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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17125274 No.17125274 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/ I'm looking for extremely low calorie recipes so I can lose weight without eating nothing but chicken breast broccoli rice. Or rather, so I stop getting bored with my chicken broccoli rice. I've been dipping my steamed veggies in a sauce made of yuzu, miso and roasted garlic but I'm growing bored with that. Some simple soup recipes would be great, just nothing with oil or butter. I do have sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil and butter but I want to avoid eating them as they're very high calorie.

>> No.17125286

avoid refined grains and sugars not calories.

>> No.17125302

Eat less, fatty

>> No.17125305

Sew your mouth shut

>> No.17125308

or eat the same but less carbs and you will lose more weight

>> No.17125327

I'm trying to eat less, yes. But from a satiety viewpoint it makes no fucking sense to blow my daily calories on a small amount of low calorie food. That's why I'm here, to ask about how to make delicious low calorie foods so I can have more than one meal a day. I'm using coffee and green tea to suppress my hunger and it's simply not sustainable. I've not come for diet advice, I've come for recipes. If you can't do something that simple pls go away

>> No.17125332

ugh I meant small amount of high calorie food. It's a fucking waste of my limited calorie budget to do something like eat a fucking burger and nothing else for the day.

>> No.17125352

Make your own hummus just without any oil. So blend chickpeas, garlic, salt, lemon juice and add just a little bit of sesame oil. It tastes just the same but with far less calories.

>> No.17125360

A decent burger can be as little as 500 or so calories, which is less than what you should be eating in an entire day.

>> No.17125381

thanks this sounds amazing actually! I can add some seasonings to that

I've been having low fat turkey burgers a lot, and beef hamburg steak. I've grown really bored with it lately. I think it's easier if I list the meals I've been having:

>baked skinless chicken breast with green beans broccoli and rice
>ground turkey chilli with rice
>mushrooms boiled in tsuyu and dashi
>steaks seasoned with cajun spice and broccoli
>ginger minced chicken meatballs boiled in dashi with cabbage
>turkey burger with egg fried rice
>hamburg steak with gravy and peas

this is the only things I've been eating past four months and I'm really tired of it. Please help me out, I was raised on junk food so I have no idea what else to make.

>> No.17125386

>nothing with oil
you can't cook without oil dummy

>> No.17125401

I either use worcestershire sauce or chicken stock to lubricate the pan, it works but it's very bland

>> No.17125402

seek help

>> No.17125405
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Holy fuck how old are you?

>> No.17125409

scared of fats . . .
you're not going to make it.
You're demonstrating your problem, you don't understand that a calorie isn't just a calorie, were it comes from and how your body process it is more imperative. Eating more fat although more highly dense in calories, will satiate you with less of it. You're used to eating like a fat cow, your faggot weeb shit. Get some real food.
>If you can't do something that simple pls go away
No you fuck off and keep guzzling jizz, you fat fuck.

>> No.17125423
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I like my women with some belly

>> No.17125429
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The elite don't want you to know this OP.
I really wish I could use spoilers on /ck/ but here we go.
zucchini spaghetti

>> No.17125450
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Not a weeb, middle eastern so love rice. Going low carb was miserable and I do have avocados sometimes. But this is my dinner rn

>> No.17125469

Oh right, forgot to add that I'm having red camargue and black rice, it's the most filling, tastes great and has nice nutrients.
Oh nice, I will look this up! I do have some zucchini and tomatoes in the fridge right now!

>> No.17125485

Kys ketoschizo get the fuck outta here

>> No.17125504

Boiled eggs with mustard

>> No.17125578 [DELETED] 

16 why?

>> No.17125582

explains a lot, just eat a bunch of tuna

>> No.17125618

deenz are better

>> No.17125633
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Just eat stuff with potatoes or oatmeal. Hard to eat a lot of that because it takes up so much space in your stomach, and potatoes have a hunger-inhibiting compound in them too making you feel satiated for longer after you eat them.

>> No.17125656
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>Make your own hummus just without any oil. So blend chickpeas, garlic, salt, lemon juice and add just a little bit of sesame oil. It tastes just the same but with far less calories.
How much hummus do you have to eat for removing the oil to make a significant difference?

>> No.17125658

Avoid anything processed (basically anything you aren't making yourself from ingredients) and sugar in general.
Lean towards foods with a lower glycemic index/load, they will keep you satiated for longer.

Eggs are great in general. Eat more of them.

