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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 645x968, Vegan-Chili-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17145411 No.17145411 [Reply] [Original]

Post some vegan recipes. I'll start with some chili.

olive oil
1 large onion
3 cloves of garlic
2 bell peppers
whatever other peppers you want
3 cans of chopped tomatoes
1 can of kidney beans
1 can of black beans
1 small can of tomato puree
250 grams porcini mushrooms
2 stalks of celery
onion powder
garlic powder
garnish with cilantro or parsley
The perfect chili.

>> No.17145632

There are some really simple and delicious vegan meals e.g.

>slowly sizzle an onion in olive oil
>add 2 cans of red kidney beans (with the juice drained away obviously
>sizzle until the beans get that refried bean texture, make sure ur on a low heat or youll ruin them
>add paprika
>sizzle for another 30secs-1 minute
>add salt
like 40 grams of protein and heaps of fibre

>wholemeal pasta
>spring onion
>lemon juice
>white pepper
just mash the avocado, cook the pasta, mix it all together. No need t cook the vegies its a pasta salad

>olive oil
cook the cauliflower in the olive oil add salt if u want

>soak oats in soymilk, add banana and cinnamon.

good on you for choosing an ethical diet.

>> No.17145638

>with the juice drained away (((obviously)))

>> No.17145645

If you don't rinse EVERYTHING that comes from a can you fucking nasty.

>> No.17145660

You will never be good at cooking.

>> No.17145712

seethe you filthy casual

>> No.17145975
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>> No.17145988

even vegan chili should not contain beans

>> No.17146014

Salad. Without sauce.

>> No.17146027

epic troll

>> No.17147776

What life decisions do you need to make to find yourself typing these words and clicking post? Bleak.

>> No.17148497

Based. Thanks for sharing anons.

>> No.17148513

Sorry anon, not interested. Try /lgbt

>> No.17148547

Pigs are smarter and more self-aware than dogs. Research what their "life" is like in factory farms. Then ask yourself if you would support institutions that subject dogs to the same hell

>> No.17148671

Don't answer to trolls
Hummus is super simple to make and anyone should add mint to the blender.

>> No.17149263

Couscous salad:
(this salad is has enough fat carbs and protein that it works as a main meal)

1 tomato
1 cucumber
1 carrot
3 spring onions
1 can chickpeas drained and rinsed
1 cup couscous
(chop up the vegies obviously)

2 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons coriander
15-30 ml olive oil
30 ml maple syrup
60-100 ml lemon juice
1-3 cloves finely chopped garlic
shake it all together in a jar

shit tastes so good and it only takes like 20 mins

>> No.17149271
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>> No.17149273
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higher resolution

>> No.17149280

wait I should add for the avocado pasta one youre generally gonna want to use penne or spirals cos spaghetti has a hard time getting coated around the avo

>> No.17149379

where is the couscous?

>> No.17149614

i hate vegans so much... but i'd eat that, also would add a dollop of sour crean and some cheddar cheese

>> No.17149616

some recipes you use the juice some you rinse, simple as

>> No.17149628
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>Pigs are smarter and more self-aware than dogs.
i i'm so sick of hearing this bullshit, NO they are not. Maybe if you're a retard that trained a retarded dog but no pig will warn you that you blood sugar is dropping nor would a pig give a fuck even if you managed to train it to

>> No.17149668

>they are not because... They just heckling aren't OK??? I FEEL dogs are smarter that's all that matters

>> No.17149722
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i have actually dealt with both and i trust my malinois with my life, the hogs not so much
also i never seen a hog open the the two latches on his crate

>> No.17149798

dogfaggotry is a mental illness, I hope your furbaby gets the hecking zoomies in traffic

>> No.17149839

Are you so retarded that you need your pet to tell you when your blood sugar is low? Lay off the soda, fatass.

