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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 679x403, 91-wKQjROOL._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17197364 No.17197364 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most delicious and refreshing beverage in the world and if you disagree with me you're a total rowboat who needs to row down a waterfall and die

>> No.17197365

Also enamel is a bitch.

>> No.17197388

Too sweet. Mix it with a la croix of complementary flavor

>> No.17197624
File: 1.84 MB, 3988x2793, 20211023_220633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aranciata Rosa
God damn just got a flash back to hot summer afternoons lifting watermelons working at the grocery store and drinking 2 ice cold ones of these for $1 on my lunch break.

>> No.17197844

but why is it so fucking expensive for just a six pack

>> No.17198041

Literally a premium drink made from the best spring water in the world. Idk. Cured one of the Pope's kidney stones

>> No.17198099

just get them at costco retard.

>> No.17198422
File: 678 KB, 795x545, 5a62169411baf28756a86d000fa799db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not going to lie its pretty good, but its way too expensive to drink daily.

>> No.17198577

Blood orange is the only good one

>> No.17198621

how do u remember to breathe with a single digit iq

>> No.17198654

it's good but im a La Croix lackey

>> No.17198659

you don't a weatherman to know which way the wind blows

>> No.17198710

>you're a total rowboat
is that suppose to be "robot"? I know a couple years back all the little zoomers my wife teaches thought calling someone a "bot" was the greatest insult ever.

>> No.17198899
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, san-pellegrino-pompelmo-grapefruit-1115-oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are pretty great
it's hard to find good grapefruit soda

>> No.17198910

Why do the cans have a silly little cover?

>> No.17198914

hygene for weirdos who drink from the can.

>> No.17198922

or people who don't carry glassware with them whilst walking down the street

>> No.17198925

yeah it’s good stuff OP. nice thread. blood orange is my fav

>> No.17198936

it was nice but in the UK its now packed with sweeteners like everything else due to the faggot sugar tax. i still think a better way of dealing with the supposed obesity crisis would have been for fat fucking retards to just not drink seven litres of cheap soda every day

>> No.17198937

Italian here, blood orange is the best. It’s like crack. Even in soda, Italians have refined god tier taste

>> No.17198942

What kind of jackass walks around the street with a bevvy?

>> No.17198943

i take a beverage out every time i walk the dog. and if the excrement is small enough, i cut the top off the can with a pocketknife and scoop it up that way

>> No.17198968

read the entire sentence Tyrone he clearly meant rowboat

>> No.17199170
File: 51 KB, 512x512, San-Pellegrino-Sparkling-Limone-e-Menta-lemon-mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these make really nice mojitos

>> No.17199345
File: 123 KB, 1280x1280, orangina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not orangina

>> No.17199389

San diarrheagrino
Shitty beverage fit for a redditor

>> No.17199432

Does this shit have pulp in it?

Whenever I go to buy it I always seem to remember it having pulp in it and decide against it and stick with my safe, normal, pure sugar water instead.

>> No.17199440
File: 1.05 MB, 960x540, resize-big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside faggots, this is the real shit

>> No.17199456

>Alla Pesca
With Fish ok

>> No.17199459

It's peach, you just don't understand the italian grindset

>> No.17199469

You're right, I don't.
I put peas in my carbonara afterall

>> No.17199475
File: 785 KB, 250x300, 6212806929109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon man, don't do me like that

>> No.17200115
File: 78 KB, 394x1500, 71eapn5WN0L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never had those but picrel with a wedge of lime will explode your balls

>> No.17200282

The lemon one is so damn sour

>> No.17200297
File: 32 KB, 604x604, bliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lemon and mint

>> No.17200308

This stuff is the bee's knees in summer. However I do get a bit of acid reflux if I down one too quickly though.

>> No.17200310

Buy them individually at like a dollar store or Costco in bulk nigga

>> No.17200315

Which pope, the Nazi or Communist one? Cause I'd hope it'd kill both desu

>> No.17200320

Just put it on a layaway plan, pay a couple dollars here and there a month for your yearly supply

>> No.17200327

It's good don't get me wrong I love me some Blood Orange but it's not even close to the best that Pellenegro has to offer

>> No.17200338

Keep rat turds from your can. Imagine cracking one open with all the dust the thing was in?

>> No.17200341

Fuck no Orangina I think is owned by Pepsi or Nestle too fuck that

>> No.17200369
File: 1.04 MB, 3345x2195, 1613579899266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was nice but in the UK its now packed with sweeteners like everything else due to the faggot sugar tax.
I hate Jamie Oliver so fucking much

>i still think a better way of dealing with the supposed obesity crisis would have been for fat fucking retards to just not drink seven litres of cheap soda every day
All the bullshit about "fat people can be fit and healthy, health at any size, big is beautiful!" and then they pull this shit, which fucking is it?

>> No.17200382

The manufacturers just had to charge a little more to account for the tax instead of trying to sneak around it. Either they're not very smart or they can't make profit if people aren't consuming way too much of it.

>> No.17200503

Haha Jamie Oliver tried to do the "healthy food" bullshit thing too in Canada but asking Canucks to give up their Tim Hortons wouldn't fly