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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.36 MB, 5101x3401, GettyImages-639389404-5c450e724cedfd00015b09d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17212246 No.17212246 [Reply] [Original]

Are people virtue signaling when they claim Indian food is top tier or really good? I'm not seeing what's so great about it. And before any retard says it, no it's not because it's too spicy. I like spicy food in general.

>> No.17212306

no it's really good lol sorry

after 400 years of fucking around with spices the lineage of random indians chucking random shit off plants that smelled funny into a pot they found they know all the secrets of the spices

>> No.17212322

It's fucking delicious.

>> No.17212329
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Indian food is excellent, trust me.

>> No.17212337
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They are ignorant.
They enjoy the high Indian cuisine while being unaware that the average Bhavin, Manmeet, and Gupta eat potatoes, beans, rice, and bread.
As plain as it is the spices really make up for that.

>> No.17212349
File: 224 KB, 1732x1154, pork_vindaloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian food is good. Just make sure you insist upon being served the spiciest items on the menu.

>> No.17212529

This is one of the few cases where the reddit opinion is the correct one. Indian food is one of the best, behind only countries like italy france or mexico.

>> No.17212543

OP here

What dishes would you guys recommend? I've had butter chicken and chicken hot and sour soup so far. I'm looking for both entrees and soups.

>> No.17212548

this is honest and nurturing food.

>> No.17212552

indian food and thai food are my favorites because I like a lot of herbs and spices in my food
I just love aromatics what can I tell you?

>> No.17212553

It’s only good when it’s cooked by a white person. My sister is a chef and she makes great Indian food. I will not eat food that some filthy street shitter bare hand to ass wiper has touched.

>> No.17212554

Chicken Tikka masala, paneer, naan, vindaloo and korma.

>> No.17212560

It's just the standard Western white guilt but in culinary form.

>> No.17212562

what u talk about I regularly eat chole bathura and masala dosas
shit's cash

>> No.17212564

It's that good, but making it is a huge pain, there's a reason why pajeets smell weird

>> No.17212568

virtue signalling is less common than you think. the food is good
this is not even this guy's real opinion though, he just thinks saying gross words is funny

>> No.17212612

>It’s only good when it’s cooked by a white person
Surely this is bait. If anything it's a red flag to see white people eating at an Indian restaurant.

>> No.17212624

No because it really is good. However you're virtue signalling by complaining about "virtue signalling".

>> No.17212631

You're virtue signalling about people who complain about people who virtue signal

>> No.17212632

All the Indian food I've had has just been okay. Their dishes are well seasoned but I'm not a fan of the spices they use.

>> No.17212634

we all need to stop posting

>> No.17212645
File: 262 KB, 800x1000, turtles_all_the_way_down_by_synchronicity313-d14kx7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's virtue signaling all the way down

>> No.17212699

>basic sanitation is a red flag
So this is the power of ethnic food.

>> No.17212893
File: 184 KB, 1280x978, 1631891980107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian food is fucking delicious and if you don't agree you're retarded.
Btw I think India is a filthy cesspit and I would never go there. Also Indian accents are annoying.

>> No.17212953
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>> No.17212956

If I had to eat one type of cuisine for the rest of my life it would be Indian food. I never seem to get tired of it. But I don’t think the best Indian food could ever be as good as the best French or Italian food.

>> No.17212958

>Baingan bharta (fire roasted eggplant curry)
>Saag/palak paneer (stewed spinach/greens with fried cheese cubes)
>Aloo gobi (potato and cauliflower curry)
those are some of my favs

>> No.17212997

It’s really just good. Their carbs are always cooked really, really well. Roti and naan are so fluffy and good, and basmati rice is always so good paired with most of their curries and everything. The meat is always tender and the sauces and stews and curries are full of flavor. They’ve had millennia to play around with spices and have done a great job of it. It’s very very spicy to me so I always order mild, which is still pretty hot, but the food is definitely really good. They have so much tasty and fulfilling food. I like to eat it in the winter to warm me, and in the summer to help me feel lighter because the spice does admittedly make me sweat. It’s very honest food and I love the use of turmeric especially since it’s not a flavor I get to taste in pretty much anything else.

>> No.17213046

And you have internet access. This explains a lot.

>> No.17213121

I read this in a heavy Irish accent

>> No.17213157

Indian food isn't good at all

British "indian" food is okay

It's one of the cuisines that is overestimated and has like five good dishes total.

>> No.17213182

Tandori Chicken is amazing, you should try that when you have the chance.

>> No.17213187

It's good. Ordering some tonight.

>> No.17213222
File: 493 KB, 720x758, 193142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know sanitation and taste are two different things.

>> No.17213224

Vindaloo or Madras with lamb, Butter or Tikka Masala with chicken

>> No.17213227

There's a limit to how enjoyable spicy food can be, I think people who pretend to like ultra spicy food are bullshitting. When it's so spicy, you can barely taste the food, what's the point

>> No.17213239

Their breads are great, didn't like biryani though, it tasted too much of cumin, or maybe I just went to a shitty restaurant.

>> No.17213243
File: 44 KB, 500x375, punjabi-egg-curry-anda-curry-500x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone tried pic related (egg curry)?

>> No.17213244

People have different tolerance levels for spice so what may be unpleasant for you is genuinely delicious and just right for someone else.

