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17170398 No.17170398 [Reply] [Original]

>kneel to the king of cheap beer

>> No.17170409

beer tastes like piss and gives you boobies
drink red wine instead

>> No.17170415

You should drink red wine unless you already have boobies, faggy McFagerson.

>> No.17170417

Coors light/pbr are the best

>> No.17170425
File: 16 KB, 246x238, 1638254192631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking vatnik swill

>> No.17170433

Thats not rolling rock.
Red wine tastes like piss and is for faggots. Alcohol tastes like shit, but you dont drink for the taste

>> No.17170440

I can't help myself it's in my ski bum blood

>> No.17170442

can we stop having children's opinions on alcohol and it's use for getting drunk?

>> No.17170445

That's white wine you retard. You drink red wine if you're a southern European peasant farmer, or an American hobo.

>> No.17170446

>not drinking gas station malt liquor (i.e. Bud Ice, Milwaukees Best, Colt 45)

>> No.17170447

PBR is better, Coors is shit, Budweiser is just tasteless.
Almost every local lager is the same price and tastes better.

>> No.17170464


but anon, that's not a picture of National Bohemian.

>> No.17170475

That's not Rolling Rock.

>> No.17170488

Rolling Rock, while I do enjoy it on occasion, tastes like rice and is barely 4.1

>> No.17170528
File: 2.24 MB, 1080x1080, EdjcGgQX0AAIcEf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been enjoying this lately, can an anon recommend something similar once they pull this again

>> No.17171029
File: 386 KB, 279x1002, sternburg-export-05l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Deepthroats your girl*

>> No.17171047


>> No.17171063

>He doesn't have a cheap local beer

>> No.17171084


fuck I miss living in Germany

>> No.17171210

I agree, Budweiser is totally fine

>> No.17171263

It's not cheap for what it is

>> No.17171396
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That's not the champagne of bottle beer

>> No.17171599
File: 143 KB, 198x606, bev-hamms-beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.17171612

but budweiser IS rice

>> No.17171622

Recently bought an 18 pack of Budweiser cause the labels were festive and had cute dogs on them. Shit was bad. Coors, PBR, Busch, and Miller High Life are cheaper tastier alternatives.

>> No.17171625
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>teleports behind you
Heh, nothing personal, kid

>> No.17171626

Holy based

>> No.17171902

great cheap piss beer

>> No.17172132

>24 for a tenner and change

yeah I'm thinkin it's based

>> No.17172466
File: 1.69 MB, 675x900, steel reserve1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks your path

>> No.17172494

Red wine gives you UK teeth. Drink vodka instead.

>> No.17172512

can't tell if this is sold in tennessee or not

>> No.17172569
File: 29 KB, 487x487, B21A9C1F-BA4B-4BDA-9240-EC5C0F53674B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this and Montucky cold snack blocks ur path

>> No.17172617

it takes a lot of pabst to get me drunk, enough to ruin me for the next day. awful shits and farts for days at that volume. goes down pretty easy though

>> No.17172626

East tn here, have never seen it. Not even at total fag and more. I dunno if Kuntucky has then but I usually get a couple 30 okay when I visit Missouri

>> No.17172638

shit, too far from missouri. thanks anon. their website wasn't working for me, not that most websites like that are accurate.
at least bearded iris is all over nashville i guess. not cheap in the slightest though

>> No.17172663

Western KY here, I've never seen it here. I have seen it in Mississippi and Louisiana though. My favorite beer was Founders Solid Gold until they hung the tranny flag outside their business, now I only drink Deutsches Reichsbräu.

>> No.17172667

Came here to post this. This is my go to 24 pack for hanging out with the lads even though they like rolling rock.

>> No.17172670

Rolling Rock always has this taste of peanuts to me, I absolutely hate it.

>> No.17172672
File: 251 KB, 592x1080, PALE-PILSEN-320ML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Pale Pilsen

>> No.17172673

Nothing will ever beat Vitamin-R.

>> No.17172796


>> No.17172828

Fuck yeah son. Champagne of beers. Love of my life.

>> No.17173044

Everyone I'm taken back to the past, to a life that didn't suck ass.

>> No.17173067


Not as enjoyable anymore knowing that it's no longer actually brewed in Old Latrobe, just a big green lie now.

>> No.17173068


More like $13 in my state. Gonna have to remortgage the double-wide.

>> No.17173132

get out, faggot

>> No.17173591

I get the quart can for 1.99 each..

>> No.17173616
File: 183 KB, 500x500, CFFAFABD-60A4-4258-8D26-D89810F6608A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocks you are path

>> No.17173656

High Life is the only choice
It is literally a cut above the rest of the cheap American beer market. Don't believe me? Pour them all in glass. High Life has the texture of beer, everything else is like soda pop and leaves no lacing on the glass.

>> No.17173662
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Stolen beer name. The original is a Czech one.

>> No.17174193

>T. Cope

>> No.17174353

This is the famous Budweiser beer. We know of no other brand produced by any other brewer that costs so much to brew and age. Our exclusive Beechwood Aging process produces a taste, a smoothness, and a drinkablity that you will find in no other beer at any price.

>> No.17174737


>> No.17174747

Why do you feel the need to get drunk, anons? For me it's been getting through busy and stressful work days, working from home rules.
Otherwise if I'm not working I don't really feel a need to drink.

>> No.17174761

i have more fun and my thoughts are more honest and straight to the point when im drunk. so its my preference.

but you're based in not needing to be pacified by alcohol

>> No.17174774
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can I post here about my love for doja cat without being banned?

>> No.17174822

>but you're based in not needing to be pacified by alcohol
I literally said that I used it to get through work recently. Like I bought a big bottle of liquor a week ago and started taking swigs/measures of it between calls (contact centre)

>> No.17174853

you also said you dont necessarily need it if not working but in hindsight i acknowledge that i kinda glossed over what you were expressing. you were saying it helps you unwind and now are saying you need it between calls. sorry.

i just hope you are still providing good customer service but i see you, sir. customer service reps are better than robots even if a little drunk, especially if you're not outsourced. i had a comfy call with a Home Depot rep the other day from Missouri who was very easy to work with so i appreciate your line of work

>> No.17174862

im afraid of you calling me out again: you were actually ONLY saying it helps you get through shifts if im reading correctly. im a mess.

>> No.17174864


>> No.17174876

why yes i do let my GF peg me. stimulates the prostate. but lemme be clear - i draw a line in the sand when it comes to involving another guy

>> No.17174988

I won't disagree

>> No.17174998

hello, sirs!

>> No.17175026
File: 36 KB, 512x512, frio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any texas bros here? I used to get these for $16 back in the day.