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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 500x500, 465e73f2-ad6d-44eb-8720-e16369d1870b_1.502691e06a527f8eef69996e49cfba25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17204973 No.17204973 [Reply] [Original]

Bros what the fuck. I tried these out because you recommended them. I wanted to quit energy drinks, and this seemed like a good choice, given that they're like $3.50 for 90 of them. Dude I have been fucking flying all day. It's like meth. Literally like meth. I have been going crazy. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've got a lot done today, but holy shit I've been mean to people. I think they think I'm on something lol. Why didn't you tell me these were so strong. Dude I've gotta go back to monster or something or break these in half or something this is insane I'm still buzzing and my heart is beating out of my chest lmao. Why didn't you tell me

>> No.17204977

get a grip, you incel shit

>> No.17204985

It's not like what you're describing at all. You have to be 18+ to post here.
It's simply 200mg of caffeine, similar to a few cups of coffee/tea.

>> No.17204991

op probably took more than one at the same time

>> No.17204995

I guess that would put someone over the edge. Too much caffeine just makes me feel like I want to kms

>> No.17205023

>Easy t' Take (R)

kek wut

>> No.17205036

I have taken 4 of these and they don't do anything im still exhausted. Bitch.

>> No.17205045

>non-habit forming

Yeah I'm calling bullcrud, OP. Anything that speeds you up is habit forming.

>> No.17205046
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>pure caffeine
>non habit forming

>> No.17205079
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>holy shit I've been mean to people
lmao nice. elaborate, op.

>> No.17205080

i've been in the same boat and its pretty shitty having a racing heartbeat while still feeling exhausted

>> No.17205081

just zyn instead

>> No.17205111


>> No.17205118


Used the f-word in Fortnite chat, called Grandma a "skanky ho"

>> No.17205133

>It's simply 200mg of caffeine, similar to a few cups of coffee/tea.

Coffee is something you sip over time and you don't get the caffeine all at once.
A 200mg pill is like slamming an energy drink all at once.

>> No.17205183
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>a literal child
just buy some yellowjackets at the gas station like I used to do

>> No.17205191

youre gonna die if you keep that up

>> No.17205222

I took the caffinepillpill a few years ago but it made my stomach hurt and had to instantly crap after taking one. Plus they actually take longer than caffeinated drinks to kick in.

>> No.17205258
File: 1.36 MB, 600x1446, 1615501635553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't shotgun 2 Spikes before bed

>> No.17205265

>safe as coffee
>non habit forming

I need two cups of coffee in the morning or I do not feel right. I'm pretty sure that's a damn habit.

>> No.17205272

or op just made up a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.17205372
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I only took one, but I had a monster beforehand. Also had an empty stomach. Thing is I usually have about three monsters a day, and it's nowhere near the same rush. I've done actual stimulants before, even meth, and it was much closer to those. Pretty awesome honestly I'm gonna take two tomorrow.

Just being a dick. Being mean with my tone of voice, throwing things, threatening my employees with disciplinary action and whatnot. I mean, they deserve it for not doing what they're supposed to, but usually I am much more chill and I'm nicer about it. It was pretty awesome.

>> No.17205374

I love tweaking on caffeine, i love when my hands get all clammy and i have jerky movments.

>> No.17205413

Based and Spano-pilled