>> No.17213248

paneer is really good
i've never had an indian soup
my favourite entree would have to be onion bhaji

>> No.17213253 [DELETED] 

OP here. Further forgot to mention that I enjoy gay sex. Will that have bad results if I eat a spicy curry beforehand?

>> No.17213290

Padpi chaat

>> No.17213293
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, air india.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good but a lot of it looks like actual feces. Also Indian food hygeine leaves a lot to be desired. Many Indians are actually proud of this - they're proud of their stomachs handling germs.

>> No.17213296

I ended up taking a liking to spicy food. You slowly build a tolerance. When I cook for my family, a spice level that I can't even feel is too hot for them. Feels bad man.

The best is when it's just spicy enough to burn, maybe take a short break to drink or something, but can continue. Still flavorful that way and the perfect way to enjoy spice.

>> No.17213308

its top tier for sure but fragile white people get upset at things they dont understand

>> No.17213313

You haven't met any Indians then. They have the most fragile insecure ego on the planet. Say anything negative about their country. however mild and they get incredibly butthurt

>> No.17213331

it's great cause indian cuisine is all about maximising flavour out of spices and aromatics.
Western world
>lmao throw spice on food
indian cuisine
>mash ginger garlic into paste and fry it to activate flavor
>high heat spices to activate them then use them

no wonder it taste good cause they know the right way to cook.

>> No.17213354

Try some vietnamese place in this case, so many herbs.

>> No.17213357

Indian food is alright. Only r*ddit fags laud it like it's the pinnacle of culinary excellence. Indian food in India is dire, Indian food in the West is tasty but all mostly uses the same mother sauces.

>> No.17213408

I've tried butter-chicken 4 times
2 times it was excellent, amazing tier, the other 2 was meh, and one of the last meh experiences was in the restaurant were it was excellent

>> No.17213452

I already have
your knowledge of indian food is limited

>> No.17213460


As much as anyone else's is. "Indian" is far too broad a term for it given the pleathora of regional variants. For a westerner I'm very much so experienced in their cuisine, I've been to India three times with business. So I think my appraisal is fair.

>> No.17213482

Some, yes.

>> No.17213491

I will never visit India in my life. It is a dirty and vile shit hole.
But I will gladly eat their food - great stuff.

>> No.17213501

Indian food always tastes better in first world countries because the quality of ingredients is far superior

>> No.17213507
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>> No.17213623

No, that's pretty retarded.
People say they like Indian food because they like Indian food.
You don't get positive social feedback for praising things related to India.

>> No.17213684

I think you're full of shit

>> No.17213741
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>> No.17213772

>claiming to like a food
>virtue signalling
fucking retard

>> No.17213788

Please, the attention giving.
Good morning.

>> No.17213792

It is not bait. My sister makes world class Indian food. It takes her an entire weekend to cook a single dinner. And I’ve delivered enough door dash from Indian restaurants to tell you I wouldn’t eat a single thing they served me. I’ll eat at Muslim restaurants, but not Indian. I’ve seen these dirty fuckers cleaning off old food in a bussing tray with their bare hands in the middle of the dining room, then go back to the kitchen to assemble peoples orders. Without washing their hands they touched all kinds of bread and other items to put into the bag. If this is what they do in the fanciest highest rated Indian restaurant in Denver I can’t even imagine what goes on behind closed doors, especially at less fancy restaurants.
You know they literally wipe their asshole with their hand and have no clue what soap and water is, right? There’s a reason you get violent diarrhea when you eat at Indian places, and it’s not because the food is spicy.

>> No.17213830

I can assure you when one is accustomed to indian food you don't stay full of shit for very long

>> No.17213832
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>> No.17213840


>> No.17214468

Good morning sirs.

>> No.17214500
File: 121 KB, 640x474, 7565B831-000A-421C-B700-E98726D497D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t live in Colorado anymore, so who cares. It was this place in pic related.

>> No.17214516

You just can’t handle your spice bro.
Love me Indian takeaway
Simple as

>> No.17214892

It's good that they don't shit in the food. Thank you sirs

>> No.17215067

I’m not irish but I am ginger. Close enough?

>> No.17215074

It's really good. Slop is my favorite texture for food. French cooking is based on five mother sauces. Everything is about sauce. And indian food is basically nothing but sauces and ragouts and stews. My favorite type of thing to eat.

>> No.17215138

a bowl of dal makhni, or a Tor dahl lentil soup. Done right. Is God tier.

>> No.17215330

im dutch and this hurt lmao

>> No.17215333

Get the samosas and tandoori chicken wings.

>> No.17215348

Actual real Indian food is top tier. Unfortunately, lots of establishments truly fuck it up. You may have just tasted fucked up Indian food.

>> No.17215354

I eat there
I'll probably keep eating there, if they haven't gotten me sick I guess that my immune system can handle Pradesh shoveling unwanted naan into a garbage can and then chopping up my parsley.

>> No.17215360

>spends entire early modern period on getting ALL the spices
>has a more bland cuisine than the British
Why do colonizers always have the most boring food, you faggots got all the fucking spices in the world and you did nothing with them

>> No.17215384
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It was more like he was wrist deep in half eaten food scraping it off with his hands, then he rubbed them on a dirty towel, shoved his arms shoulders deep into a trash can behind the counter then put bread into the to go orders with his bare hands. I mean my immune system is pretty good too but people get can get violent food poisoning there.

