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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 750x457, image-laminate-CalcuttaMarble-750x457[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17189486 No.17189486 [Reply] [Original]

Let me guess, you NEED more?

>> No.17189487

Yes, I need a kiss.

>> No.17189488

I hope your mom dies of rape-induced brain cancer.

>> No.17189494

Laminate counters are an absolute plague, nothing screams lower class more than that. Any serious cook with a love for food wouldn’t allow it in his kitchen.
Sad thing is, granite is basically the new laminate being in every home now, I suggest a quartz or stainless steel even…

>> No.17189504

>I hate something because other people have it
most basic of opinions

>> No.17189511

No I hate it because it’s ugly and rots away the second a drop of water gets in it. Nice cope however, I don’t think there is a soul in the world who looks forward to having a cheap eye sore for counters

>> No.17189517

>granite is basically the new laminate being in every home now
Yeah fuck things that other people have. If I can’t be special for having it, it’s shit.

>> No.17189519
File: 275 KB, 1249x1723, 3E7F7BCF-BACE-4C46-8313-C6F040E94E27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah these are real beautiful!!

>> No.17189526

Coping losers

>> No.17189542

>omg granite is so normie mainstream these days. My counters are made of meteorite.
You’re truly as much of a special little guy as your single moms said you are

>> No.17189550

>Using shitty materials.
>Not making your counters out of superior materials like asbestos.

>> No.17189551
File: 227 KB, 1500x1000, 3A00577A-29BE-4D76-BFEE-2B443EA179EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butcher block is the chad countertop. It’s not that expensive and allows the entire counter to be a food prep space. It ages and shows use which gives character to the kitchen.

>> No.17189555

Only for baking

>> No.17189568

Like more space? I was stuck with about that much counter space for 3 years and it was a pain in the ass to cook with.

>> No.17189581

Comfy kitchen. I have laminate counters and they're fine. They came with the house, I'm not going to spend money on a new counter top when mine is in good condition and works just fine.

>> No.17189584

You should. Take some pride in your home.

>> No.17189605

Post timestamped pic of your counter and how him how it’s done, bro

>> No.17189608

>Take some pride in your home
I already have pride in my home. That's why I'm not running out to buy new counter tops.

>> No.17189611

That kitchen is ugly

>> No.17189612
File: 548 KB, 3164x976, 2256E414-9E78-4304-B1CC-2D33780F9D38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine are granite.

>> No.17189620

>takes panoramic pic
>still no timestamp
Your kitchen is boring and you're a pretentious faggot.

>> No.17189641

Post yours faggot.

>> No.17189642

>a fucking JBL pill speaker
Jesus Christ bro, you have no dignity

>> No.17189677

I'll wring your fucking neck with the spray hose if you reply to me again

>> No.17189687

Hold up, faggot. That’s my wife’s son you’re talking to; keep being disrespectful and I’ll shove my dick in your ass.

>> No.17189694

I know this is bait, but the funny thing is that most americans really think like this

>> No.17189697

Stay out of this faggot

>> No.17189712

>most americans
I’ve yet to hear this particular brand of being a faggot about counter surface materials outside of /ck/.
Would the americans you’re basing this on happen to be a boarding school full of autistic kids or similar?

>> No.17189728

Lets see your counters big guy

>> No.17189767
File: 189 KB, 450x472, 43536474325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeping a bottle of blanton's out and exposed to light


>> No.17190014

You have the same stove as in this post: >>17189660

>> No.17190029

Looks comfy, however, the booze doesn't belong on the kitchen counter. It should be wherever you entertain. Also you don't need two bottles of Kahlua out, put one away until the other is empty.
Look into getting a liquor cabinet.

>> No.17190045
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, 16407135476532369071811475507245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a GE Hotpoint slumlord special, prob the most common gas stove in america. here's mine

>> No.17190104

Don't like the color, but God I wish I had the space. I'd actually curbstomp an elderly person to get it.

>> No.17190108

Would you work a regular job and save up for awhile for it?

>> No.17190111

while I dont share the "granite is the new laminate" thing, fuck laminate counters. fucking garbage

>> No.17190124

I'm already doing that. Property value is high if you don't live in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.17190234

Yep, I hate it and I’m looking forward to replacing it when supplies of such things return to normal.

