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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.83 MB, 3200x1440, IMG_20211218_194434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17151131 No.17151131 [Reply] [Original]

Show your kitchen. I just had a quick wipe down for the night so it's still messy

Ps if you're worried about getting tracked and killed, 4channel auto scrubs your exif, but you can also screenshot your picture and post that, it also doesn't have exif

>> No.17151137

I'm in Ireland by the way. Ask any questions if you think it's weird compared to where you live

>> No.17151191
File: 42 KB, 295x640, 066708A3-DA44-4280-9611-AA0A95F634F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, I don’t particularly like the flooring however, but that can be fixed somewhat easily. I like the under cabinet lighting too. Pretty cozy. I posted mine in another thread, here it is, still a lot to do and this is one side of it.

>> No.17151195

seems pretty normal. bit too much stuff on the counters for me, but most of them seem like they get used regularly. the only thing that is different to me is the dishwasher, it is narrower than what I'm used to seeing in the US. also you have one of those sinks that has the metal part where your drain rack is. I've only ever seen those at my old jr high school in the science classrooms, but it was a smaller version. oh and your garbage can is ugly as fuck.

>> No.17151197
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>> No.17151205

Weird? No. Pristine in comparison to my surroundings? Yes.

>> No.17151210

What do you think of the Christchurch shootings that occurred on March 15, 2019?

>> No.17151235

absolutely hate this. just looks like a shitty apartment that was built in like 2003, and all they did was update the appliances. the island looks stupid at an angle, and while it looks like there is a lot of storage space, literally all you're looking at in this kitchen is ugly cabinets. I don't think it could be any plainer than this. remove the kitchenaid and it looks like it's one of the 'nicer' sober living or halfway house or something. idk maybe it's the sterile looking white lighting, a warmer light might make it look slightly less depressing.

>> No.17151246

Maybe it's one of those islands that moves around.

>> No.17151263

I rent the house so i can't do anything about the decor. Hope to have my own one day

Anything on the counter gets used regularly. Dishwasher is 50cm so yes narrower than usual

I don't

>> No.17151302

Absolutely disgusting. Change that fucking ugly light. Why’s that island on angle? Wtf is this

>> No.17151348
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show me your fridge, is it also smaller? mine is a model very similar to pic related which is imo the 'standard issue' for many rental properties in the US, either this or a side by side model. it's about 167cm x 81cm. however we are now getting one of the bottom drawer freezer style ones with french doors in a few weeks when they upgrade our appliances.

>> No.17151366
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>allowing your phone to even store GPS location at all

Turn that shit off!

>> No.17151372

The state of your sink is disgraceful and that trash can is fucking hideous. 2/10

>> No.17151932 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17152406
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here you go its messy

>> No.17152420

Please let this be a cute chubby girl thread

>> No.17152462 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 960x960, 1636760377332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods on ck don't take shit unlike other boards

>> No.17152477

I like mostly everything, especially the countertops. I’d swap out the cabinet hardware though. Have you considered that?

>> No.17152489
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x3264, new counter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rent, but I had zero counter space. I got a chest freezer and this table on wheels, so now I got lots of space to prepare food as compared to before.

>> No.17152507

they let people say nigger and faggot and kike with impunity but ban anyone who dares say trannies are mentally ill men LARPing as women. They

>> No.17152523

I either got a warning or a 3 day ban for saying I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters' for being a low quality post. Which is fair, it's a slow board and I like it being upkept a little bit.

>> No.17152709

depends on the jannies you get. I got a ban for racism, and a ban for complaining about jannies lmfao

>> No.17152805

>laminate counters
>white hood with a stainless steel stove
>linoleum flooring
>aids inducing bright led light
>cluttered counters filled with useless gotcha kitchen gadgets
>rooms horrifically lit with that aids light, yet still looks dingy and dark. Worst one yet itt

>> No.17152825

What are the rules about baby formula temperatures there? Are you allowed to make it with unboiled tap water?

>> No.17152836

>ugly exposed pipes
>mold growing up from the bottom of the walls
Damn that sucks. I really hope you can get your shitty living situation sorted out.

>> No.17152863

Is this bait? Not seeing

>> No.17152874
File: 2.52 MB, 1584x1267, 1639863554025[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons were making fun of him in another thread so he cropped out the pipes kek.