>> No.17215405

Because we have high quality ingredients. You wouldn’t take a prime cut of ribeye chop it up and slather it in curry. Our dishes are properly spiced, and we use plenty of exotic seasonings. The main staple of America, bbq, has a ton of Indian spices and stuff in it. Also we don’t like our homes smelling of curry.

>> No.17215430

That's nuts.
But I have survived like 30 or more meals at Y&Y.
I feel like if they were going to get me sick, they already would have.

>> No.17215670

good morning, sir
please do the needful and do milk

>> No.17215677

sir benchode do not all reply

>> No.17215681

Good morning.

>> No.17215735

I'm not saying you'll definitely get sick. I'm just saying you're eating shit that has been cooked by people with nasty unwashed hands, and I guarantee they still wipe their ass with their hand. A lot of indian restaurants have no flush rules for toilet paper and put a trash can next to the toilet for disposal. Everything is cooked super high temperature and most people can stand a little feces in their food. The fact is you're still eating feces, and other peoples hpv or whatever they have in their mouths, and it's dirty as fuck. You do you. For me, I'll pass.

>> No.17215744

Indian food is based. How can people think boring shit like prime rib and steak are the apex of culinary creations when Indian food exists?

>> No.17215753

i will cut up a really good steak and throw it in some curry next time thanks

>> No.17215762
File: 156 KB, 593x1001, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-00-04 Retail Food Inspections - Inspections List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to expand on this: I would rather eat at an objectively worse chain restaurant with health standards like chili's or applebee's than eat somewhere I have no idea what the food safety standards are. It's not even just about the unwashed hands. Can you imagine what their walk in looks like? I'm sure they don't properly label or dispose of rotten foods. I'm sure they don't store things safely.

Look at how often they get inspected and how many violations they have. And they literally know during a certain time frame when an inspector will be there.

>> No.17215770

most retard take possible, enjoying indian food doesn't magically make you not enjoy a nice steak

>> No.17215776
File: 244 KB, 1003x788, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-02-21 Retail Food Inspections - Results Post-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This inspection was 2 weeks ago and they shut the restaurant down. Eat at your own risk faggots. I told you indian food places are gross.

>> No.17215791
File: 247 KB, 1053x769, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-05-19 Retail Food Inspections - Results Post-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the inspection. Keep in mind this is after multiple inspections this year. Like.. Most places get a food inspector once a year.

>> No.17215815
File: 347 KB, 1010x1099, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-09-55 Retail Food Inspections - Results Post-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is their reinspection after being shut down kek. Enjoy that delicious street shitter food.

>> No.17215824
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damn, I haven't seen anything nearly as bad as my local whalburgers (since closed). wanted to try it but then I saw it had, literally, the lowest grade in the city and the lowest I've ever seen. hard to imagine how a chain like that got as mismanaged as a dinky indian place

>> No.17215836

Actually an impressive number of violations, you can almost hear the exasperation of the inspector

>> No.17215845
File: 22 KB, 1095x58, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-12-37 ck - Are people virtue signaling when they claim Indian - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky he didn't an hero with this one kek. I don't know. I worked at a Jimmy John's in the same city, with the same food inspector, and we had zero violations. I was actually personally thanked by the inspector for changing my gloves and having exceptional safety standards. It's not that hard to pass an inspection.

>> No.17215851

I’m obviously talking about people with basic tastes who don’t like Indian food aka OP you fucking moron retard.

>> No.17215872
File: 23 KB, 1013x80, it makes mustard gas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from the 4chan food safety certification

>> No.17215873
File: 231 KB, 467x467, spademart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Observed food employee fill sanitizer bucket with quaternary ammonia sanitizing solution then the employee mixed in a cap full of bleach. Discussed with food employee to only use the quaternary ammonia solution and not add bleach to the sanitizer. Employee made a new bucket of sanitizing solution.

>> No.17215893

Just so you know I'm not bullshitting this was the Jimmy John's I worked at in 2015 and it shows 0 violations. Seriously, that food inspector was chill and gave verbal warnings on quite a few things like hey this bucket should be stored on this shelf or whatever. So to get 25 violations and be shut down is obscene.

>> No.17215897
File: 75 KB, 944x542, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-20-52 Retail Food Inspections - Inspections List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. And remember we're talking about one of the fanciest Indian places in Denver that people rave about. So I guess enjoy your food poisoning and feces.

>> No.17215927
File: 70 KB, 605x502, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-26-47 Retail Food Inspections - Inspections List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone ever comes at me with "why you eat at applebees bro it's shit try my local hole in the wall joint" it's because of this. Chain restaurants have excellent safety standards and rarely violate health or safety protocols. The worst you'll find is that someone left an energy drink on the counter in a kitchen or in the walk in.

>> No.17215932

well, was it fucking disgusting? I managed a fast food place and they even gave us time to catch up on certain things such as newly required screwheads, faucet gaskets approaching failure. aside from little things like that, they still gave us a 100.0 on the condition certain things are fixed in something like two months. the indian violations basically scream they should be immediately shut down, doesn't seem like they're doing anything right

>> No.17215944
File: 149 KB, 933x991, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-29-36 Retail Food Inspections - Inspections List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one was applebees forgot to screenshot the whole thing. This was the chili's I used to eat at. Yeah the food is mediocre but it's not terrible and the place is clean, friendly, and reasonably priced. So maybe I'm a fucking boomer for liking chain restaurants but I also understand how restaurants work and I don't need to have the world's best food every time I grab a bite. All I want is a meal that is prepared for me in a clean kitchen with proper standards of health.

