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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17189329 No.17189329 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be realistic: who the fuck on this board plans his meals over the whole week like a fuking bugman?

>> No.17189331

the /fit/ dudes

>> No.17189335

>I don't do something so there's no way other people do
God damn OP just delete this thread please

>> No.17190178

Well I make a big pot of soup every sunday which lasts until thursday when I eat it for lunch.
Other than that, no.

>> No.17190192

This. There should be a 24 hour cool-down period for /fit/-/ck/ crossposters. If a person posts on /fit/ they are not allowed to post on /ck/ for a whole day. This would solve many of the problems with this board.

>> No.17190203

blocking /pol/ and /int/ would be the more direct solve

>> No.17190232

I do.

>> No.17190247

This is true. Most /fit/ posters are also /pol/ddit scrawnlords who think that eating plain chicken breast and broccoli everyday while doing curls with their moms 5lb weights will make them a more based and redpilled magapede

>> No.17190252
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>meal planning

>> No.17190260

this reddit post borders on parody

>> No.17190272

I plan out all my meals, go out Saturday morning buy all ingredients that I don't have on hand.

Done. And no, it's not the same meal every day. But I do take into account lunches. Big batch meals Sun - Thursday, small more intricate dishes Friday and Saturday.

I used to go out buy groceries every other day or something, but life gets busier, and busier. Better to just plan ahead.

>> No.17190320

I check my grocery store's deals of the week and typically plan out 5-7 days worth of dinners depending on what meat or fish I can get. I don't do the same meal every day. Sometimes I might have 2-3 meal ideas jotted down for 1 day and make whichever sounds good at the time.

This has allowed me to reduce trips to the store and save money because I'm not buying a bunch of random stuff or am tempted to order take-out.

>> No.17190389
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I make an excess amount of food like gumbo or jambalaya and eat it throughout the week, but I wouldn't call that meal prep. I just don't have enough time to spend an hour and a half making something decent each day.

>> No.17190406

child detected

>> No.17190422

This, big ol potta sloppa doesn't cost much and lasts you a while

>> No.17190452

There's a difference between planning what you'll eat the next week so you don't have to go to the store every day and doing mealprep.
please kill yourself

>> No.17190538

shut the fuck up, I'm preparing for the incoming race war when I go to Planetfitness

>> No.17190551

lunk alert

>> No.17191318

>calls others Reddit
>probably flocked here after r/the Donald got shut down like 90% of all existing /pol/dditors did

>> No.17191363
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>(You)r team

>> No.17191372

I did when I was working, made it easier to shop on the weekend if I knew what I would be eating each day.

>> No.17191375
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stay mad fatties

>> No.17191379

>planning makes you a bugman

Seeth more.

>> No.17191385

You block /pol/ and we will infect every fucking corner of your precious world. You give us a release valve for your own benefit.

>> No.17191387



>> No.17191397
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You plan out one week, shop every Monday. Shit got X’ed out cus of parties and holiday shopping, dates. Just got too busy. I’m not going shopping every day or eating teh same shit everyday

>> No.17191474

This is exactly why you plan out your meals. Weeknight dinners after work shouldn’t take longer than half an hour

>> No.17191487

i hope i am never this poor

>> No.17191508

damn you get a lot of dates bro
i bet you have sex a lot too, huh?

>> No.17191516

u mexican?

>> No.17191519

I have a gf

>> No.17191616

You cockroaches already shit up the other boards.

>> No.17191696

I do since the coof and having to wear a mask everywhere so I only do groceries once a week.

>> No.17191729

you could have ten billion dollars and they would still have more real wealth than your cold, sad little existence ever will

>> No.17191736


>> No.17191735

>a parasite attacking vermin
and you are still fat

>> No.17191737

I buy whatevers on sale and make something delish with whatever it is I get, even if the food I make just ends up being sloppa. But then again I can actually cook, and am not dependent on being a stupid rule follower like someone who needs a recipe to cook.

tl:dr planning your meals ahead based on recipes is for niggers,women, minorities, bugmen and cooklets.