>> No.17152880

Kitchen looks great to me. Seems like your seething. I’ve seen your exact comment In several threads your clearly bothered or jealous

>> No.17152889

Reddit is back that way.

>> No.17152895

why do you have a single car dishwasher?

>> No.17152902

it looks like a basic kitchen you triggered homo.

>> No.17152917

Obsessed, stop pushing your gay tranny fetish 24/7 and maybe people wouldn't ban your whiney bitch ass.

>> No.17152932

Samefag assblasted incel. You’re all worked up over that pic whatever he said clearly has you in a bind

>> No.17152934

I think the cabinets would look fine (not great but not awful) if the countertops weren't such shit and the walls had a less depressingly plain color. Replacing the builder grade shit light fixture and getting some warmer light in there would also help, and yeah that island is fucking tragic.

I think my priorities if I had to update it would be

>Replace island with something that doesn't look like it was installed by a drunk toddler
>Non shit counters
>New sink, would be higher but I'd want to replace the counters first to allow for a sink that's not drop-in
>Paint, maybe add a tile backsplash
>Replace the lighting fixture with recessed lighting and warm led bulbs

>> No.17153175

>hurr durr island is anguler
>t. cooklets that don't understand proper layout of a kitchen

>> No.17153188

says the schizo getting worked up over one fag pointing out the pipes

>> No.17153192

So you're the mad bitch that posted the picture kek.

>> No.17153199

>>linoleum flooring
the floor is tiles, you can tell by the reflections of the edges

>> No.17153202

i have the same coffee grinder, but mine is for spices

>> No.17153208
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, 20211220_185545 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate myself

>> No.17153211

>reject shop bamboo board

>> No.17153232

the color of the cabinet doors looks awful (might just be the lighting), but other than that, i kinda like it. i would make different choices if it were mine, but it isn't awful.
hard to tell, but it's also not too bad. ideally, the fridge would be closer to the sink/stove, and that's a lot of wasted space that might make for a nice island. put in a new saddle for fuck's sake
man. >>17151235 pretty much said it. terrible color combination, no natural light at all, cheap af cabinets/countertop/light fixture
i hope that lighting is a weird effect of your potatophone camera, otherwise shit that's ugly. not a fan of the tile all the way floor to ceiling, nor do i like the very outdated arch panel doors.

>> No.17153248

They literally are though. Why are trannies so fucking annoying?

>> No.17153540
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2021-12-20-07-46-44-917_com.google.android.apps.photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty small

>> No.17153550

Not sure, my wife usually made it. I'm sure i remember her boiling it though. Baby is 18mo now so on regular milk also she was breastfed so she very rarely had any

>> No.17154086

It's not even the fact that it's at an angle, it's that it looks like it was added as an afterthought by a retard whose handler was neglecting his duties. It looks like the builder had an extra bottom dollar bathroom vanity that they decided to chuck into this guy's kitchen then throw a leftover slab of shitty laminate counter onto it attached with hot glue.

>> No.17154205

I recognize this kitchen but can't remember the recipe you made

>> No.17154295

It was the ham i didn't know how to cook, bread, sardines on toast, or figuring out the O ring on my cooker. Did i post the salmon? Fuck i just realised i post here quite a lot

>> No.17154322

By "dares say trannies are mentally ill men LARPing as women," do you mean saying that or do you mean implying that while nastily revelling in suicide statistics while trying to push the rate up? Because the people who do the latter are obviously mentally ill themselves.

>> No.17154334
File: 1.22 MB, 1800x2400, 20211218_153139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting my dump. I lost all my cookware in the move so it's mostly just served to hold other peoples mail.

>> No.17154416

Looks good a lot of potential. I like more unique rooms like this

>> No.17154428

Nice try FBI but 4chan edits all images to put their own tracking info in.

>> No.17154446


>> No.17154448

What a fascinating preference. You're so special and interesting.

>> No.17154454


>> No.17154460
File: 3.07 MB, 4032x3024, AC68C435-A7D5-4B4D-8FC5-A88392EBD047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took while checking out the place. Ignore chubby pregnant realtor girl.

>> No.17154464

Beautiful. Not usually into modern day design etc but that’s nice and functional

>> No.17154484

Nice. LOTS of counter space, and I like the gas stove.
The dishwasher looks a little small, though.