>> No.17215945

it's very good, the problem is that it does not present well. Usually ugly colors and unusual taste to a western palate.

>> No.17215947

Indians refuse to touch eat food with the same hand they wipe with youre a retard

>> No.17215966

The indian place, yeah. I was revolted. My Jimmy John's? No. One of the cleanest restaurants I've ever worked in. I will happily eat at any Jimmy John's in the country. They break down the make lines twice a day and literally clean every surface with sanitizer. The slicer is cleaned in between meats. Everyone wears gloves. Everything is properly marked and stored. The managers are competent. Floors and tables are cleaned dozens of times per day. Bathrooms are always spotless. Say what you want about jimmy john's but they run a tight ship and I think they have a good product.

>> No.17215994

there's a record of that restaurant's food safety violations right here in this thread pajeet

>> No.17216005
File: 140 KB, 835x940, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-40-42 Retail Food Inspections - Inspections List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek now I'm curious to see the ratings chipotle has. I know they mostly employ darkies and have literally killed people with foodborne illness. I will check the one I used to eat at most often. Oh wow, not bad. I would drive out of my way to go to that one because I knew it was better. Actually met one of my first gfs there back in like 2007. She was working the line.

>> No.17216016

Well. Food inspectors don't measure the amount of feces on your hands, but judging by the level of violations they've incurred and how many health inspections they have every year I'd say they probably don't give a shit which hand they touch food with.

>> No.17216052

you know, it comes up fine searching 'chipotle e-coli' now, but I remember they astroturfed that so heavily at a point I nearly felt gaslit trying to find information on it

>> No.17216056
File: 53 KB, 596x363, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-47-44 Retail Food Inspections - Inspections List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm gonna dig deep here and search for my favorite vietnamese restaurant. I know this one is going to be bad... Hopefully not as bad as the poo & loo.

Actually not too bad for a dirty grungy bar. Probably the best vietnamese food I've had in my life. Long Shot's Bar and Grill on I-70 and Ward. These fuckers were so fresh off the boat they couldn't speak a word of English. The lamb vermicelli bowl was out of this world.

>> No.17216078

It only happened at a couple of restaurants, right? I know jimmy john's had some issues with their sprouts which is why they discontinued them. I mean.. I've always eaten at chipotle and I've never gotten sick. That's my go to meal if I want something healthy. Too bad I live in northern wisconsin now and would have to drive an hour to eat there.

>> No.17216082

>ten post long rant about one restaurant's shitty standards
Jesus dude.

>> No.17216112
File: 2.23 MB, 1053x756, Screenshot 2022-01-02 at 18-55-58 long shots bar and grill denver - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me I miss this place. Seriously some of the best food I've ever eaten, located in the grungiest biker bar in town next to the truck stop. We used to party there when we were younger. They had all you could drink beer nights, DJ's (DJ Crawdaddy). Fun fuckin' place. Poker nights. Alright I'll stop reminiscing.

>> No.17216124

Post your favorite indian place and I'll check the food inspection for it. Of course I'm autistic this is 4chins. Point is I won't eat at them cause they're gross.

>> No.17216132

>enjoying food
>virtue signaling
Holy fuck, why can reddit immigrants not have a single discussion without turning it into some whinefest about pseudo-politics? You’re unironically just as bad as the faggots who cry about a black lady on syrup bottle.

>> No.17216141

>just love aromatics
What is your opinion on feminine braps?

>> No.17216169

>ive worked in 2 british indian kitchens.
>they pre cook the lamb and chicken and most of the veg. the rest is from tins like the spinach
>they have 1-3 different "gravy" made up which is mostly onions boiled and blended some have curry paste ( pataks) added
>to cook the curry all the chef does it throw in the spice, add the pre cooked meat, then the gravy and waa laa you have a curry made in 4-5 mins
> if you canned the gravy you could make any curry in minutes with the knowledge of which spice goes into which curry

>> No.17216175
File: 98 KB, 1060x674, cyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, better than I expected. It may comfort you to imagine the teenagers at [chain] aren't scratching their balls and ignoring procedure when the inspector isn't there, but all it takes is one freakshow. Like that guy jacking off into the alfredo at olive garden who gave his whole town herpes.

>> No.17216187

Egg curry is an honest meal that's cheap and filling, it's a good beginner recipe. A naan or jeera rice on the side and you're set.

>> No.17216256

It's not really the teenager doing dumb things I'm worried about it's restaurants being competent enough to cycle rotten food before it's served and store food at proper temperatures. Sanitizing and washing hands are a big one too. I know most stuff you eat is gross to an extent but it's not wiping your ass with your hand then kneading dough that has been shit in by cockroaches gross.

>> No.17216262

indian food sucks

>> No.17216267

Like I'm almost positive some kid ejaculated in my mcdouble last night.. for no reason. I wasn't a late fucker. I was polite. But it tasted weird. Also I'm autistic. Idk.