>> No.17125691

Lunch meat, wrapped around a pickle spear with hot sauce

>> No.17125710
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Beans are a good staple. A high ratio per 100 calories of protein (7.8g) and fiber (7.5g), by comparison low fat cuts of meat have around 11g per 100 calories and no fiber. Further, beans have a low glycemic index, meaning it is converted into blood glucose at a low rate over a long period, no cycle of sugar peaking then dropping making you hunger again. In other words less hunger per calorie.

If you're really poor you can get a big bag of dry beans and get into a routine of soaking and boiling them every day. In latin and southern cuisine they mix it with rice, but because rice is empty calories I'd stick with beans.

note: red kidney beans are poisonous unless boiled thoroughly

>> No.17126626

Add cabbage to stews.
Low as fuck in calories. High as fuck in fibres.

>> No.17126684


>> No.17127106
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>I was raised on junk food so I have no idea what else to make
Based off that list you're already doing better than half of this board. Try congee, you can make two massive bowlfuls with half a cup of rice, and either include a little protein directly or make small side dishes, you only need a tiny bit.
Dhal is another grain porridge that is very filling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Byh30_6PL8
Okonomiyaki is a good way to make a meal out of a lot of cabbage.
Try poaching your chicken breast for your rice, or try steaming a white fish instead. Make a strong topping with minced chilli, ginger, garlic and soy sauce.

Don't go too mad with avoiding oils like this, it just makes the food depressing. I think you're better off including a tablespoon of oil and just eating a couple tablespoons less of carbs if you're being hyper strict with the calorie counting.

>> No.17127110

Fill yourself with vegetables until you're on the brink of barfing

>> No.17127156
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>eggs, potatoes, chicken thighs, green veggies, onions, milk, peanuts
A complete diet.

>> No.17127211

rice cakes are awesome for snacking since if you lose control and binge on the entire bag its only like 700 calories and not over 2000 like a bag of chips or something.

>> No.17127217

Run more, fatty

>> No.17127329

Just make some simple chicken and veggie soup.
>Italian herbs
>Rice / Noodles to flavor

>> No.17127963

Bean protein doesn't contain every essential amino acid. If you only ate beans for protein you'd develop a gross looking disease and die. You need to pair beans with rice because rice protein contains the remaining essential amino acids that aren't in beans.

>> No.17127974
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>a chicken breast
>A broccolini bundle
>6 baby potatoes
>2tbsp EVOO
>roast until it looks done

>> No.17127981
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800 calories and extremely filling. I can't even eat all of this in one sitting.

>> No.17128791

Fatties shouldn't run, that's how they fuck their knees and ankles

>> No.17128797

What spices did you use?

>> No.17128887

Skinnytaste is great! Things like shepherd's pie can be frozen in individual portions, so one recipe will yield dinner the first night, and you'll have five nights of lazy dinner. There's a great beef and broccoli recipe on there, too.

>> No.17128940

>avoid calories not calories
Genius, ketotards are so retarded.

>> No.17128948

Long pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder
Obviously you should put salt for flavor but I am reducing sodium. It tasted pretty good without salt anyway.

>> No.17128949

It's also fine if you're eating a high quality protein source like meat, eggs, or caesin in sufficient quantities.

>> No.17128956

almost as if not all calories are created equal. Some calories contribute to fatty liver others dont.

>> No.17128960

Stop eating so much you fat fuck. And go for a run. Jesus fuck.

Just I know you can do it anon. It sucks for a few weeks but you change eventually. Don't give up

>> No.17128975

Semi Starvation will destroy your metabolic rate

>> No.17128985

Sure, beans are by no means bad for you, I'm just saying it's an incomplete protein source. You only build body tissue when you have all the essential amino acids in the correct ratio and any extra ones just get turned into fuel. If you eat only chicken+beans you can basically consider that the incomplete bean protein is completely moot in terms of muscle building and tissue repair. Since meat on its own basically already has the perfect amino acid ratios for building more meat. The only way to actually get something out of bean protein is to pair it with other incomplete proteins that complement each other.

>> No.17128997

t. Can't be an arm chair nutritionist because his fat ass broke the chair

>> No.17129010

>t. I have no argument so I shall resort to the tried and tested tactic of ad homonim

>> No.17129011

Just go to the gym.
Think of eating as an exchange; you eat as much as you want and in exchange you go to the gym and burn off the same calories. It's a positive feedback loop since you convert your lardskin to muscle and muscles burn more calories just by existing.

