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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17173078 No.17173078 [Reply] [Original]

>/ck/ says to save your grease
>do so for a few weeks
>it fucking smells awful and I think something is growing in it

Uh, is this normal?

>> No.17173082

The brown stuff isn’t grease…

>> No.17173083

Then what the fuck is it?

>> No.17173087
File: 134 KB, 957x1276, 1640338402970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you do this?
its not 1920s.

also, you need to filter the grease,
keep it in a sterilized jar in the fridge, air tight.

Idk what the fuck you are doing.

>> No.17173089

>in the fridge

Well shit

>> No.17173090

Probability gelatin that’s gone rotten now.

>> No.17173091

It's honestly incredible how retarded some people on this board are, christ almighty

>> No.17173097

a bunch of that doesn't look like grease, it looks like stock/gelatin which will go off
if you're going to save grease, make sure it's only fat. You have to filter it and put it in the fridge

>> No.17173099

How do you filter grease?

>> No.17173104

cloth, or stainless steel fine filter.

>> No.17173106
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oil, grease, fat - it all goes rancid exposed to air.

>> No.17173112

>/ck/ says
Ignore it.

>> No.17173116


>> No.17173148


>> No.17173176

>guardian and npr on par politically with cnn
this chart has to be like 10 years old

>> No.17173189

Stop drinking shitty coffee

>> No.17173216

what can you use this saved grease for?
aside from being a conversation starter

>> No.17173235

not much
I mean, use it up fast and it's great for pretty much any kind of low smoke point cooking fat. Save it for more than a couple days, and it'll make your house reek. Filter it well and do other stuff while
>saving it, and your possibilities expand
>redish-white glowie eye super-sayan jpg here

>> No.17173240

also depends the grease but i like using a tiny bit of bacon grease to add to soups

>> No.17173275

Do you not have a door to door grease man in your country? We save ours up and sell it to the grease man every month.

t. Lithuanian

>> No.17173280

no but that sounds cool
what does he use it for

>> No.17173296

we kinda had this at a hippy restaurant I worked at. The guy made biodiesel or some sutch he claimed. He never showed up on time of course, so the oil would always go rancid and nasty, but he'd eventually show up and take a couple drums of disgusting oil from us. I usually just hoped people would seal it off from vermin appropriately. I hate city living sometimes, especially with city hippies.

>> No.17173345

If you ever happen to see pictures of them you realize most of them are deformed golem people and it starts to make sense.

>> No.17173422

no you don't there just can't be any water in it. the water grease interface is where things will grow. my bacon grease never grows anything and It takes me several month to use it.

>> No.17173432

I cook up a large amount of bacon. save the grease, and use that for cooking eggs for 2 or 3 months till it runs out, then repeat.

never had a problem. doesn't smell, doesn't grow anything. I store it in a can made in the 50's that says grease on the outside.

>> No.17173434

Damn I haven't seen this pic in years

>> No.17173441
File: 123 KB, 533x800, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic, not my pic but I have the exact same container, inherited from mother-in-law.

>> No.17173721

is it flammable?

>> No.17173741

pudding and chocolate trifle? tasty

>> No.17173746

I feel like reuters is alright

>> No.17173748

looks like tiramisu cause I'm tearin my suit

>> No.17173773

Ive never had pork grease go bad.
I just scrape it into a clean jar after it hardens a bit in my cast iron. I rarely actually get to use it other than subsistuting butter or shortening in a baking recipe.

>> No.17173775


More like terrormisu

>> No.17173812

Once the bonfire is roaring toss it in.

>> No.17173820

Gutter oil.

>> No.17174095

Good God how many weeks are talking? It would take me like a year to get that much grease.

>> No.17174187

Like two and a half, why? Some of us actually cook here.

>> No.17174199

How much do you weigh?

>> No.17174204

Not relevant.

>> No.17174218

whats changed between now and the 1920s where you wouldnt want/need to reserve your grease?

>> No.17174236

You've said enough

>> No.17174323

OP I save up all my kitchen grease to use as bbq fuel on the weekends. What the fuck was your plan?