>> No.17216304

Fair enough, I may have an unrealistic expectation of competence here, or a high tolerance for eating assy hand dander. I try not to think about it.

>> No.17216404

Not thinking about it is one way to go about it.. but also patronizing said businesses that would make you vomit if you actually watched them prepare your meal hurts white businesses that give a shit.
Therefore the cost of oh this is exotic and tasty is fucking over your race that actually gives a shit about doing things the right way. Which isn't hard by the way. You don't have to have brown skin to make indian food. You don't have to cut corners and be a slob. You don't have to store things at unsafe temperatures. What you're not realizing is that it's not about the food. It's about the shitskin behind the food that doesn't give a fuck about you, or your family or anyone else but himself. He literally doesn't care if he sticks 3 fingers up his asshole and proceeds to stir your curry with his bare hands. It's not even that he hates you. He would do the same shit to his own people. You have to understand how self hating and barbaric these people are. They literally shit on the sidewalk in public and then pull their pants up and go to work. They're inhuman.

>> No.17216432


>> No.17216444

wow this thread really killed my desire for indian restaurants

>> No.17216451

Just imagine normal white folk:
This product is expired it needs to be disposed of
Indian folk:
this product is expired add more spices until it doesn't taste rotten
White folk:
I care about the overall cleanliness of my restaurant and the experience of my customers
Indian folk: Durka durk I shit on my hand and stirred the curry with it. If it doesn't sell tonignt I'll keep it stored at room temp for a week until it does. Fuck wyppl

>> No.17216458

It should. They're disgusting.
Idk what I was getting at I'm kind of drunk. Just saying that indians are gross and their culture sucks.

>> No.17216469
File: 21 KB, 339x360, A006D079-553F-405C-A135-D38AFCEC716F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like something I don’t like. I don’t get it!

>> No.17216496

>they're proud of their stomachs handling germs
That is something to be proud of; that’s a sign of a superior immune system

>> No.17216503

>There’s a reason you get violent diarrhea when you eat at Indian places
No, YOU get violent diarrhea, gutlet

>> No.17216543

sir you are benchode!

>> No.17216777

why is India so dirty

>> No.17216815
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Imagine living in a country 1/3 the size of the US with 4x as many people. Now imagine it doesn't have any type of clean running water or plumbing and people shit in the street. Like imagine everything you touch is filthy and there's trash lining every street that never gets picked up. When you go to the ocean it's littered with trash. The only pair of shoes you own are flip flops. You have never heard of air conditioning or a shower. That's india, and that's not even as bad as it gets.

>> No.17216836
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Imagine your daily commute consisted of walking down dirt roads in flip flops with trash everywhere. Would you give a FUCK if you wiped your ass with your hand and used it to stir your curry? People truly have no idea how disgusting and overpopulated india is.

>> No.17216848
File: 416 KB, 1300x953, pollution-and-waste-in-an-indian-street-E8JGBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might think I'm just /pol/ shitposting or otherwise nazi posting or whatever. But you're naive. You have no idea what the state of the world is.

I can find thousands of articles and pictures to prove my point.

>> No.17216881

Imagine hospitalizing 8 people at your wedding in india, and making 400 sick. So much so that the CDC had to step in and investigate. And it's all because you served unrefrigerated unpasterized milk.

>> No.17216904

Reminder that India was even worse before the British showed up

>> No.17217090

Obviously that doesn't matter. They're a disgusting people that have disgusting food. They've certainly got the manpower and resources to dig themselves out of the gutter but they love filth. Which is why all their food tastes like filth.

>> No.17217149

>favorite vietnamese restaurant
For me? It's pho 95.
I've always seen Longshots and wondered what the story was, the grillpub appearance, non-viet name, logo, etc kind of led me to assume it was started by a WMAF family or some shit.

>> No.17217260

>durka durk
you can't even get your stereotypes right

>> No.17217386

One of the appeals for me is that when you're eating a proper curry, every bite feels like you're having the same food for the first time again and it leaves wanting seconds. Honestly? I feel you can never get tired of a good chicken biryani with a side of raita or piping hot paper-thin dosa with peanut chutney and alum pachadi (ginger pickle). The spices might be off-putting at first, but you come to tolerate it --and perhaps wish your food to be a bit spicier at times too! The biggest appeal for me however is the feeling of comfort that overcomes me when I wind down after a day of onerous work and enjoy a warm delicious meal. As the food brings on the heat, I feel my troubles melt away and I get reminded for a brief moment that perhaps things aren't so bad after all...

>> No.17217573

is this pasta

>> No.17217653

chicken 65, aloo gobi, any dal, malai kofta, lamb rogan josh, basically just flip the menu open to a random page, close your eyes and point at a random item. best way to try new stuff is to find a place with a lunch buffet and to try small amounts of many things

>> No.17217661

yeah yeah it looks like poop but if that webm came in smell-o-vision you would be losing your mind as your mouth watering went into overdrive

>> No.17217663

the best dish i've ever had (or at least in the top 5) was an egg curry prepared by a random pajeeta at a christmas party in Vietnam

>> No.17217667

well yeah. it's not natural to be completely sanitary, you get sick a lot less if you are exposed to dirt.

