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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 183 KB, 1795x1335, food-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17149750 No.17149750 [Reply] [Original]

Who can't even order a plate of food without taking a picture of it? Why, though.

>> No.17149752

yes I am gay how could you tell?

>> No.17149800

> Are you one of this guys
You mean every woman?

>> No.17149805

Usually not unless the chef nails it out of the park with the presentation in which case I'll snap a pic just to look at later because for some reason, I REALLY like looking at pictures of food that are well presented.

>> No.17149811

>order a plate of food
fuck restaurants.

>> No.17149812

>dining out while the coof is still alive an well

>> No.17149892

I frequent this online image forum dedicated to food and cooking and sometimes I just like to share what I'm food or cooking. I know, it's weird.

>> No.17150148

I do it to keep track of restaurants I ate at and what food I had. Even if I don't get remember the name, the EXIF data can find it.

>> No.17150167

I left the house for the first time in a couple months the other night to meet friends for dinner. I live in a mask mandate state, and I am glad to say almost nobody coming into the restaurant or leaving were wearing masks, and then when we went Christmas shopping at the sporting goods store, none of the customers were wearing masks. It was a beautiful sight.

>> No.17150215

Women detected

>> No.17150531

I sometimes take pictures of meals I make and send them to my sister.

>> No.17151168

I do it so that I can log the calories later into an excel spreadsheet

>> No.17151600
File: 82 KB, 560x550, instagramfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17152128

my sister does this shit.
spends all day making some recipe she got off the internet.
carefully arranges it and takes pictures.
posts on facebook.
trying to make everyone think her life is perfect.
worried she might anhero someday.

I make really good food and just eat it. I'm also not on facebook.

>> No.17152365
File: 1.35 MB, 2419x1814, 20211219_214938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take a picture of anything if I find the effort involved and the presentation to be exceptional. Effort (beyond normal standards) warrants recognition.

Two months ago, I stopped in a random gas station on a road Ive driven hundreds of times. In the middle of basically nowhere. My first time ever inside, I was shocked at the quality of the establishment and the friendliness of the staff at the register. So, yeah. I took a pic of the shit area. Just speaking for myself, if I take a pic, its because the business deserves praise.

Picrel is the bathroom

>> No.17152369
File: 1.44 MB, 2419x1814, 20211219_215040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17152381

not gonna lie, that is one of the cleanest gas station's WCs I've ever seen. Most of them look like a Californian downtown alley.

>> No.17152386

Yes for a number of heard I was a Yelp Elite reviewer.

>> No.17152388

based bathroom appreciator

>> No.17152391
File: 517 KB, 480x480, 1619991107008.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm one of these guys.

>> No.17152392


that's a truck stop shower and you have to pay $25 dollars to use it. definitely not a public gas station bathroom

>> No.17152431

Lol thanks, I travel enough to know quality when I see it.

No, its actually a completely normal gas station without any sign on the door other than a "please be kind, clean up" sort of thing. No fees, and its single use (non communal). Im not saying which one it is but its within 45 minutes of Georgetown, SC on Hwy. 17. Not even a trucker gas station.

>> No.17152438

I have lots of friends in my group chat so I always put pictures on there. Must be sad to not have many people to talk to.

>> No.17152456

to look through while at the dentist's office or whatever

>> No.17152457

I think its sad that you communicate with your "friends" through an app

>> No.17152468

100% this. You should be with every friend you have at all times no exceptions

>> No.17152482

Women don't know what fucking EXIF data is.

>> No.17152490
File: 213 KB, 503x759, 1632362377377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys, i ate a salad!
>like wtf rite lol!?

>> No.17152705

No need to be mad. I’ll be your friend if you want. Do you like rocket league?

>> No.17152719

fuck you faggot, I don’t do that shit

>> No.17152730

Why would I take a picture of food someone else prepared? Where is the misplaced sense of pride coming from that would cause me to even think of doing that?

>> No.17152775

I only see Asians do this

>> No.17152807

It looks identical to Flying J showers.

>> No.17152816
