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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 305 KB, 430x411, wine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17171694 No.17171694 [Reply] [Original]

>drink wine for the first time
>its just worse than beer even
>inb4 it's an acquired taste
you know what else is an acquired taste? that's right. scat fetish. i'll stick to my occasional soda pops and chocolate milk, this shit is retarded and i always knew it

>> No.17171696

wine sucks, drink cider instead

>> No.17171700

the funny part is that there are really adult children out there who think like this

>> No.17171724
File: 39 KB, 473x473, image0-146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which wine did you try

>> No.17171726


>> No.17171736

try drinking a wine that isn't yucky cheap shit

>> No.17171739

Cabernet sauvignon

>> No.17171795

Wine isn't an acquired taste, tho. Either it tastes good to you or it tastes bad to you. No number of tries will suddenly make it taste differently. You don't like wine or beer. Big deal. No one will ever care.

>> No.17171808

wrong. all alcoholic beverages are an acquired taste. no kid like alcohol
wine is great and Americans are niggers for preferring beer over it

>> No.17171862

You have to start with the 2 extremes, get a cheap bottle of each Petite syrah/Shriaz and Moscato. you will like one more than the other, and if none of them are good then wine just isn't for you.

>> No.17171874

How did you preface your post with what my opinion of it would be? Are you psychic?

>> No.17171878

lol, zoomer hands typed this

>> No.17173438

>tries wine for first time
>doesn't say what kind, quality, or how it was stored
>"ew yucky! one bad all bad!!!"

>> No.17174039

Sody pops and choco milk are good choices, anon. The health benefits of wine are confined to moderate consumption, which very few have the self control to maintain.

>> No.17174068

>I’m an adult because I drink alcohol and like it
Is that really what passes as an adult in your mind? Settin the bar reaaalll low

>> No.17174156

thats what everyone says at first, but now youll become addicted to it
also try sparkling wine you may like it better to ease you into the world of flat alcohol

>> No.17175497

Which producer you dumb fuck.

>> No.17175514

I've always hated beer but the first time I tried cider I loved it. Like most things it differs from person to person.

>> No.17175525

Meiomi is a tasty PN priced right, new fave

>> No.17175532
File: 15 KB, 250x241, 1640392462050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinks wine
>mind immediately goes to scat fetish
I hate /ck/ posters

>> No.17175717

it was just that bad

>> No.17175810

>its just worse than beer even
Are you downplaying it or emphasizing it?
People need to quit learning English on the internet.

>> No.17175812

I don't like wine either but it's just one of those things that exists. The standard for a good wine is not how good it tastes.

>> No.17175817

I hate dumb frogposters

>> No.17176119

I believe OP is probably a native speaker, based on his use of "just" to mean something like "entirely", it is "just worse" meaning "it is only worse, and in no way better"

>> No.17176622

im not 21 but
>friend lets me try brandy and i unironically like it in spite of barely having had alcohol and the burning-numbing sensation of spirits
>at party and snag a sip of whats labeled as very dry red wine, and i find it easy to drink and not bad
>get handed busch light
>it just tastes like bland carbonated water with a little bit of cirtus and bitterness and is only good for a light buzz
are you sure you just dont enjoy the taste of alcohol itself? how could i, whos never drank any alcohol in any large quantity like it better than you?

>> No.17176702

that might be it but I don't know why anyone would like it. just smelling the drink felt like it was just headache juice.

>> No.17176737

i think scat is more a traumatic symptom than an acquired taste

try some good wine next time.

>> No.17176742

You are genetically predisposed to alcoholism

>> No.17176821

are you drinking too quickly? when i tried it i braced myself for a hard hitting taste and took a small sip but was surprised at how easy it was to drink
i come from a half muslim family that has likely been sober for many centuries, but then again i know the easterners are the biggest alcoholics in the christian world and without islam the middle east would probably be worse than russia

>> No.17176830

no, i wasn't drinking too quickly, i drank not half a cup over the course of a few hours.
i think it might have just been trash wine honestly. i would try some again if it smelled right.

>> No.17176844


>> No.17176848

Americans used to drink (hard) cider. Beer was common only in the German immigrant places.
The Prohibition fucked up the US's cider tradition.

>> No.17177125

I prefer adding a small amount of vodka to my grapejuice than to drink wine. This way I can taste the grapes and sweetness but get less sulfites.

>> No.17177150

Know that wine varies a lot in quality and bad wine can be truly horrific. Also white wine is a completely different drink than red.

>> No.17177456

>soda pops and chocolate milk
You have to be 18 to post here.
This is nasty as hell dude. grape juice and vodka is way worse than any wine i've ever had.

>> No.17178124

unironically try dry white wine as it's lack of sweetness may make it easier to drink than other types

>> No.17178140

also dry wine doesnt necessarily mean its stronger either, but a dry red wine will probably be less abv than a dry white wine as whites start with much more sugar, but reds will have stronger flavors

>> No.17178156

I would bet $10 OP bought Cupcake or something else swill-tier and doesn't realize he just drank the pisswater of wines.