>> No.17129019

This makes me think. What's the most perfect gruel/sloppa gunk you can make for optimal calorie and nutrient provision? I mean real food, not supplement pills. Let's even add in preservability for extra fun. Can you make canned sloppa that perfectly fits a man's needs (real needs, no soylent crap)?

>> No.17129030

ground beef mixed with some offal fried in some butter or tallow

>> No.17129038

At least I have a chair.

>> No.17129070

literally lost 8kg in three months by cutting calorie intake by 20% and not eating any processed sugars

never even fealt hungry

>> No.17129089

kinda makes you think modern food was altered to specifically make the general populace obese

>> No.17129175

sugar is added to nearly every packaged food item in the supermarket. They of course even add it to salami and soppressatta as well which is most infuriating

>> No.17129181

That's exactly what soylent is, though. What about it doesn't fit your criteria, besides having a Reddit name?

>> No.17129194

Low dietary amino acid digestibility and arguably not fit for human consumption

>> No.17129222

huh, who would benefit from that?

>> No.17129233

Source: your ass
>The soy isolate used in Soylent has a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1, matching that of milk protein.

>> No.17129251

Humans like eating sugar. If there's two products next to each other on the shelf, most people will pick the one with more sugar in it because it tastes better. Therefore companies put sugar in the products.
Do you really think it's some kind of conspiracy?

>> No.17129259

Source: trust us bro
Now if this were independantly validated maybe its be true but until then I remain skeptical

>> No.17129262


>> No.17129283

Well you're an idiot then

>> No.17129289

Hello, fellow American.

>> No.17129296
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>> No.17129299

we really can't help goys like you, but it is a source a great amusement

>> No.17129302
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>PDCAAS allows evaluation of food protein quality based on the needs of humans as it measures the quality of a protein based on the amino acid requirements (adjusted for digestibility) of a 2- to 5-year-old child

>> No.17129319

This is retarded, unironically NGMI. Many flavors and nutrients are fat soluble, and many many flavors develop at temperatures that water can't reach. Avoiding fat is just making your food depressing and less nutritious, and it induces less satiety so it's probably making you eat more calories in total anyway.

Just use some fucking oil or butter and enjoy your food, people don't get fat from using oil to pan fry.

>> No.17129346

Do you think soylab carried out the measurements themselves? It's easily googleable

>The PDCAAS rating was adopted by the US FDA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) in 1993 as "the preferred 'best'" method to determine protein quality.[1]
I see you conveniently left out the portion of your quote that gives the reason why it's based on a 2-5 year old child: they're the most nutritionally demanding group. Adults need abundant sources of complete protein even less than babies because they're not literally constructing an entire human body from scratch. You're trying to imply that soy protein is optimal for babies and /not/ for adults which is a blatantly intentional lie.

>> No.17129390

Dude I don't even like Jews, but if you're going to name them you need to actually make sense, otherwise it just waters down the message and makes you sound like a schizo. Israel was responsible for 9/11, Jews control foreign policy and the media and banking, it's all true. They're broadly responsible for modern leftism and the field of modern psychology, transgenderism, the promotion of disgusting art and literature, the list goes on. But they're not responsible for literally everything you don't like. Jews aren't putting sugar in food. That doesn't make sense from a logistical standpoint and they're not even overrepresented in US food or restaurant industries or farming.

>> No.17129698

pick one fatass

>> No.17129710

Yes Jews control everything even the overwhelming amount of non Jews that historically and presently actually run the world. Kabbalah. Please pay no attention to the dynastic Catholic and WASP pedophiles that have genocided billions through human history because there's a lot of Jews on CNN
>Jews aren't putting sugar in food. That doesn't make sense from a logistical standpoint
Imagine going full pistol to temple Nazi retard yet not even fathoming that food supply and diet isn't integral to population control. Of course people like sugar. When its loaded into the cheapest things designed to give a quick rush and dependency its obviously intentional you retarded pretentious fuckwit.

>> No.17129751

You can't outlift your fork anon

>> No.17129843

You can forklift one out!

>> No.17129909

A calorie is not a calorie. Different kinds of macronutrients are used by the body in different ways. Some calories are more useful than others for your actual functioning.

Carbs on carbs just leave you wanting more. You end up eating more than you need to if you're eating the wrong things.

