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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17196691 No.17196691 [Reply] [Original]

Holy duck this btfos chicken. I don’t think I can eat chicken anymore

>> No.17196707

don't eat holy duck, you'll go to duck hell and it's nothing but giant pulsating corkscrew dongs there

>> No.17196729
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ducc is for fren and for food

>> No.17196734
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>> No.17196740

duck is for 3rd worlders who can't afford chicken. What is the point in a cultured american eating this shit bird?

>> No.17196742

>can't afford chicken

>> No.17196745
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>> No.17196787
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Thanks now i feel like a monster

>> No.17196860
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Thats a baby call duck, no one eats those.
Pic rel is what the ducks u eat look like as hatchlings. This is my pet Sticky. I'm not eating her but she's an awful cunt and I ate her uncles.

>> No.17196862

Duck is way more expensive that chicken.

>> No.17196881

lil sleepy wizard :3

>> No.17196928

>american opinions on food

>> No.17196934
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Duck is truly superior but expensive as fuck. Picrel was some duck noodle soup I got at a Thai restaurant

>> No.17196953


why do they call her sticky

>> No.17196973

this is so cute my eyes are watering

>> No.17196989
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>> No.17197005

now try goose, which mogs them all

>> No.17197010

Looks good. I fucking love eatings ducks.

>> No.17197012
File: 2.07 MB, 640x800, Rainbow Ducks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17197016

This anon knows
Goose fucking FUCKS with how tasty it is

>> No.17197426

massively overcooked. Only euros know how to cook meat

>> No.17197434

Sure thing, racist retard.

>> No.17197441
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Same anon, it was really good and then they gave me the chili paste to mix in and it turned fire red and was so spicy and fatty from the duck breast it was incredible. Picrel is some duck breast tendies I posted in the last duck thread

>> No.17197449

>duck tendies
Hmm. I need to sleep on this one. Bbl.

>> No.17197459

I wiped my butt with a duck once. Felt bretty gud. 8/10 better than regular TP but not as good as wet wipes with aloe vera

>> No.17197473

Hand trimmed the fat and sliced the breast myself. Used paprika parmesan panko breading and cooked in a deep fryer with olive oil

>> No.17197513
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She was stuck in her egg and I needed to assist the hatch. I assumed she was gonna die because assisted hatching is risky and I had never assisted a hatch before but the dumb bitch is still alive and shits me eggs almost every day.

>> No.17197584

Fucking based, I love Sticky and hate her Uncles too.

>> No.17197589
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She hates other ducks. When I put her in the pasture with them she stands as close to me as possible and wants nothing to do with them. She especially hates her father, who tried to kill her when she was a baby.
In her mind, Sticky is a human.
Also yes, that is a diaper with her name embroidered on it.

>> No.17197593

I'll never be a cute little duckling wearing a flower hat and getting sleepy in a patch of mint...what's the point of even going on?

>> No.17197598

yeah male ducks are fucking assholes, you did the world a favor

>> No.17197603
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They only stay ducklings for maybe 2 days. Then they get ugly and annoying

I'm only responding to u so I can post this

>> No.17197625

yeah but in that short moment they are awesome. But you're right ducks are psychopaths. I'd rather raise goats again than ducks.
I've thought about raising pheasants fertlized eggs will be available in a couple months. They are dumb as fuck but man corn fed pheasant is amazing

>> No.17197647
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Ive heard ducks are easier than goats. You see this short fence? there are massive gaps in it and the ducks are too retarded to want to get out. Goats will just hop over this. Also goats drink their own piss and then smile about it.

As much as I love goats I'd probably raise cattle or sheep before I raise goats. I've never had pheasant.... I bet its nice. Though if they can fly idk if I'd be comfortable raising them with my highly mobile outdoor centric setup.

>> No.17197656

>Duck diaper
eggsplain pls

>> No.17197674
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She hates being with other ducks. When she is in the pasture with them she freaks out and makes a huge ruckus, which means she is attracting predators. She can have her own pasture sometimes but again, shes a loud obnoxious bitch who thinks I am her flock so she needs to spend time with me. She is a duck, she is incontinent. She will sometimes sit in a tiny box that she will sit and shit in but if I leave the room she has an autistic meltdown and jumps out. The internet makes duck diapers, so I bought some. Now she can stalk me like the retarded psycho that she is in her cloacal bib.

>> No.17197675

Well she's clearly baby so.

>> No.17197676

In my state you have to have them in enclosures along with most game birds. The rules very state by state. I guess you could clip their wings but everything else thinks they are as delicious as I do. I've heard in Oregon you only have to have tags for them and as long as you do you can pretty much raise them how you want. Captive breed game bird laws are one of those really wacky things in the US. Not sure what the rules are like in other countries but I'd imagine they are similar.
No one really gives a fuck about ducks and chickens because most of the domestic ones would just die in a matter of hours in the wild

>> No.17197679


>> No.17197685

That shit is hilarious. I knew a girl that used to walk around with a goose in a baby stroller. She took that stupid thing everywhere. She managed to get it registered as an emotional support animal. Fucking crazy bitch, kind of wish I would have fucked her when we were kids at a baptist summer camp, but I was autistic and she was weird.

