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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17145494 No.17145494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17145530

kindness is free

>> No.17145531

i would literally never be nice to a wage cuck

>> No.17145534

>staffing challenge
That's a funny way to say you wont pay your workers a fair wage.

>> No.17145537

>our employees are very valuable
>pay them an unlivable wage with no benefits
fuck taco bell. who even goes there anymore?

>> No.17145538

I'm extremely nice to retail/food service.

as long as they're white.

>> No.17145541

This and also until they finish making my food because I don't want spit or pubes in it.

>> No.17145543

God I hate Americans so much

>> No.17145546

Then I'll refuse to take your order, tell you to leave, and call the cops if you refuse

>b..but I'll ask for your manager

Bitch, I am the manager

>b..but I'll go to corporate

You'll literally just get a coupon for a free taco

>> No.17145548

>piss off a wagie who is proud of being a "manager"
>get a free taco
where do you work? i could go for a drive

>> No.17145552

This is what wagies actually believe

>> No.17145554

>he posts on an American website using American technology and inventions.

>> No.17145555

I, too, believe you should be able to own a home, raise a family, and send your kids to college by being a Taco Artist.

>> No.17145556
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I love morons that consider the US "Americans". Keep considering us an entire continent, please. It brings me such joy.

>> No.17145557

Karens and Darrens BTFO

>> No.17145559

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. I'm not even religious but this is the greatest advice and the world would be so much better if everyone followed it.

>> No.17145561 [DELETED] 







I hate Cancucks and Mexicunts too

>> No.17145563
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yeah anons a fag but
>nitpicking such a ubiquitous colloquialism

>> No.17145567

Nobody cares about your moonspeak, faggot. I can use Google Translate (American) to read it if I gave a shit. How many countries speak moonspeak again?

>> No.17145570

Right, cuz big J did so well following that advice.
You know there is more than just North America, right?
If the guy is going to bitch about the US while also claiming the entire continent is just the US he deserves to be shat on. If he hates it so much he wouldn't be giving it so much credit. But then again it IS the US so it's not like he can do shit.

>> No.17145589

>Right, cuz big J did so well following that advice.
Not everyone was following the advice. I wasn't unclear.

>> No.17145591

>guy says if you follow him you'll be immortal
>other guys kill him
They didn't want to be immortal. What's the confusion?

>> No.17145595

>off on a tangent
Like I said, not religious. Just liked that specific advice I mentioned. No need to reply anymore.

>> No.17145597
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If there is no need to reply anymore, then is there a need to follow your advice? Do unto others, huh.

>> No.17145603

Breh... You don't have to worry about me being -anything-.

I stay away from Taco Bell because:

If I wanted to wait 40 minutes for food I'da made something at home.

When I did decide I could spare 40 minutes there were swearing honking cars full of Jerry Springer rejects stacked all the way to the entrance. The kind of person who might get out and kick in your tail light 'because they needed to smash something and your car was there.'

When you do get your food anything that got near a fryer is baked into a rock because there is no auto mechanism to lift the baskets. When ding fries are done your shit will sit there until the employee gets to it.

To recap: 40 minutes of waiting with a bunch of 4chan users all around you ready to hurt somebody to vent. All for ruined food.

>> No.17145605

Don’t be a pedantic faggot.
The vast majority of people don’t say “Peoples Republic of China”. They say China.
Same with Democratic Republic of Congo.
And damn never everyone just said Soviet Union instead of United Soviet Socialist Republics.
When basically anyone on the planet uses America or Americans, they’re referring to United States of America in a shortened term.
And you perfectly well know this. You’re just being autistic even by autistic standards.

>> No.17145616

Says the guy spending time around a bunch of 4chan users and not even getting food.
As I said before, if someone is attempting to shit on the US and implies the US is America they are only implying that the US is superior. It defeats the purpose of trying to call the US small when they do this.
It isn't me being pedantic, it's me pointing out he's a moron. Or in this case, you are a moron.

