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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17166575 No.17166575 [Reply] [Original]

>invite friends over for a pre-christmas "practice whatever you want to make for real christmas dinner"
>one friend brings over his fiance
>she doesn't eat anything, just sits at the chair on her phone
>"no I'm fine. I'm not hungry"

>> No.17166587

maybe it was vibrating

>> No.17166589

>invite friends

and you lost me.

>> No.17166592
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>> No.17166599

>go to dinner party
>don't eat dinner
sigma male mindset

>> No.17166609
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did that bother you, OP?

>> No.17166610

>>invite friends over for a pre-christmas "practice whatever you want to make for real christmas dinner"
do normies really?

>> No.17166615
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>> No.17166624
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>> No.17166637

picky eater or anorexic?

>> No.17166641

Bitch wasn't hungry. No big deal. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me to go to a dinner party and not eat, but I don't see why it's thread worthy

>> No.17166647

Whypopo really be having pre christmas parties lmao

>> No.17166648
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Who the fuck even are you?

>> No.17166650

She didn't even talk to anyone though. Just pouted on her phone. And then was whining to a mutual friend the next day that she doesn't want to feel like a burden when people invite her.

>> No.17166669


Was she the only roastie there? Then it's your friend who is truly to blame. You don't bring roast beef to a sausage party. And if the fiance doesn't like your friend hanging with the guys, then she's not wife material anyway. Exclude him from the next few hangouts to send a message. It's for his own good.

>> No.17166676
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>having on a single f*male friend

>> No.17166686

My cousins ex was like this. Would actively resist any attempts at conversation with her, then complain that she didn't have any friends behind closed doors. We eventually just gave up and pretended she wasn't even there.. I don't fucking understand it either man, I get your frustration. It's just female bullshit like usual I guess

>> No.17166687

she was probably grossed out by your cat
don't blame her cats are disgusting

>> No.17166690

maybe she has a dietary thing and didn't bring it up. like IBS. also if you were the host you should have talked to her more and made her comfortable, so that's a fail on your part honestly.

at least make her a cup of tea even if she's anorexic. where are your manners?

>> No.17166692


Refusal to share the food, even a token bite, is a huge "fuck you" and indicates either that (1) she hates her fiance's friends, or (2) she's an autist, with zero social skills. If the marriage proceeds, you will not remain friends for long.

>> No.17166705

nigga's gotten really fat since we were friends in middle school. so probably

>> No.17166714

Sounds like low self-esteem. Doesn't feel like she has something worth saying, looks at her phone to avoid awkward silence, then feels bad about not contributing. You could ask your buddy if she has any interests she likes talking about, I'll bet she'd appreciate it if you made that effort.

>> No.17166722

>be obligated to attend your spouses weird fuckin friends event
>don't want to be there
>host gets pissy because you just want to stay home
Boo fucking hoo

>> No.17166725

>goad fiance into bringing you along
>autistically browse phone entire time

>> No.17166736
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>only white people throw a pre christmas pa-

>> No.17166738

women are babies. once a friend brought his gf hiking with us and half way throught she got all pissy and was like ''lets go ryan'' and we had to leave the whole thing because we all came in one car. fucking cunts

>> No.17166747

this, OP. You should've been more considerate and asked her if she wasn't eating because of a gross embarrassing digestion problem. You could've asked her to describe the noise it makes, if it blocks her up and she gets real gassy but then when it comes out it's so hard and big it tears up her sphincter and there's blood, or maybe it comes out like a faucet, like she's pissing out of her ass, until there's nothing but bile and it really burns? She would've felt more included. Even if she said no, you should've offered her a cup of herbal tea "for her stomach problem". Be a better host next time

>> No.17166765

ITT this thread: /ck/ makes a bunch of guesses and wild speculation about a person's behavior with limited information
Yeah of course her behavior doesn't make sense, how about you talk to your buddy about it, he's gonna be a lot more help than your internet buddies

>> No.17166767
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>> No.17166769

Did you take a pic of her feet?
If not, then why the fuck are you posting?