>> No.17129914

>I've not come for diet advice, I've come for recipes. If you can't do something that simple pls go away

Interesting because you need recipes for diets that work. Low fat diets were wrong then and they're wrong now, full stop. It's dangerous in at least one way, your gallbladder can be ruined by inactivity. It is the hardest diet you can do, if you succeed you are a badass. But you probably can't be a badass your whole life.

Here's what you do. Ask for high fat, ultra low carb recipes. If you're an adult sized male start with 1800 calories or so until you adapt, or if you're serious eat 1500, 1000, or even 500 calories cold turkey. 1000 calories is a piss easy thing to do on high fat low carb, I'm not joking. Limit your carbs to 30g a day for most of the benefit, or 20g for keto, whichever feels better or allows you to work in food you need psychologically. Either way your blood sugar and insulin will stay low and even, and you won't feel hungry. Fat is delicious and makes food worth eating. Carbs and straight sugar are ubiquitious in america but everytime you crave them just eat fat, it's a great consolation.

If you eat a calorie deficit, you will lose weight, so you can only lose on this diet or any other diet, so you might as well try it. Just try eating the same calorie deficit with mostly fat and protein, and the next day try protein and carbs. You will quickly tell which one is hard as fuck.

>> No.17129923

All relevant opinions both scientific and laymen know refined grains and sugars are horrible for you, that's not called "keto" you contrarian fuck

>> No.17129927

Throw out the potatoes and you won't return for another sitting to finish it

>> No.17129935

If we stopped subsidizing corn I bet every societal health metric would improve in a year

>> No.17129941

>But from a satiety viewpoint it makes no fucking sense to blow my daily calories on a small amount of low calorie food.

from a satiety viewpoint it makes the most sense to eat fat and not carbs. You're confusing calorie density with satiety.

>> No.17129949

Reading through OP's posts he's bored of his food and it's hilarious

I've lost 30 pounds and literally half my meals have been mcdoubles or triple cheeseburgers from mcdonalds with the bun thrown away. Been doing it for a bit over 2 months, 3 pounds a week.

I will never, NEVER get tired of meat, cheese, salt, and pepper bursting in my mouth. I never regret my decision. The bun makes it worse.

Also vegetables are delicious with butter. All of them. It's just so fucking easy

>> No.17130100

>a calorie isnt a calorie
Uhhhh lmao what?

>> No.17130102


>> No.17130262

>uhh bait lmao

>> No.17130283

Tried skipping breakfast OP? I just drink black coffee until lunch and then eat some fruit with a simple protein like yogurt, peanut butter or some chocolate milk. Maybe even some cheese with nuts or something. Then nothing until dinner where I eat whatever the fuck I want though I always make sure half of it is veggies of some sort. Makes it incredibly hard to eat too many calories day to day. I realize not eating half the day is hard for a lot of folks though. I'm lucky I got used to it in childhood.

>> No.17130320

Also recommend skipping breakfast. Particularly easy to do if you aren't active early in the morning or sleep late. But it is hard to get used to and you'll have to ignore hunger before lunch for a few weeks.

>> No.17130699
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This is the dumbest thing you can do. if your gonna skip something you skip dinner dont listen to these idiots
. Also OP you fat fuck, instead of just dieting have you tried exercising? I dont mean just go to the gym and spend 100 dollars i mean just go outside for a walk or a jog 1-2 hours?

>> No.17130730

this is my diet op but i think its more working out than diet to lose weight

>greek yogurt
>cacao nibs
>dried cranberries

>pork chop/ fillet of fish/ 4 oz of chicken
>2 carrots
>handful of kale
>1 pear
>some pineapples

>more peanuts
>more cacao nibs

i wouldn’t say this diet is extremely time sensitive but i filled in the gaps to where I would eat them in a scheduled manner.

What do you guys think of my diet? I also take a multi vitamin.

>> No.17130744

>this is my diet op but i think its more working out than diet to lose weight
It's the complete opposite.

>> No.17130752

>Fatty thinks losing weight is about food alone.
Its a balance between food and exercise also stop being fat.

>> No.17130759

well how is my diet and what can i improve anon? I only say this because I noticed most of my weight melt off me after doing some cardio. And then other weighted me exercises seems yo be toning me up.

>> No.17130763

Greek yogurt. That is all.

>> No.17130996

Next day: I ended up not going back to finish it. I never got hungry again by the end of the day, but I was experiencing brain fog and a headache. I think 800 calories for one day was just too low.

