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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17191542 No.17191542 [Reply] [Original]

why are people generally ok with savory pizza ingredients (peperoni, mushrooms, anchovies), and sweet ingredients (Peppers, tomatoes) but lose their fucking minds from pic related

>> No.17191547

Because it's a meme.

>> No.17191554
File: 156 KB, 702x453, 65458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because pineapple on pizza is gross.

>> No.17191556

Exactly. No one really gives a shit. And it is popular as fuck considering every pizza place in existence has a Hawaiian style that is pic related.

>> No.17191562

Nah. Goes great with pepperoni, Canadian bacon, breakfast bacon, jalapeño, sausage, onion, and extra cheese

>> No.17191580

peppers and tomatoes aren't as sweet pineapples wtf

>> No.17191582
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You forgot green olives

>> No.17191593
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I’ll be dead in the cold, cold ground before I eat them olives

>> No.17191606
File: 64 KB, 720x637, 525AEE85-303B-49E3-A776-9E032FDEA78B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m personally not a big fan of sweet and savory I don’t like BBQ if it’s overly sweet either

>> No.17191609 [DELETED] 

Hawaiian Pizza has its basis in Hardcore Child Pornography.

>> No.17191622

the tomato sauce is acidic already, if it is a white pizza then pineapple may work better

>> No.17191681

would you put an orange slice or a chunk of watermelon on your pizza too?

>> No.17191712

>daily anal penetration
I wouldn't even want to have not-fucking-anal sex everyday.

>> No.17191720

No, it's 80's comfort food.

>> No.17191804

Pineapple has a god awful texture for pizza, also the aroma gives people the food equivalent of cognitive disconnect.

>> No.17191820
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I don't like it, but I feel like I have no room to complain since I love pic related.

>> No.17191884

cope, you vultures

>> No.17191891
File: 157 KB, 540x349, 1465287379805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watery lettuce on hot pizza...

>> No.17191901

Kebab, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and garlic dressing.

>> No.17191918
File: 248 KB, 945x1114, 1738550F-1B3C-4184-84A2-82AA084BB82E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triple pineapple please. No, I don’t respect your opinion.

>> No.17191941
File: 751 KB, 1351x715, chadcooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based pineapple enjoyer

>> No.17191993

this, not even their primary flavors

>> No.17192222

What the fuck is that? Is that a cornbread crust?

>> No.17192447

I prefer a meaty pizza but ham and pineapple is acceptable

>> No.17192449


>> No.17192465

See this is an example of the typical redditor normal-nerd feigning an extreme reaction to an inconsequential food topic. It gives him a cathartic outlet for his aimless, impotent rage at a safe target that no one actually cares about

>> No.17192530

i dont get why apricot, broccoli or avocado is ok on pizza but ppl lose their minds on pineapple when it's been a staple for so long

>> No.17193845

reddit is why

>> No.17193934

What I don't understand is it went completely under the radar (AKA popular with no resistance) until like 5 or 6 years a ago and then the whole internet SUDDENLY acts like its the first time they have ever seen a Hawaiian pizza and it is sin.

The jews have done something

>> No.17193940


>> No.17193955
File: 57 KB, 602x338, 5mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only way to negate the bloat of bread+cheese is pineapple, the only ones hating on pineapple topping are those who are never tasting it stubbornly and puratanical megalomaniacal bigots dead focused on 'tradition' and won't give slack to those with refined tastes.

>> No.17194079

it's a meme at this point
ppl generally like it, but it's trendy to pretend to hate it.
that's how hipsters work.

>> No.17194291

I like it but it's better with bacon than just ham. The saltiness & fat from the cheese & meat needs to get cut with more than just a little tomato sauce, and pinapple works perfectly.

>> No.17195811

green olives are great on pizza, highly underrated

>> No.17195859

People are retarded.
The sphincter is just a muscle. Of course jamming a giant fucking dildo in your ass with no warm up on the daily is going to blow it out.

>> No.17195993

pineapple is fine on pizza if it isn't watery and is paired with a briny ingredient like jalapeno
straight raw tomatoes also fuck up a pizza, they need to be roasted or dried out a bit first

pizza is basically like a sandwich - you can put virtually anything on there, fruit included

>> No.17196271
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Because it's fruit paired with cheese, tomato sauce, bread and meat. You don't see a charcuterie board with apple slices and bananas do you?

It's gross. It doesn't compliment the flavor whatsoever, it clashes and distracts from what you paid money for. People drink Coke if they want something sweet with their pizza.

>> No.17196477

and an overused Leddit one at that.

>> No.17196488

>You don't see a charcuterie board with apple slices
anon, I...

>> No.17196713

Getting that perfect bite with a couple green olives, a bit of chopped onion and Italian sausage. Damn you made me remember I gotta home make some pizza again soon

>> No.17196916

cauliflower and corn, apparently.

>> No.17196935

Hating on it is a meme

>> No.17196938

Every time I open this thread this pic cracks me up

>> No.17196958

>can't even make a fucking circle
kek it's so damn ugly

>> No.17197143

yet it tastes like heaven. Heretics like you will never know the beauty of a Salat Pizza.

>> No.17197153

Anyone that likes that shit should be killed in the most brutal way possible

>> No.17197351

why is there half a garden salad on the pizza?

>> No.17197369

because it goes awesome with the garlic dressing and the kebab.

>> No.17197652

It's just a meme and it was driven into the ground just as fast as the arrow-to-the-knee meme.

>> No.17198502

Unlike arrow to the knee though people swear their fucking souls to this.
Never got a concise explanation irl on why Pineapple = bad. just the dumb meme.

>> No.17198558

It's like any other ingredient, fine if you like it, leave it out otherwise.
Anyone who gets incensed by it online is a guaranteed redditor.

>> No.17199404

Pineapple + Pepperoni + Black Olives
is the way 2 go, brotendo

>> No.17199438

At least it's not (shudder) capers.

>> No.17199524
File: 253 KB, 740x584, 3D4F3CEB-FEF1-44BA-BFEB-640754A439B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so warm up is needed? It’s not stretched over time?

>> No.17199547


I hate to admit it, but a friend and I made both pineapple, ham and banana, curry, chicken to test Swedish cuisine, and the banana one was actually better

>> No.17199590

maybe in your backwaters town
pineapple has been controversial for 20+ years

>> No.17200104

ppl are always going to try different flavor combos but nothing is ever going to beat the traditional pepperoni cheese pizza, making the choice to switch it to something more obscure seem outrageous to most.

also if you let your asshole rest you can regain some control and retention in the muscles. they can regain strength over time. but if you tear ligaments in the colon wall from intense anal that will cause prolapse of the anus and requires surgery to fix.