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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17159395 No.17159395 [Reply] [Original]

Here in New York, we do sauerkraut, onions in sauce, and mustard, or some permutation of those. It's good.

>> No.17159521

NY dogs are pretty dope, what do you think of grays papaya? I went there like 10 years ago and thought it was the shit.

NY dogs in general are pretty based. Chicago is up there as well. Wisconsin has some really good ones if you go to a german butcher. Great snap and they also do sauerkraut.

>> No.17159528

I grill them until they are burnt and top with mustard or I boil them and top with coney sauce and mustard

>> No.17159529
File: 157 KB, 416x416, istockphoto-1139293956-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the Maine red snappers with mustard and relish

>> No.17159553

Looks like dog dicks

>> No.17159556

all the better

>> No.17159797

I'd call Gray's Papaya better than Papaya King, although there's no consensus, really depends on who you ask. Papaya Dog, though, is a shitty copy and it's too bad there are more of them than GP

>> No.17160244

I was Sat on a bench once with coffee and cigarette in Central Park and I was watching a black man eat a hot dog. He caught me as I stared at him eat his hot dog and he said he would kill me and called me a bitch ass white faggot dick sucker. My friend told me never to stare at black people especially while they are eating. New York people are crazy and scared me very much. I was never threatened or yelled at so much in Europe as New York for doing nothing wrong.

>> No.17160246

maybe you shouldn't fucking stare at people

>> No.17160271

Chicago hot dogs are fucking shit and NY hot dogs are objectively better.

>> No.17160355
File: 842 KB, 1170x712, 69D85BAE-D69F-47EE-8859-ABD0ED29F101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love the dogs that Mexicans grill on the side of the street in LA. Whenever I go for a night out in la you can bet that there will be several of these vendors cooking on the street to attract drunk people. I always end up eating like 2-3. It usually has grilled veggies, some combo of ketchup/mustard/mayo, cilantro… amazing

>> No.17161000

That's not mayo, anon...

>> No.17161014
File: 79 KB, 735x1103, 6010FABF-CAD8-4248-9E92-1E1AAFCA885C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you say you do “sauce” do you mean this? Sabretts onion and tomato sauce? People outside of New York like mustard not ketchup or any tomato based sauce, no thanks monkee

>> No.17161018

Of the 4 times i have been on the nyc subway, I got into two altercations with dudes. I can't even count how many times I have ridden the subway in Chicago but I've never had any issue in 12 years. There's something in the water out there that makes people aggressive

>> No.17161041

maybe it was your fault

>> No.17161054

>person who doesn't understand the local culture of a place he's visiting has issues that he doesn't have in his native city
>blames it on the place he's visiting

>> No.17161057

It's really your fault for visiting one of America's biggest crime filled shitholes.

>> No.17161073

I'm not black but I'd have yelled at you, too. What kind of fucking nut stares at a random person eating especially in NYC? I'd have assumed you were some serial killer.

>> No.17161082

staring at people is weird you fucking sperg. stop it.

>> No.17161083

I recently found out that the corndog was apparently invented in Texas which is neat but I prefer chili dogs. Whenever I make chili I finish off the pot over some dogs with plenty of extra raw onion.

>> No.17161086

For me, it's the Costco foot long, plain.

>> No.17161087

Based connoisseur of dog dick

>> No.17161096

NY dogs are literally just a poorfag ripoff of a Chicago dog for people who can’t afford toppings.

>> No.17161101

back in the day I'd make a dog w/ sauerkraut at 7-11 and every time the clerk would open the box to check what I got (probably some fag manager telling them to do it paranoid about stealing) and get grossed out by the sauerkraut lol

>> No.17161109

What is the sauce made of? Sauerkraut and mustard is a pretty standard topping in the Midwest.

>> No.17161115
File: 254 KB, 1024x680, wtf dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to order an anchovy pizza at this one place and when I went to pick it up one time the cashier was like "ok which pizza was yours" and I tell her and she gives me this look and says "seriously?" and then i fucked her in the bathroom and a guy in the next stall clapped

>> No.17161120

bro that's epic I haven't had sex in over 7 years

>> No.17161131

People in Europe are always staring at each other and no one cares. I did not know this was bad behavior in America. And all the people here who are saying these mean things are just like the New York people who yelled at me on the street and in the metro for just no reason. Americans are mean and angry and they act like outdoors is like a prison and you must be always hostile and have vigilance to live.

>> No.17161134

You're going too heavy on the bait now.

>> No.17161171

>new york

>> No.17161217

new york specifically has this issue anon. you are supposed to go about your own business. looking at people is suspicious unless you're at a bar or something where thats the whole point

>> No.17161229

Would you be comfortable with some weird stranger staring at you in public while you eat? That's not a New York thing. What kind of person does that shit?