>> No.17131009

no, exercise is insignificant, nothing compared to food.

>> No.17131043

Just eat whatever you want but in one meal a day. You will lose weight.

>> No.17131082

Just my anecdotal experience but they work best together and seem to leave you with more stable results when combined.

>> No.17131087

This doesn’t work forever but is a fine short term plan depending on how bad their diet is. You can gain or lose weight on one meal a day, it’s not a magic pill. but it does help simplify things a lot.

>> No.17131102

It will definitely work long term too. It's just intermittent fasting, it isnt rocket surgery.

>> No.17131111

You want to google “volume eating recipes”. These are recipes that look to get as much food volume out of very little calories. I’d watch out for guar or Xantham gum, since some people get gastric issues with those. But something that tastes very good is a salad made from a lb of raw spinach, some diced of tomato, pepper, and onion, some sugar-free BBQ sauce or malt vinegar, and two slices of bacon (bacon is not as high in calories as you’d expect). Add some chicken breast or pork loin to up the protein, but this will be your major calorie source. Totals about 250 calories for lower protein, and about 500 with around 50 grams of protein in the higher calorie version.
Salad let’s you play with vegetable volume quite well. You could also do cucumber, onion, and tomato instead of spinach some days, though this will reduce protein and add calories (like about 50 calories and lose about 8 g of protein).

>> No.17131423

>This is the dumbest thing you can do. if your gonna skip something you skip dinner dont listen to these idiots

Try to explain this without looking like a retard, I dare you

>> No.17131430

Also anecdotal experience: walking burns some calories and is good psychologically, but if you exercise more rigorously than that you'll definately make yourself hungry and most people will eat more than they burned during the exercise

>> No.17131445

This is as meaningless as saying "Just eat a calorie deficit, you will lose weight". The question is will your plan be easy enough that the person doesn't quit the diet, or will want to return to it every time they start gaining weight.

You can also explain why intermittent fasting provides an advantage if you want.

>> No.17131525

The biggest problem I had when trying to lose weight was constant snacking and being horrible with portion control. If I have a 2 hour window to eat whatever I want there is no way i'm eating 7000 calories during that time. It also helps you not feel like you are missing out on certain foods. Good luck.

>> No.17131542

Oh. I guess that’s a thing too. I don’t eat when hungry on a diet so I got nothing but benefits from doing a 30-60 run everyday to help drop weight. I wasn’t doing anything extremely vigorous though. Plus it was great for my mood.

>> No.17131556

>you'll definately make yourself hungry and most people will eat more than they burned during the exercise
i lose my appetite after doing cardio actually

>> No.17131580

I mean define “work”. It’s a fine way to eat I guess. It’s really easy. I’ve been eating one meal per day for 11 years. no real reason, not a decision to do the OMAD diet, just because that’s the habit I fell into. My weight has fluctuated from 115 to 150lbs, currently at 125. I don’t feel that eating once per day has been a major contributor to my overall health or wellness, it’s just when I eat. The things I eat and in what amount have seemed more important to me.
Not knocking it or anything I just think it’s weird when people want diet advice and someone says “omad” with no qualifiers. For someone who’s never done it it would probably make a big difference though just by them not snacking.

>> No.17131599
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>I mean define “work”

>> No.17131697

First of all, roast or pan-fry your veggies instead so that they actually taste good.
As for other advice, what you want are meals that are relatively low-cal and taste good but keep you sated. You don't inherently need to avoid high-calorie foods like oils so long as you're making stuff that doesn't compel you to stuff your face later.
This >>17131111 is a good short-term idea but high-volume eating isn't sustainable in the long term unless you're an anachan and meme diets aren't sustainable either. If you learn how to make healthy but filling meals and where to cut calories in otherwise normal dishes without sacrificing the flavor of the dish then you'll be able to keep it up. I'll dump some recipes later.

>> No.17131699
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Recipe for one person

2-4 tablespoons of curry paste. I like Maesri.
2 tablespoons coconut milk
Protein (I like to use a half block of tofu personally) in any amount appropriate for your personal needs
A few cloves of Garlic
A couple centimeters of diced ginger root
A shallot or onion if you want the added sweetness they give
Cabbage. Any kind, as much as you want. I like nappa or baby bok choy. Broccoli is also good as the green.
2-3 cups of water
Fresh cilantro or basil

I put the ginger, garlic, curry paste and coconut milk in a pot on high and move it around for a minute (normally you would fry the paste but I’m more or less using the fat of the coconut milk to do that here.) then add the water, bring to boil, add tofu, add greens and cook until they’re your preferred level of soft (I let mine go about 10 mins) then throw in fresh cilantro or basil and immediately turn off the heat. Cover and let sit until cool enough to eat.