>> No.17166788


>> No.17166794

Did she get hammered?I do the same thing at social functions but it’s because I’m an alcoholic and eating during a binge drinking session fucks up my drunk

>> No.17166800


OP here, I forgot to mention that I had been browsing 4chan before the party on my 80" television in the living room, and I left it turned on with a huge full-screen image of The Coinslot. Do you think that could be related?

>> No.17166804

You've never been at a social event you didn't want to be at? Fuckin loser

>> No.17166810
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>> No.17166827

Of course I have but I power through it, phone addict

>> No.17166833

Okay loser

>> No.17166842
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>> No.17166858


OP, those other posters got it all wrong. She is obviously hugely attracted to you and was avoiding conversation to avoid escalating the sexual tension. She was on the phone posting on Crystal Cafe, getting advice about the best way to break up with her fiance so that she can be with you instead.

In a way, you are partly to blame for being so desirable, but what can you do? It's a problem that affects everyone on 4chan. The process of shitposting gradually transforms us all into rugged, charming, ideal male specimens.

>> No.17166869
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>> No.17166915

Is this really the first time you've experienced this sort of female?

>> No.17166924

She's mad that he brought her some place he was interested in rather than something that revolves around her and is either group-messaging her friends, or texting her boyfriend. Poor bastard. Buy him something nice for Christmas.

>> No.17167123 [DELETED] 

maybe she got that "ladies should be seen not heard" speech drilled into her head a little too hard when she was developing and now she's socially retarded. :)

>> No.17167249

Based. Setting up anon to cuck his friend.

>> No.17167388

No. Why would I go to an event that I don't want to go to? You know you can just say no to people, right? You don't have to go to every event you get invited to.

>> No.17167460

>Crystal Cafe
>muh gender only website
What the hell kind of stupid shit is this?

>> No.17167472

4chan is an extremely toxic and misogynistic environment and cismale edgelords shit up every anonymous websites unless expressly forbidden

>> No.17167475

What the hell do you expect when you invite a cat to a party? Be glad she didn't hide under your bed the whole time

>> No.17167478

One thing I know for sure is that you are a fucking faggot.

>> No.17167488

Female 4chan. Although they are pissed at the shitposting made by the trannies on there.

>> No.17167497

I don't get the fucking problem. She wasn't hungry. Have you never gone to an event and just not been hungry? Sure, she could have been more social, but eating isn't a requirement.

I've been on OMAD for a long time after losing weight, and I generally eat on my own schedule, but if my girlfriend demanded I come to her friend's dinner party, I'd show up, and decline food. It's ridiculous how food addicted people are that they whine when you simply say "I'm not hungry, thanks though."

>> No.17167520
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>> No.17167539

lol, weak larp. you don't any friends.

>> No.17167544

She's has an autism.

>> No.17169181

every post stays up for like 3 fucking years so it's actually an elaborate trap for girls to post personal pics or discussions about their eating disorders and relationship woes, then not be able to delete it years later when they're embarrassed lololol

>> No.17169303

Are you retarded? It's just a place for female incels to talk to eachother without having men around.

>> No.17169341

I’ve met and dated women like this. They are unfixable, and so this out of short self esteem coupled with victim complex. The only positive extrapolation from dealing with her is bitching about it with friends and strangers. His friend should dump her

>> No.17169383

My girlfriend ruined a hiking trip because she saw a tick once

>> No.17169403

bordeline personality. fuck them bitches, your friend should dump her.

>> No.17169459
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>> No.17169496

This is /ck/ not /adv/

>> No.17169505

Sounds like he’s got himself a Yoko.

>> No.17169536

What are we supposed to do anon, twiddle our thumbs? Get a cup of tea and snide.
>"Well we really can't know."
Wild speculation is fun and harmless, so stop being a faggot.

>> No.17169558
File: 4 KB, 211x119, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like your friend hit the jackpot with a chick that doesnt run her mouth 24/7. Be happy for him.

>> No.17169641

>women are babies
Women clean and cook and take care of all other domestic shit while working full time jobs and being more educated than men.

>> No.17169679

go back to facebook reddit twitter and never come back here deranged leftist sjw karen that is racist and hates men and straight people for no reason. HATE IS NOT WELCOME HERE.

