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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17214278 No.17214278 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17214282
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>> No.17214284

It doesn't matter unless you inhale the fumes, sincerely chemist

>> No.17214294

stop being poor

>> No.17214296
File: 1.84 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220102_114938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But ck says I'll die, especially since I'm...oh dear God...oh Christ no...

>> No.17214298

thats clearly butter or margarine. not "seed oils"

>> No.17214303

yeah and ck is stupid, you could eat the whole coating in a day and the worst thing that would happen is it might give you diarrhea for a while. If the coating starts to burn though, cancer town.

>> No.17214307

It’s going to be ok . Any health problems you have from using the pan won’t be communicable . We will be just fine .

>> No.17214309
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Isn't margarine processed seed oil? Idk the seed oil schizos get just as upset, but yeah it's margarine.
How long do my wife and I have left to live, guys?

>> No.17214314

The pan was smoking a bit.

>> No.17214320
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>consuming PUFAs to own the libs
edit: oh wait, you already are

>> No.17214322
File: 114 KB, 1024x1024, 1639453237294m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That sear
>That seasoning
>That poor man's salt
>That phone

>> No.17214323
File: 1.60 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220102_120738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to eat the pork chop to make room on the plate for potatoes, air fried with SEED OILS OOOOH AAAHHH SO SCAAAARY

>> No.17214331

I consumed your mom's FUPA last night to own you.

>> No.17214333

You're alright OP

>> No.17214334

With all the cocks you jam down your throat you're bound to end up with something infecting your throat and lungs, knock yourself out.

>> No.17214335

The sear sucks, yeah, despite my piss taking I was kinda scared to go all out with actually high heat.

>> No.17214337

your potatoes look greasy as fuck

>> No.17214345

That's the leftover pork grease on the plate, if anything the potatoes were dry and bland and needed to be tossed in egg yolk, pork grease, and ketchup to be edible. Not my best work but I really just wanted to fry up some shit to go with coffee. Tasted alright, 6/10 meal altogether.

>> No.17214357

LOL holy fuck I thought that was undercooked toast at first glance, get yourself a cast-iron if you are serious about cooking steaks

>> No.17214359
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why does the picture look like it's animated? I keep seeing the butter recede like it's being heated. some kinda optical illusion.

>> No.17214376

Did you get polymer fume fever? At the very least, your pan's no longer non-stick where it's scratched (and you lied about the seed oils - they don't foam like that). Just get a new pan, and if it's teflon, try to keep it under 550F.

>> No.17214386

It's pork chops, and I have a cast iron.

>> No.17214448
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>> No.17214457

It does matter if you heat it to much, too.

>> No.17214486

Or if you scratch it down to that delicious aluminum.

>> No.17214535

I don't think so, but you're right...I really am that scared of seed oils...

>> No.17214551

>the cancer coating has peeled off and been ingested
>behind is left the alzheimers inducing aluminum
the sad thing is your dementia and cancer will be so severe that mocking you later on will be pointless

>> No.17214555

>parents only ever used nonstick pans for all of their cooking
how fucked am I lads?

>> No.17214556

kys but faster this time.

>> No.17214566

Chelate out the bads and take plenty of NAC. You'll be OK eventually, the important thing is to stop using this kind of shit and never start again.

>> No.17214580

can i see some of those pork chops you've been making on your cast iron?

>> No.17214595
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>> No.17214608
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Op here, here's one from a while ago. Sear is, unfortunately, covered up by the bourbon apple topping.

>> No.17214624

Same here. That's why I don't see what all the fuss is about. I'm a big, strong, peanut and peaches fed Georgia boy, as are my siblings, dad's 60 and can still whoop all our asses, mom still does sudoku and crosswords all the time, no one seems to be cancer riddled or dementia addled.