>> No.17150031
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my dogs are working dogs and trained accordingly

>> No.17150033

some people are born that way

>> No.17150043

you sound like a nigger

>> No.17150182
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Pigs also can get to 250 lbs of incredible pork in just 6 months on anything including literal garbage.
You also don't have to buy your meat from factory farms. Vegans really aught to learn more about farming and just how complex it is instead of just looking at cheap shitty consolidated farms that only really could exist in a post petroleum world. You really should actually look into agriculture outside of people who supply chain supermarkets and fast food restaurants and vegan documentaries that don't really care to show both sides.

Also as someone who keeps a livestock animal as a pet, I can tell you there might be some similarities to a dog but they most certainly are NOT dogs. You might have met a veitnamese pot bellied or a juliana that was raised around people but I guarantee you have not spent time around one of those industrial monsters that would eat you without a second thought. 16 hogs can easily eat an entire person in just 8 minutes. Each pig ripping and consuming 2 lbs of your flesh in a minute. Don't think your dietary choices would make them think otherwise.

>> No.17150333
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If you raise your own animals and you take good care of them, then in my eyes that's infinitely better than relying industrial meat farms. the problem is that for the vast majority of people, meat is just that tasty thing you can get for cheap on styrofoam trays at your local supermarket.

As for pig intelligence, I don't base that on their capacity for companionship with human beings. that seems arbitrary to this conversation. I base it on their capacity for self-awareness, horror and suffering

I guess the argument doesn't work when pigs are also smarter than the person who you are trying to convince

>> No.17150335

The juice in pineapple cans is absolutely heavenly. Why don't they sell that stuff by the bottle?

>> No.17150503
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There is a middle ground between industrial cafo slop and raising an animal yourself. You can buy a years worth of pork in one single purchase from a good non consolidated farm (the term factory farm is too vague imo). Remember a hog is 250 lbs at 6 months. Buying a whole pig is 135+ lbs of just retail cuts, you get more if you're more willing to eat organs and other non conventional parts like trotters and the head.

I agree most people don't give a shit, but theres also people who do give a shit but dont want to/cant eliminate meat from their diet, and this all or nothing shame tactic of being an insufferable sickly vegan asshole just drives people away from an answer to the issues we have with animal welfare in modern meat/dairy/egg production. The best way to fight hyper consolidated farms is to support their competitors.

Eatwild.com is a great place to check to support small farms.

>> No.17150572
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I agree that there are more humane ways to do it. And I wholeheartedly understand that some people need to eat meat in order to eat at all.

Personally, I start with the axiom of doing my best to reduce UNNECESSARY suffering. Since I have enough money to feed myself and I live in a country where veggie alternatives are readily available to me, I believe I should eat veggie/vegan because that's one less customer in the market for killing animals. Again, I understand that some people actually have to eat meat because that's what's available to them. The part I'm less understanding towards is when people don't want to minimize the murder of animals because bacon just tastes good. It's prioritizing your own decadence over the lives of thinking and feeling animals. That's ultimately the argument that motivated me to ween myself off of meat. I didn't need to be eating it.

>> No.17150615

>1 part lentils
>1 part brown rice
>3 parts water or vegetable broth

Cook until the liquid is gone. I use a rice cooker so I don't have to think about it.

Based and vegpilled.

>> No.17150621

You talk about unnecessary suffering like an animal getting shot in the head without seeing it coming is absolute torture. It's not the same as killing a person and to even attempt to try to see it that way is taking a step towards neuroticism. And to think we only eat meat because of taste is purely stunted thinking. Every single person I met, and I mean every single one who is vegan who I have met has tons of health issues. I don't know why you think your meat alternatives is even avoiding suffering. All those processed meat alternatives tend to contain refined seed oils, the production of which produces tons of inedible byproducts which is only good for supporting the consolidated animal farms you claim to hate so much.