>> No.17161242

I would not care no

>> No.17161249

Then you are some timid pussy. If some strange guy was staring at me I'd think he's either a faggot or wants to fight.

>> No.17161253

I guess I would be uncomfortable if I were eating a corndog and an obviously gay man was staring at me and licking his lips, but that's kind of a special case

>> No.17161264

i'm imagining the autistic staring contests that apparently happen in europe daily

>> No.17161288

>mustard (real mustard, not that yellow shit)
>onions (raw and fried)
>brioche bun

>> No.17161305

new yorker here and if some weirdo was staring at me in public yeah I'd have a problem with it, because who knows if they're some fucking psycho that's going to knife me or whatever. I will take steps to put some distance between myself and Cap'n Autist

>> No.17161312

Ayyyyyy your walkin heeer

>> No.17161313

I'm saying that's it's not something solely confined to New York. Most non mentally ill people would not feel comfortable if someone was doing that shit.

>> No.17161353

Seconding this. A few times when I've caught people doing this shit they've mistaken me for someone else and were working up the nerve to pick a fight or otherwise inconvenience me.

>> No.17161362
File: 40 KB, 660x660, Bill the Butcher ting ting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear that Eurofren. Fuck New York, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies. What other parts of the US have you visited?

t. lived in NYC for a few years

Based and Billpilled

>> No.17161372

Seriously though, there are no Americans in New York.

>> No.17161404

Many such cases

>> No.17161434

Only New York City in 2017 for a wedding. If I ever return to America I would not visit a big city again.

>> No.17161465

No one will want you making prolonged eye contact with them if you don't know them. If a man does that to another man, they're either trying to fight or fuck them if they''re gay. If you do that to a woman, she's going to think that you're trying to flirt with her. Apparently this isn't a cultural norm in Europe? lmfao

>> No.17161488
File: 1.55 MB, 2576x1932, 20200813_110628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice. Literally every American city is a shithole. Of course a lot of rural/suburban areas are dystopian in their own ways. If you're ever in the US again and want to enjoy your stay I'd recommend scoping out some comfy old New England towns.

>> No.17161502

yeah that's unhinged anon

>> No.17161505

Haha. Staring is normal in Europe. No one cares unless you do it too much. We don’t think every person is trying to rape you or kill you when you look at each other.

>> No.17161525

You gawk at other people and expect them not to say something? That isn't unhinged. You're a fucking weirdo.

>> No.17161527

Papaya king > grey's

>> No.17161531

If you do this in rural areas, people might not say anything because they're too polite to but they will think you are weird as fuck. Don't listen to the other spergs ITT claiming that it's normal here. It's not. They never leave their basement.

>> No.17161646

>in Europe
yes all of the continent of EUROPE is the same
nice b8 m8

>> No.17161655

>Of course a lot of rural/suburban areas are dystopian in their own ways.
That's the fucking truth. For a while I was flying to Detroit and working out of an office in the suburb of Livonia, a town founded in 1950. The most bland and cultureless hellhole I've ever seen. Nothing but big box retail, Panera Bread, and flat land. Driving around was so fucking depressing I ended up just staying in my hotel room most of the time.

>> No.17161820

A quick search of “staring in Euope” proves you wrong.

>> No.17161835

what's the best hot dog stand in the city bro

>> No.17161842

what are you, ashamed of eating?

>> No.17161854

Have you ever been told that you have a staring problem or heard that phase before? That's a common saying for a reason. I've never heard of someone having an eating problem because they don't like being stared at.

>> No.17161860

No wonder Europeans hate American cuisine: it would take too long for the Euro to have a full staring session.

>> No.17161866

Why don't you want someone watching you eat though? Is it a feeling fat thing?

>> No.17161871

I don't want your weird ass staring at me for any reason whatsoever.

>> No.17161879

you both sound like insufferable faggots, why don't you two meet up and have gay buttsex in your 3000/month shoebox apartments?

>> No.17161894

Because you're worried about being fat or ugly?

>> No.17161901

I know this has been one gigantic bait thread but picturing some wide eyed Euro staring at random people on the streets of New York while getting mocked/yelled out creates a hilarious mental image. It sounds like it belongs in a comedy movie.

>> No.17161909

Because you're some creepy faggot disturbing my meal and if you keep doing it I'll probably kick your ass since I'm also a bit drunk by that point.

>> No.17161912

How is that disturbing your meal in any way? Just look away

>> No.17161931

the internet is truth!!!! I bet you think jfk jr is coming back from the dead too

>> No.17161950

The guy is obviously wrong about staring, but don't bring this leftist meme shit in here. Literally no one believes that except maybe a total of five retards on facebook and that's it.

