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File: 899 KB, 2016x1512, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17220331 No.17220331 [Reply] [Original]

You homosexuals still put meat in your mouths when you can make bacon substitute from tempeh like I just did? Yikes.

>> No.17220332

yeah because i'm gay

>> No.17220344

Looks like dog treats. Have you been a good boy?

>> No.17220351

looking at that turned my stomach

>> No.17220359

I can eat pretty much anything, but tempeh makes me sick.

>> No.17220361

>Have you been a good boy?
That's a very gay thing to say to another man, just proved my point.

>> No.17220364

stil whiter than you, mohammed.
Seething incel trannies. You will never be a woman and you will never have sex

>> No.17220371
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words hurt, you know

>> No.17220374
File: 225 KB, 1300x560, nazi beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok chud

>> No.17220378

I will never have sex, I will never take the vaxx, and I will never eat the bugs. I will be redpilled to the day I die. Praise Lord Kek and Deus fucking Vult

>> No.17220381

This looks like shit, how's the taste? Also substituting shit is really just a matter of convenience or marketing, going through the effort of turning tempeh into a turd like meat replacement instead of making an original dish with it is really gay

>> No.17220391


>> No.17220399
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>> No.17220412

I agree, I rarely make or buy this kind of meat imitations but wanted to give it a go at least once, good opportunity to make a BLT too. It's not bad, the texture is nice but taste wise definitely couldn't be confused with bacon. It's all about the marinade tho, you probably could tune it further if you wanted to.

>> No.17220462


>> No.17220543
File: 75 KB, 1092x891, protein-30-grams-corrected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bacon substitute
doesn't exist, also, off yourself.

>> No.17220734
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1636375461744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating cross sections of a turd
lmao k

>> No.17220825

Can I make tempeh from bean other than soy? I love garbanzo, black, red, pinto etc. Will any of those work if I buy the starter culture? The process seems pretty quick and straightforward.

>> No.17220954

I had lupin tempeh and it was good, maybe even better than soy. Not sure about other beans but would be interesting to try.

>> No.17221134

Ever had salami faggot?

>> No.17221181

Drop the recipe, friend. Do you make your own tempeh?

>> No.17221188

i watched a gay die and it was beautiful

>> No.17221198
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>> No.17221203

Nah, store bought tempeh. I used this recipe https://youtu.be/vddFz3odgq0 but marinated overnight and baked way longer to get it more crispy.

>> No.17221211

Thanks. Did you find that the tempeh had a bitter taste? I've tried storebought tempeh and it had a bitter taste that I couldn't help but notice.. Maybe there's something I can do with it to get rid of it?

>> No.17221251

I fucking love tempeh. Nice one, OP.

>> No.17221255

No, the one I buy doesn't have any bitterness to it. I've ever tried only two brands thought as that's all I have available. I buy only plain tempeh (ingredients: Soybeans (60%), Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Tempeh Culture), there are also some pre-seasoned/marinated available, perhaps that's what you got?

>> No.17221261

Hmm, maybe! I think you're onto something. I'll definitely have to try plain tempeh or try to make my own. That would be fun, I think!

>> No.17221372

that looks more like sausage

>> No.17222377

Algae would dominate all of em

>> No.17222380

tempeh is fucking dope and delicious and good for you

>> No.17222446

Whatever thing you are, you're too stupid to be white.

>> No.17222487

That looks like someone sliced a payday bar thin and fried it.

>> No.17222716

>but tempeh makes me sick.

That's because it's literally poison.

>> No.17222738
File: 732 KB, 680x794, 1532556891047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a valiant attempt

>> No.17222740

tempeh tastes like shit. and adding liquid smoke just makes it taste like chemical shit

>> No.17222796

That looks disgusting and I can only imagine it has a dry, crumbly yet sickly texture and tastes like salt, MSG and sadness just like every other substitute product.
I'm not eating that disgusting shit just on principle that it's fake meat. Also it's absolutely not healthy for you. Not saying bacon is healthy either but you can actually obtain solid cuts from a butcher or hell, salt your own.
You can't make this yourself. It doesn't come from a farm, It requires a billion factory ingredients and god fucking knows what the effects are of eating this sort of thing long term.

>> No.17222800
File: 2.82 MB, 1682x2558, unknown-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh this is tempeh, not "Nu meat bacon slop"

>> No.17222803

ironically bugs