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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17185686 No.17185686 [Reply] [Original]

I refuse to believe people can actually eat all of this, I almost get a heart attack every time I look at this. Is there a secret technique to eat this stuff?

>> No.17185690
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>> No.17185693

>take picture
>eat 1/10
>throw away
that's the whole secret

>> No.17185694

I like to train my stomach by drinking lots of water and cramming waffles up my ass

>> No.17185698

Food wasters get the rope

>> No.17185700

Slow and steady. First one looks ok, second one is plain shit.

>> No.17185701

Yes try less to be a dainty twink and you should have no problem

>> No.17185708

No they get clout. That gives them more energy than they get from food.

>> No.17185709

>do Americans really eat this?
>fucking lardasses, no wonder Americans are so fat
>how can anyone enjoy all this sugar and fat on a regular basis?
Fat Americans don’t get fat off this stuff. The only people who order these are thin Asian girls who post them on social media.

>> No.17185711

on that real ass shit

>> No.17185721

Have friends/family, share.

>> No.17185727

I will not share the turkey leg I bought for $20 at disney world. I AM GETTING MY MONEY'S WORTH.

>> No.17185731

whether you shit it out or throw it in the bin literally doesn't matter, you dumb fuck.

>> No.17185738 [DELETED] 

I hope you starve to death you nigger

>> No.17185740

it does matter, cause 20k children starved to death yesterday and you're part of the problem

>> No.17185741

the only shit happening here is what you typed

>> No.17185742

not my problem

>> No.17185746

Stupid fuck

>> No.17185747

>throw away half of a big mac
>instantly kill 20k third worlders
Incredible power. Godlike.

>> No.17185750

why would I share food when covid is running rampant. even more would be killed you stupid motherfucker.

>> No.17185762

blah blah blah, i like giving 3rd worlders excuses to travel to my city's walls and demand entry

>> No.17185803

most of them starved to death because their parents are retarded, not because some social media whore threw out 5 pounds of sugar.

>> No.17185813

imagine being this fucking dumb.
every gretard needs a bullet between their eyes.

>> No.17185815

Americans are the triathletes of eating obscene quantities of sugary garbage. Even people who are of normal weight can down a 2000 calorie serving of junk food when required.

>> No.17187027
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>>17185731 kys leech!

this guy gets it

>> No.17187053
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>Hershey's puke flavored chocolate
Would not eat!

>> No.17187056

>eat until you don't like eating it
>throw the rest in a garbage can

>> No.17187059

>20k children starved to death yesterday

>> No.17187087

>20k children starved to death yesterday
>100% of them had darker skin than me
sounds like a good thing

>> No.17187097

These 100% exist to get Instagram likes. Nothing more. You literally DON'T eat them. You have a bite, and then toss.

>> No.17187128
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Hmmm, reminds me of something

>> No.17187133

Based, kill those nigger posers

>> No.17187144

Just do more squatz bro

>> No.17187183

I noticed that it's always women with overdone nails posting shit like this. And the comments are always either guys going "unappetizing as fuck" or women going "YASSS those NAILS thoe!!! Sksksksksk"

>> No.17187191

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.17187208

Maybe they should've eaten something

>> No.17187235

How can you not feel ashamed? Who fucking raised these people?

>> No.17187244

They weren't raised.

>> No.17187261

Rookie numbers.

>> No.17187269

I literally don't know what this is

>> No.17187273


>> No.17188194

As long as they were Asian, black or brown or Muslim I don’t see the issue here

>> No.17188205

you underestimate our species

>> No.17188688

the one on the right looks like my ass mid-shit

>> No.17188743

Yeah the first one looks doable the second one is a joke.

>> No.17188883

They starved to death because they didn't take their fourth dose of science juice, stop lying!

>> No.17188892
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oh no no no they really do

>> No.17188922

Africa caused its own problems m8

>> No.17190276

it's an overly accessorized milkshake, at least the second thing

>> No.17190280

>I almost get a heart attack every time I look at this.
This is not true.

>> No.17190284

these aren't made to be eaten, they're made so that women can put photos of them on their instagram. I bet no one actually finishes them and they just fall apart after a minute anyway

>> No.17190881
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>> No.17190888
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>> No.17190894
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>> No.17190907

This is fine, except for shit dripping off the sides.
These would be fine with a little bit less shit. No cake, no bathbombs and, personally, no whipped cream.

>> No.17190912
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that caramel and oreo one seems too sweet, you would get sick of eating it fast.

>> No.17190917
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>> No.17190919

Waffle and ice cream is good. A big issue with these things is just too much at once. Just ease up a bit and you have a perfectly reasonable dessert.

This one looks good, if not piled a bit too high.

This one is just a random mishmash, but reminds me that I haven't had froot-loop treats in a decade.

>> No.17190920

Season 2 episode 2 of The Food That Built America explains that story nicely. Basically, the milk spoiled because it was the time before refrigeration. And Hershey was about the only one making chocolate in the US at the time.