>> No.17162023

I am not wrong. In Europe people always stare and there is no problem. In New York people who saw me staring yelled and threatened. I said to do a search because I didn’t know Americans don’t like staring and if you search for it you will see hundreds of pages of people talking about Europeans staring at people. We are not so unfriendly as people where we think looking at other people is a bad thing that deserves violence so that was a cultural shock to me.

>> No.17162063
File: 242 KB, 1287x660, DFD11209-9A1B-4006-AF8C-6E54C3F13F60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some Chicago Hot Dog Sauce

>> No.17162078

kek never heard of this
fun to read food sites taking it super seriously

>> No.17162083

I've lived here for 20 years and literally never had a problem on the subway

>> No.17162120

Holy shit Chicagoans are mentally ill

>Heinz’s new “Chicago Dog Sauce” — a limited-time-only cheap marketing ploy that disguises the company’s normal, bland ketchup with a new label — is an insult to Abe Froman and the rest of Chicago’s encased-meat community.

>Here’s some Chicago-style sauce for you, Heinz. It might be too spicy for you to handle: Even after after the Cubs won the World Series (a.k.a. hell freezing over), it’s still unacceptable for “Chicago Dog Sauce” (MADE IN PITTSBURGH) to touch a Chicago-style hot dog.

>Grilled onions and sport peppers can be optional. But “the salad on a bun” (mustard, pickle spear, neon-green relish, tomatoes, celery salt, raw onions) is a masterpiece. Don’t ruin the Mona Lisa with cheap red lipstick.

>> No.17162128

You're right. It is weird to feel uncomfortable when you have a stranger leer at you while you eat. You should do that next time that you're at a restaurant--preferably toward an attractive lady trying to having a quiet meal with her husband or boyfriend present. Post results please.

>> No.17162141

I live in a rural house with a creek in my backyard, you triple nigger.

>> No.17162201

2 with mustard and onion and an orange drink
grew up going to grays as a treat no one will convince me its not the best of them

>> No.17162206

Aren’t these toppings used everywhere?

>> No.17162261

fuck off flyover

>> No.17162358

>i-it's just uncomfortable okay?!

>> No.17162364

most places outside of new york only have ketchup + mustard + pickle relish

>> No.17162382

Do "Coasties" and "Flyovers" really hate each other this much*? I've grew up in both places and travel frequently and I've never seen such bile except here in /ck/.

*of course there is racial/political animosity, I firmly believe I will live to see a Yugoslavia-tier minecraft session, but

Also I remember on /ck/ someone said "you probably work in a machine shop" as an insult, what's wrong with that? Brosef I work in a machine shop and it's pretty comfy.

>> No.17162389

Huh. Maybe it’s the german immigrants in my area. Sauerkraut and fried onions are everwhere

>> No.17162406

Chicago style
Simple as.

>> No.17162408

Eh, people from Chicago are assholes too. I have a friend from down south who moved up here and he couldn't believe how rude people were. Even in regular conversation he noted that people are a lot more profane and willing to casually insult you.

>> No.17162420

Born and raised NYC here.
A simple way to avoid trouble in NYC is to simply mind your own fucking business you dumb retard.

>> No.17162543


>> No.17162548


>> No.17162584

In Chicago, we usually go with mustard, relish, onions, and sport peppers. If the dog isn't beef, don't even bother.

>> No.17162590

How autistic do you have to be to consider that shit normal? You can stare at an animal while it's eating and it'll bite your face off if it isn't trained. Mammals have evolved over millions of years to find you freaks weird.

>> No.17162595

One time I got on the L and sat like 10 feet from a black guy, and I could hear him mumbling to himself that I was a faggot for sitting so close to him. I just moved to the other end of the car.

>> No.17162616

I wonder why sauerkraut has never caught on here in Chicago. We have huge Polish and German populations, yet our hot dogs and sausages are more likely to be featured with grilled onions in sauerkraut's place.

>> No.17162622

Nah, in both cases it’s insufferable burbcucks. The coastal people who cry about flyovers are just the burbcucks who wish they were actual cityChads.
The “flyovers” who cry about coasties are just the Midwest equivalent of burbcuck. Like poor white trash who wish they could be farmerChads or rancherChads.
They’re the same failures at life, just different accents.

>> No.17162623

It's eaten that way in Indiana but it's more commonly paired with bratwurst. Maybe Chicago specifically refused to adopt it in order to differentiate itself from the east coast? I have no idea.

>> No.17162659

I like the way you summed it up. Yeah the majority don't care and don't think about it. Don't use the internet as a cultural indicator

>> No.17162660

This isn't true at all. Even the most backwater flyover spot will offer you a chili dog or coney dog.

>> No.17162693

How could he tell you’re a faggot?

