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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 347 KB, 4032x3024, basedboy_kent_rollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17150526 No.17150526 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to officially apologize to Amerifats. I always used to make fun of your trash (((cuisine))), but this man showed me the way. I, as a Frenchmen, kneel to cowboy cuisine. Even I as a superior being, must admit cowboy food is darn tootin' good.

>> No.17150590

I don't believe you are really French. Show beret and stripped shirt with time stamp

>> No.17150604

Post balls with timestamp

>> No.17150616

post maggot cheese that is currently in your refrigerator

>> No.17150627

post uncut willy

>> No.17150628

Post your Qaran with time stamp

>> No.17150663

Show us your baguette.

>> No.17150666

post your cheese stash

>> No.17150670

Did you try the cowboy beef stew yet? It's basically beef bourguignon stew over mashed potatoes.

>> No.17150843

cowboy cuisine stole recipes from mexican cuisine fyi
not all but a few they take credit for

>> No.17150850

you french snobs are such pussies
here you are again proving how cucked you are to america
keep suckling uncle sams cock you french faggot

>> No.17150860

Most mexican dishes of any value are spanish in origin. So maybe mexicans shouldnt live in glass houses

>> No.17150875

Post your baguette holder.

>> No.17150884

thi como no
largarte a la verga "voth"
que no sabeis lo que hablas
los espanoles comen mierda

>> No.17150887

you are utterly incorrect

>> No.17150895
File: 60 KB, 480x640, Cattle drive gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working out on the ranch, I don't get a lot of time for making grub. Heck, living 36 miles from the nearest McDonalds a man needs to be self reliant. That's why when I'm hungry after a long day of wrangling cattle, I reach for a can of Cattle Drive Gold. It might not be what you imagine rancher eating, like in the movies, a swinging cast iron pot over a campfire. But hell, does it fill my belly, and make me ready to work a long day with my own hands. We're a simple folk, a resourceful folk, and most of all we love our Cattle Drive Gold. And we're proud of it

>> No.17150909

>mexicans suddenly think stealing is bad

>> No.17150916

shittiest ad ive ever witnessed
try again old timer

>> No.17150917

seethe and cope harder

>> No.17150923

when did pink niggers decide theft is bad ?
oh yeah they still think its okay

>> No.17150928

no gracias ,gringhoe

>> No.17150940

seems I struck a nerve with the chomos

>> No.17150950
File: 445 KB, 588x742, F3F2D664-0E15-4A3D-AFD9-5AF0D2699A1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sun setting on the prairie. Chickens clucking on their way to roost, the cattle mooing which echos across the vast expanse of grass and horses whinnying softly as they lay down to rest. A sloppy slurping sound emits from the covered wagon as well as a squealing moan as Kent Rollins suckles and licks Nikocados enlarged coin slot giving him an orgasmic mustache ride.

>> No.17150966

sure thing translucent scum

>> No.17150967

Thanks for remembering me I had a Camembert left outside

>> No.17151001
File: 139 KB, 250x227, 1635673304326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17151035

By "cowboy cuisine" do you mean steak? So they don't have that in France? How am I not surprised

>> No.17151044

am i supposed to be offended by that ?
i voted for el trumpo estupido

>> No.17151051

We can't afford meat

>> No.17151066


>> No.17151091

Cowboy cuisine is a code for gays sucking dicks.

>> No.17151094


>> No.17151141

no one can anymore
>t., stole like $50 of meat today lmao

>> No.17151726

stfu falseflagger

>> No.17151761

big hard throbbing cocks ramming cowboy butt
like a breeding ram wanting to rut

>> No.17151784
File: 312 KB, 1500x1263, 81wbkBJArVL._AC_UL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17151808

Imagine saying that and hinting it doesn’t make you a blithering moron. That election tourists get the rope you faggot polnigger

>> No.17151880

See you tomorrow at the chicken factory, jeorge

>> No.17153940

Cowboy cum guzzler faggotry, go step on a landmine Habib
I hope a scorpion crawls up your ass and lays eggs

>> No.17153967

All merrycans in this thread can gobble my merry cock

>> No.17154535

Sad he has to larp as some rough and tough cowboy because “cooking is gay”

>> No.17154555

cowboys stole land from mexico too so the culture is their's to use as they please

>> No.17154570
File: 35 KB, 542x600, gallagher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17154576

stopped watching this dudes videos after i saw him feeding his dog with his hands and then proceed to cooking and touching his own food.