I’ve made this with other proteins and other vegetables but the basic concept is the same. The curry broth fills you up and the greens fill you up. The protein and tiny bit of coconut fat keeps you satiated. The curry spices and other aromatics keep you from getting bored to death.

With the coconut milk, curry paste and tofu I’m looking at ~300 calories plus whatever calories I can get out of the vegetables. And it tastes good.

>> No.17132297
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Tom Yum soup
You can go full scratch and buy all the ingredients yourself or you can buy a jar of paste and literally just add meat/vegetable. Super low calorie, it’s basically anorexia food but very warm and comforting.

>> No.17132303

I mean it works fine as a way to live but I think they were saying it works as a way to make you lose weight and I don’t think it will by itself.

>> No.17132340

I lost a bunch of weight on a tight budget eating mostly chicken legs, hard boiled eggs, tuna fish, turkey chili, and pork tenderloin, along with a bunch of daily gummy vitamins.

I guess my finest piece of advice is fuck chicken breasts because it starts become difficult to eat them after a short time. For me, chicken legs never get tiring and they are cheaper, too.

>> No.17132393

How do they taste? How the texture?

>> No.17132525

kinda soft, springy, tastes blandly vegetal like zucchini

>> No.17132735

Tuna sandwiches, don't use the light mayo use good stuff

>> No.17132829

on a scale of 1 to 10 how does it compare to real pasta

>> No.17132869

Just fast for a week every month. Eat all you want in between fasts.

>> No.17132945

Not calling liar but I'm confused. It's hard to control portions and stop snacking but easier not to eat 22 hours? I know sleep divides it and hunger wains after 12 hours or so, but was it really easier than plating less and getting snacks out of your house?

>> No.17132975

For me, it's lemon pepper wings

>> No.17132994

yes. theres a reason they put out an appetizer before your meal in hopes you eat more. prime the pump if you will

>> No.17133005

Wrong post?

>> No.17133009

>Here's what you do. Ask for high fat, ultra low carb recipes
stopped reading here. Don't listen to ketolards op.

>> No.17133019

>stopped reading here.


>> No.17133026

Reminder that fasting is keto

>> No.17133183

apples and oranges. it's just not pasta.

>> No.17133216

Eat less
Make sure 40% of your calories come from fats, mainly unsaturated fats

>> No.17133225


>> No.17133228

do you have a recipe for a meal with 40% fat calories you could share?

>> No.17133235

Just pour more olive oil or lard on top, avoid eating deep fried food

>> No.17133259
File: 399 KB, 1430x1060, Screen Shot 2021-12-15 at 3.31.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow cool recipe

>> No.17133320

I lost 40lbs in a year by not eating any grains, limiting my cheese by weighing it out by the ounce, limiting fruits to one serving a day and not drinking milk for a few months. I ate mostly meat and lots and lots of vegetables doused in butter. I ate probably a pound of vegetables every day. I did not eat salads with dressing because they don't keep you full, but sometimes I would eat raw vegetables with dip as a treat, maybe once a week. It was a lot easier to stick to my calorie goals when I felt full and the food tasted good. I also let myself have one spoon of sugar with my tea in the morning but no other sugar during the day from snacks or anything else.

Potatoes are a good choice for a treat actually. Satisfies that carb craving but you eat less than if you eat pasta or something.

Cabbage is great. Just make sure you soak for about 15 minutes with a bit of vinegar in some water to get the bugs and dirt out. I ate quite a bit of cabbage and chicken soup. Good stuff.

For recipes, I really just pan fried meat and vegetables in butter and ate that for lunch and dinner. I stayed full and was happy. I also lost weight.

>> No.17133369

>I did not eat salads with dressing because they don't keep you full

Man this, macros are not everything. I can eat a tiny burger patty and be content but a large salad will make me hungrier even if I toss the croutons and hammer on the dressing. I'm thinking fats need to be solid for short term satiety.