And if you think just because you pay for crops that means animals aren't dying again, your thoughts are stunted. Once you really look into how food is grown you'll realize a crop field isn't free of animals. They are built over natural habitats for wildlife, and those animals have nothing else to eat except the crops grown. But we dont want them to eat the crops. So we poision, trap, shoot, sick dogs on, whatever we can to kill them. And many of the ways we kill pests are absolutely painful. Like the rodenticides that cause the ingested to bleed internally for up to three days before death mercifully comes.

It's not about taste, it's just that as fucked up as it sounds, a domesticated animal born to not be stressed around humans and can be herded into a quick death is actually the path of least suffering.

You really should be talking to farmers, not going to whole foods.

>> No.17150818

>an animal getting shot in the head without seeing it coming
If this was the standard method of slaughtering livestock I would have less objection.
>It's not the same as killing a person
I haven't tried to conflate the two. If a human is hungry and their only reliable food source is another animal then they should kill and eat it. Same as any other omnivore.
>Every single person I met, and I mean every single one who is vegan who I have met has tons of health issues
This isn't science. There are a million published papers that all contradict each other on the topic. Same with basically any nutritional claim. It ultimately boils down to individual metabolisms. People should consult their doctor and out what works for them as individuals

As to your point about mass agriculture, That shit is fucked up too and we should be putting more effort into figuring out more environmentally friendly practices like vertical farming, permaculture, and simple backyard gardens

>> No.17150914

If you are going to suggest vertical farming as a legitimate way to grow any significant amount of food in an environmentally friendly way tells me you really do need to learn more about agriculture as a whole, not just watch netflix. And a huge part of properly doing permaculture is integrating animals.
Backyard gardening is great too. But you will get more bang for your buck from your backyard with again, some livestock. Chickens or even bees will help a lot. I already garden and raise livestock but having connections to and supporting other small farmers is really the most crucial component in improving our food system.

All those "millions" of papers are all funded by other vegans who have a moral agenda. It would be like someone saying a certain religion is healthier than others... Oh wait, that already exists. And its funded by the religion that wants to claim to be the healthiest.

Again, you COULD try to source your meat to a small farm that actually does do at home slaughter where there is a lot less stress on the animal and suggest that to meat eaters, but you don't. Vegans always do this all or nothing approach because the idea of a middle ground seems to terrify them.

>> No.17151410

vegan red pasta (this is the shit)

>fry like 3 medium sized onions and some garlic
>add 2 cans of tomatoes
>add oregano, basil, chilli powder, and tomato paste after adding the tomatoes
>simmer on a low heat
>meanwhile cook 100g pasta
The ratios probably seem off but the trick here is that you want only a smallamount of pasta to heaps of sauce. trust me, you should try it like this. dont even worry about dicing the fuck out of the onions, just chop em rough and chunky... the thickness will be delightful

>And if you think just because you pay for crops that means animals aren't dying again, your thoughts are stunted.
i remember thinking that argument was profound when i read it on maddox site when i was like 15. Stop making excuses you fat faggot.

>> No.17151447

Fun fact:
Ethical vegans treat people who are vegan for other reasons like niggers. Ethical vegans are scumfucks.

>> No.17151456

>no counterargument
>just assumes I'm fat
I'm 112 lbs and there's plenty of fatass vegans.
There is no bloodless diet. Also your pasta sounds like it's bland and watery.

>> No.17151457

damn this thread sure doesn't have a lot of recipes huh

meatcucks can't help but take everything personally

>> No.17151462

maybe it's because there aren't that many vegan recipes that anybody would eat twice

>> No.17151474

>112 lbs
Holy shit. Either you praise Ana or you’re a literal manlet. Eat some fucking pasta.

>> No.17151496

Meat eater who thinks vegansim as a philosiphy is retarded here:
There are plenty of animal free recipes that taste great, but living off them and nothing else is very limiting. Sometimes you just want some damn meat and I have seen vegans do some absolutely psychotic shit to attempt to replicate meat.