>> No.17178171

It’s just because it’s the first time you’ve had it you underaged faggot.

>> No.17178222

Wine is just bitter water bro. Everyone knows that. I have no idea why people took the delicious fruit that is grapes and ruined it to produce a worse tasting water.

>> No.17178242

nah you're thinking of literally every shitty ipa on the market
no taste, just bitterness and americans pour it flat

>> No.17178357

I bet kids would enjoy an auslese riesling.<span class="fortune" style="color:#532dfc">

Your fortune: Blessed Yule![/spoiler]

>> No.17178368

>I only like sugar drinks like a four year old, so that means everyone else is just pretending to like anything with any flavor slightly more complex than "sweet".

>> No.17178378

all i'm saying is people condition themselves to like scat too, didn't say anyone was pretending

>> No.17178391

>drink wine for the first time
>its just worse than beer even
Let me guess, you did no research at all and got a high tannin red?

>> No.17178407

Not even conditioned, I just like wine, and so do literally billions of people around the world and throughout all of human history. Fuck, there are even wines that taste like pure sugar, perfect for someone who only drinks pop and choccy milk.

>> No.17178426

More Franzia for me then faggot

>> No.17178445

>zoom zoom gets offered a taste of uncle’s wine at family Christmas dinner
>throws a fit and thinks he’s clever equating it to a bizarre fetish
Get a fucking grip.


It’s getting awful around here isn’t it? I wish they stayed on Tik Tok.

>> No.17178512

/ck/ really gets this riled up over this

>> No.17178518

your taste sucks, you suck, and you should feel bad<span class="fortune" style="color:#53fc2d">

Your fortune: Bah! Humbug.[/spoiler]

>> No.17178538

>NO you have to do RESEARCH and drink it RIGHT
>NOOOO you have to spend lots of money so that it tastes good!
the responses to this thread really are convincing me.
>pick up any tea
>it tastes good
>get any sort of beverage at all that just tries to taste good
>it tastes good
>any fruit juice
how hard is it to make a beverage that's enjoyable? it's not. if you have to shovel out money and do it just right just to have a drink it's because the substance itself sucks. i can buy a cheap sandwich or an expensive sandwich and they will both taste good. i don't have to do some special process to make either work. folks should just admit alcoholic beverages are generally retarded and only for a buzz, because they are.

>> No.17178549

you must 18+ to post on this site

>> No.17178573

>drink wine for the first time
>its just worse than beer even
>inb4 it's an acquired taste
>you know what else is an acquired taste? that's right. scat fetish. i'll stick to my occasional soda pops and chocolate milk, this shit is retarded and i always knew it
The wine aisle is as diverse as the soda aisle in my local grocery stores. What does that tell you about the variety of flavors that may be there? If you have childish taste buds then there are wines to fit that palette. Just because you aren't willing to try out new things to find what you like doesn't mean all wine is shit. Granted, most wine is shit.

>> No.17178577
File: 356 KB, 225x200, 225px-SC20Gallery3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you mean people have different tastes? Don't you know that everything I don't like is OBJECTIVELY BAD?
Get over yourself you sensitive child.

>> No.17178591

i don't even drink soda regularly, very rarely, but everyone knows you could pick up any sodie pop and it's going to fuzz and have a bit of flavor and taste syrup-y. Every soda is drinkable, every tea, every normal juice, but alcoholic beverages are the exception because by default they suck.
im LITERALLY crying and shitting my pants right now

>> No.17178603
File: 40 KB, 495x362, 1631173099180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soda tastes like shit you fatty
fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty

>> No.17178608

>>17178591 people drink alcohol for the effects not solely for taste
thats what juices teas and sodie pops are for
you should be arguing that alcohol tastes bad not wine
there is wines that taste like grape juice and im not just saying that

>> No.17178611

it's terrible for you and is trashy doesn't mean it tastes bad

>> No.17178612

No, they don't. You need to start off by ordering margaritas and mixed drinks in restaurants and find out what sorts of things you like and go from there. You're just a little girl is all.

>> No.17178619

alcohol and by extension, wine and other alcoholic beverages.

>> No.17178623

>people drink alcohol for the effects not solely for taste
retard take
if you want to drink alcohol for effects go be a snow nigger and drink vodka, i enjoy the taste of alcohol

>> No.17178630
File: 89 KB, 800x800, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your drink, sire

>> No.17178661

>every tea
Now I know this is larp because tea is an even more fucked up minefield of ass tasting grass water than wine

>> No.17178665

>pick up any tea
>it tastes good
Wrong out the gate, gg

>> No.17178666

dilute it to 40% and you have vodka, then mix it in with cherries to make cherry bounce and bam you got yourself a nice drink

>> No.17178739

These snobs don't realize the true value in wine, getting fuckin wrecked. That's why people choose wine over scat fetishes. Scat gets you a bad kind of wrecked.