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File: 33 KB, 500x333, Homemade-Ketchup-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17141569 No.17141569 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like extra sugary ketchup, the unsweetened stuff is more expensive, I'm just thinking of buying canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, vinegar and various herbs to make ketchup out of it

>> No.17141727

Unless you can get it as smooth and pulp free as Heinz, you're not making ketchup, just tomato sauce.

>> No.17141753

This guy has a whole series on his channel of making ketchup out of weird stuff. From watching his vids I would say it's worth it


>> No.17141789

Just work it through a passe-vite and add xanthane or kudzu.

Yes it's just sieved tomato sauce ("passata") with thickening agents, based on an original Indonesian recipe.

>> No.17141812

I prefer in season "tomates anciennes" - heirloom tomatoes that were grown in France for looks, before the Italians turned them into the staple food we know today.

They don't need any extra acidity or sugar really.

>> No.17141820

I made some homemade ketchup about a week ago, and I tried using less sugar but it came out tasting like marinara sauce mixed with ketchup. You really need the sugar to have the right taste. Remember, it's not like you're eating a lot of the ketchup, it's a sauce and it needs to be highly seasoned to compete with other tastes.

>> No.17142301

That channel is actually pretty great. Guys, check it out if you're interested in fruits and spices you probably never heard of!

>> No.17142460

What do you actually need ketchup for? Ketchup is for children. There's no use for ketchup.
Fries? Make an aioli. Easy shit.
Burgers? Mayo, dijon, or garlic butter you fucking degenerate.
Steaks? Stop, just stop.

>> No.17142468

that's faggot for food mill

>> No.17142486

>the unsweetened stuff is more expensive,
if you can't afford that, you won't be able to afford to make it.

>> No.17142495

oh look another "your condiment/food item is for children" except no it isn't it was made for adults like most foods are. but in your insecurity you have to prop up your ego somehow.

>> No.17142557

I made the same experience. It jist doesn't taste right without sugar. Same for every other convenient sauces too. Most of the flavour just comes from the high sugar and vinegar content nobody would use when making the sauce themself. You don't even need much of spices.

>> No.17142595

it's past your bedtime daniel

>> No.17142928

When did your insecurities start restricting your food choices?

>> No.17143876

did you use any vinegar or garlic powder?

>> No.17144382

Just use good canned puree or crushed. Find and compare ketchup recipes, experiment. I've made some a few times. It was good. I also learned that sugar and cinnamon and apple cider vinegar in a tomato puree will taste just like applesauce, so there's that.

>> No.17144421

an old couple down the street from me sell fresh herbs, flowers, vegetables, fruit and also make pickles, relishes, chutneys and sauces from it all.
their home-made tomato sauce is hands down better than anything you can buy.
makes me wanna get into it too.

>> No.17144430

>Fries? Make an aioli.
>calls other children
>uses hipster mayo

>> No.17144565

I made a few cups of green heirloom tomato ketchup at the end of summer with apple cider vinegar and served it with pork shoulder and it almost sickened me the orgiastic way everyone smeared it all over everything. But I never told them it was ketchup, I just put it out there as an unnamed sauce. Unfortunately I didn’t track or keep hold of the recipe since I was convinced it’d be a failure. If making ketchup, I strongly recommend making it a nonstandard color and sitting back and watching the unwashed masses slather it on everything.

>> No.17144633

>kechup is bad because TV chef told me so

>> No.17144656

Show me tits please for god's sake it's almost Christmas

>> No.17144719

imagine eating ketchup

>> No.17144782

Make it like this

>> No.17144808
File: 86 KB, 216x216, 6jaw3J8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using Mayo on Burgers

You fucking cretin

>> No.17144881

Except for fries, ketchup is for faggots and children. That said, there is no ketchup but Heinz. That's it. Every artisanal attempt is a fucking joke. Anyone can make mustard. Only Heinz makes ketchup. Simple as.

>> No.17144889

>I can't cook and polite family members (I don't have friends btw) tried to hide their disgust from my results

>> No.17145083

Are you retarded? Mayo is absolutely required on a burg. Catsup and mustard should not be on one, tho

>> No.17145221

Chef John did it only because so many people requested it. If your life is incredibly boring and lacks purpose, you can do it too!
Interesting trivia, there are hundreds of millions of people alive today whose lives are incredibly boring and lack purpose.

>> No.17145231

lol check out this weirdo

>> No.17145236


fuck off manchild internet user. ketchup is fine for anyone that wants it. and heinz is shit compared to hunts. 'simple as' fucking kill yourself you fat faggot basement dwelling bitch.

"burg" kill yourself you dumb fucking nigger. "catsup" just fucking die nobody wants your opinions you piece of shit.


you want the sugar. stop pretending you don't you fucking dipshit. god you're such a fucking bitch.

>> No.17145257

Ketchup on hot dogs is ancient sumerian god tier

>> No.17145302


putting literally anything on hot dogs or hamburgers just ruins them.

that being said, ketchup is the perfect sauce.

>> No.17145315
File: 182 KB, 379x376, 1630658749033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17145316


>x is for children

said every loser trying to be an adult

you make me sick.

>> No.17145332

Anon might I suggest that if you haven't, you should actually try unsweetened ketchup and see if you even like it before you go down that road because unsweetened ketchup is... well not very "ketchupy." It tastes like someone spilled vinegar into salty marinara sauce

>> No.17145726

No u

>> No.17145742
File: 8 KB, 229x250, 1639839548989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17145743

>It tastes like someone spilled vinegar into salty marinara sauce

No downsides here

>> No.17145745

Burgers get mayo, mustard, and ketchup
Fries get vinegar and ketchup