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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.66 MB, 837x1262, 1441063207-delish-pioneer-woman-cookware-line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17201053 No.17201053 [Reply] [Original]

>puts cream in meatballs

>> No.17201059
File: 58 KB, 395x395, GayChristian3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention she's a homophobic christcuck.

>> No.17201154


>> No.17201163

Not a christian but queers can burn

>> No.17201209

Christ almighty what an unattractive face that is. Imagine without makeup yeeeesh

A gay Christian is definitely an oxymoron based on scripture.

>> No.17201213

wtf I love her now, she still is a whore in clown makeup though.

>> No.17201216

There's only one reason to hate her.

And it's because she's a woman.

>> No.17201220
File: 220 KB, 1080x809, GayCouple9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't going anywhere. It is your responsibility to stop mistreating us for being different.

Why does it matter what some homophobic old book does or doesn't say? Why can you be a respectful and decent human being?

>> No.17201229

Why do gays need to pay 20k+ for a baby, or use a woman to surrogate. It's almost like two men can't have children biologically for a reason.
Every child deserves a mother and father.

>> No.17201233

why does the italian fear the cream?

>> No.17201238

Milk soaked bread in the meatballs is better, also nakes it so you dont need dried breadcrumbs.

>> No.17201241
File: 77 KB, 748x466, GayCouple7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, surrogacy for gay couples should be free - government financed.

Because gay men cannot be happy partnered with a woman.

>> No.17201248

Having children isn't a human right, I don't trust fags with kids the CSA statistics are crazy.

>> No.17201258
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, GayCouple12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no statistic showing that married gay couples are more likely to abuse kids than married straight couples.

There is poorly conducted research by homophobic Christians hoping to smear gay people and legally prevent us from adopting or accessing surrogacy - and it has failed its primary purpose - to sway the courts against us.

>> No.17201290

>Why does it matter what some homophobic old book does or doesn't say? Why can you be a respectful and decent human being?
I’m speaking to what that sign specifically said.

And that homophobic book and its resulting believers have led to the progressive country you live in. Feel free to live in a brown or yellow country and see how that goes for you.

>> No.17201318
File: 497 KB, 1600x1200, GayCouple6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus does not mention a word about gay people in the bible.

Seems like you just pick and choose the verses that support your prejudices.

>> No.17201330

No it isn't. Humanism and Greek philosophy is. Christianity has only ever held us back. Further, Christian homophobia relies on exaggerating the significance of a handfull of misrepresented passages, most of them not even New Testament. But that's true of most of the dumb shit Christians hold true. Jesus wouldn't be happy with how you retards turned out.

>> No.17201332
File: 91 KB, 1024x683, ProudChristian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17201348

>today we're gonna make a meal for muh hungry cowboy family in my $6 million property! Nothing like a hot meal after a long day of strenuous labor trying to make ends meet on a farm
>pan over to shot of husband and kids ordering hired mexican immigrants around

>> No.17201357
File: 60 KB, 760x507, church.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Varg had the right idea

>> No.17201359
File: 158 KB, 500x400, AngelCarlLarsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17201360

Yes, farms generally have laborers. It's not a homestead. Read a fucking book for once in your life.

>> No.17201361
File: 115 KB, 1200x675, BurnChurches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


religion is a form of anti-gay violence

they started it

>> No.17201366

>REEEEEEE Drummond

>> No.17201368

Bruhv, the entire western world was built from Christianity's values.
Say what you will about religion, but it does have its importance in imbuing the mindless cattle of a population on some semblance of shared values.
Christianity was one of the more tame ones and allowed the US and Europe to prosper.

>> No.17201385

Mentally ill retards. What is the best way to prepare them for a crowd?

>> No.17201388
File: 173 KB, 976x549, gaypride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrational hatred of gays is a harmful value.

>> No.17201390
File: 104 KB, 720x540, gaycross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental illness is a spook. People being different from you doesn't mean their brains are less functional than yours.

>> No.17201416

Shut the fuck and stay on topic gay retard.

>> No.17201457

yeah, but that's generally a world-wide phenomenon, not specific to religion and has only recently started to change.
Christians used the bible to denounce homosexuality, China decided it wasn't allowed even without a bible in hand.
The world has hated the gays for a very, very long time. Outgroups are not keen to hundreds of thousands of years of survival of the fittest.
It's stupid, but it's not religion, it's people.

>> No.17201468

T. Minus my digits days until this fag necks himself. Putting your dick in a hairy mans asshole is degenerate

>> No.17201475

>puts cream in meatballs
that's just swedish meatballs

>> No.17201484
File: 277 KB, 1440x1272, absolutely haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promoting acts of homosexuality


Inshallah you will be gay in Jahannam, kufar

>> No.17201496
File: 276 KB, 1080x1080, GayCouple14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17201508

can jannies do their fucking job? wtf is this thread

>> No.17201696

its impossible, he is a faggot which means his narcissism is a behemoth large enough to swallow his sense of decency and self awareness, that is how his mental illness managed to fester in the first place. a faggot always has to make everything about themselves and their "struggles", they think it adds depth to putting a cock in their mouth.