>> No.17151503

I eat pasta. I just also eat meat. I'm just saying its fucking retarded to call everyone who isn't a faggoty vegan a fatass. Dumbass.

>> No.17151532

Eat more you fucking gay skelly. Nobody likes feeling bony twink hips

>> No.17151534

>There are plenty of animal free recipes that taste great
sure, i make plenty of them from lentils to black bean humus and mushroom lasagna but vegan is retarded, vegetarian is fine i get it but vegan is just down right stupid

>> No.17151549

Upvoted. Vegans are mentally ill. All of them. They’re all fucking insane. In real life and on the internet. They’re like the trannies of people who eat food.

>> No.17151555
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Smoky lentil stew

4 dl or 1.7 cups of red lentils
1-2 onions
8 cloves of garlic
2 carrots
1 litre or 4.2 cups of veggie stock
3 chipotles in adobo sauce, a few spoonfuls of the sauce itself to taste
a can of tomatoes
2 tablespoons of tomato puree
cumin, coriander, cayenne, oregano, salt and pepper to taste (I do like 1 tbsp/2 tsp/1 tsp/1 tbsp/2 tsp/1 tsp each, maybe)

dice the carrots and onions and fry in vegetable oil
add chopped up garlic, fry for a minute or two, then add the tomato puree, fry for another minute maybe
add the canned tomatoes (crush them if you're using whole tomatoes)
add the veggie stock, chop up the chipotles and add them and a few spoonfuls of the adobo sauce, then add all the spices
rinse lentils well and add them, stir
let it simmer for ~40 minutes or until it looks nice and thick, you might want to give it a stir every 10 minutes or so if you're not using a non-stick pot
adjust seasoning, serve with rice

>> No.17151563

>smoky lentil stew
>no smoke anywhere in recipe

>> No.17151622

>chipotles in adobo sauce
I did forget to mention smoked paprika though, maybe a tablespoon of that too

>> No.17151643

>needs to add sour cream in order to make it edible.

>> No.17151645

that's ꜱoygurt

>> No.17151650

>assuming I'm a male on the fucking cooking board.

>> No.17151656

>requires processed food as surrogate to wholesome real food.

>> No.17151675

yes, wholesome non-processed food like uhhhh sour cream

>> No.17151696

112 lbs is scary low weight. You gotta eat more, dude. Bony traps are gross, my man.

>> No.17151830

Lol 112 lbs is normal for a biological woman.

>> No.17151843

1 no that's the whole point and 2 skinny girls are even better

>> No.17151850
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show butthole

>> No.17151863

Do I actually have to hunt one of these fuckers to know what wild boar tastes like bros?

>> No.17151899

If you’re claiming to be a biowoman on 4channel then you certainly know the rules. Obey them or you’re a tranny and everyone knows it.

>> No.17152059


>> No.17152064

>you need 20 ingredients to make a decent tasting vegan meal

>> No.17152069
File: 579 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2021-08-28 at 13-50-31 Goldilocks and her three Bears(cubs) - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as bad as black bear

>> No.17152087

>sour cream recipe at home: buttermilk, heavy cream
>soy sour cream: fortified soymilk, non dairy powdered acidophilus, powdered agar-agar.

>> No.17152117

>munches on his vegan potato chips while doing the smug soy face

>> No.17152129

>vegans are so disillusioned with society they would rather eat lab grown/made food products than see the poor little cute creatures suffer

>> No.17152167

Vegans would rather eat people. They’re seriously miserable misanthropic fucks.

>> No.17153475

Is your life really this miserable that you go around putting down people helping the world?

>> No.17153644

I suppose that’s a tasty enough bean stew, but that’s not chili, you vegan retard.

>> No.17153655
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> vegan
Not on my board

>> No.17153657

lmao at all the seething chuds itt getting triggered by someones dietary choices

>> No.17153724

I'm not sure if you're just scared of long words, but this is incredibly retarded.
>soymilk + non dairy powdered acidophilus,
What do you think the difference is? Are you upset that the bacterial culture is mentioned in the second one, rather than just being assumed?