>> No.17154586
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, explaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one square inch of what's now America was part of Mexico when they gained independence in 1821.
Mexico invaded California, both alta and baja.
Mexico invaded New Mexico.
Mexico invaded Texas.
All the land Mexico ceded to the US in 1850 were lands they themselves had stolen.

>> No.17154601

so what, retard

>> No.17154623
File: 38 KB, 600x427, 1563952824799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you meant by that.
If you're the "cowboys stole the beaner's land" Anon, it turns out you're wrong both in the sense that the land was ceded by the Mexican government, not stolen, and that if you're opposed to actual stealing, then you can't really complain about losing something you stole.
Notice how I used complete sentences, with capitalization, punctuation and everything?
But you think I'm the retard in this conversation?

>> No.17154629

I am not opposed to stealing. By saying the cowboys did not steal it you are using revisionism to deny America's glorious achievements and if you do it again I am going to have to fight you in the parking lot.

>> No.17154653

>By saying the cowboys did not steal it
I did say that in my second post, but stuck strictly to facts, not opinion, in my first.
So just what did you find objectionable in: >>17154586
This post >>17154555 is at best the pot calling the kettle black.
At worst, the same historical revisionism you accuse me of.
And I do think there's a difference between Mexico seizing land through violent force and the US pressuring Mexico into giving up some part of what they themselves had stolen.

>> No.17154663

That's it buddy, we're taking this outside.

>> No.17154671
File: 61 KB, 728x546, biggest dick award.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of that was "revisionist"?
But OK, I'll see you out there.

>> No.17156379

This is a thread about cowboy cooking not one about sausages. Take your sick fantasies elsewhere you ameriposter.

>> No.17157749


>> No.17159369


>> No.17159455

I still want to hear from the French cowboy about his favorites.
>From western food to "cowboys stole from Mexico" (the US government had the war declarations already written up to fight a weak opponent though)

>> No.17159617


This is /ck/ demand to see his baguette faggot.

>> No.17159722
File: 580 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_5183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plutôt mourir debout que de vivre à genoux.

OPé nooon on doit rester solidaire contre les cowboys et les ninjas

>> No.17159951

Mexican people are annoying petty creatures

>> No.17159980

you are such a dumb fucking autist. I am an American chauvinist cracker and only ever said "stole" as part of a joke and never gave the slightest indication that I had something against it, and was busting your balls in an overt way with the hope that you would figure that out but you are so retarded that you not only couldn't figure it out but came back the next day after the conversation died to sperg out about it again, twice.

>> No.17159982

American cooking has so much sovl. Only bugmen say that American cooking was shit before we imported Latinx folx.

>> No.17159990

American cuisine = real America
The "America" other countries are cucked to is ran by the (((coastal elites))) and they hate American cuisine anyway.

>> No.17159992

>hon hon hon

>> No.17160052

you pink niggers are even worse

>> No.17161603
File: 220 KB, 1080x1066, sumac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you get out of /pol/ mr eggman?

>> No.17161720

Why are all Mexicans on 4chan (really doesn't matter what board) so unlikeable? Are they like this in real life too? Is this why Americans hate them so much?

>> No.17161723

You’re welcome.

>> No.17161728

You ever know a guy that is five feet tall (152 cm) but acts like he's the biggest, baddest man that has ever manned? Imagine that but it's an entire country of them.

>> No.17162583

The heat from the grill cooks the meat