>> No.17162721

What, does he think he's better than you?

>> No.17162723

I was sucking his cock and didn't even gag.

>> No.17162813

I think polish sausages are polish by name only. The area around Maxwell Street (where the sausages and hotdogs supposedly originate from) has been home to many different changing ethnicities, so while many polish and german people did pass through, the vendors had to also cater to others like bohemians, jews, greeks, italians blacks, mexicans etc

>> No.17162959

>Home made chili
>Fresh red onion or caramelized yellow onion
>ketchup and mustard

>> No.17163097

>why does it make people uncomfortable?
>because it's not normal
>why isn't it normal?
>because it makes people uncomfortable

>> No.17163100

I've lived all over the country and have only seen Coney dogs on Coney Island

>> No.17164208

This has to be photoshopped right?

>> No.17164497
File: 91 KB, 300x300, e1fba1d4a4ad1866ded49c5d773c741a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever had a Brazilian hot dog? http://www.cachorrodorosario.com.br/produtos/1/cachorros

>> No.17164519 [DELETED] 

Bacon scrapple cheese. Sonotan Sauce. Toasted bun. Kriegbel.

>> No.17164530

You sure thats not a neon glowstick?

>> No.17164534

Black people are like enderman anon, tall, can't swim, steal shit, run fast and attack you if you stare hem

>> No.17164536
File: 60 KB, 480x194, 1640189101785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based red hot dog bro. Same thing going on in NC.

>> No.17164540

Maybe Varg was right. The original Aryans were autistic

>> No.17164555


>> No.17164564

Europeans, especially the more North you venture, are incredibly autistic but in a heartwarming way. Americans have this weird fucking switch that's always flipped on where they need to go go go go go and are always smiling and overly sanguine if not just plain vicious and aggressive. Everything about Americans becomes off putting once you spend a lot of time around Europeans.

t. American who's lived in Europe for years a time on several occasions.

>> No.17164604
File: 74 KB, 1401x793, nRmpSJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brooklynfag here.

i only put ketchup and sweet relish on my hotdog.

>> No.17164615

That's a woman

>> No.17164633

Take the hotdogs slit them down the middle stick in some sharp cheddar then wrap them in bacon and bake. Serve in a bun with some spicy mustard and a side of Lipitor.

>> No.17164640
File: 1.32 MB, 1197x895, 1640136329233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People in Europe are always staring at each other and no one cares.

>muh look people in the eye or have 7 years of bad sex meme superstition

literally what the fuck is wrong with yuros. give people some space.

>t. asian

>> No.17164650

I'm from NY too and those dirty water dogs are disgusting. Assholes are expected to eat those vile things with their butts sticking out so the shit doesn't fall on their shirts. That shit is pretty fucking lame.

>> No.17164656

Anyone that eats those dirty water dogs is barely one step up from a hobo.

>> No.17164683

Another thing about NYC is avoid like the plaque any public access food places like salad bars on the west side of Manhatten, there have been multiple reports of bums/hobos going into those and dumping thier piss that they've put into bottles into the salad bars. They seem to target Korean joints on the west side.

>> No.17164893
File: 539 KB, 2281x2694, Urban rural doge cheems suburbanites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. They're building a fucking mcmansion subdivision uncomfortably close to my house :^(

>> No.17164901


U wot m8?

>> No.17164907

Carroll Gardens?

>> No.17164914
File: 340 KB, 1562x832, Hair mog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based JOMON bums dabbing on k*reans

>> No.17164935



>> No.17165074

Shut the fuck up, Chang. Asians are the not staring people in the world. Especially chinks and jeets

>> No.17165085

*most staring

>> No.17166845

They're around the Detroit area give or take 1,000 miles in any direction. We have them in Indianapolis.

>> No.17166866
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1f4a976a4204060124de30f67d6dbd8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Australia:

>> No.17166880

Why do people call me dumb?
Because I'm a retard.
Why am I a retard?
Because I'm dumb.

>> No.17166929

Don't they sell these at some hardware store or something?

>> No.17166967

I'm from Europe and staring is expected here. Where are you from?

>> No.17167044
File: 227 KB, 636x327, blue-velvet-dennis-hopper-you-fuck-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you afraid of being looked at

>> No.17167427

lol wtf

>> No.17167518

>Take the hotdogs slit them down the middle stick in some sharp cheddar then wrap them in bacon and bake
New bottom surgery just dropped

>> No.17169406

my cum is the best condiment for everything.

>> No.17169410


>> No.17169412

They have this where I live

>> No.17170633
File: 603 KB, 800x800, WVDog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Virginian by birth here. Even in the coastal Hell I've found myself, I still enjoy a chili dog with slaw and mustard.