>> No.17154490


>> No.17154493

Generic. Boring. Soulless.

Typical mcdonalds mutt.

>> No.17154503

You got it wrong, modern day design is muttmerica tier. Georgian era design is beautiful, but I wouldn’t expect you to know what that is. Maybe go check out another fast food thread

>> No.17154516

I got it exactly right you brain damaged fast food addict. That kitchen has the laziest, most boring design possible. Just standing in it for more than 5 minutes would make you want to kill yourself.

>> No.17154521

Too white and sterile. Kitchen should be cozy not look like an operating room

>> No.17154522

>I hate functional design
Post your kitchen.

>> No.17154528

It can be functional without looking like it was assembled from the ikea clearance section.

>> No.17154540
File: 2.05 MB, 2733x2581, 30909326-40F9-4B2D-8D43-5C4064CB5F27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine you want fucking soul? Here’s my previous kitchen.

>> No.17154553

Living in a warehouse like a mexican isn't "soul," it's just sad.

>> No.17154554

We're a family of 6. Small dishwasher is a nightmare

>> No.17154568

Seen this type of kitchen a million times. It’s generic, builder grade, sterile looking trash that will be dated in a year (it’s already dated for non normies)

>> No.17154571

Were you homeless? The fuck is this?

>> No.17154579

“Sovl” is code for low grade trash, it’s a cope

>> No.17154582

Which kitchen in the thread is yours?

>> No.17154585

No it isn't. You're coping by pretending that's what it means, but it's not. Design can be soul without being "low grade trash," which ironically is what your kitchen exactly is, you just don't realize it.

>> No.17154593

Previous company apartment was a bitch about cooking with open flame in the residences. To be fair it was in the lease.
But I like using a butane burner for Chinese food.
Lease didn’t say shit about open flame cooking in the garages. Wala.

>> No.17154594
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>> No.17154638

not bad. it's plain and a bit boring, but that's honestly just fine. not every kitchen needs to be a statement. it's clean, functional, smartly laid out and while not super stylish, it also won't look hideously dated for decades.

>> No.17154670

Soulless means clean. Based means shithole. Both terms are used without pics of their own garbage dumps

>> No.17154693
File: 33 KB, 833x625, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your insults will do nothing because I know it looks pathetic. Still manage to make some tasty food though, had homemade curry sauce with slow-cooked lamb yesterday.

>> No.17154698

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.17154708


>> No.17154746

PROTIP replace those handles with black ones and it will look much better. Also buy a barrel bleach for those white counters

>> No.17154760

>Also buy a barrel bleach for those white counters
Wouldn’t it be easier to just seal the counters like a normal person?

>> No.17155997

Wait, what the shit are you in Florida?

>> No.17156533

It’s perfect. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.17157111

Rental or owned?

>> No.17157345
File: 3.18 MB, 2266x1008, kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small appartment

>> No.17157543

Whoever chose that layout should be shot

>> No.17157656
File: 226 KB, 1135x634, rack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the worst thing in the world. it looks functional, almost kinda comfy. id get a shelf/rack of some sort and it it at the end of the cabinets by your fridge. then I'd put probably the toaster oven and microwave onto it to free up space.

>> No.17157677

Free space for what? That small counter section isn't all that useful desu. The additional depth won't really do anything.

>> No.17157686

Only functional use for it I can think of would be for storing things you'd commonly want while cooking like a utensil organizer, salt pinch pot, pepper grinder, cooking oil, etc.

>> No.17157708


The slumlords DGAF and the tenants are ordering DoorDash every night anyway. All that's really needed are a few props for semi-annual "wholesome" Instagram posts.

>> No.17157716

>things you'd commonly want while cooking like a utensil organizer, salt pinch pot, pepper grinder, cooking oil, etc.
exactly this. the microwave is the main thing I'd want off the counter. I'd like to have the space where it is personally. I often have many things out while cooking and having the whole area to the left of the sink would be nice for me.

>> No.17157748
File: 70 KB, 644x942, 7169A236-72ED-45D5-ACD2-DE227B4B21B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17158829

The biggest problem with this is the lighting. It looks so dark. You need some under cabinet lighting.

>> No.17160676

I hope this is a rental