>> No.17145618

I'm nice to all customer service, retail, restaurant workers because I'm a functioning middle class person from a good family. I hate when people act like retards in public

>> No.17145619
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Let the hate flow through you, "functioning middle class person from a good family".

>> No.17145621

You're a troll. Would you like for me to treat you how you're treating that anon that is morally righteous. Is that how you want to spend a day, online wasting time. Or do you want to be productive. Think about it boy.

>> No.17145633
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You want others to call you boy? To be condescending to you? Do unto others, right?
In any case, yes. I enjoy antagonism. I always have. The fight between people, I adore it. You seem to have misunderstood the philosophy behind Christs teachings. I recommend "The Cloud of Unknowing".
A true Christian accepts things as they are. You are following a belief that you have clearly not put your back into. It will serve you no good.

>> No.17145637

Why shouldn't you? If a job exists you should be able to afford basic life shit working that job. If you want to work harder or go to school so you can make more without working harder then you make more money and have more freedoms. Why is that so difficult for some people to understand? We have enough resources and technology for there not to be poverty, but some people just seem to insist that they have to have other people worse off them then to look down on. I've never understood it.

>> No.17145642
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>wage cuck
I can smell you through the computer screen.

>> No.17145668

The only time I've ever felt the need to be assertive - not even rude but assertive - with a fast food worker is when I feel like I'm intentionally getting fucked with. I told off a wagie at Chipotle once when they completely forgot an item in my order and then was sarcastic with me when I came back to ask for it. But I've never been rude to a wagie just because they forgot something or because the food is taking a while. This kind of behavior is almost exclusively relegated to baby boomers for some reason. Boomers like to talk about millennial entitlement when they are truly some of the most entitled people on the planet.

>> No.17145672

You're not talking to the same person retard. Did what I say hit a little to close to home for ya. Maybe you should go outside for a little bit. Talk to a human. Help a human. Make something with your hands, maybe some food. Or we can continue to waste your finite time on Earth.

>> No.17145678

Ah well, then we must have something in common. Wasting time that is. Do you, enjoy, wasting time with me?

>> No.17145681

Brazilian pretending to be an American detected

>> No.17145684

I enjoy wasting the time of those that wish to try and hurt someone that is good. They don't need to stoop down to your level. But I've been here my entire life. You've only just come into the darkness. You will cry before the day is done boy.

>> No.17145692

I was actually born in Europe as a US citizen. Never been to Brazil but i've considered going. I hear their women are quite fond of white men. I mean, I wouldn't last 3 minutes but, what an experience it would be.
I cry every day and laugh every night. You know someone who is good? Introduce me. I adore good people.

>> No.17145701

You won't actually do that because you'd be living on the street if you did. Nice cope though.

>> No.17145705

They're outside, waiting for you.

>> No.17145707

A good person, waiting on me. How natural of them. Which door?

>> No.17145716

you like snot in your food then?

>> No.17145720

There are billions of them, just walk in any direction.

>> No.17145723


>> No.17145727

Oh dear, that's too bad. There aren't that many seats in Heaven. I wonder where the extras go.
But you know, on a side note, asking me to go antagonize nice people, makes you a kind of accomplice doesn't it? Hey, you wouldn't happen to be some kind of vile manipulator would you?

>> No.17145729

he sits in front of the feeble light of his computer, his monitor from 1992 slowly fading. His keyboard covered in the crumbs of half eaten tendies. He can barely see the screen because of the flecks of spittle and food covering it from his past impotent rages. Just then a voice calls to him. "if you don't come up here now I'm throwing these vienna sausages out" (it's his mother). "Why won't she die?" he thinks to himself... but then who will clean his benis when it gets dirty. he sighs and tromps up the stairs from his basement. "coming mommy" he whimpers.

>> No.17145737

>I can smell you through the computer screen.
He sat back on his overly padded chair the pain he felt was constant. his lack of muscle and fat made sitting painful.