>> No.17201707
File: 105 KB, 910x566, GayGetOverIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17201767

She's the queen of low-class, flyover cuisine.

>> No.17201775

You just know they're going to molest those poor kids.

>> No.17201803
File: 110 KB, 634x634, GayDads3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17201814

I didn't expect NPH to be 6' tall. He seems more of a 5'7" kinda fellow.

>> No.17201823

You will never be able to get pregnant and grow your own baby insice of you, you and your boyfriend will never have your offspring. Instead you will find some stupid poor woman to use as a incubator so you can cover up your infertility trauma while causing that baby unfixable mental trauma within the first hours of life. Babies need to be breastfed and stay with their mothers that they have bonded too for 9 months.

>> No.17201826
File: 141 KB, 960x960, gaypregnant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17201830
File: 397 KB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_20211230-191836_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17201847
File: 244 KB, 959x1280, gaypregnant3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird how you only have that one image to post over and over despite this supposedly being a common problem.

>> No.17201850

You may think your friends and family are accepting of your degeneracy, but behind your back and even around you they’re thinking of how much a gross pervert you are who is also most likely a pedo

>> No.17201857
File: 958 KB, 1144x1182, Christians3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17201860
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>> No.17201873
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>> No.17201880

Lol then there is the catholic church that has been overrun with gay faggots who bring in more gay faggots who all use the power, wealth, and reach of the church to molest little boys across the world.

>> No.17201881
File: 67 KB, 540x960, main-qimg-8f0b3ce04a27b73d3e3b72a2ee06ad3b-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17201882

Every sin in the same to God, the problem is you've made it your lifestyle. Also you killed a perfectly good thread with your faggotry, gays truly ruin everything.

>> No.17201889

>sin in the same to God
might wanna step more carefully in today's world then anon. Actually read and understand the bible, not just the americanized drivel you're taught in your 4th grade first communion classes.

>> No.17201894
File: 3.65 MB, 2002x1150, GayMormons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God isn't real, sin is just what you personally don't like and has no bearing more generally. Stop wasting your short life hating others.

>> No.17201918

If sin isnt real and there is nothing objectively right or wrong, then there is nothing wrong with hating fags, fag.

>> No.17201924

I hope the next asshole you stick your dick in blasts diarrhea all over you

>> No.17201969
File: 31 KB, 350x466, LawdThemTeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she puts the cream into my meatballs if you know what i mean

>> No.17201976
File: 83 KB, 220x126, ADD1B82D-9C35-4667-BAEE-779E8B1C75CB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17201978
File: 76 KB, 540x360, gaydads2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17202056

And I hope you one day find the capacity for love to triumph over hatred within yourself.

>> No.17202110

> /ck/- /lgbt/

>> No.17202152
File: 88 KB, 750x719, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts homophobic cooking celebrity
>noooo u cant talk about their actual personal beliefs

>> No.17202184

>food is somehow related to people taking cocks up their asses.

>> No.17202188

homosexuals are prone to narcissism and other personality disorders, being obnoxious is in their nature

>> No.17202239

There really is nothing more quintessentially on topic for this website than being spooked by gays, blacks and trannies.

I didn't grow up with the Food Network, but did that alcoholic blonde cougar or Paula Deen ever cook anything worthwhile? I feel like they're only known for meme's sake.

>> No.17202269
File: 802 KB, 1050x888, wir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy let two queers pork his wife?

>> No.17202317
File: 247 KB, 1224x1445, 48c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go around being as straight as I want because life is short.
Maybe I don't let my life revolve around the labels I, and to some extent, society puts on me. I just exist as a normal person who isn't 9000% preoccupied with where I'd like my cock to go next and needing the rest of the world to know that info too.

>> No.17202435

Jesus Christ would all of you faggots stop obsessing over who's fucking whose ass

>> No.17202440

I hate her and her shitty show so much. Bitch has a wood paneled refrigerator. Who does that?

>> No.17203145

is the dude on the left Mike Matei??

>> No.17203176

>There is no statistic showing that married gay couples are more likely to abuse kids than married straight couples
Yeah, there's lots. I'm not looking them up for your faggot ass because you're probably a troll anyway but being gay astronomically increases the chance that you will sexually abuse children.

>> No.17203183

It was built from ancient Greek philosophy and humanism. Christianity may have been a stepping stone allowing these things to flourish in that it invoked Christ as a human scapegoat to be glorified while most cultures tend to find scapegoats to externalize anxieties and condemn them, but a modern so-called Christianity that scapegoats homosexuality is no part of this. Fundamental Christians today might as well be Muslims; they are enemies of human progress.

>> No.17203243

>that homophobic book and its resulting believers have led to the progressive country you live in
You've got things switched around, anon. America is a progressive liberal democracy because of the decline of Christianity, not because of the existence of Christianity. Do you unironically think the reason America has (for example) gay marriage is because of the demographic group that advocates against it? Come on.
>Feel free to live in a brown or yellow country and see how that goes for you
Your mileage will vary depending on what country you compare America to, and "brown/yellow countries" isn't really a useful descriptor because of this variance. Just so you know, though, African countries are overwhelmingly Christian. Additionally, the Scandinavian social democracies mog America hard on progressivism, and they are most certainly not Christian.

