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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17168882 No.17168882 [Reply] [Original]

hello /ck/ today we will be making a BIR style madras (and madras). this is my first time doing BIR as opposed to homestyle, so looking forward to ending up in the worst of threads

>> No.17168886
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first thing is garlic ginger paste, im making a fair bit extra for later use. equal parts ginger + garlic, i also add a chilli and a few coriander stems

>> No.17168888

What does any of that even mean

>> No.17168896
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throw it in the food processor

>> No.17168899


British Indian restaurant, madras is a popular curry dish that you get at said restaurants

>> No.17168926

Good luck anon, monitoring.

>> No.17168955
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here, ive taken 2tbsp of the garlic ginger paste, 2tsp chilli powder, 2 tsp garam masala, 1/2tsp tumerick, 2tbsp lemon juice, 2tsp crushed kasuri methi (dried fenugreek), 2tsp corriander powder, 1(heaped) salt and rubbed into 1kg chicken thighs I skinned earlier. most BIR uses bite-sized pieces but I might use them whole since I prefer the bone in. you can also use yoghurt (as long as it's hung) here, but I currently dont have any.

>> No.17168963

Cookalongs are never fun. Stop posting

>> No.17168975

What a sad little life you must live chud.

Op, im here and watching

>> No.17168994

>Op, im here and watching
What a sad little life you must live nerd

>> No.17168998
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>> No.17169030

I disagree, I've followed a few and I might try this one too! I've been wanting some Indian recipes.

>> No.17169054
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now to start on the base gravy, you will need:
6 onion (mid to large), 1.5 carrot (I used 1 very large carrot), 3 tomato, 1.3 bell pepper (1 whole of yellow or green, one segment of red) and half a potato. i also included 2 ribs of celery

>> No.17169063
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prepare a pot like this for the veg and the body of your gravy - generous helping of ghee, 2 bay leaf, and just under a tsp of coriander seed.

>> No.17169071
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at the same time, fill a small pan with water and add 4 cardamon, 4 cloves, a piece of cassia (size to taste), and a little more coriander seed. turn it on and keep it on a low simmer.

>> No.17169118
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heat the ghee, when it begins to splutter add 2tsp garlic ginger paste, and after 30 secs add the following:
2tsp mix powder (sub for a high quality curry powder of mild madras powder if you cba to make), 0.5tsp chilli powder, 1tsp tumerick, 0.5tsp cumin powder

>> No.17169122
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mix and sauté until you get a fragrant sludge, approx 30 secs

>> No.17169127
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add roughly 200g tomato puree, sauté for a few mins, then add onion. I then added a splash of water and cooked covered for a few mins to reduce the space in the pot it was taking up

>> No.17169130

looking good anon

>> No.17169141
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now is a good time to check on your spice water. I forgot to mention that I cooked it covered. it should b coloured and smelling very nice

>> No.17169212
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once onions had cooked down I put in the other veg, spice water, and some salt and pepper. I used a bit extra water here as well.

>> No.17169221
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covered, transferred to the smaller burner. most recipes say 1hr of low simmer for base gravy but I think it could use a touch more. according to what ive read its supposed to not be too overpowering as to not fuck up what it goes in, so cooking for multiple hours might make it too rich.

>> No.17169226


thanks anons, im hoping for the best - hope you're having a nice christmas

>> No.17169258

Ex-BIR waiter here. They kept a pot of this on a back burner for most of the time they were prepping, so I don't think you need to worry about how long it simmers for.

>> No.17169310


thanks for the advice anon, in that case ill leave it til its cooked enough to be good and then keep it bubbling on the back

>> No.17169395

Good thread op.

>> No.17169472

eagerly following, OP. might make this for dinner tomorrow

>> No.17169543
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a quick update: the gravy has been cooking and it definitely requires more than an hour, if you fancy making this I would definitely start the gravy off first thing in the morning. I added some pure creamed coconut also. What I have should make around 3L, and it can be frozen just like stock.

>> No.17169716

Do you find the fenugreek reeks? I have to keep that stuff triple sealed to not stink out the entire spice cabinet.

>> No.17169787
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after leaving the gravy for some time, I've blended it up and returned to the burner alongside some water n some extra salt. it tastes like a muted spicy vegetable soup, but in a v pleasant way. it's supposed to be the consistency of semi-skimmed milk and I think I got quite close.

>> No.17169802

I should mention that I also stored some away as the actual curry and rice does not take that much longer.

thankfully mine is in a v thick plastic bag, but I do know what u mean, it v quickly stinks up cupboards, hands n clothes.