At last he had posted his magnum opus those clueless taco eaters would surely change their ways now. His brain was fogged from his constant lack of energy but he was certain his logic was inescapable.

He reached for a carrot (it took all his effort) feebly he gnawed on it. washing it down with sips of soylent.

he dreamed of his next semen shake he would get from his boyfriend. his only source of protein.

He should go for a walk but the last time he did he broke a bone in his foot. the neuropathy (from lack of B12) in his hands made it difficult to type. It had taken all day and all his strength to type the one paragraph.

Tyrone (he feebly called) I am ready for you now.

>> No.17145757

...and then everyone stood up and clapped and a Japanese woman sucked your dick, right?

>> No.17145760

You have to go back

>> No.17145785

I have faith that once you're looking another in the eye, you won't act like you're acting now. Cause you're a pussy.

>> No.17145786

>You have to go back
that got him he thought between mouthfuls of cock!

>> No.17145947

If you knew the kinds of things that I do in life, you wouldn't have faith in anything.
But I suppose that is oxymoronic isn't it?

>> No.17145954

you sit inside all day like the faggot you are.

>> No.17145963

he based

>> No.17145964

I prefer you have faith in that belief.

>> No.17145972

Get my baja blast wagie

>> No.17145984

they should alleviate this on the demand side by executing 50% of fast food buyers at the window

>> No.17145993

/pol/ devastated in a single post.

>> No.17146162

no one cares what a troll prefers

>> No.17146170

*when you hang a nigger from a tree

>> No.17146171

The U.S.'s mental health crisis is getting worse lol

>> No.17146181

Good, that's preferable too. As long as I can keep doing what I enjoy doing.

>> No.17146184
File: 11 KB, 299x168, 5428d56a-b78b-42d2-92db-96c4e4d94bda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FUCK WAGIES!!!! if you don't like being treated like shit for minimum compensation just quit

>> No.17146194

what are you saying here

>> No.17146199

The thing is that taco bell workers are low skill workers, no real incentive to earn more if you can wage otherwise. Don't get me wrong wages like that are terrible but that's largely because cost of living is always rising. The cost of living is so different from city to city state to state it's completely fucked.

>> No.17146200

They pay $14/hr here. That's plenty to wrap shitty burritos all day.
Holy shit you're a faggot

>> No.17146202

I'd believe this if it was your policy for everyone who was actively hostile but the vast majority of customers aren't "nice".

>> No.17146204

Only that faith isn't about facts so it hardly matters what I get up to but at the same time faith is so easily lost when seeing what other people do. People, they, have trouble keeping to their principles.

>> No.17146209

you implied something....
maybe something quite bad
explain yourself

>> No.17146212

>40K (if "experienced")
>Long hours in a hot kitchen
It's not that people are lazy, they realized they can get paid better in less shit conditions. Now bad business owners are losing their fucking minds because people got wise and there isn't th same steady stream of easily exploited, cheap labor as there once was, and they could only manage to run a business around that.

>> No.17146214

If it's that hard to be a decent person in public, please just stay home and scream at your toaster. Or at the very least door dash it or something if you really need to eat fast food

>> No.17146225

Worried about me? I am quite certain you do not lock your doors simply on my account. I am just a man, nothing worth losing sleep over.

>> No.17146228

do you enjoy hurting people?

>> No.17146229

I saw a sign like this at Chik Fil A. It pretty much said to behave yourselves or you will be told to change your behavior or made to leave.

>> No.17146230

No, there are laws against what you enjoy, and you will be locked up for your crimes against humanity.

>> No.17146238
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Never masked
Never taken the "vaccine"
Never complying
Eat my asshole

>> No.17146242

you said he would lose faith in everything if he knew what you did at home
there are only a few things i can imagine that would cause this, and considering my company here i have to wonder what exactly you were implying

>> No.17146243

In the literal sense?
You assume having me locked up will prevent me from doing what I enjoy. Which isn't even getting at the fact you have no clue what entertains me.

>> No.17146244

Are you admitting that you suck dick for cash or something?

