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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17155751 No.17155751 [Reply] [Original]

hey bro, I've got your pizza delivery right here. I'm on my way.

>> No.17155763

There’s no pizza in that pizza warming bag.
You don’t deliver pizza.
Why do you lie on the internet?
What an absolute faggot ass bitch you are.

>> No.17155770

How do people even live in this kind of filth? I just don't get it. An old buddy of mine (who unironically was a dominos manager) had a car in which every floorboard except the driver's was filled with trash. The passenger seat floor was literally filled with trash to the same level as the seat itself. It was like that every time I saw him and I knew him for years. I just don't get how someone can live like that and be ok with it.

>> No.17155778

The horseradish is pretty based

>> No.17155810

Still 3x cleaner than my car minus the shitty interior. My car has at least a dozen bags of fast food containing lettuce and soiled napkins in various state of decomposition.

>> No.17155864

this is Pat, which former friend are you?

>> No.17155877

I'm like this (>>17155810). My house is clean but my car is a disaster. Who gives a shit? Cars are for transportation and eating fast food. I don't take pride in my car and I don't care who sees the mess.

>> No.17155891

it's a sign that you don't litter. i have gotten pretty bad in the past because i eat a lot of meals and drink energy drinks on the way to work. i don't smoke anymore but when i did my ashtrays were overflowing sometimes and the butts would fall to the floor. nowadays i try to bring a trash bag out to car once a week and clean it out. if you leave a bunch of monster cans in the car it smells like a dead animal

>> No.17155896

No thanks I cook my own pizza.

>> No.17155906

Your homemade pizza is shit, anon.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to find out like this. Just tell the other guys it was me and not you, ok? Tell them your pizza is great but I just didn’t have the patrician taste to properly appreciate it.
That will make it easier for both of us.

>> No.17155920

>if you leave a bunch of monster cans in the car it smells like a dead animal
I don't drink Monster but that's strange it would smell that bad.

Yesterday I opened the door and it smelled like a beautifully ripe banana. I left a peel in the backseat and with the cooler temperatures it has slowed down decay and it is quite pleasant for now.

>> No.17155926

why didn't you save him?

>> No.17155953

I was hanging out with a friend from high school who ended up severely depressed and possibly bipolar shortly around graduation. I went off to college and was doing really well and whenever I was back home I'd pay a visit. We'd get high and just hang around his shitty apartment. It was quite depressing.

One time I got really high with him and I was feeling really energetic. I looked around at the state of his apartment and suggested we clean it. He said no and I got really into the idea saying how much better he'd feel and we'd put on music and it would be fun. He glared at me and said he didn't need anyone to clean his house.

I didn't take no for an answer and did his dishes and cleaned the kitchen. He even pitched in and we cleaned his living room. I started losing steam at that point and didn't want to clean his horrific bathroom or invade his privacy further so I stopped. For a while it was fun and I felt like I was helping the guy.

>> No.17156008

Knew a guy like that. Once was in his room about to smoke joint and went to open the window, slipped on a sealed piss bottle that was hidden under detritus, landed on my ass and the joint flew from my hand and got lost in the sea of garbage. It was all the weed I had and I was fucking furious

>> No.17156016

That poor camry

>> No.17156027

that's disgusting. also female ass trait to have a dirty car

>> No.17156028

Great thread. Keep up the good work jannies

>> No.17156035

This is how COVID spreads

>> No.17156040

I don't litter and my car is pretty clean. How hard is it to toss a bag away when you get out of your car. Fuck, most gas stations have trash cans by the pumps so you can throw your shit away when you wait for it to fill. How fat and lazy are you?

>> No.17156044

It's not hard at all

>> No.17156096

Why do you care?

>> No.17156119
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>> No.17156145

Not the same anon, but for the betterment of humanity.


>> No.17156153

>muh car is part of muh identity

>> No.17156158

>, but for the betterment of humanity
I can see right thru you

>> No.17156617 [DELETED] 

Where's that deckposting faggot?

>> No.17156625

Typically it stems from depression.

>> No.17156701
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how can people actually live like this? my room is a mess half the time but this is insanity

>> No.17156725

A messy car means you are depressed?

My house is clean, my office is clean, my lab is clean and my car looks like a landfill. I have a family, make 6 figures in a STEM field and I have several enriching hobbies. My car does not reflect my mental state.

Empty car empty soul I suppose.

>> No.17156739


>> No.17156769

Good way to avoid people (moochers) asking you for rides.

>> No.17156781

I agree. I literally never clean any of my 3 cars interiors and they just have a little dust and look pretty clean. Just don't put garbage and leave things in your car. It also gives ppl a reason to break into your car btw

>> No.17156785

You have enough of a brain to justify your filthy car in a hundred ways. You still know deep down that it is an allowance of filth and laziness. You could just take a trash bag out, clear most of the shit, then take it to a car detailer in your area. Pay a little cash to get it nice as a treat to yourself. You know, instead of keeping a neurotic need to slack on this.

>> No.17156795

Everybody here makes 6 figures

>> No.17156816


As already pointed out, depression is a factor, along with endless procrastination. But more generally, people can become accustomed to almost anything, especially if they are socially isolated and don't have family/friends to keep them in check. Furthermore, your own filth doesn't feel as "dirty" as other people's filth.

