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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17170692 No.17170692 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my grocery haul , only cost $62.46 .

>> No.17170697

nice itemized receipt, nigger

>> No.17170702

Berries are like 7 dollars a case so this doesn't surprise me.
Buy seasonal tho frens.

>> No.17170714
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>> No.17170741

ok well that explains it

>> No.17170744

I thought they hated the cold?

>> No.17170753

Native Alaskans ?

>> No.17170832
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>hebrew nationals: $8.15
>quarter-pound beef franks
>net weight: 16 oz. (1 LB.)
>mfw this motherfucker paid $2.04 per hot dog
goddamn the oil money better be good up there to offset that ridiculous food cost

>> No.17170878

It’s not the money that makes Alaska worthwhile , it’s the bad weather and brutish women that make it a great place to live .

>> No.17170886

what is the average wage in alaska if those are the food prices how can anyone afford to live there

>> No.17170889

Didn't know iga still existed

>> No.17170901

The wages for the most part are not very much higher than the lower 48 . The high rent prices help make up the high food costs .

>> No.17170905

They're still everywhere here in Québec

>> No.17170916

In Juneau we have some slightly cheaper options than iga but they are located downtown where I live and it’s cheaper for me to walk there .

>> No.17170927

It's a native name, but I'm sure that spoils you "le epic xD" joke

>> No.17170930

>Juneau Alaska
OP I don't think you should have posted this as you have likely doxxed your cashier.

>> No.17170945

>$8 for a pack of hotdogs

>> No.17170949

I didn’t think of that . Is it too late to ask everyone on /ck/ to be nice ?

>> No.17170956

I know , it’s awesome that the price went down .

>> No.17170957

What do you eat?
What are you having for dinner tonight?
A yogurt, an apple and a can of deenz?

>> No.17170967

It's not like either of you did anything embarrassing.
Wouldn't really be any reason to fuck with her.

>> No.17170973
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Last night .

>> No.17170974

that'd have been 40 bucks 2 years ago. thanks biden.

>> No.17170983

Maybe , but I think all the stimulus money hurt the inflation rate . And how many of us declined to cash the checks .

>> No.17171005

The 800 billion given out in stimulus checks didn't really do anything to increase inflation in our poorly cobbled together global economics. Neither did trump or Biden, and anyone who puts the blame on those two blowhards has no clue about how global markets work. Our reliance on fossil fuels and their lack of production during the pandemic did way more

>> No.17171025

I just want a normal person between forty and sixty years old to be our president . Is that too much to ask for ?

>> No.17171026

The fuck, they still have IGA up there?

>> No.17171032
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I think I’m going in this direction tonight .

>> No.17171033

Crenshaw '24?

>> No.17171041

At this point yes. The two major parties in America are terminally retarded and long for a version of America that never actually existed

>> No.17171052
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Did he change his mind ?

>> No.17171116

That dude is literally the biggest zionist shill in politics.
Like I'm not exactly anti or pro Israel but someone that fanatical is kinda disturbing, no?

>> No.17171129

I'm sorry

>> No.17171138

DeSantis ‘24

>> No.17171143

Making some kind of faggy salad?

>> No.17171147

Don’t be , I see lots of possibilities for a nice dinner .

>> No.17171152

Not sure it will be a salad , lol .

>> No.17171157

I want to move to alaska, what areas do I avoid?

>> No.17171166

>And how many of us declined to cash the checks
What effect does that have?

>> No.17171172

If you have to have a job up here that’s pretty much what you have to focus on . Every thing else is really secondary to making a living up here . I never liked Anchorage very much . I picked Juneau because it’s small enough for people to be friendly and big enough to have things to do for entertainment .

>> No.17171181

gotcha. Are polar bears an issue or just the brown fucks? Also, I saw on youtube how expensive the internet is, is it really $400+?

>> No.17171188

I’m just saying if a policy puts money in our pockets today few of us think about tomorrow .

>> No.17171193

if you're anywhere outside the bigger towns and have to buy data you can easily rack up a bill like that, but fixed wireless is at least pretty reliable and fast enough

>> No.17171199

Only black bears wander into downtown Juneau . A lot of black bears . I’ve literally tripped over a black bear . I pay about ninety dollars for high speed internet .

>> No.17171208

thanks for info

>> No.17171218

Kill yourself

>> No.17171231

Somehow you guys make me enjoy my threads even more . Don’t know what that says about me but I actually kind of miss it when nobody says it .

>> No.17171242
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kys (kiss your sister)

>> No.17171245

What is this drink? Post more of your meals please, I dig your style

>> No.17171266

you can find more information than that in a phone directory.

>> No.17171276

it ain't that good

>> No.17171280
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I think it’s actually lack of style .

>> No.17171292
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>> No.17171306
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kys (kiss your self)

>> No.17171309
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Sometimes It actually tastes good

>> No.17171317

Why the fuck u buying fruit when u could be hunting moose and eating salmon

>> No.17171328

Yeah I'm gonna go all the way to fucking Alaska just to troll Tasheena

captcha ASS g4

>> No.17171366

I’ve only hunted moose once . I hiked for three and a half hours on mushy ground into the woods saw a huge moose and thought fuck no I’m not carrying that out , put my rifle back into my pack and walked to my friends truck . He asked me if I saw any moose . I said nope . Never went again .

>> No.17171595
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>> No.17171600
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I went in a different direction because eating hot dogs is clearly less faggy than kippers .

>> No.17171602

I didn’t like deenz before /ck/ .

>> No.17171605

Start taking these photos with no pants so we can gaze at your meat in the microwave reflection

>> No.17171641

I’m old , nobody wants to see that .

>> No.17171677

Got one in my town here in Ohio.