>> No.17146249

this. It will be an easy into into what we will have to do once ALL of those food service jobs are automated. So many other jobs too.
ITs not going to be a case of other industries popping up to meet the job demand like the death of the streetcar industry, or the switchboard operators.
We will need universal basic income

>> No.17146250

Once I was eating at a pizza place in an affluent boomer mountain town and our waitress, a little teenage Asian girl, started breaking down crying, thanking us for being nice to her.
I didn't even think we were being that nice.

>> No.17146253

I never said anything about home. He did.
Or something.
Incidentally, why was that the first thing you thought of?

>> No.17146262

>I never said anything about home. He did.
so its something you do at their home?

>> No.17146263

the question stands for itself

>> No.17146269

You seem confused. If I help you understand will you give me something?
If questions stood they wouldn't be questions would they?

>> No.17146270

Youre right but it's also the restrictions. Most people quit in the summer were retail workers during that time when people were convinced the pandemic was easing up with no lockdowns and masks but then it started again. No one wants to wage cuck as is, let alone with a mask on all day and general morale lower than it's been in decades.

>> No.17146279

what does it mean to hurt some one in the literal sense?

>> No.17146291

>You seem confused. If I help you understand will you give me something?
is it a habit of yours to lure people into doing things you want by giving them things?

>> No.17146308
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Unfortunately it doesn't have anything to do with words. I hope you understand.
The implication being that YOU lure people into doing things and DON'T give them things?
Where I come from, if someone is going to do something for you, it's only polite you pay them in kind. Is....that not how it works with you?

>> No.17146313

it's pretty easy to know what entertains you. you're not as sophisticated as you may think in your peasized brain.

>> No.17146318

Oh well good, you have me all figured out. No need for any confusion. Makes it so much easier, doesn't it? When two strangers understand each other?

>> No.17146322

Would the FBI accept this thread as a tip on the obvious child molester?

>> No.17146328

You're implying that they don't accept tips?

>> No.17146352


>> No.17146379

>If a job exists you should be able to afford basic life shit working that job.
Your entire opinion is based on this assumption, plus the assumption that owning land is "basic life shit". But you haven't explained why these assumptions are legitimate.
Hint: They aren't. There is no reason you can invent to explain why every single job must be paid enough for the employee to afford to buy land.
You are paid exactly what your labor is worth. If people are doing the job at a wage, then that's what the wage is worth. If it was truly too low, nobody would be doing these jobs.

>> No.17146432

Today I was at Taco Bell, and a boy who came in reached up and rang the bell, to which all the people in the kitchen called out "woo hoo!" The boy's mother grabbed his arm, said something to him sharply, and immediately dragged him out while he started crying. No Taco Bell for that little miscreant today.

>> No.17146476

I don't eat out anymore so I don't have this problem.

>> No.17146489

does anyone ever think about how these jobs are for teenagers? If you're past the age of 20 working at taco bell just neck yourself

>> No.17146495

I never tip women because I am in incel

>> No.17146504

that is no longer reality
outsourced manufacturing jobs that require low education put an end to that
you have your greed and necessity of saving a couple dollars here and there to thank

>> No.17146520

If your taco bell is staffed by pejeets, burn it down. I went to a newly opened one with poos, and the burritos I got had fucking under cooked rice in it. How do you fuck up the most basic item on the menu?

>> No.17146543

You don't understand me.

>> No.17146549

Just as well.

>> No.17146574

It's just as well that you don't understand me but originally thought that you did. What's it like to be this wrong.

>> No.17146584

I said it was nice when two strangers understood each other. Didn't have to mean us. Jeez wouldn't it be nice if people could read better? Or is implication enough for you?

>> No.17146596
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There goes more of that, I can never be wrong. And you don't know shit about implication.

>> No.17146609

I can do a lot worse than be wrong, I can accept when I am wrong. Something I have learned that is rather unique.
I know plenty about implication. Heck, I do it all the time.

>> No.17146611

What if I want Taco Bell during school hours?