>> No.17190931

>that caramel and oreo one seems too sweet, you would get sick of eating it fast.
I also assumed it's icecream. If it's just whipped cream, I couldn't. Otherwise seems ok, even with oreo or caramel (this is about either, not both, right?). Isn't that big of a portion.

>> No.17190946
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>> No.17190953
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>> No.17190957

Look at all that cum on the floops

>> No.17190961
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>> No.17190967
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>> No.17190972
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>> No.17190998
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>> No.17191005

I remember once being with a dude there were girls lined up out the door for some dessert like
This and he said, “I love women that starve themselves all week so they can eat an ice cream”

>> No.17191015
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>> No.17191021
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>> No.17191029

Got two caramel just sticking off the side of it

>> No.17191035

Why are the sunglasses on it.

>> No.17191040


>> No.17191041
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It isn't like the average person that eats something like that would notice.

>> No.17191042

An interesting difference in the younger generations I've seen lately is bragging about how weak they are to stuff. Instead of saying "I could eat 1000 ice cream sundays" or whatever dumb shit, they now say "I couldn't eat even a single bite of this." or "I almost get a heart attack every time I look at this."

It's interesting. It's a real change that people have swapped bragging about resilience to bragging about what a wimp thinks having a refined palate is like.

>> No.17191045
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>> No.17191052
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>> No.17191065
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>> No.17191070

>I refuse to believe people can actually eat all of this

they don't. the point of food like this is buying it to take a picture of it. many people who purvey such food have commented that they've seen people take a picture and then throw the whole thing in the trash.

"I eat like this and i'm more beautiful than you" is just another instagram generation flex for broken people

>> No.17191198

Post your weight, fatty.

>> No.17191212

So younger generations have more common sense and risk awareness, got it.

>> No.17191224

I'm not sure. Lower perceived risk tolerance, perhaps, but I'm not certain it's accurate risk assessment since eating any of these things once is a negligible impact on your life.

It might be more fear. But I think the bigger thing is a general perception they the more fragile one is the more precious they are.

>> No.17191229

yes the generation who walks into open manholes whilst looking at their phone is more risk-aware

the "please, more immigrants" generation

the "i will vape unknown cartridges" generation

>> No.17191261

Do Europoors really???

>> No.17191300

Either they don't eat it often, so it's a treat and maybe they plan by not eating all day, so the treat feels more treaty, or maybe they simply eat their fill and save the rest for later; or, they are massive fat fucks who will soon have heart attacks, but if you're a healthy young person, an ice cream isn't going to kill you, you don't have to hide your heads in the sand and quake and shiver and moan over every single unhealthy meal.
Imagine being scared of food.

>> No.17191323

That's really what they do it for. They want to be told they're pretty, they're stunning, they're brave, they want to be commended for eating something fatty, in the name of body positivity, while simultaneously taking pics of their bikini bodies that they starved themselves to get. This was all a ploy to get compliments for the nails, and compliments for eating a lot, regardless of whether or not they even eat it.

>> No.17191350

Europoor here, if I was really sugar starved, let's say no sweets for several days, I might be able to chow this down with ease but otherwise it would just be too sugary to enjoy after a few bites.

>> No.17191389
File: 29 KB, 513x513, 1588156283417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL waste your food
You WILL litter your wasted food instead of placing it in a garbage bin or appropriate waste receptacle
You WILL unwrap all the food from it's wrapper or container before wasting it

>> No.17191411

I don't even know if I'm eating healthy most of the time, but this is madness and suicide I don't think I can finish it even on cheat day if I were a gym rat.

>> No.17191510
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>entering manholes, vape, pro-immigrant
Who the fuck are you talking about?
>it's ok because it won't affect you in the long run

>> No.17192781

be American

>> No.17192880

Why don't you put your ice cream on a plane then you retard lmao

>> No.17193035

That is not food. That is a fucking abomination.

>> No.17193530

I do not understand the purpose of this. How the hell does a person eat this much processed sugar and fat? I'll go for a scoop two or three times over the summer, and I usually lose interest after about the 3rd bite. I cannot imagine eating anything like the pics in this thread.

>> No.17193640

I got diabetes just watching these pics

>> No.17193683

>How the hell does a person eat this much processed sugar and fat?
Looks about the same as a large dessert to me. I could easily fit one in after a regular lunch or dinner.

>> No.17193714

>I refuse to believe people can actually eat all of this, I almost get a heart attack every time I look at this
if youre talking about 2 of these for 1 person at once, then i agree

if ur talking about just a single piece, then grow a pair, pussy

>> No.17193970

it's called a treat for a reason. for people that do things other than sit on their ass and browse 4chan all day it's not hard to eat because you won't be a skinnyfat retard who eats like a bird. if you exercise at all you'd understand how hungry people can get.
normal people would eat something like that once every number of months or once a year for a special occasion anyways.