Some mechanics will outright refuse to work on vehicles that look like this (and indeed they should).

>> No.17156825
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Sous chef at a Michelin-starred Wendy's restaurant here. Based on my undergraduate work and master's thesis, I got a scholarship to the "Auteur Elite" program at the inimitable Dave Thomas Institute. My contract required me to spend six years working for Mr. Thomas after graduation--if indeed I was among the 6% who graduated--either "in the trenches" in a Wendy's kitchen, or as an academic at the corporate Flavor Studio Internationale at Wendy's global HQ in Zürich. But I have never felt the need to look for employment elsewhere. The seasonal menu innovations are just so cutting-edge and challenging; neither my palate nor my hands have ever gotten bored. And frankly, with my Wendy's benefits package, I will be able to comfortably retire by age thirty, and dedicate the rest of my life to personal artistic culinary projects. The cutthroat world of "fast food" cuisine is a young man's game anyway. I plan to open a quirky coastal taverna in Sicily called "Il Tavolo Americano"; like most Wendy's alumni, we will offer obvious but respectful derivatives of classics like the Baconator and Frosty, with a little quaint local flair. Some of my colleagues would rather set up shop in Paris or Milan, and more power to them. The point is, with Wendy's on your CV, no kitchen door will ever be closed to you.

And yes, the question gets old, but I'll answer it anyway. My base salary (not counting stock options) is about €400,000, and my penis is 11.5 inches long.

>> No.17156836

It has no significance in my life. My time and attention is limited and I would rather spend the surplus on shitposting than cleaning my car. I would rather spend money on one of my hobbies than getting my car cleaned.

>> No.17156839

Ok but change the fries back

>> No.17156855

>My time and attention is limited

And yet... here you are.

>I would rather spend money on one of my hobbies

Other than your "hobby" of shitposting on 4chan, what other exalted pursuits get in the way of basic hygiene? Fortnite skins? Funkopops?

>getting my car cleaned

Zoomer detected. GET A GARBAGE BAG AND A BOTTLE OF SPRAY CLEANER AND DO IT YOURSELF. In the time you spent replying, the job could have been half done.

>> No.17156973



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>> No.17156988

There's the excuses. It's right in your face and you know it.

>> No.17157006

If you just clean your car once a week it takes like 5 minutes.

>> No.17157030

DUDE! I drove my truck for 15 years and the inside of it never looked like that. how the hell did the steering wheel get all that jizz on it?

>> No.17157034

>Other than your "hobby" of shitposting on 4chan, what other exalted pursuits get in the way of basic hygiene? Fortnite skins? Funkopops?
Kayaking, fly fishing and crabbing, shooting, hunting (waterfowl and upland birds, deer if the chance arises), skiing, woodworking, gardening, cooking, foraging and more. My wife and kids are involved in most of these hobbies.

And I was responding to >>17156785 re: paying to get my car cleaned.

The fact is I live a generally happy and satisfying life, I have a great career, I make good money, I enjoy my family time and I have had diverse experiences so far. Any attempt to extrapolate the state of my car to my life status and mental health state is simply false. You are free to keep probing though.

>> No.17157042


>> No.17157487

you posted this on /tv/ yesterday

>> No.17157516


And I posted it on /ck/ the day before that. Dominos doesn't care, they pay me as long as the logo on the bag is visible. There's an 18.46% chance that you placed an online order within 10 minutes after seeing OP. The Noid ain't got nothin on me.

>> No.17157567

the pizza mask is to protect the customer and pizza from exposure to the cars 6 feet proximity.

>> No.17157602

judging from the state of your truck, your wife is probably fat with a smelly vagina, and your kids are probably niglets

>> No.17157729

>shit on the driver floorboard
That's just a safety hazard for the driver.
Everything else is fine.

>> No.17158401

I always avoid the noid

>> No.17158415

I deliver food and this hits home

I never have anything below my feet though when I’m driving because it’s just dangerous. And my car is in better condition

>> No.17160042
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>> No.17160086

no, u :>)

>> No.17160092

cloth seats were BUILT for having trash thrown on them

>> No.17160101

crazy how everyone on 4channel makes six figures and lead happy perfect lives.

>> No.17160122

He has several *enriching* hobbies.
Lmfao at how dumb this sounds

>> No.17160487 [DELETED] 


I'm a delivery driver and have had a roach problem in my car before in the past. Keeping roaches from entering food is always a headache because you don't know if they actually went in their bag or not.

I don't have a roach problem anymore, but now I staple the food bags (They're not always stapled by the place), and then I place them in the hot bag (doesn't really keep food hot, more like it shields the food away from your car's air condition).

>> No.17160493

Most food delivery drivers will have a roach problem eventually if you don't clean out your car often and thoroughly. My uncle wasn't even a food delivery person but would always buy food for his family members and thus always had food in his car. He always had roach problems in the vehicle and he'd buy those roach fog sprays to get rid of them lol

>> No.17160497

Ok well I just don't like niggerspit in my pizza.