>> No.17197705

I tried bringing Sticky places but she hates anything that isn't familiar. She has thrown up on car rides (though thats probably because she ate a ton of tomatoes before) and I do not feel comfortable with her around other animals like cats and dogs. Also shes a loud bitch. Maybe geese are better.

You just know

>> No.17197709

yea idk Ill just hunt them. I have lots of wild pheasants and turkey on my property.

>> No.17197739

This duck was not meant to live. Just kill her or let her figure it out in the wild.

>> No.17197759
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I agree I should but she really does lay a lot of eggs, and her eggs are actually tastier than the other duck eggs (which I also find tasty). I plan to use her for experiments with feed and feed additives in the future as well.

If I "release her into the wild" She's just going to hang out by my back door and shit everywhere while freaking out. With my luck a predator won't even eat her.

>> No.17197778

Lol that image. Well as long as she posts tasty eggs I guess.

>> No.17197799

based backyard scientist. It's ridiculous that food and animal husbandry doesn't have the amount of amateurs it used to. Anyone with a little space can do experiments like this and best off all you might be lucky and end up the next Burbank or something.
I'm trying to get plastic eating mushrooms that are tastier than the current spore strains, so far the closest I've got is not quite as good as an oyster mushroom but at least edible.

>> No.17197807

>edible plastic eating mushrooms

>> No.17197835

the most famous is probably Pestalotiopsis microspora, I i haven't got my hands on any spore yet but it breaks down polyurethane and supposedly tastes like black licorice. There are a couple others the have found. Some research places are making mycelium matrixes with it to work as a plastic dissolving bio filter in water.
There are also wax moths that can eat plastics but they are also honey bee parasites so not really viable as a bio fixer

>> No.17197887

TIL rare meat is racist

>> No.17197984
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>> No.17198330

ducks need water

3rd worlders can't into waterworks. They all have a path of shit land that can support a few chickens.

>> No.17198340

that looks fantastic senpai

>> No.17198351

don't forget the barbs
they're all barbed

>> No.17198486

Looks like you need to aim a little higher.

>> No.17198493

Look at its eyes, it feels pity for this world after WW2.

>> No.17198519

So what's your plan? Do you currently have plastic eating mushrooms you've bred to be edible? Care to post pics and more info?

>> No.17198660

God damn, thats some crispy looking duck katsu. Makes me wonder why i never thought of duck or turkey katsu before.

>> No.17198876
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Do NOT eat the duck.

>> No.17198905

Different opinion is not auto racism you libtard. Im a Vietfag and we never eat that shit rare or even medium. The irony is we will do duck blood raw tho, like straight up fresh duck blood all coagulated and shit. Garnished w/ peanuts, mints, and some other herbs.

I could not stand it, but whatever.

>> No.17198907


>> No.17198913

Why are ducks so cute?

>> No.17198931
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>> No.17199120
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Thanks lads. I don't remember where I got the idea from but was glad I did it. Picrel was the ingredients, I pan fried some oyster and hen of the wood mushrooms with shallots and green beans in the leftover duck fat

>> No.17199139

are ducks the pitbull of chiner?

>> No.17199184

I have a new set inoculating right now, I'll try to remember and when i start getting some pins I'll post more about it. Right now I have a couple dozen different varieties of spore for everything from glow in the dark mushrooms, to lions mane to some cubenis

>> No.17199221
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>> No.17199232
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>> No.17199233
File: 105 KB, 820x823, E336F749-B90C-4336-9127-A4E3F4631AFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a Druid anon

>> No.17199281

Nah just a fucking weirdo that grows mushrooms, herbs, exotic flowers and carnivorous plants in my apartment.
I did live in a school bus in the woods for a couple years though. I miss it. Also my day job is arborist... Maybe I am a druid

>> No.17199286

Whatever you say Zhang just don't eat my pets.

>> No.17199318

Love those heckin cute little duckerinos

>> No.17199412
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>> No.17199567

Stop posting this video you shitbrain. Look at this duck. It's stressed out of its mind. It's feathers are fucked up and there is no way a duck will let a random dog walk on its back unless it was too exhausted to fight back.

I fucking hate animal abuse videos trying to pass themselves off as cute. Makes me sick and sometimes I wonder if they are worse than straight up animal abuse videos because they encourage other retard shitbrains to abuse animals thinking they like having predators on their back.

>> No.17200154
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>> No.17201384

Can I cook and eat the ducks from the park?

>> No.17202220

Alex Jones not only welcomes it, but encourages it.

>> No.17202455

Imagine the taste… yum…

>> No.17202462

based duck. hope she have a long and healthy life.

>> No.17202540
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oh maan