>> No.17153839

you aren't helping jack, you arrogant, hypocritical dickwad.

>> No.17153841
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Mexican food works really well with veganism. I make what I call lazy fajitas.

Fry an onion, a bell pepper, and mushrooms all julliened.
Also add either poblano, jalepeno, serrano, or habanero depending on how much heat you want.
Throw some refried beans in the microwave
Boil some kidney beans.
Serve with salsa and heated tortillas.

If you want to be fancier you can make/buy guac, pico de gallo, and rice.

>> No.17153845

Because animal cruelty and climate change aren't real things. Got it. Are you this delusional with everything in your life or is it just this?

>> No.17153891

>mfw meat bad you should stop eating it, agricultural practices can't be changed you should just stop eating meat
never denied either of them but you aren't changing anything and are simply wanking of on your supposed moral superiority.

>> No.17153937

Kek! What is this, a cook book for 12 years old?

>> No.17154007
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Beans and rice
Sauté an onion.
Add a can of beans. cook a bit more on low heat
add a cup of rice, a can of chopped tomatoes and a cup and a half of water
Add the usual spices

When rice is done you're good.

>> No.17154010

>lowering your carbon footprint and having less animals die as a result of me isn't helping
Whatever helps you sleep man.

>> No.17154058
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literally delusional but sure bro, whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.17154083

Beans in chili is the only way

>> No.17154104

If you do something that helps the situation versus what you would have done with the status quo then that's helping you daft cunt. Are you normally this stupid?

>> No.17154108

Stop using reddit.

>> No.17154111

you could have also started buying meat from a local small scale supplies that takes cares of his animals, but no, meat bad. eat your fucking soy fertilized with mined minerals and sprayed with pesticides and shut the fuck up. better yet, off yourself.

>> No.17154115

consider the following anon, if you kill yourself you will turn your future carbon footprint to 0.

>> No.17154899

I lower my carbon footprint in other more significant ways than you do by not eating meat, you gormless fuck

>> No.17154965

What kind of canned tomatoes?

>> No.17155020

Half of those are spices and any decent meal has many ingredients. Fucking americans be eating a steak and a potato.

>> No.17155022

You wanna go, beanie bitch? I have the lean, carnivorous frame and the solitary hunter's mindset of a big cat from eating my chili with 100% RED MEAT, no fillers. In fact, back in my chili contest days, they used to call me "The Chili Cheetah" because I would stick my head right into the pot and grab out chunks of meat -- hundred percent lean Grade A wagyu beef -- with just my teeth. I know 27 different ways to kill a cow with my hands, fingernails and jaws, and some of those can be generalized to humans.

>> No.17155051

Eating meat doesn't make you manly, you obese blob.

>> No.17155072

>vegans LE BAD because they make me feel guilty
Go be an annoying idiot somewhere else.

>> No.17155074

Why are you implying that LGBT people can’t be manly?

>> No.17155087

I'm not implying such a thing. You see, I'm not the one associating dietary choices with sexuality and using LGBT as an insult.

>> No.17155093

Funny how you often read that "vegans can't go two seconds without pushing their veganism on you!!!!!" yet half the posts itt are omnivores sperging out with insults and 9-gag-tier "arguments".
Not eating animal products seems to strike a nerve on certain people.

>> No.17155098

Yes you are. Anon implied that veganism is homosexual and you said meat eating doesn’t make anon manly implying that homosexuals are not manly. Why else would you connect masculinity to eating meat in this context?

>> No.17155128

Because homophobic insults are inherently a questioning of gender roles...? Are you this fucking stupid?
If someone insults a man by accusing him of being a homosexual, logically they consider that it's not befitting of a man (i.e. unmanly) to like other men. Same thing with lesbians and femininity.