>> No.17217678

this post made me very angry that i do not have access to masala dosa or biryani where i live now. in fact i think you just helped me decide to start looking into places to move. i can't live in this desolate hellhole anymore- no vietnamese, no indian, nothing but fried bar food and burgers and chain restaurant.

>> No.17217692

You can't go wrong with anywhere around the federal / arkansas / mississippi area.
>led me to assume it was started by a WMAF family
No the restaurant and bar are separate. The gooks behind the counter are so fresh off the boat I haven't seen nor spoken to one in the 20 years I've been eating there.
As apposed to Pho Duy in broomfield next to the asian market where they're so fucking racist they won't serve white ppl. Not that it mattes but that's supposedly the best pho place in denver. I've been to a lot of places all over the state and I think long shots is top 5%.

>> No.17217709

Ok so hold on I probably have to explain some shit to you. It's a biker and trucker bar that has vietnamese people hiding in the kitchen you never see. I've been going there since I was 16 and I'm 35. I have never seen an asian person in this bar. But they're back there, somewhere. and they make amazing food.

>> No.17217790

No, it is genuinely how I feel

>> No.17217795

I hope you find a nice place, anon!

>> No.17218212

A good hearty beef curry made from slaughtered cows.

>> No.17218214


>> No.17218230
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>looks like poo
>smells weird
>poo it out
>looks the same
>smells the same

waste of money/10

>> No.17218247
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>> No.17218252

To prove your point, try eating it after it comes out to see if it tastes the same? Because, science.

>> No.17218405

everytime a Indian food thread racist comments always come up so 4chan is just as bad

>> No.17218808

Best entrees:
chicken tikka (dry, not massala, that's a main)
Onion bhaji
Tandoori prawns
Sheek kebab (minced lamb on skewer)
Don't know too much about Indian soups, I prefer a curry for the main course. Daal is good though (kind of a thick lentil soup).

>> No.17218833

Yes. Egg curry is great. Sometimes I make curry (chicken, lanb, prawn) that's got too much sauce, so I keep the extra sauce for a couple days, add HB eggs and waaaahlaaah.

>> No.17218834

It's great. The subcontinent has a huge variety of edible crap and has had a spice trade for thousands of years, so they have a lot of variety to work with. They're hands-down the best at veg dishes too. The sloppa you get at Western indian straunts is westernized north indian food; if you branch out you'll probably find something you love.
>masala dosa
>dry bhindi masala
>samosa chaat
>chana masala
>lamb or goat korma if you want beetus
>biryani of any kind
Just check your local restaurants' inspection history. Keep in mind that there's also an extreme class disparity in India and that most Indians in the USA grew up in much better living conditions than the ones wiping their asses with their hands, and while the latter group is more likely to work at a restaurant, the vast majority of Indians in the US are from at least middle-class backgrounds, hence why they make the most money here of any ethnic group.

>> No.17218850

>indian food is basically nothing but sauces and ragouts and stews
No it's fucking not.

>> No.17218882

at least here in muttland poos aren't considered one of the cool lefty pet races like niggers so it's not virue signaling. I've had bad indian and good indian, and there was a dramatic difference between the two imo for what it's worth. The bad stuff was awful and the good stuff was legitimately top-tier.

>> No.17218887

> if you canned the gravy you could make any curry in minutes with the knowledge of which spice goes into which curry
Or if you made the curry base gravy yourself, as I do. I think I've got two more batches in the freezer and two more bags of chicken tikka that I bbqed back in august. Look up some BIR at home methods. I recommend Glebe Kitchen (great website) and Latif's Inspired (YouTube channel).

>> No.17218897

Go back to /pol/ with your incomprehensible rant, you fucking spastic.

>> No.17218915

Shut the FUCK up /leftypol/.

>> No.17218931

I'm not lefty at all. It's just that this board is about food and cooking. So YOU FUCK OFF, you obsessed moron. You really need a good kicking.

>> No.17218936

Stop projecting you fucking cooklet faggot.

>> No.17218943

>I'm not lefty at all
And I'm not /pol/ at all, so I guess we're at an impasse.

>> No.17218972

Make me, keyboard warrior. You'd shit your knickers irl.
>rants about subhuman people
>not /pol/
Then seethes so much he gives two (You's). Lol. You really mad.

>> No.17218988

Anon I'm literally an SJW socialist, marched in several BLM protests last year, voted Sanders then Biden in the general, etc. Just because I don't want to eat food made by someone who wipes their ass with their hand doesn't make me /pol/.

>> No.17219053

The 'wiping your ass with your hand' thing is something that's universal across all extremely poor populations. These people don't tend to make it into the US or Canada so you're unlikely to have an encounter with someone who does this unless you're receiving slave labor. The major problem is with Indian business owners, especially older FOB ones (I think there's also a regional or ethnic component at play because south indian business owners seem way less shitty); many are so conniving and cheap that they'd make an Israeli blush.

>> No.17219085

You have no real world experience and have no idea what you're talking about because you never leave your computer. I understand, that's very common here.

>> No.17219106

>You have no real world experience and have no idea what you're talking about
Feel free to explain how I'm wrong.

>> No.17219175

This looks like the worst indian food available on Earth
Try again retard

>> No.17219271

Even worse, a secret racist. Oh I bet I'm wrong because you've got a le black friend, right?