>> No.17190241

wow nice gap, that surely won't collect grime.
god i hate americans.

>> No.17190344

we know that you hate people who own domiciles

>> No.17190357

*shartboard boxes

>> No.17190370

post surroundings right now with timestamp.

>> No.17190374

I drink it straight from the bottle. I don’t give a fuck.

>> No.17190375

Not him, but that argument is retarded.

>> No.17190388

Fucker probably lives in a 200 year old dump

>> No.17190403

notice how fast he shut up, he realized the stammering "n-no i live in a p-p-palace" wasn't going to work

>> No.17190418

So do you have a sound system installed in your kitchen or something anon? A Bluetooth speaker seems like a pretty good way to get some music in the kitchen.

>> No.17190429

absolutely bizarre attempt at insulting somebody

>how dare you use this $20 solution for playing music quickly and easily!

like wtf

>> No.17190516

To be fair, those JBL pill speakers, apart from the convenience of portability, are awful at producing sound. I can see how anon might attack the credibility of someone for thinking that they are any good, but anon might not realize the circumstances around the object: maybe it was given, maybe it's a trash find, maybe kitchen anon could not be bothered reading some reviews and trying different ones, maybe it's his roommate's, who knows.

>> No.17190528

you're on a website for autistic shut ins to discuss their taste in various items, if you post trash you're going to get comments about it

>> No.17190544

>awful at producing sound

do they produce recognizable sound? yes? then they're fine

nobody cares about shit in this nerd way in reality, "uoohh the frequency response isn't good enough" shut the fuck up it's a fucking $20 speaker, you are not listening to the music if you're hearing the sound

>> No.17190554

>you are not listening to the music if you're hearing the sound

fuck off lmao, I use $10 earbuds when their disposibility makes sense but trying to denigrate knowing what good audio is with that line is nonsense

>> No.17190562

listening to music quickly, cheaply and easily while you prepare food isn't about "knowing what good audio is" being the point, you autistic fucking retard

>there is better product!!
this is my most despised type of fucking loser autistic geek stereotype, nobody fucking cares

>> No.17190564

You can say that about anything.

"Is it coffee? Then shut the fuck up. you are not tasting the aromatic profile, you're just fixing your crippling addiction to caffeine."

>> No.17190577

>You can say that about anything.

yes and it shuold be said in literally every instance that some autistic fucking dweeb butts in and goes "lmfao you ONLY HAVE THAT MANNER OF OBJECT??? BUT LOOK, SUPERIOR OBJECT EXISTS!!!"

consumerist retardation in the form of product autism as a replacement for having ANY personality. don't be this loser.

by the way i drink instant coffee and it's perfectly fine

>> No.17190600

No I actually do think like this

>> No.17190609
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, 0F7E4AAE-B8EE-4D33-9CD0-FB36946C3368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17190617

radiator gives it character. i like exposed plumbing but that is done in a bit of retarded fashion. should paint that cabinet blue or something.

>> No.17190618

>no ventilation

>> No.17190645 [DELETED] 

that's a jbl charge 4 which has pretty good reviews.

>> No.17190660
File: 134 KB, 1535x642, jbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a jbl charge 4 which has pretty good reviews.

>> No.17190675

Layla by Eric Clapton, with the exceptional intro. You've got taste. Nice kitchen too.

>> No.17190685

the other side not pictured is more counters, the sink, and several windows

>> No.17190740

>don't be this loser
Did you even read my reply? Were you mentally roadblocked at the part that you quoted (awful at producing sound)? Do you think that I'm anon in >>17189642 ?

>consumerist retardation
I think it's a bit retarded to buy non-serviceable battery-powered speakers that will die in a couple years. Nonetheless, if you think it's the solution to your problem, there are options many times better than JBL at the same pricepoint. Junk But Loud.

>instant coffee
Get the fuck out.

>> No.17190755

Let's see Paul Allen's counters

>> No.17190781


>> No.17190798
File: 1.24 MB, 1706x2560, our-new-lemurian-blue-countertops-the-cabinetshop-of-south-florida-img~b28192d204e54be4_14-8061-1-a931e72[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17190836

jesus, how did a nitwit like you get so tasteful?

>> No.17191480

this will be dated in like 5 years, already looks it desu

>> No.17191488

Home decorating is neither food nor cooking.