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File: 73 KB, 566x566, vegetarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17136880 No.17136880 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I try to go vegetarian after about a week without eating meat I start to get dizzy spells. As soon as I eat meat they go away. Has anyone else experienced that?

>> No.17136888

You are a weak faggot.

>> No.17137743

Low iron maybe? Try including quinoa or something like that in your diet

>> No.17137761

you're going anemic
are you eating cereal?

>> No.17137768

Every time I want a false sense of superiority I go onto an anonymous cooking board and complain about vegans/vegetarians and totally own them by eating the shittiest, bottom-barrel, american-raised, GMO grain-fed, hormone-pumped meat, gets them every time

>> No.17137799

no Fe, have some legumes

>> No.17137823

that's how vegetarians feel all the time. vegans are basically brain damaged.

>> No.17137869

Meanwhile, actual scientific research seems to hint otherwise. Vegans have a higher IQ, higher testosterone in men, and lower cancer and heart disease rates.

>> No.17137889

>actual scientific research seems to hint

>> No.17137890

you're allergic to vegetaria
many such cases, but you're not alone anon
there are support groups meeting in your area regularly

>> No.17137894

Maybe not eating enough or eating crap vegan food.

>> No.17137897

>frail gray hands typed this

>> No.17137900

As opposed to making shit up like you have.

>> No.17137905

go on show your vox.com studies

>> No.17137909

have you ever talked to a vegan? the worst are fruitatarians, their brains are terminally fucked up

>> No.17137913

Have you talked to 70% of americans? Those 70% are all obese or overweight and dumb as shit. Most are trump voters, no doubt

>> No.17137921

>70% of americans
>Most are trump voters
So you're admitting the election was rigged and that anything you read in the news cannot be trusted

>> No.17137925

It's the complex of superiority entering your body. It takes some time, but it will end exactly when you pronunciate your very first "I'm vegan!"

>> No.17137926

what the fuck are you talking about? i feel like i'm talking to a vegan here. they have a really hard time keeping up a conversation and staying on topic.

>> No.17138022

Yeah I eat a lot of cereal. Whats wrong with cereal? Cereal is made from vegetables.

>> No.17138276

I think you need more oxygen.

>> No.17138726

I think he's already stealing too much oxygen from the rest of us.

>> No.17139219

cereal is great, especially if you're eating it with whole milk, 2 cups at least

>> No.17140166

*proves, not hints

>> No.17140173

no. but i also know this never happened.

>> No.17140254

Well science has really gone down hill.

>> No.17140263

>numbers go against what I believe so it's the numbers that are wrong

>> No.17140292

what the fuck are YOU talking about? you're just looking for excuses to unfairly disparage a group of people just like he was broad brushing your type.

>> No.17140298

I try go veg between 11 pm and 6 am, usually works.

>> No.17140392

Nobody's stealing oxygen from you. It's just your obesity making it hard for you to breathe properly.

>> No.17140444

it's a fact that not eating meat makes you retarded and insane.

>> No.17140476

It takes longer than a week for you to become deficient in iron. OP is probably just not eating enough, and eating mostly carbs, which will make most people feel crappy.

That's why a lot of vegetarian food includes eggs or dairy because plants aren't a great source of protein. And I think most people who go vegetarian at first don't realize they're consuming a lot less fat than they need, although there are some good plant sources for that like nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut, etc.

>> No.17140478

My vegan aunt and her husband both died in their early 60s. They both looked deathly ill starting in their 40s. There is absolutely no way veganism can provide proper nutrition even with supplements.

>> No.17140490

>Vegans have...higher testosterone in men
Vegans had higher levels of total testosterone, not usable testosterone, because their bodies also had more SHBG which blocks testosterone from being used. SHBG is normally found at higher levels in women and children. I don't know if that really made any difference since it seemed like their bodies compensated for it. You're never going to convince a random regular guy that veganism makes him manlier though. It just seems like you're overcompensating because you know veganism has flaws too in that it's not really nutritionally complete.

>> No.17140498

take B12 supplements and, if your diet isn't great, iron as well

>> No.17140532

Nope, even when it comes to free testosterone, vegans get the edge.
You seem to be under the impression that I care about convincing dumb fatties who think gorging on bacon makes them manly lol. Not my problem.

>> No.17140548

Being obese is associated with a decline in testosterone so vegans will get the advanage in that area since they're generally thinner, but I don't see how they could when compared to an ideal omnivore diet. You literally can't survive as a vegan without supplements. You can be healthier than the average person since the average person eats a lot of junk food and is overweight, but that doesn't mean veganism is ideal. And I'm sure someone will talk about how animals are given supplements too but that's only because they're being fed corn and soy instead of whatever their natural diet is.

>> No.17140562

Are you a woman? Iron deficiency
Are you a man? Then you're a liar

>> No.17140573

BMI was adjusted for. You don't need to make shit up in every post.

>> No.17140574

>consider that BMI was adjusted for but not SHBG to show that testosterone levels were about the same

>> No.17140581

As I already explained, even their free testosterone is higher.