>> No.17219285

The Indian foot you eat at a restaurant or takeout is usually pretty heavy in calories so of course it tastes good.
This is true for all "exotic" food. Try everyday Indian/thai/chinese/mexican food and it will become just as meh as you usual chow.

>> No.17219300

>poos literally had to be told not to mix ammonia and bleach together
Dios mio...

>> No.17219363

>people virtue signaling
More crap I don't even know what it means. All your fucking buzzwords cheapen everything you say.

>> No.17219736

If nothing else it's worlds better than thai food

>> No.17219754

wasn't the 'chosen' influence so great that everyone was hooked on opium and hashish, and the islamic oppression so great that most people were cannibals when the english got there and saved them?

>> No.17219761

run that through a different translator and see if it comes out better

>> No.17219767

gross, I can smell you from here. I bet you shut down the till 15 minutes before closing.

>> No.17220183

>Just check your local restaurants' inspection history.

>> No.17220234

I prefer southern Indian cuisine to the northern one. The fish, coconut milk, liberal use of curry leaves, beef and pork dishes, dosas, tamarind etc just make it more varied/vibrant.

>> No.17220450

i ordered indian delivery twice
it was tasty, however it all looked like liquid shit
so, taste-wise - strong 7 to a light 8
but presentation wise - 3/10 at most. still better than some fucking vietnamese or chinese noodles with grass on top and two pieces of labia shavings faux-roastbeef meat.

>> No.17220546

Spotted the pajeet

>> No.17220562

After reading through this thread I will never eat at an Indian restaurant in my life

>> No.17220572

>points out that indians wipe their ass with their bare hand then proceed to touch your food
It’s so obvious where you people come from

>> No.17220652

sir do not redeem cancellation

>> No.17221110

the direction-brain, everyone

>> No.17221273

fucking kek holy shit

>> No.17221276


>> No.17221299


>> No.17221340


>> No.17221361

I enjoy it. It's tip top sloppa.

>> No.17221490

>It’s so obvious where you people come from
I can say the same to you too, fren

>> No.17221640

One shitty restaurant doesnt prove anything. Ive never had a problem with my local Indian restaurant, while multiple white-owned local restaurants that have been shut down for health violations.

Also, fuck the rule about employee food/beverages in the kitchen. Thats probably why I wasnt allowed to enjoy a simple, rehydrating cup of water while working in a chain grocery store bakery.

>> No.17221656
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>scroll thread
>no texture-joke
>almost no pictures

>> No.17221674

Learn to cook them lil nigga

>> No.17221704

That sounds like a weird-ass business model.
Maybe I will try Longshots the next time I'm around the area and want something to eat.

>> No.17221744

name 10 Indian desserts whitoid. no googling

>400 years
do mutts really

>> No.17221752
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>he's a vegan
I'm so sorry.

>> No.17221788

Aloo Gobi

>> No.17221862

I only know poo on hands and poo on street. I think those are regional dishes though.

>> No.17221879

kulfi, gulab jamun, sandesh, mangos, grapes, apples, apricots, oranges, bananas, and I dunno probably some sort of rice pudding. everyone has rice pudding

>> No.17221894

I could go for some gulab jamun rn

>> No.17222004
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>> No.17222082

Holy shit its not hard to cook fucking curry of all things.

>> No.17222851

The spices were for the wealthy. Check the kind of shit an actual king ate back in ye olde days when the spice trade was it's peak, and it'd make any modern day person from New Delhi tell them to tone it the fuck down. The king's cuisine (and of the wealthy who could afford to emulate him, such as the well-to-do merchants and the nobility) was often incredibly spiced, often sweet even if also savory, and frequently did things like paint shit gold with loads of saffron just because they could. That kind of cooking only really survives in fragments within old records almost nobody's heard about.

But peasant cooking? Everyone knew that, and that's what survived. Modern foods for most countries are basically just "whatever the peasants used to eat except revamped to use newer crops and with more access to protein". Turnips used to be big in Europe and are seen as intrinsically "old" by most today, but only because it was made redundant by the introduction of the potato, which was similar except it could grow in the shittiest patches of soil around. This is why for example we think of classic British food as fish (fish was often the protein most accessible to the masses, although plenty of other types of seafood might not be) and chips instead of the recipes from shit like the Forme of Curry, and why immigrants to a bunch of different countries in the Americas ended up taking the old low-class staples from back home and doing two things; making substitutions, and shoving meat into any dishes they fucking could, since all this land meant raising livestock was cheap. Spaghetti was just boiled dough and tomatoes were often considered ornamental by those who could (and food by those who otherwise couldn't); but add a bunch of balls of ground beef and this tastes just like your dirt-poor Neapolitan serf nonna used to make which is comforting, except without the air of poverty and depression attached.

>> No.17222865

Not really. Different people like different things. Some people love Indian food. Some hate it. Some love pickled fish, some hate it. Some think caviar is the best thing under the sun, some find it disgusting.
Nothing wrong with that.

It's when you get fanatical and start saying it's racist to dislike Indian food that's virtue-signalling.

>> No.17222937

> have high quality ingredients.
> do everything in your power to remove all flavor from them
> Be the culinary laughing stock of the world.

