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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 175 KB, 1280x720, coles-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17188607 No.17188607 [Reply] [Original]

i've eaten one of these a day for the past 3 months
how long can I keep this up before I die

>> No.17188706

didn't happen lol

>> No.17188721

Is that a supermarket rotisserie chicken? You will probably be fine depending on your dietary needs and whether you have been supplementing with fruit and veg for nutrition

>> No.17188723

It's just chicken.

>> No.17188731

decades, probably

>> No.17188747

Same OP, I've been doing the same and im still going st

>> No.17189001

Yeah, but it's not rotisserie, only oven baked, fucking dumb cunts in Australia jerk off about these chickens all the time but they suck and are just cheap.
Proper charcoal chicken has soul and doesn't spend 8 hours half melting in plastic under a heat lamp before you eat it.
Basically a massive red flag anywhere in the country if you see cunts buying this.

>> No.17189005

Aren't these like 15 bucks each?
What are you eating it with?

>> No.17189068

>a whole chicken for the last 3 months every day
>90~ chickens so far
this reminds me of a /fit/ egg story

>> No.17189085

That might have been me if it’s poached eggs on toast every day where I remove the whites and just eat the yolks, like 12 eggs a day sometimes. I’m still alive.

>> No.17189087

Have you taken a shit in the last 3 months that didn't feel like birthing a brick?

>> No.17189093
File: 528 KB, 1200x2049, 35fd3a_6013271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17189104

the fabled Bachelor's Briefcase

>> No.17189117

That one wasn’t me, I remove the egg whites and just eat the yolk but still liquid

>> No.17189138

>90 x $10 = $900

I don't know if that's expensive for 3 months of food or not but it sure sounds it

>> No.17189140

A rotisserie chicken in my local suoermarket is like 6 bucks are you really paying 15?

>> No.17189143

They haven't been under $10 for years bro unless you catch them on discount and chance food poisoning.

>> No.17189164

>how long can I keep this up before I die
don't worry anon, you can keep doing it for the rest of your life

>> No.17189178

Found the Californian. So sad your state is shit.

They're like 6-8$ where I live.

>> No.17189181

That bag is from an australian grocery store called coles dummy. I'm talking in kangaroo dollars.

>> No.17189188

What is 6 American dollars in kangaroo dollars

>> No.17189192

Nvm is like 8.50

>> No.17189200

where I live you could add two cans of veg a day to your chicken and it would cost roughly $540 for three months.

>> No.17189203

>$10 a day for food is expensive

>> No.17189212

>how long can I keep this up before I die
life, chickens are pretty solid on nutrition

>> No.17189268

thats only the chicken and not other things counted

>> No.17189273

When is the best time to buy these? Every time I go to get one they always taste like they've been under the heating lamp for 3 hours

>> No.17189277

11AM they put them out for people on their lunch breaks

>> No.17189280

That's what I've tried. Maybe I just got unlucky and grabbed day old ones

>> No.17189289

I’ve been wondering about eating these more often to be cheap, its like 6dollars for me and with rice takes me 2 or more days to eat

>> No.17189299

They're more of a time saver than anything

>> No.17189342

Sometimes I go to the supermarket at like 9:30 and there's no chickens available. You ask and then you know when the first batch is out out, for me it's 10 am. I don't think they ever put out day old, they just throw them out or sell them all. Anyway different supermarkets have different quality even if its the same price. Lidl where I am has a pretty juicy one but other big supermarkets are dry as fuck. And they cost the same, around 5€

>> No.17189348

Unfortunately I'm surrounded by smaller grocery stores which is why I started thinking they keep them for a day. I'd kill for a fresh rotisserie though.
But you're probably right, I could not be a sperg and just ask.

>> No.17191232

>kangaroo dollars