>> No.17203257

>only the last 25 years have happened

>> No.17203263

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.17203266

Varg has commited anti gay violence though. Look at Euronymous in a crop top and tell me that cunt didn't get railed in the poop shoot

>> No.17203269

... Anon, how long do you think America has been a "progressive country?" You realize it wasn't even a legitimate democracy until the 1960s, right? You can certainly thank Christianity for the state of America before then, you just can't thank it for the America of today.

>> No.17203274


would dump load after load into

>> No.17203280

Paula Deen cooked lots of decent stuff. Sandra Lee made lots of meh stuff that normal people probably didn't need a cooking show to figure out.

>> No.17203294

yeah, but that doesn't mean christianity didn't play a role before that. it wouldn't be a democracy at all if it was muslim for example

>> No.17203305

they dont, they put it in many thing, but not carbonara, thats treason, to put cream in a creamy rich dish, for some reason

>> No.17203792

yeah now i know youre trolling.

>> No.17203801

What makes you think that?

>> No.17203817

>Christianity may have been a stepping stone allowing these things to flourish
Right, so Christianity was still hugely important. You continuing to bring up the greeks as the actual ones who started it is like saying the Beetles didn't do anything for music because they didn't invent it.
>they are enemies of human progress.
Ya, let's continue to drop religion like we've been doing without a suitable replacement so people keep turning to politics for the same religious-esque dogmas. That's been working great recently. Not to mention fags have been federally able to get married despite us living in a so-called muslim nation. Trannies aren't being thrown off roofs in our muslim nation, they're slowly being accepted more any more.
Someone, somewhere, will always, always hate fags. Some will use religion as a reason, others will find different excuses as religion continues to fall out of favor in the west.
Fucking idiot.

>> No.17205180

No he's right, western culture is based on Greek science and philosophy and Roman law. Christianity is anti-intellectual Asian cancer that only holds society back. The problem with modern American politics is anti-democratic radical Christain extremists, not secularism.

>> No.17205189

Gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt white babies. They can molest and troon out all the shitskins they want but keep them away from innocent white babies.

>> No.17205392

Nah, I'm probably always going to hate child-molesting sodomites.

>> No.17205398

Please anon why bump the thread, please just let it die.

>> No.17205416

nice cooking thread

>> No.17205671

I will now watch your cooking show.

>> No.17206044

I'm going to put cream in my meatballs now.

>> No.17206090

>Jesus does not mention a word about gay people in the bible
When Jesus speaks of marriage (marriage being the only acceptable place for a sexual relationship) he only ever refers to it as being between a man and a woman.

>> No.17206101

>Irrational hatred of gays is a harmful value.
Good thing it's entirely rational then, hey?

>> No.17206740

the majority of all pedophilic crimes are man on boy (gay)

>> No.17207215

I don't know what kind of janny /ck/ has, but I feel like someone sperging out for 10 posts about "christcucks" on a cooking forum should be a deletable + ban referrable offense. I have to assume that since nothing happened, the posts in question were MADE by a janny.

Many such cases!

>> No.17207224

You just know

>> No.17207603

>Many such cases!
sounds like a trump tweet. go back to /pol/

>> No.17207623


Numerous mental-illness posts in other threads around the same time, someone's on an anti-crusade.

>> No.17207702

Are you saying you reported those posts?

>> No.17207858

You greatly underestimate how similar Christianity and Islam are. If the US was a Muslim country, literally nothing whatsoever would be different, except they would've invaded other countries and oppressed their own citizens in the name of Allah instead of God. And as the country advanced (technologically and culturally) and religion became less relevant, it would transition from a hybrid regime to a democratic one, just as IRL America did.

>> No.17207877

Yes, Abrahamic religion is a cancer on the planet. Purely a tool for the globalists.

>> No.17209173

look at her wiki. she wen to college and tried to be an "actor"....so after however many casting couches and drug fueled years of partying...she hitches her wagon to some rich flyover country cattle family and pretends to be some bible thumper. she's a fraud. a washed up whore

>> No.17209178

college: University of Southern California in Los Angeles. after college: tried to be an actress. moved back to Oklahoma in her late 20s and married a cuck who has zero clue what a degenerate thot she was from age 18 to late 20s.

>> No.17209327

I thought that was rachel Ray

>> No.17209528

I wanna suck her toes.

>> No.17209550

And yet she has produced more white people than you ever will.

>> No.17209559

Bold words for a man married to nothing.

>> No.17209608

Can women really raise children though?

>> No.17209672

Her oldest daughter just married a spic

>> No.17209677

It was so based of the washed up actress to raise her white daughters with adopted son "Jamar"

>> No.17210342

>A gay Christian is definitely an oxymoron based on scripture.
The bible is an artificial compilation of theological works. It is writen by various authors/scribes. The problem occurs when people treat it as a single coherant text, which it is not.

>> No.17210468

Your taste is invalid because you like the taste of cock, smegma, semen, and shit.