>> No.17155148
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Okay senpai I stole this out of a cookbook my sister has but I can't recommend it enough. I was blown away by how good it is and I've been making it regularly since. Plus it gives me an excuse to always have some vodka on deck

>> No.17155152

So what do faggots and eating meat have to do with each other and why tell that anon that eating meat isn’t a manly? You were calling him a faggot whether he’s vegan or eats meat because you didn’t like him suggesting that veganism=lgbt. Getting mad at someone saying something is gay and then impugning their masculinity to call them a faggot is retarded and hypocritical

>> No.17155155 [DELETED] 
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why is this website like this

>> No.17155171
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If this image is still flipped i'm going to put my hand in my food processor

>> No.17155187

I never called him a "faggot", you stupid piece of shit. That poster questioned someone's masculinity by means of using a homophobic insult and I replied that eating meat isn't a source of masculinity. You're literally inferring that I'm homophobic from a post where I make it explicit that I don't believe in attaching dietary choices to gender roles.

>> No.17155213

>cook the cauliflower in the olive oil

>> No.17155219

Go getem champ!

>> No.17155232
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>> No.17155265

You clearly suffer from internalized homophobia if you weren’t being intentionally homophobic. There was no reason to gender meat eating otherwise. Suggesting that he might be gay despite eating meat is pretty homophobic, dude.

>> No.17155358

Not believing that eating meat makes you manly does not equal believing that eating meat is unmanly.

And not believing that eating meat makes you manly does not equal claiming that he is or can't be manly.

And last but not least, claiming that eating meat does not make you manly does not mean I believe that not being "manly" is a negative trait. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moralistic_fallacy
I don't believe such a thing because I don't attach gender roles to dietary choices.

Your pathetic attempts for a gotcha moment are useless. Try again, idiot.

>> No.17155367

6 cans? No thank you.

Even more cans and plastic.

Canned chipotle, canned tomato. What the fuck is wrong with you lot.

>> No.17155404

You know food comes in cans? If it makes you feel any better buy the beans and tomatoes raw. But your precious meat and cheese is going to come wrapped in plastic

>> No.17155424

>brings out the wiki fallacy pages
Yikes. You lost and have no argument. Work on that internalized homophobia and be better to marginalized people.

>> No.17155452

umm eating meat has nothing to do with masculinity
no, dude, I just don't believe you're manly because you eat a steak or feminine because you don't eat a steak
no, I don't care if you want to be manly or feminine or whatever, just saying it doesn't come from what you eat
No, he might be manly for all I know, it's just not something that's derived from eating meat
no, dude, the opposite in fact, gender roles aren't defined by food hence eating meat won't make you more manly nor abstaining from meat will make you less manly
no, like I said, diet doesn't define gender roles plus I'm not the one using homophobic insults

>> No.17155480

No idea how you deduce that a guy saying that diet doesn't define your masculinity or lack thereof is questioning the other anon's masculinity or sexuality. This is pretty pathetic. Have some self-respect and stop posting.

>> No.17155521

What the fuck. Who on earth buys meat or cheese wrapped in plastic. You've got problems upstairs "mate".

>> No.17155550

They're not wrapped in saran wrap you fucking idiot?

>> No.17155553

>third word
Stopped reading there. Go fuck yourself OP

>> No.17155560

Why are you even here, retard?

>> No.17155564

>imagine intenionally malnourishing youself
Yes, veganism is malnourishing. There is no way for a human to thrive and grow while on a vegan diet.

>> No.17155579

>It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

>> No.17155583

Because every vegan needs a good f'fuck yourself'. Trying to sell this shit diet to other humans. Imagine intenionally hurting people.

>> No.17155593

Fucking retard.
Plus go fuck yourself. YOu clearly didn't understand what I was saying. Humans can SURVIVE on plant to a certain point. But not thrive and grow. That's why every good and sane doctor will tell you, to never raise your children with a vegan diet.