>> No.17140596

It's interesting that a nutritionally incomplete diet could have that effect. I wonder if it could be from the nutritional profile of grain-fed meat being different from when an animal is on its natural diet. I know there's been some discussion about chickens and pork having different kinds of fat compared to ruminants when fed grains. I'd still be concerned about SHBG being a lot higher on the vegan diet which could have more effects than just on testosterone levels. I think it's also probably not a good idea to completely trust a single study on something this complicated and assume that every single factor has been accounted for.

>> No.17140774

nvm the fact that they are on average 6 years younger in this study and T is said to decline by 0.1 per year you fucking retard

>> No.17140790

>All mean hormone concentrations are adjusted for age, smoking
>status, vigorous exercise, time of day of venipuncture, time since
>last eaten at venipuncture and time between venipuncture and
>blood processing. Mean hormone concentrations are presented
>with and without adjustment for BMI (Table 2). Vegan men had on
>average 9% lower IGF-I levels than meat-eaters (P < 0.01) and 8%
>lower levels than vegetarians (P < 0.01); adjustment for BMI made
>little difference to these values. Prior to adjustment for BMI,
>SHBG levels in vegans were 16% higher than in meat-eaters (P <
>0.0001), and 12% higher than in vegetarians (P = 0.0008); adjust-
>ment for BMI reduced these differences to 6% (P = 0.02) and 10%
>(P = 0.004), respectively. Vegans had 13% higher T concentration
>than meat-eaters (P = 0.0001) and 8% higher than vegetarians (P =
>0.001); adjustment for BMI reduced these differences to 6% (P =
>0.07) and 7% (P = 0.02), respectively. Since an increase in SHBG
>generally causes an increase in total T, we examined differences in
>mean T concentration after additionally adjusting for SHBG. This
>adjustment substantially reduced the difference in T between the three diet groups (adjusted means were 20.3, 20.5 and
>21.2 nmol/l in meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans respectively,
>test for heterogeneity; P = 0.312). There were no significant differ-
>ences in calculated FT, A-diol-g or LH between dietary groups.
>There were substantial differences in plasma total cholesterol, with
>vegans having 17% lower mean values than meat-eaters
>(P < 0.0001), and 10% lower values than vegetarians (P < 0.0001),
>and adjustment for BMI made little difference to these values.
They adjusted for age, you fucking idiot.

>> No.17140793

Great thread. Keep up the good work

>> No.17140794

Science says all races are the same and a man chopping his cock off makes him a woman. Science has been going downhill for decades. The few vegans I've come across are frail, unbalanced skinny retards.

I'll be banned for this post no doubt but oh well, I'll fuck this board off if that happens.

>> No.17140828

ah yes, vegans, the pinnacle of manliness. fucking retard.

>> No.17140842

Cope harder, fatass.

>> No.17140854

you're the assblasted vegan here proving you're all brain damaged. post your wrist limpdick.

>> No.17140857

Lol, the adipose blob is furious.

>> No.17140859

> turning in to a giant pussy

South Park covered this years ago.

>> No.17140863

lol no.

>> No.17140867
File: 2.02 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20211217_101907342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cope faggot, have a good look at my filet mignon omelette burrito brekko and dilate.

>> No.17142185

Stop trying to go vegetarian you little bitch

>> No.17142226

If it's supposed to get rid of cancer, then why are you here?

>> No.17142235


>> No.17142236

That's because it's soy-ence
Not science

>> No.17142240

Start the day with some meat,
Go the rest of the day without it if I can

>> No.17142242

Little animal murderer thinks he's a tough guy, coward.

>> No.17142245

Went vegetarian for about 4 months. Decided to try eating meat again, and I literally cannot go back to being vegetarian. I never was huge on meat in the first place but seriously, I eat more meat now than I did before.
I'm happy it works for some people but I can't see myself going back.

>> No.17142254

I adjusted for you being a faggot

>> No.17142334 [DELETED] 

Lol, I love how the carnist retards have repeatedly lied and have gotten called out on their bullshit with empirical data each time so now they are foaming at their mouth and acting manly over eating meat.

>> No.17142798

>Imagine being this retarded
Every time a vegan posts on this board I go outside and kill a squirrel. Not to eat, but to make sure an animal suffers the same as I do dealing with you faggots.

>> No.17142807

Everyone murders animals. Everyone.

Ay yo u play guild wars 2?

>> No.17142829

Do you avoid brushing your teeth and using soap when you shower? You know you're killing billions of bacteria when you do that? What about the the ones who live on the plants you cook? Is there life any less valuable than a sheep's or a dog's?

>> No.17142861

Salt the veggies

>> No.17143638
File: 162 KB, 1200x1253, 5ub456jv46in58k4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do vegans feel about abortion and the death penalty?

>> No.17144057
File: 149 KB, 640x193, vegetarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most vegans are pro killing humans, especially humans who don't share their beliefs

>> No.17144212

Your evidence is a 4chan frogpost, anon.