>> No.17169872
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here I have 4tbsp of tomato puree, which im cooking with some kasuri methi and mix powder to reduce the acidity. the ratio that seems to be most common is 2tbsp puree per chicken breast, and im using 2 thighs out my 1kg - so 4tbsp. usually id use a fresh tomato masala, but this cooked puree method seems to be common in BIR, so im trying it out this way

>> No.17170023
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here im preparing the pot for the rice, add ghee, 3/4tsp cumin seed, 2 cardamons, 3 cloves, 1 bit of cassia. i washed and soaked the rice also

>> No.17170027
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on the other stove I have ghee and 2 cardamon for the curry, im starting the curry first as im not pre-cooking my chicken.

>> No.17170225
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add ginger garlic paste to the pot w/ ghee and cardamon

>> No.17170229
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once the raw smell of garlic ginger has gone, add kasuri methi (using 1 heaped tsp on garlic ginger, 1 tsp of methi)

>> No.17170238
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once methi is fragrant add
2tsp chilli powder, 1tsp chilli seeds, 2tsp mix powder, 1tsp coriander powder, 0.5tsp cumin powder, 0.5tsp garam masala, 0.25tsp black pepper. sauté spice sludge

>> No.17170246
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add previously prepared puree, sauté for a couple minutes

>> No.17170249
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add ladle of base gravy

>> No.17170254
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add soaked rice to rice pot, add 0.25 tsp turmeric, 1tsp salt

>> No.17170257
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2x volume of rice in water

>> No.17170265
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add chicken, sauté til it turns pale in colour

>> No.17170273
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cover both and cook, around 11-15mins til both are fully done

>> No.17170282
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here's the final product, plated sloppily because im hungry

>> No.17170298

I cut the chicken up in the end because it seemed to just fit better

>> No.17170317

fry it up with some sage and fennelseeds than add diced tomato after

>> No.17170390

thanks anon, it defo could've done with some fennel, not sure why I missed it in retrospect

>> No.17170395

now I've eaten it, I can defo say it was a little bit underwhelming compared to the homestyle I usually make. however, it was still tasty and im quite happy for a first attempt at this particular style. definitely seems like an easy way to make a quick lunch/dinner if you have the gravy already on hand. hoping to work on this a little bit and pull it closer to something that I enjoy a bit more.

>> No.17170418

Nice detailed cookalong OP. I love BIR curries but it is kinda a fucking hassle, especially if you want some bread on the side. I suspect an actual restaurant would use about five times as much ghee as you did, to get that broken layer of oil on top.

Broken up with chilli, garlic, basil and capers.

>> No.17170785
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thanks anon, i quite enjoy the hassle of slightly long-winded dishes but i agree - it is quite a lot for a takeaway style dish. i feel I could've spent half the time on a better homestyle dish but that's likely due to my own error more than anything else. naan can be quite quick, but paratha folding is a bit of a fucking pain. I definitely was too conservative with the ghee, might be the reason it felt a bit lacking in a certain respect.

I've never had turkey with capers, in bongland it seems we dont have the popularisation of the "product but its turkey" sorta thing. capers with chicken is delicious though so I can imagine its v good

>> No.17171144

this was a nice thread OP its cool to see people cook using techniques and methods I haven't myself used. If this thread is still up tomorrow ill post the results of my attempt at this dish.

>> No.17171260

If I had a few portions of the base gravy in the freezer it'd help, I guess part of it is just familiarity with the process too. Do you have a go to naan recipe? I've tried a fair few and only had one that was any good.

>> No.17171291
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Is this your range?

>> No.17171362

nice anon, I look forward to it! might make a different take on this tomorrow also since now I the gravy, spare marinating chicken and some fresh tomatoes that I want to try in it. also want to put in the fennel seeds and extra ghee other anons suggested

>> No.17171451
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the one i like to use is this one, I've seen the same version of it around a fair few times
2 cups flour (270grams)
0.5 cup yoghurt (120grams)
80+ml warm milk
2tbsp melted butter
1tsp sugar
0.75 tsp yeast
1.5 tsp garlic paste (you can use garlic ginger paste but about 0.75tsp)
1tsp salt

I find with naan its never that precise, I tend to always end up adding varying differences in flour and liquid to get it to the right consistency. I put 80ml+ as that's the smallest amount but sometimes it will need a bit more. usually I bloom the yeast in a tiny amount of water, mix that and everything else together, and then gently knead until its smooth and still a bit sticky. it also seems that rolling thickness is vital, it needs to have a decent thickness to puff up properly and its quite easy to accidentally roll them too thin (especially as the pan needs to be very hot). not sure if you already do this but brushing it with melted butter that has some crushed up garlic and lightly toasted kalonji(nigella seed) is often what takes them from fairly good to delicious

>> No.17171463

also those tsp measurements of the garlic or garlic ginger very much need to be level, too much of either can fuck the naan very easily as I've learnt from several unfortunate experiences

>> No.17171601

Thanks for the detailed description, I'll save that and try it out. At a glance it looks like a much wetter dough than I've used before, and including garlic paste directly isn't something I've tried.

>> No.17173340

this is far more work than anything I'd ever do. looks good.