>> No.17169828

>women clean and cook

no they don't, they have a shitton of appliances making it for them, like roomba cleaners, programmable washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, automated cooking appliances like thermomix, nespresso machines etc

>more educated than men
means shit if you got an education in a irrelevant field of study compared to the job market

>> No.17169850

Does anyone actually use a Roomba? I’ve only ever seen actual vacuum cleaners used, and people with roombas get rid of them because they’re too shit.

>> No.17169867

Roomba stands for any automatic vacuum cleaners, and yes they are kinda shit

I know women actually use those things and will still complain over some bs

>> No.17169880

I have one and never use it. I have to babysit it too much when it gets stuck on some bullshit

>> No.17170103


>> No.17170223

Cope harder. Men are the babies, they need a mommy all their lives. From their actual mommy to the sad sack woman who adopts him later.

Have you ever fucking seen the way single men and women live, and the jaw dropping differences between their living spaces? Women manage to do it all, men live in relative squalor. Your argument is flimsy as fuck.

>> No.17170244

Women hate how little it takes for a msn to be happy
Tell me, you've got a live laugh love picture somewhere in your home, do you not?

>> No.17170270

No, you enormous faggot. Dumb fucks like you will end up alone for the whole of your lives and deserve it. You really think all women are the same, that we have no personalities, that we have no depth.

It's not about being happy with simple things. It's about being tidy and clean. Most men live in their own filth if they don't have a woman to clean up after them, because
>men are babies

You are a pathetic man child. I bet you have a pile of jizz rags (including socks) under your bed. I also bet you have dirty fingernails and stink like shit. I also bet your mom hates you secretly.

Merry Christmas

>> No.17170280

My sister is single and is a fucking slob and can't even cook boxed shit. I feel bad for my nephew.

>> No.17170327

There are always outliers. My bf is more organized than me, for example. But we both do our fair share of everything. I'm pretty lucky.

Sorry about your nephew. Best thing you can do is teach him how to function like a decent human yourself, as she doesn't know how to and isn't learning yet.

>> No.17170338
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mad as fuck for some reason

>> No.17170347

I know and have dated a lot of women that are pretty fucking lazy when it comes to housework and cooking because a lot of them are raised to think and act like the men you're talking about. They focus so much on obtaining an education, making money, and being independent that they never even learn how to cook for themselves. Using my sister as an example again, she expects the men that she dates to do the housework and if she isn't dating anyone, she lives in absolute filth. The last two women I dated also wouldn't clean up after themselves. How old are you? Both men and women my age (mid 30s) and younger don't know how to cook. Most are lazy slobs, too.

>> No.17170360

holy shit so it was real after all

>> No.17170424

What is a sigma male? I only know alpha and beta.

>> No.17170436

loneliest post I've ever seen on 4chan. this poster has never left his house

>> No.17170456
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It's the 4chan male.

>> No.17170470
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She sounds like me.

>> No.17170473

I've done the first part where I genuinely am not hungry, but I still talk to people while I'm there or help out in the kitchen so I'm at least there for a purpose.
I get stomach ulcers a lot (former drunk) but all of my friends know that so it's all good.

>> No.17170480

>>invite friends over for a pre-christmas
I'm on the woman's side. You're a huge faggot

>> No.17170492

I think it's supposed to be the kind of a person who lives outside the alpha-beta dynamic. like a beta is a failed alpha, while a sigma is supposed to be a self-possessed person doing their own thing. I don't really know though but that's what I get from the memes.

>> No.17170497

I think you meant to type self-actualized but in reality people that claim to be sigma males always come off like >>17170456

>> No.17170503

Late 20s. It's not a generational thing as much as an upbringing thing. And even if your parents were neglectful or too busy to rear you properly (like mine) you can still learn. They need to self regulate. It's not easy but doable..

Both partners need to do equal domestic labor, these shitty people you're describing should get together and eventually learn to clean thru pure disgust of the other's habits.

>> No.17170557

Is she zoomer? people whine about lifeless, boring, antisocial male zoomers but some don't know how bad female zoomers can be. I know this young gal (she's family) and she can't hold a conversation about literally anything. Won't even answer direct questions straight to the face from time to time. Similar to this anon's experience >>17166686

>> No.17170690