>> No.17222946

i have a delicious pumpkin thai curry in my freezer at this very moment and last week made some channa masala that was so good i wanted to suck my own dick. but i don't have a tandoori oven, idk even though i know some good indian/viet recipes it's just not the same as a good hole in the wall restaurant with people who have been making these recipes every day for years.

gulab jamun, jalebi, mysore pak, halwa, the rice pudding thing, uhhhh the other kind of mysore pak with almonds that's like marzipan uhhh shit

>> No.17222949
File: 802 KB, 1200x1600, ayyyyyyyyyymola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i make a great curry but it's just Not The SAME

>> No.17223153
File: 136 KB, 1250x1250, Recept-voor-de-allerlekkerste-erwtensoep-snert-uw-marktspecialist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad your religion doesn't allow you to eat delicious porky snert.

>> No.17223164
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, halal-vleescentrum-Snert-van-Kalfsschenkel-halal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there's halal cow ones, just it will never be the same as pork snert.


>> No.17223851
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indian food is meh.. you never get full, all the dishes taste the same, their salads suck, everything is mushy or soggy, think of where it comes from.

>> No.17223880
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they have to overspice their foods because otherwise people would think they are being served diarrhea.

>> No.17223925
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>The Indian foot you eat at a restaurant or takeout is usually pretty heavy in calories so of course it tastes good.
>The Indian foot

>> No.17223953
File: 18 KB, 929x525, ScreenHunter 7387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT made me lose..

>> No.17224305

My parents are racist and they like it. I am also a racist but I dislike Indian food because it is shit.

>> No.17225252

It's literally my favorite type of food. A good curry is complex in spice usage and super flavorful. That along with samosas and garlic naan is just perfect.

>> No.17225261

Lamb Rogan josh is one of my favs. If you find a place with Madrasi, that is also very good but on the spicier end of the spectrum.

>> No.17225267


>> No.17225306

I got norovirus from the cafeteria at University of Colorado along with 16 others. I think people in Colorado must not wash their hands whatsoever.

>> No.17225771
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kek two hand-washing related violations

>> No.17225857
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Not too bad.

>> No.17225861

>virtue signaling
redneck alert

>> No.17225912

Nobody cares about your stupid s4s memes

>> No.17226052

Germany, Spain, France and Italy are also colonisers.
Most of these bland meals are the same everywhere - culinary illiteracy of the masses combined with food dependence on supermarkets and centuries old fast/cheap/takeout food. Even ignoring what the urban populace do, a lot of the recipes just couldn't survive the transition to modern methods as no-one has open hearths anymore.

>> No.17226114
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Yeah I can't conceptualize this. When I see that refuse I know I would immediately be cleaning it up, moving it, burying it, burning it, or building with it. You would not see a panel of discarded sheet metal and where there was no material I would dig. It is crazy to really think about this but with a midwit Western education and zero skillset I know I would:

>build kilns
>distill water
>harvest solar (distillation, gardens, heat lense)
>melt plastics

They can't even clear and manicure the dirt pathways. It sucks and it seems like such an easy fix.

>> No.17226243

It's Indian>Japanese>Italian>Chinese
French is great, but pompous is a turn off.

>> No.17226727

BBQ is not a staple of America; it's something we're known for but we don't eat it like Asians eat rice.

>> No.17226733

maybe they're not as unemployed as you dipshit

>> No.17226815

Why would people virtue signal about indian food?
It's relatively cheap, you can get it easily basically everywhere, it's oily, strongly flavoured and very unhealthy

>> No.17226874
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Always we are thankful! Good morning!

>> No.17226893

indian food is very good
too much rape in india though

>> No.17226900

I think I can speak for the entire fucking world when I say we'd all be just fine if Pajeet took a day off scam calling us to clean his fucking neighborhood.

The fuck jobs do they have? Scamming and making iPhones in diseased rat-nests. Wow.

>> No.17226986

Different tastes. I love spicy food but curry is just OK to me, and sometimes unsatisfying.

>> No.17227166

Be guided accordingly -
You must do the needful. Please send by Dhl.

>> No.17227187

Indian food is just rice and random vegetables covered in spice.
It is the most reddit cuisine possible, just ahead of mexican and arabic.

>> No.17227230

The good stuff is rare, because India is a shithole

>> No.17227240

Maybe if you're american

>> No.17227275

Indian food is great, I just wish non-Indian people made it so I wouldn't have to worry about shit in my food.

>> No.17227284
File: 60 KB, 720x876, 1639995117088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit Gatekeeping America you dick

>> No.17227328

>pho 95
>non-viet name

That's a pretty Viet name right there. It's common for pho places to be named "pho x" where x is an arbitrary number that only means something to the owner.

>> No.17227388

>big greasy cheese garlicy bread the size of a small child
>peeling big hunks of it off
>dipping it in spicy soups
>nibbling some oven fried chicken
>deep fried pastries full of meat and veggies
>some refreshing rice afterwards
>finish it all up with a nice cup of tea
>whole thing only cost you maybe $12 for a lunch special, as opposed to paying $17.95 for a big mac meal.
what's not to like?
i live in a town of 12,000 population and we have 3 indian places.

>> No.17227390

i pour a big bowl of Dal Makhani over a big plate of cheesy fries at least once a week.

butter chicken is the obvious one, literally everyone's mum and grandma make it at least once a week. my advice is to slow cook it and toss in some rice and tiny cubed potatoes as well.

vindaloos are great if you really wanna get into the spicy shit.