>> No.17215136

mf really eatin unseasoned, unmarinated chops
at least you're not a redditor faux pan expert

>> No.17215159

They have salt and pepper, and they're thin, shitty, frying chops. Not going all out for a simple greasy hangover breakfast. Suck my swine.

>> No.17215195

rip, thank you for reminding us how grave these risks are

>> No.17215211

I don't get it, I made that chop in a cast iron pan like you guys jerk yourselves off to.

>> No.17215237

Looks like it's already giving you parkinsons.

>> No.17215720

i had one pan that started making a pretty nasty smell a few months after getting scratched. had to replace it and hte new one seems OK despite being scratched a bit. still want to replace it, since i think i can take better care of them now

>> No.17215732

I made the best pan steak of my life on a shitty nonstick pan at an airbnb. The crust was immaculate and I still don't understand why it came out 100x better than my cast iron steaks

>> No.17215737

Enjoy your metabolic dysregulation, cancer and so forth. Two of the most toxic chemicals on this planet. Keep chugging away though

>> No.17215748

u gona ded

>> No.17215756

teflon itself is basically 100% inert and you could eat it daily for your entire life and it would have 0 effect on you.
It's the only think that can hold Fluoroantimonic acid which can be over a billion times stronger than 100% pure sulfuric acid at -31.3ph

>> No.17215765

you should never be allowed inside of a kitchen again, fucking frankenchef.

>> No.17215784

Nah that's one of my hit dishes, I just don't take good pics. You know how often the wife asks me to make that pork chop?

>> No.17215838

>That sear and lack of any seasoning on the eggs or pork

And now your troll thread is even gayer than expected

>> No.17215860

There's fucking salt and pepper on the fucking pork chops, you stupid bastard. I don't season my eggs though.

>> No.17215863

You're going to feel fine after working with asbestos too.
Not feeling immediately poisoned doesn't mean there was no harm done.

>> No.17215885

>Doesn't season his eggs
>Thinks only salt and pepper is good enough for pork
>Not even a bee's dick of thyme or rosemary
>didn't even fry garlic, butter, and onion together to serve the prokchop on and baste it with bubbling butter enriched from the aromatics while frying


I fucking love pork, don't disgrace the oinkers like this.

>> No.17215896

Shut the fuck up. I made this thread because I'm sick of all you faggots shitting up the place, faggots like you always think the sky is falling, faggots like you who are scared of your own shadow, faggots like you who come into any thread about anything, and start shaking and quaking and shivering and shitting your pants because of sugar, or seed oils, or olive oil that was used at too high a temperature, or this pan or that pan. Shut the FUCK up, god fucking damn.

>> No.17215905

Yeah, I'm going to do all of that just to have a quick and easy hangover breakfast. I'm sure you do all of that every single time you cook anything. Suck my swine.

>> No.17215914

It literally adds all of 5 minutes to the cook time, and that's preparing the veggies.

All you gotta do is watch the veggies and spoon butter on the damn pork.

Stop being a faggot, and get some nice browning on your meat. Seriously not even trying to be funny

>> No.17215930

That would have been five less minutes I would have had to fuck my wife. I'm fairly newly married, I have very little bodily fluids left, I just wanted greasy meat.

>> No.17215933

You don't have to feel fear to avoid easily avoidable well known sources of harm you absolute retard.

>> No.17215979

Yet you're on your electronic radioactive device, peering at small words on a bright screen in a dark room. Curious.

>> No.17215992

You also eat pork, which has been known for thousands of years across cultures to be "bad for you". How very strange.

>> No.17216000

You also seem to have no problem with eggs that aren't cooked hard, or eggs in general. Haven't you read the studies about e coli, salmonella, and cholesterol? All very bad for you, all very easy to avoid. Interesting.

>> No.17216027

Shit talking aside, I have had an extremely bad headache all day since I made this meal to piss you all off.

>> No.17216067

Looks like the only person you're pissing off is yourself.

