im sure they check with the animals first to make sure they want to die.

>> No.17236375
File: 67 KB, 663x663, 1538658239811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search up cow bread
>find the video
>underneath it is a cow insemination video

>> No.17236431

>30 turkeys

>> No.17236446

I don't want to die either. This isn't a fucking democracy and they don't get a vote. There are humans who can't recognize themselves in the mirror but can be charged as adults. They shouldn't get a vote either. I'll eat what I want.

>> No.17236494

Yet everything dies anyway and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it. Dumb leftist utopian. Go eat some air. Oh right you will "kill" that too. Better you go die then

>> No.17236554

Only animals can eat other animals.

>> No.17236559

I have at least one turkey and one turkey breast in the freezer.

>> No.17236568

>Only non-whites can be racist
Same people say this too

>> No.17236579

I was skeptical about 4500 fish but that turns out to be about 85 years worth of Fridays.

>> No.17236602

Plants eat animals

>> No.17236608

I eat a lot of shrimp for the specific purpose of maximizing my kill count

>> No.17236620

A human can not only survive but thrive off the meat of a single cow for atleast a year, while eating nothing else. Meat has all the essential nutrients including Vitamin C in liver. When combined with dairy and plant foods you could possibly last 5+ years in good health and a lifetime by only having to kill 10-15 cows. Meanwhile vegans will kill thousands of small animals from crop deaths and live a miserable life by malnourishing themself.

>> No.17236645

humans are animals

>> No.17236648

Why play a numbers game? It should be morally abhorren to kill just 1 animal for foods. Because if it isn't, you could theoretically slaughter trillions of cows in a second and it wouldn't be less morally permissible just because you increase the quantity.

>> No.17236673

rent free

>> No.17236680

If they didn't want to die they lacked the intelligence to deserve life.

>> No.17236975

i dont want to die either, thats why i eat

>> No.17237037

Who the fuck are there cunts to decide whether an animal is suicidal or not?

>> No.17237054

Yeah I worked security at a feedlot decades ago. Duck most people don't know how God damn dumb cows are. Half of my job was calling someone when a cow managed to break free or kill itself

>> No.17237060

But I'm an animal, specifically a species of great ape

>> No.17237062


>> No.17237063

Livestock? More like deadstock amirite.

>> No.17237081

This. In America something like 90% of cows would be dead in a week without human intervention. Cows are literally retarded. Some range cattle would probably at least survive until winter a small percentage of those would likely survive the winter. But since most bulls are neutered as calves that's the end of them

>> No.17237095

I mean fish on average are pretty intelligent.
Yeah no octopus but you'd be surprised the amount of memory and pattern recognition something that just moves foreward and eats whatever is in front of it has.

>> No.17237100

No it gets worse, no cow would be left alive because the moment a anti-husbandry law goes into effect they'd all be mass slaughtered, old and calves, nurses and steers, to push for one final cost recovery. Then they'll either sell whatever they can on the black market.

>> No.17237221

Few of whom would have been alive anyway

>> No.17237277

>none of whom wanted to die

I don't think any animal eaten by another animal wanted to die. Well, except male redback spiders which will actually INTENTIONALLY angle themselves towards the female's mouth during spiderfucking so the female will eat them.

So, if a vore fetish can be documented in spiders, perhaps it also exists in other animals?

>> No.17237280

Gonna have to bump up those rookie numbers.

>> No.17237288

Animals do it to survive. People do it because they like the taste. Huge difference.

Also, livestock lives in captivity. Animals live a free life until they die. The life matters, not how they die. Life is much, much longer than the process of death.


>> No.17237305

Fugg, I just consumed a smoked turkey sandwich with colby jack, maille mustard, pickled onions, on an english muffin. RIP mr turkey

>> No.17237327

My grandma used to say "don't give the calf too much rope" in reference to their propensity to hang themselves on accident if you gave them enough freedom

>> No.17237357

The average life expectancy in 2020 is 77.3 years.

Let's assume the first two years of life are meat free due to breastfeeding.

So 75.3 years to consume all that meat.

75.3 years is 27485 days.

Let's take chicken as the baseline for calculating the meat.
Let's also assume the animals are 30% bones and inedible parts.
The average chicken is roughly 2kg of meat including edible offal.
So 1 cow at 720kg is equal to 252 chicken. 11 cows add another 2772 chicken to the equation.
Same procedure for pigs adds 200kg per pig equal to 100 chicken per pig. This adds another 2700 chicken.
Turkey at 10 chicken per turkey adds another 800 chicken.
Fish at a 0.2 chicken per fish adds 900 chicken.
Sheep at 28 chicken per sheep adds 840 chicken.