>> No.17133403

>potatoes...Satisfies that carb craving
this 100%. winter squash works too, like a kabocha

>> No.17133474

Aren't you due a heart attack lardo? Post physique

>> No.17133507

Man that poor kid just wanted recipes and only got a scolding from disgustingly obese amerimutts. If you can lose weight on burgers then you're 300lbs and should shut up forever. My daily needs are 1300kcal so I make up lots of steamed chicken breasts and dip it in sweet chilli sauce or sesame dressing. Also make those fresh shrimp rolls. Tacos with low fat beef in lettuce rolls.

>> No.17133560

>Hello /ck/ I'm looking for extremely low calorie recipes so I can lose weight without eating nothing but chicken breast broccoli rice. Or rather, so I stop getting bored with my chicken broccoli rice. I've been dipping my steamed veggies in a sauce made of yuzu, miso and roasted garlic but I'm growing bored with that. Some simple soup recipes would be great, just nothing with oil or butter. I do have sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil and butter but I want to avoid eating them as they're very high calorie.
Baked potatoes, try to avoid russet
Ants on a log
Hassleback chicken with spinach and ricotta cheese

>> No.17133581


wow what a difficult survey

>> No.17133592
File: 144 KB, 720x601, thai coconut soup recipe with kabocha squash by seasonwithspice.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regular soup I make:
cubed kabocha, yellow curry paste, and fresh garlic/ginger in water with a small splash of coconut milk. just put everything in the pot and simmer until the pumpkin is tender. couldn't be more comfortable and pleasant, plus it's very easy. if you don't like curry paste just toast some spices of your choosing in the pan before you add everything else. garlic optional. cilantro garnish is nice too. it's almost a curry but I make it too watery to call it that (pumpkin curry is great though).

I've seen a "mexican" version with chilis and pumpkin seeds that looked good.

you can puree it (I wouldn't, I like the taste of the skin too much) or leave it chunky. it lends itself well to the addition of other ingredients (meat, greens, beans, etc.).

basic idea works with carrots, sweet potato, other squashes too...I think kabocha is the best for soup.

pic related but just something I found online that looks kinda close to what I make

>> No.17133607

damn is that just vegetables and miso paste? why so extreme

>> No.17133620


Love this and I make it pretty frequently. Its about 250-300kcal per serving. You can double up the veggies or reduce the oil to lower the kcal per serving but I think 250kcal is reasonable.

Protein is also easily incorporated. I like to pan fry some shrimp and put on top mostly, sometimes I open a can of deenz and mix it in or if I have some leftover rotisserie chicken mix that in.

>> No.17133669

It's probably because lettuce is mostly water. It's kind of a waste of money in my opinion. I was much happier eating my warm comfy pan fried vegetables.

Ooh yes. I love butternut squash too. Creamy vegetables are very satisfying. Never had kabocha, but I'm definitely going to go try one now. Not sure why, probably because I just always get the butternut.

>> No.17133683


I started doing intermittent fasting like this three or four months ago, it's been going fairly well. Difficult to start for a few weeks but then you get used to it. My typical weekday routine is something like this

630: wake up, get ready, go to work (about 20 min walk)
9ish: large black coffee
1115-12: lunchbreak at work but I don't eat anything during the formal lunchbreak, instead I go take a 45 min walk
12: eat lunch while working at desk. Usually it's something like a scoop of mixed nuts + an apple or something similar
get home about 4 (again, about 15-20 min walk to get home).
some light exersize, like maybe 60 sit ups (in sets of 20) and 20 push ups and 30 squats. No serious lifting, although I do have a pair of 25 lb dumbells I sometimes hold while doing the squats/sit ups.
then I eat whatever I want at 530 or 6. Usually its something like a large salad with lots of grilled chicken in it.

been doing this quite consistently almost every day (with some variation and some days when I go out and eat total crap with friends) for about 4 months. Have gone from ~240 lbs to ~195 lbs (6'1 male). Am getting skinnyfat but its better than straight up obese.

>> No.17133712

kabocha is very low calorie but also very flavorful. most online calorie trackers use butternut squash calorie numbers for some reason but it's actually even lower.

>> No.17133816

Sounds great, I'm excited to try it out. That's weird that they do that, but it makes sense. I always feel like some of the numbers are off. Sometimes they are lower than they are supposed to be, sometimes higher. It's better to just use that stuff to estimate because it seems like that's what they're doing.

Good for you anon. Hope you can keep it up.

>> No.17133928


Thanks, I have my doubts as to if I'll still be doing this in a year, but we'll see.

