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17169467 No.17169467 [Reply] [Original]

just got my hands on this bad bouy. how do I get the best use out of it? there's a homebrew shop around the block from me that I could probably get co2 refills at

>> No.17169488

looks dumb but just make soda. For co2 dont get scammed into buying it. We breath in oxygen and breath out co2. Use your exahalation breaths to replinsh your co2 supply for free instead of buying it

>> No.17169501

Based indoor carbon dioxyde farmer

>> No.17169506
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carbonate your coffee

>> No.17169534

Fool! carbonation is wasted on hot drinks.
Carbonated milk is where it's at.

>> No.17169563

that sounds so interesting. served cold of course.

>> No.17169609

I want my morning espresso to bubble like hot oil

>> No.17169642

One of the biggest scams of all time. 50-120 dollars for a pathetic little pittance of soda.

Are you aware that a 5 gallon keg set up is only around 150 dollars and provides you and your family with the ability to produce bulk carbonated water at an incredibly low price? How low, you ask? About 10 cents for 5 GALLONS of carbonated water. Guess what you can do also. Add minerals to demineralized water and copy your favorite fucking commercial brand sparkling water. Goddamn it's fucking good.

I have been kegpilled for at least 6 months now and you wouldn't believe how much darn money I've saved(multiple hundreds) and how much joy I've brought to people's lives(thousands of hours). Something you'll never have because you got scammed by a sodastream. Get kegpilled or GTFO, chief.

>> No.17169687

Not OP, but can you tell me more about the keg method? First time hearing about this.

>> No.17169702

does for soda what 3D printers do for assault rifles

>> No.17169707
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Gladly. Please observe picture and replace beer with carbonated water.

It takes roughly 2 days to fully carbonate water. You can set the pressure on the regulator to fine tune how strong you like your bubbles.

Don't let naysayers put you down either. There are 1 gallon, 2.5 gallon, 5 gallon kegs and just as many sizes of co2 canisters, so you could conceivably fit everything in your fridge. I just leave my keg in my shop and the night chills it enough for me.

Full kits are available on homebrew websites.

>> No.17169719

How do you fill the keg with beer? I used to fill kegs at a brewery, you need a whole other contraption just to fill them, what you have pictured only works if the keg is already filled. Do you have a racking machine? How do you clean them, or are you just reusing dirty kegs?

>> No.17169765
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That's for sanke kegs, which I actually use for my own carbonated water set up. You fill water through the gas line inlet using a tube and pull the pressure relief valve occasionally. Got the whole set up for almost free at an auction, so I just deal with it.

If you're buying new, cornelius kegs are ultra convenient for the indoor water carbonator. Notice the lid. If you aren't too fat you could stick an arm down there to scrub. If you're just doing water you shouldn't need to clean it too often really.

>> No.17169791
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just poured myself a glass of freshly carbonated water with a lemon wedge and a few drops of peppermint oil. merry Christmas /ck/

>> No.17170751

And have a happy near year, anon.

>> No.17170781

I took a birthright trip to Israel a few years ago and we passed a Sodastream factory outside of Tel Aviv. I thought it was cool.

>> No.17170909

You are paying a premium for convenience with the SodaStream. It’s a ripoff when you consider how expensive their proprietary tank fill ups are but most people don’t want to dick around with regulators and the like. They want to buy something brand name, plug it in and mindless operate it.

The only real benefit of SodaStream over other methods is that it BTFOs Palestinians. When I first bought one for my wife it was at a mall during Christmas. I shit you not there were protestors (old white women and commies) with signs against SodaStream. They were protesting SodaStream kek. I got a flyer and learned about the Israel connection but to be honest it was hilarious seeing them seethe when they saw I bought one.

So as much as I know it is a ripoff and plan to one day do a DIY setup it is fun to BTFO Palestinians even if it means throwing a few shekels at the longnose gang.

>> No.17170912

can i use it to make fizzy vodka. like fizzy 40% abv vodka

>> No.17170999

How is it?

>> No.17171009
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Carbonate cum

>> No.17171016

Huh, didn't realize Jews were allowed to post here.

>> No.17171022


>> No.17171024

That didn't happen. Any protesting of Israel would have been met swiftly and the media would be sure to call them nazis.

>> No.17171064

setting it up was easy, all I had to do was screw the co2 canister into place. there's a button ontop that you press a few times to carbonate it which takes a little getting used to for getting the right amount of bubbles. it's no different than buying a bottle from the store.

>> No.17171117

did you find a cutie jewish gf to marry and bring back to your country?

>> No.17171126

Is this worth getting for the energy drink mixes? I'm sick of paying $5 for 350mL of liquid

>> No.17171161

It 100% did happen but I’m Canadian so while we’re pathetic across the board we seem to be less Israel obsessed than Americans. This was maybe 7-8 years ago and a lot has changed since then so maybe it wouldn’t happen these days.

>> No.17171189

That’s not the way it works. I had friends who did the birthright tour and they all said the same thing: they were basically encouraged to hook up with girls and stay in Israel or to foster a deep connection so they would send money to Israeli causes and be good Zionists.

That’s ultimately the point of birthright trips.

>> No.17171198

yeah I got the same spiel, I just decided I'd use mine to find a cute jewish wife, and it worked. I lived there for a year after, then we moved back to the US.

>> No.17171209

> they were basically encouraged to hook up with girls
wait, so girls in israel get to be sluts for this particular period of time?

>> No.17171351
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