So the total chicken count is 10412.

Lets divide by days alive and you get 0.38 per day.

So according to the retarded picture in the op, you have to eat a third of a chicken every day of your life or an equal amount of other meat to get to those numbers.
In kg meat you would have to eat 666g of meat every day of your life for the rest of your life fromt the age of 2 until you die.
That would be 1500kcal every day, just from meat.

And the image claims, this is an average. So in order for this to be an average, you would have to have people eating even more meat than that.

Source of numbers: my ass

>> No.17237455

>Animals do it to survive. People do it because they like the taste. Huge difference.
Spot on

>> No.17237551

i eat meat but large scale meat agriculture really is some nightmarish hellish shit

>> No.17237563

If you live a long good life you still don't want to die in a car accident, no matter how good it is. Life is not math

>> No.17237623

Fortunately, plants do not have feelings.

>> No.17237630

they probably count eggs as chicken or something retarded like that

>> No.17237631


What makes you think that we would just suddenly stop it all together? It is a gradual, but preferrably fast shift. Less cows get bred, until theres no more new ones getting farmed.

>> No.17237635

As far as you know

>> No.17237641

The Ultimeat Stock.

>> No.17237642

This is world average, the average murican consumes 11 cows a decade

>> No.17237646


>> No.17237651

>Save cows by not eating them
>Stop eating cows
>Farmers kill all livestock and plant soy
Cows saved

>> No.17237654

And the one after those cows will never have to die or even live
Win win, let's have one last generation of cows and then blow up the factories

>> No.17237656

Pretty much this, nothing wrong with eating meat, its industry in the other hand

>> No.17237658
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>> No.17237669

Then why do they panic when there's a forest fire and warn their neighbours?

>> No.17237684

>none of whom wanted to die ;_;

They were gonna die anyway retard. Everything that lives, dies. Only some of it gets to be delicious.

>> No.17237706

i wish i could be delicious...

>> No.17237765
File: 283 KB, 640x656, bald jerma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meat at subway
that's not meat they're serving you

>> No.17237777
File: 506 KB, 1080x1080, 1641512532243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17237799

but anon, you are!

>> No.17237861

>animals have no real value
you wouldnt be able to exist without the ecosystem that supports you bro :(

>> No.17237916

>but how can we know that the cows didn't actually WANT to die
before Stefan Molyneux went all crazy and jumped on the Trump establishment chain and incel culture and whatever else he does, he had a book about a system of objective morality called Universally Preferable Behaviour, that we can necessarily infer that people don't want to be killed or eaten across all cultures by the fact we are living and striving to live and so forth. I never got around to reading it so I don't know if it was a complete crock of shit or just a partial crock of shit.

>> No.17237923

I don't want to die either. It's you or me, animals. Unfortunately for you I have learned to throw a rock.

>> No.17237935

Quads of truth.

>> No.17238044

kek. Nice touch with the logo.

>> No.17238113

animals have no will

>> No.17238311

>cow factories
You mean fields?

>> No.17238441

I have already eaten more than 3k chickens, and I'm only in my thirties. I will eat every fucking chicken in this room.

>> No.17238550

I eat about that many 'deenz a year.

>> No.17238664

Boo hoo dont care nigger

>> No.17238745

fuck, i wish i could have a perpetual stew going across my lifetime. is there anywhere i can try some perpetual stew in the US?

>> No.17238751

it is kind of odd. not like the plants can do much about it

>> No.17238753

They do send out signals on the root network.

>> No.17238779

you're not very good at making a point, young fella

>> No.17238835

>27 pigs

I don't eat that haram stuff

>> No.17238860

As a 30-year-old Texan, I can absolutely guarantee that I've eaten more than 30 cows in my life, and I'm sure as hell going to eat a lot more. This image is also retarded and should be shown with some locality to even be interesting. No one here eats lamb near as often as beef.

>> No.17238912

I wonder how many moose I've eaten in my life. Too few that's for sure.

>> No.17239045

youd be surprised, i cant say for most but i love some damn good lamb and having an arabic dad ive ate it fairly often mostly in stews and on one special occasion a friend of his cooked an entire lamb, i forget how but it seemed to be done on a grill
truthfully, i think its the best meat, only contested by venison jerky, i go after the bone marrow like a fucking hog

>> No.17239117

Its a human problem