>> No.17174331

This has to be from 2010

>> No.17174506

my ap government teacher showed us that exact same image back in high school

>> No.17174533

This image gave me gout and rickets

>> No.17174555

i want to kill jews

>> No.17174561

we're not in dire economic strai-oh wait

>> No.17174621

I honestly don't know how you guys get THAT MUCH leftover oil or grease. Even when I cook bacon, whatever's left over in the pan is maybe a spattering, like less than half a teaspoon. Are you deep frying shit every other day?
And to be fair to OP, I've seen people on here say to keep the leftover fat or grease (from the hog roasts you guys presumably have on a regular basis) rather than throw it away, but I don't think I've ever seen someone say "oh and make sure to filter it and sterilise the jar" or this other stuff.

>> No.17174649

i buy a lot of cheap fatty cuts of meat as well as non-lean ground beef

>> No.17174668

I keep my leftover bacon grease in the freezer, is that bad?

>> No.17174788

not my problem

>> No.17175261

why skim it you fucking faggot
fat is the tasty part and it's good for you (especially if that's from some fatty meat)

>> No.17175282

my family would have an old coffee can as a grease jar and just pitch it when it was starting to get full, just keep a lid on it so you don't have to smell rancid grease all the time

>> No.17175306

mix ur grease w sawdust and cube it out
use em when camping

>> No.17175309

yeah just eat wood sounds great

>> No.17175325
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>> No.17175327

Just treat it like butter rather than oil

>> No.17175334

learn2render your bacon properly, youre scorching the fuck out of it

>> No.17175939

the fact that literally any cunt can get a $40/hr job holding a shovel in hi-viz and a bottle of oil is like $2.

>> No.17175947

Not to eat, to use to start fires you fucking moron

>> No.17175962

>Even when I cook bacon, whatever's left over in the pan is maybe a spattering, like less than half a teaspoon.
I get like 2 tablespoons of leftover fat from 4 slices of bacon. You like your bacon soggy and/or flimsy, don't you?

>> No.17175985
File: 112 KB, 542x326, surlyjackoftheeggfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like third world gold
open a restaurant
get rich my friend

>> No.17176006

I buy ends and pieces and cook up the whole thing. I get several months supply of bacon grease for cooking and some tasty snack.

>> No.17176038

Bitch, butter don’t need no fridge

>> No.17176047

You should pour it over an MLP figurine and make a meme

>> No.17176058

>conversation started
Very underrated post
“My name is Bill and I collect grease”

>> No.17176162

stop posting ugly gooks

>> No.17176182

Qft hahaha

>> No.17176203
File: 203 KB, 1200x950, Media-Bias-Chart-8.0_Sept-2021-Unlicensed-Social-Media_Hi_Res_(educational).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it fresh?
4D00D<span class="fortune" style="color:#01d0aa">

Your fortune: You're on the Elf Watchlist.[/spoiler]

>> No.17176235

Those fucks turn EVERY story into something about immigration. Or racism. Or gun control. Or gender rights or some shit.
It’s a damn shame, I used to love NPR until this one story about annual corn harvesting which they spun into how farm hands deserve benefits or the right to vote or some shit. It was out of left field and the exact moment I realized NPR actually was left leaning considerably.

>> No.17176236

I hope there’s a lil cock under those tights

>> No.17176254

That's a man

>> No.17176413
File: 147 KB, 1280x1707, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know most people just throw that grease away. Me, I like to just spread it on some white bread for a sand which. It's jus so damn good hahaha!

>> No.17176437


>> No.17176451

It's just a shite chart. I'm as far right as you can get, but Jimmy Dore is the only leftist I can tolerate.

>> No.17176462

My exact thoughts. Thank you.

>> No.17176508


>> No.17176512


>> No.17176525


>> No.17176531

lmao b-b-b-based

>> No.17176540

Forbidden Tiramisu

>> No.17176553

You save the grease and then when it's cold out you melt some grease and pour it over your dogs food. They love it.

>> No.17176559

no you stuff it into your wife's air intakes on her car as a passive aggressive way of getting back at her

>> No.17176565

I paid for that car though

>> No.17176575

and you'll pay for the repairs too, but it'll inconvenience her slightly for two weeks first

>> No.17176620


>> No.17176935
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 1635874287288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this retard