>> No.17134122

Just keep up with the activity. By then you will have broken any food addictions so it will be a lot easier to stick to eating healthy foods. Once you've reached your goal weight you can focus more on just eating well and not going back to old habits. If you have the discipline to get as far as you have I have no doubt you'll be ok.

>> No.17134167

Miso plus yuzu plus roasted garlic mashed up. I can't eat more than 1000~1200 calories because I'm a female working very long hours plus uni. I've bought natto because I heard its good for skin so I'm having that plus brown rice and avocado. Does anyone know the calories of chicken leg? I want to boil some with the skin and bone and eat it all.

>> No.17134710

Lost 90 pounds over the last year ~ year and a half

all i did was calculate my tdee, subtract like 750, avoid bread pasta and sugar and counted calories

didnt do any keto shit before some sperg freaks out, just lowered my carb intake and substituted shit like using pita bread for sandwiches for like 1/4 the cals and carbs of sliced bread for one example

youre gonna be hungry until your body adjusts, having a nice serving of fat in a meal helped my stay full but eating some stuff like oatmeal and rice to fill up is good also

>> No.17134740

As a low carb fag that just crushes meat, diet soda, and buttered broccoli that sounds hard as fuck and I immensley respect it

>> No.17135800

>avoid bread pasta and sugar and counted calories
>didnt do any keto shit
are you an idiot?
> durr no keto shit but I cut out all the highest GL carbs... BUT NO I HAD A POTATO OR SOME TINY PORTION OF RICE
you are simultaneously cutting carbs and shitting on the idea of cutting carbs

>> No.17135813

Just chew nicotine gum and pop a 200mg caffeine pill every 6-8 hours. Surprise, never hungry.

>> No.17135814

I have to ask anon... Do you have excess skin flaps? I've been losing weight and I'm not sure if I'm going to get it or not.

>> No.17135816

Resistant starch, works best if you let them cool and then reheat them before you eat it somehow

>> No.17136018

It will and it does. I lost 120 pounds in less than a year. Only 10 more pounds until I hit my goal.

>> No.17136022

no, he is right. the more you eat the hungrier you get.

>> No.17136441

a little but not much, if you exercise while losing weight you should avoid it
right i wasnt doing keto just cutting foods with high calorie counts that arent filling, like bread and pasta, i still ate carbs and didnt track how many i ate like with keto

>> No.17136682

He's afraid of the posters here calling him a ketolard or something if he doesn't immediately renounce it

>> No.17136709

Yeah I mean, no one is crushing food right after a tennis match

But later in the day your body will increase hunger to compensate. Also people trying to lose weight aren't exactly athletes so they'll be tired later in the day and sit down more. So not only is excercise not so exciting from a calorie numbers perspective but homeostatis gimps it even more.

>> No.17137851

Bump for recipes

Not op

>> No.17138253


thanks, it was hard at first, but the key is to not quit the second you fuck something up. especially the first couple of weeks, you're going to get hungry and grab a handful of pretzels or something at 10 AM occaisonally. just accept it and move on and try to do it right the next day

at this point, now that I'm used to it, once I eat a meal about 70% as big as I used to I feel so full that the idea of eating more is repulsive, so my stomach capacity has definitely shrunk

>> No.17138285 [DELETED] 

I started losing weight for real when I gave up on being perfect every day. Moved to monthly goals. Only wanted to lose 15lbs. It was stupid when I thought I could lose it in one month, it was perfect when I gave myself 3-4 months. Stayed off too. There were days I ate rich food and beers and days I didn’t but it all worked out.
Recovered (7yr) bulimic lol

For OP: I had the best time when I made complicated recipes for fun a couple times a week and simple soups the rest of the time, also one meal a day. Grain of salt etc., I’m not a dietician.

>> No.17138308

using nuts and seeds in your salad or dressing helps quite a bit. chickpeas. stuff like that.
also use spinach instead of lettuce. cabbage helps too.

>> No.17138324

Cooke two pounds of ground beef, saute onion, green pepper and red pepper, optionally add some cream cheese. Layer that in a casserole dish with some slices of provolone and bake. Now you have a nice philly cheese steak casserole.
Do the same thing but use chicken breasts and add hot sauce to the cream cheese and you have a buffalo chicken casserole.
Steam a cauliflower, mix in sour cream, cheese, chives, and bacon. Bake and you have a fake potato casserole.
You can also use carb balance tortillas as pizza crust.