>> No.17191746

Post Noemi’s feet plz

>> No.17191754
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>he doesn't keep a spreadsheet tracking all his regular recipes and ingredient inventory to easily see which recipes you can make at any given moment

>> No.17191766
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>noooooo you can’t just criticize my trash-tier posts and inability to discuss food without attempting to bridge it to my political dispositions! THIS IS YOU!!!111!1!

>> No.17191791
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>blocking /pol/ and /int/ would be the more direct solve

>> No.17191814

>defends 2 of the top 3 reddit-overrun boards on the site
>calls others reddit

>> No.17191830

It’s not blocking you from using /pol/ddit, it’s keeping you contained there.

>> No.17191849
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Feeble minded people make a lot of generalizations and assumptions. /pol/ is a botnet infested shithole but they are right about you. You can't meme, you just copy ours, and then project your own weakness like picrel.

Why you can't take care of your meals and fitness isn't a mystery.

>> No.17191873
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I make all my dinners for the week at once because cooking and cleaning up are a pain in the ass. I only do it because I like the results.

>> No.17191890

I used to, it was a good way to stay organised so I might start doing it again.
How far ahead do you plan OP, if you don't plan then you need to either have a large variety of foods on hand at any given time or simply be content with staples, or go shopping every 2 days. None of those sound enjoyable
Captcha: NAANN

>> No.17192021

That probably takes more time than the cooking

>> No.17192116

I make my lunch for the week on Sunday so that's less to do when I get home. Other than that I don't.

>> No.17192130

>you can’t meme
And who am I? A big bad leftist? I’m not even a libshit lmao. I’d be classified as a libertarian by your definitions, I just choose not to take part in your conspiritard hugbox whinefest. I don’t believe in devoting my life to crying about politics and the beliefs of others to the point of it encompassing my entire personality like you faggots do. I used to use /pol/ddit until the 2016 Reddit invasion swept in and turned it into a retard rage cage with the likes of you who assume that anyone who criticizes you is some faggot commie trying to destroy “muh traditional values”. Keep fighting ghosts, it’s probably the only thing that makes you happy anymore. I’ve moved on and have been a lot happier since.

>> No.17192240

>And who am I?
don't care, not reading your blog, you got rekt because you're a dumb faggot.

>> No.17192274

I guess I'm a fuking bugman.

>> No.17192606

>I’m not reading your post hurr hurr I win
You did read it though and had no recourse or were too lazy to make an attempt.

>> No.17192799

I do.
>main source of calories is beer
>always plan ahead
>put a fresh case in the fridge before I go to bed
>pick up more before I've drank my last beer and have to dip into my emergency liquor
I eat a few unscheduled snacks here and there, but that's my meal planning for the week.

>> No.17192808
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no. didn't read still don't care. am chuckling.

>> No.17193097
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>> No.17193151

There are large cost saving benefits to doing so. I always end up throwing out veggies that are only sold in quantities larger than I can personally consume.

Also like >>17189331 says, having a variety of small portions of cooked food ready to go at all times is amazing for diet adherence.

>> No.17193157

No please give us traffic.
How about this: If you post on fit you must post on /ck/ too.

>> No.17193188

>somebody tells you that you can’t meme
>reply with wall of text
can’t make this shit up

>> No.17193392
File: 153 KB, 1200x1202, Wrong+cat_061d4a_9072626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meal prepping is money saving, time saving, and makes it easier to track your nutrition. This is especially important if you're working out or have children, because good nutrition is more important then.
>like a fuking bugman
Having a routine, cooking skills, and good planning skills isn't just bugman behavior

>>No, YOU should go back to leddddit!
>No, YOU should go back to ledddit!
Both of you fuck off. This is a meal prep thread, and you're shitting it up, while claiming the other person is shitting it up.

>> No.17193397

op is an obvious troll post dipshit

>> No.17193539
File: 49 KB, 656x679, 1638308076529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up queer

>> No.17193746

routine is peak bugman
chads eat whatever whenever

>> No.17193772

I plan according to my groceries. I found produce or meat was going bad before I got to use it otherwise.

>> No.17193776

What's the problem?

>> No.17193796

>chads eat whatever whenever