>> No.17216095 [DELETED] 

I opened it up in photoshop for you to check in case it had a screamer a minute and a half in or something, but nope, just a really small gif of the same pan with margarine. open it in PS yourself if you're skeptical. Make sure you click Window > Timeline to see the frames.

>> No.17216113

Okay I saved the thumbnail which is why I deleted that last post but open it in photoshop, click Window > Timeline, and you can see for yourself it's just a really large gif of a pan with margarine in it. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.17216181
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OP posted in another thread and sounds like a total fag >>17216059

>> No.17216199
File: 11 KB, 275x183, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I'm coming for you, booo, BOOOOO! I'm coming to get youuuuu!

>> No.17216211
File: 67 KB, 643x364, porkchop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone laugh at OP

>> No.17216233

Blegh, blegh! I vant to give you carbs!

>> No.17216280

how the fuck can you stand unsalted eggs

>> No.17216287

>hangover breakfast
I dont understand how people are able to eat with a hangover

>> No.17216294

>using metals on a non stick pan

>> No.17216310

>just melt your plastic spatula with the teflon bruh it's safer because not scratches

>> No.17216319

>forgets wood exists
tepid water IQ levels

>> No.17216399

I'm laughing at you, retard

>> No.17216441

scrolling through this thread
what the fuck is seed oils? and why should i be insane??

>> No.17216495

>implying people use wood
people use those plastic spatulas

>> No.17216527

Seed oils are things like canola(rapeseed). They're extremely high in omega-6 fatty acids and our modern diets already have probs far too much omega-6 which can lead to inflammation.
Cheaper oils are extracted using hexane which may or may not remain in the final product (I don't think it does, but some people do) and hexane is a known neurotoxin.
Final thing is almost 100% of canola oil is produced from Round Up Ready crops. GMO's are fine, but endlessly spraying round up has been increasingly shown to cause environmental problems.

>> No.17216576

What kind of sicko rapes a seed? Disgusting degenerates.

>> No.17216654

bless you
ehat would recommend
or continue

>> No.17216662

I just buy olive oil because I don't want to buy a bunch of oils

>> No.17216677

You should have three oils. Canola as your neutral oil, peanut oil for frying, and olive oil for vinaigrettes.

>> No.17216679

OP is a schizo

>> No.17216686

Nah, I just use olive oil because if I buy more they start to go rancid before I can use them up. Rancid oil smells and tastes too gross for me.

Once a year or so I do buy peanut for frying something. Then I fry for like a week straight to use up the oil

>> No.17216699

So just throw out the rancid oil and buy new oil when you need it. It's like the price of gasoline a few bucks a gallon.

>> No.17216822

Clean your floors you disgusting fuck.

>> No.17216824

those plastic spatulas are food safe to like 900F, you mong.

>> No.17217050

>You know how often the wife asks me to make that pork chop?
Probably almost as often as she and her friends have "girls' night out" at the dance club.

>> No.17217196

>dumb fag ur sear is awful
>here look at a proper sear btw you can't see it in the photo :)
Kill yourself.

>> No.17217368

If that's bone-in, you can't put bone-in food in non-stick. Or use wooden tools. Or simply use it regularly at high heat for months.

Non-stick is shit. Take aluminum and polish it smooth.

>> No.17217634

/pol/ says this not ck. ckucks cook eggs on concrete and drink fermented cabbage water. we're too poor to afford non stick anything

>> No.17217978

your wife fucks black men

>> No.17219308

But they melt around 300°.

>> No.17219356

If you put a serious sear on a thin porkchop it's shoeleather.

>> No.17219404

Think that's what he was pointing out, shit is overdone.

>> No.17220003

I regularly cook on my non-stick pan on max heat.

>> No.17220222

-1 days
absolute shit tier breakfast
get help

>> No.17220282

Jacques Pepin, is that you?

>> No.17220606
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But the food didn't stick though right? It's non-stick, not non-scrach. Who are you to complain?