>> No.17155604

Oh and also
>benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases
kek, of course. But that just shows how stupid you are if oyu are using that as a valid argument

>> No.17155610

lmao what does this even mean? look at meatanon thriving arguing on 4chan in the middle of a weekday

>> No.17155615

Read it moron. It says vegan also. It says it's healthful for everyone. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you always this daft?

>> No.17155617

there is 0 good chefs who are vegan or vegetarian, libtards BTFO

>> No.17155626

>lmao what does this even mean?
What? I see, vegans are really that stupid. You're just proving my piont here

>> No.17155633

there is also 0 relevant vegan or vegetarian chefs, curious.

>> No.17155634

Where is your stock?

This will suffer from WABS hard.


>> No.17155640

the real question is how can you fuck up a porcini dish so badly and effectively make some kind of mexican style chili dish with it.

>> No.17155641

you have an epidemic of 200 kg landwhales dropping dead of heart disease, diabetes and whatnot yet you are bothered by people who are healthier than you by pretty much every metric and who aren't even forcing you to adopt their diet

>> No.17155647

[spoiler] just use tofu instead of shill meat substitute product [spoiler]

>> No.17155724

You can literally make yogurt in the form of clabber by just letting raw milk sit out.
Dairy is an incredible thing and soy milk is just bean juice.

>> No.17155727

But you're the one who made this into a carbon saving contest. Clearly if you wanna win you know what to do.

>> No.17155729

Vegetable broth is so-so and this already has vegetables in it that simmer for a long time.

>> No.17155735

>vegans say vegans can be healthy therefore it MUST be true.

>> No.17155760

The American Dietetic Assosciation? Good grief you people don't quit. Don't you have school tomorrow?

>> No.17155796

The ADA was founded by 7th day adventists, a religion that emphasizes vegetarianism. Their position paper was written by people who are trying to push this shit on everyone, not legitimate scientists.
I don't know if you realize this but vegans will publish this exact position paper on people all the time because they think it somehow legitimizes their shitty deficient diet.
No, I'm never becoming a vegan, no matter what. I will become a hired crop protector and eat those animals if somehow the world got totalitarian enough to somehow even attempt prohibition on something as important to civilization as livestock. You already have pushed me to raising, slaughtering, and butchering my own livestock. Your whining doesn't help anything. Just shut up, eat your tofu, and accept that no one likes you because you are a burden wherever you go.

>> No.17155807

>accept that no one likes you because you are a burden wherever you go.
You realize how unpleasant you sound in this thread? I'm sure you have no friends.
And the ADA gets funding from mcdonalds ffs

>> No.17155811

no he's actually based, vegans are delusional cultists.

>> No.17155844

so you think an organization that gets funding from mcdonalds is legitimate?
>I'm sure you have no friends
Nice projection loser. No one wants you over because they have to make special arrangements for you. And even when they do you try to guilt them for eating normal food. Lets face it, if anyone is unpleasant its you.

>> No.17155862

Look at your post history man. You're spazzing out like a fucking child. Actually worse. You might legit be autistic. meds

>> No.17155880
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>implying nutritional "studies" in favor of animal products aren't funded by big meat and dairy
The whole process is corrupt on both sides. That's why you should consult a doctor and figure out what works best for you as an individual with an individually unique metabolic system

>> No.17155888

Enjoy your holidays alone

>> No.17155895

Doctors take checks from pharmaceutical companies to push specific medications and methods of treatment. Doctors are not infallible

>> No.17155909

So test a diet, take a vitamin deficiency test and adjust accordingly

>> No.17155918

really don't need all those ingredients for bean chili.
just tomato product, beans, and chili powder.

>> No.17155968
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>balanced vegan diet

>> No.17156030
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>> No.17156066

eat some protein, exercise and you might not look like this.

>> No.17156221
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>big cat
t. lion will rip your throat out