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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 177 KB, 612x709, B260114D-1153-44E2-884E-599E3F219F7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17144765 No.17144765 [Reply] [Original]

This event broke people

>> No.17144784

the poms have won it 11 times (in their own competition mind you), the frogs have won it 8, the seppos win it once two bloody years ago and suddenly /ck/ never hears the end of it
fucking norway has won it twice, how insecure are you cunts?

>> No.17145001

The best cheese is from Oregon. The best wine is from California. Jewish Tucker Carlson is going to rule France soon. Based : )

>> No.17145009

You foreigners never cease to go on about how bad or cheese is, that's the reason. You caused this with your own endless obsession.

>> No.17145025

When was this? Because Spain won this year's.
Why are Americans so insecure?

>> No.17145030

>When was this because Spain won this year.
Why are foreigners so insecure?

>> No.17145048

Because when other countries win we congratulate them
When America wins once you have legit mental breakdowns and spam your "Amerimutt" folder because it goes against you saying food quality is poor here

>> No.17145073

You got trolled by /pol/ retards that leak into this board and openly admit to not being able to cook half the time.

>> No.17145075

Why is it always about cheese with you people

>> No.17145100

This, kinda.
Most of the US-Euro flame war is shitposting. The people who are serious about it almost always feel slighted in some way and usually are part of the lower classes. Among the people I’ve met irl in Europe and the US there’s plenty of mutual respect and cultural interest, even in rural areas.

>> No.17145103

Food quality is low in America tho, thats why Americans have to spam 2 year old articles online about some random competition to feel validated
Its quite sad when you think about it

>> No.17145127

Basically this
> "I can't cook but I want to complain about the Jews tho"
Every fucking thread
Unless they have tips on how to put them in ovens, show how one of those Zyklon gas ovens work, or start working in French kitchens they need to fucking leave

>> No.17145142

Everytime I post the horse meat scandal you’re silent. Everytime I post how Europe allows companies to hide way more of the shit from the ingredients list you’re silent or try to claim how it’s bad America forces you to list ingredients more clearly
You’re a underaged Redditor with no real life experience who is dumb enough to fall for sensationalized clickbait

>> No.17145804
File: 657 KB, 732x935, Opera Snapshot_2021-11-08_140350_www.savencia.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice French owned company you have there, that uses French cheese cultures, French mold cultures and French storage conditions.

>> No.17145820

As a European, I would join EU and US in one giant superstate and close down the borders to the rest of the world. I honestly have nothing against americans. If anything, I wish my country was more free, like Florida or Texas for example.
Most of the anti EU / anti US shitposters here are thirdworlders in reality, larping Europeans/americans.

>> No.17145821

i guess this is one cheese where the americans omit adding corn syrup?

>> No.17145830
File: 3.24 MB, 3850x2700, 1638754238631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe. Cope. Dilate.

>> No.17145901

>EU bans import of american chicken since they soak it in bleach before sale
>even China, where people eat piss eggs and dogs, bans US chicken
>feed cows other ground up cows and create mad cow disease, other countries ban your beef
>basically all americans have consumed prions and now have high rates of mysterious medical deaths "for some reason"
>feed pigs ractopamine, banned in the rest of the civilized world
>pollute waterways with atrazine from farming, americans literally drinking tranny water and growing tits "for some reason"
I don't recall any of these "ingredients" being "listed more clearly" kek
but you do you! don't let the haters keep you down

>> No.17145919
File: 50 KB, 720x340, GMC-Motorhome-6x6-custom-004-e1565710972312-720x340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an American board anon.
If you don't like Americans and out superior products, maybe you would be happier elsewhere

>> No.17145962

>Chlorine-rinsed bagged salads are common in the UK and other countries in the EU.
>Four cases were reported globally in 2017, and the condition is considered to be nearly eradicated. In the United Kingdom, from 1986 to 2015, more than 184,000 cattle were diagnosed with the peak of new cases occurring in 1993
>Deadly animal prion disease appears in Europe
>Ractopamine is also legal in New Zealand, Japan, Canada
>A 2011 review of the mammalian reproductive toxicology of atrazine jointly conducted by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concluded that atrazine was not teratogenic
>Saying these are "ingredients"
You thought you were smart for a moment Redditor

>> No.17145982

Eurotard Status: Cucked

>> No.17146009

It's rigged. Blue cheese alone is disgusting and should only be used to compliment and balance other cheeses in a pastry or meat stuffing.

>> No.17146010

i live right next to rogue creamery its a cool place everything is made and packaged by hand

>> No.17146015

Made by native Americans lol not whites

>> No.17146020

>blue cheese alone is disgusting
Have you ever eaten blue cheese that didn't come in a little plastic cup next to your buffalo wings?

>> No.17146023

Low-effort post from a low-quality ethnicity

>> No.17146065

What's buffalo wings? My country Italy invented blue cheese you snow nigger

>> No.17146093

yes, wasnt good. even tried it twice to make sure. overwhelming bitter rot taste on its own

>> No.17146108
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, the image that launched a thousand threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know for a fact that 90% of the "british food sucks" threads are in fact posted by Brits

>> No.17146261

imagine the smell

>> No.17147043

...You have no idea what it's like to live somewhere where the cheese and beer are absolute shit. For us this is like being an African and finally getting the wheel. It's sorely needed.

>> No.17147059

As someone who posts 85% of those threads, I can confirm that is at least very close to being true.

>> No.17147072

I want a blue cheese double baked potato so bad right now

>> No.17147086
File: 217 KB, 1200x1200, TigerBlue_1x1_Web-1_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following:
>Tiger Blue Cheese

>> No.17147109

You act like the French were the first people to invent cellars and the first to think about putting their cheese in them lol

>> No.17147167

>mommyblogger claims

>> No.17147238

And yet they won where Frenchmen did not. Curious.